Tag: snuff movies

Snuff movies make disposable whores love their end

Snuff movies are a passion of my Master. Every day, my he creates new pieces of art for the richest sickos to get off to. The money is good, but that’s not why my Master does it. No, he does it because he gets off on making cute little sluts suffer. Since I am his slave, he makes me do all the dirty work.Snuff movies

I used to hate it when he would make me slice off their clits but now I have been around long enough to enjoy it. The look of terror in their eyes gets me wet but when Master tells me I’m a good girl I am soaked and ready to make them suffer. The rush I get at the sight of blood is a gift my Master generously gave me. 

The Torture sex is intense, to say the least. By the end of it I am soaked head to toe in blood and guts. Master gets really hard and fucks the ever living shit out of me. He likes to bend me over whatever slut he has for the day and pumps into my ass. Right before he ejaculates, I slice the sluts throat and he fucks her pussy till she bleeds out. They all seem relieved when they meet their end. 


Snuff Movies and Chill? Well, How About Just the Snuff Flicks

snuff moviesIt’s getting to be snuff movies and cuddling season. Although, I never cuddle, LOL. I’ve killed men for even trying. If you know anything about me, you know I do not cuddle. And I do zero romance. No baby talk or pet names either. Fall means death to me. But then all seasons do. However, Fall includes Halloween. And that means 30 days until Killtober.

I started a little early this year. Perhaps, it is me. Or maybe they just make more idiots every year. I’ll admit, my tolerance for stupidity seems to be even lower than my tolerance for pet names and romance.  When I met Dave at my coffee shop, he seemed to be a Goth boy. So, when we started talking, I thought maybe I met a guy I could just snuff porn and chill with. He seemed every bit as dark as me.

We have talked every morning almost for a few months now. So, when he asked if I wanted to hang, I agreed. But I had my radar on. I had him come to my place, so I had the hometown advantage if things went awry. And they did sadly.  I never take pride in killing other Goths. But a sadistic bitch must do what a sadistic bitch does. And that’s kill and castrate. Most of my victims appear to be just normal, white boy tools. So, I did not expect my Goth boy server to pounce on me.

I Love Killtober Season

Maybe he pretended to be Goth. Who knows. He dead and worm feed now. We sat on the couch, and he put his arm around me. So, I schooled him on my rules. No romance. No cuddling. And no pet names or baby talk. He pushed me down on my couch and attempted to rip my clothes off. But I am always strapped with a knife for this very reason. Sure, I would have preferred to torture him for hours, but he had the advantage of strength. So, I grabbed my knife and stabbed him in the gut. Knife play phone sex seems like my best friend lately.

As I twisted the knife, I felt his blood and guts pour out of him and onto my body. I let him bleed out on me. The smell and feel of blood intoxicate me. Eventually, I pushed his carcass off me and dragged his body out back for the wildlife to dispose of for me. But he made

Bondage Phone Sex Gets Dangerous and Painful

bondage phone sexBondage phone sex takes a different spin with me. Men never just tie me up in the basic poses. In fact, if a man wants to tie me up in exchange for coke, I always know it will be more than just bondage. No man in the seedy world of snuff makers and drug dealers just ties up a woman. They violate her horribly while tied up in my world. But a whore’s gotta do what a whore’s gotta do to score coke.

I felt desperate for coke, and this guy on the dark net posted an ad for extreme bondage. Perhaps, I should have used some common sense, but I always get blinded by my need for cocaine. When I arrived at the address he gave me, I had that nagging feeling that I should run for the hills. But that did not happen. My tunnel vision for coke blocked my intuition. This did not look like a place where bondage occurred. However, it did appear to be a place where snuff movies get made. And where girls go to die.

He Tortured My Body with Piping Hot Candle Wax

I just hoped my 9 lives had not run out yet. At first, I thought this might not be so bad after all. The man who placed the ad tied me to this table. I figured maybe he would cum on me or fuck a hole. Maybe even just gaze at me. But he got out a bunch of candles and started pouring hot wax on me. So much wax that I thought he might burn my flesh off. I guess I complained too much, and he shoved a lit thick candle in my mouth to mute me. As wax dripped on my face, I fought the tears.

It felt like torture sex not bondage. But after the wax play ended, he moved me to some swing contraption which he claimed assisted bondage.  He contorted my body backwards to skull fuck me. My body felt wrecked afterwards. Although I did make it out of this dungeon alive, now my back hurts and I have small burn spots from the piping hot wax all over my body. Good thing I have coke now. I am going to need it for my recovery.

Snuff movies with my older boyfriend have me bloody too!

Snuff movies

Snuff movies make my tiny teen pussy ache and throb like never before. 

Last night I was watching the most gory and blood-filled snuff movie with my new boyfriend. He’s like 30 years older than me, I think he is really into some violent fucking shit! While we were watching it, he took out his really sharp knife and started tracing my beautiful little tiny titties.

Snuff movies with my older boyfriend 

 A thin line of blood ran down, and he sucked it and told me it was the breast milk of vampires! I couldn’t believe it, this man was infatuated of my little puffy tits bleeding and him sucking them.

Gangbang rape porn is always been really hot to me, but when they started slicing girls heads off and fucking them. All I can think is that’s a real skull fuck. The dicks were going in the cut throat part and out mouths with cold dead eyes! 


Gangbang rape porn that turns deadly! 


It was at that moment that he started to cut on me some more and spread my little legs! !  I could feel my fear rising, and I could feel my pussy getting wet. I was powerless to stop him, and I knew that I had to do something to stop him. Not only that, but I screamed for help, but no one came.

The night Trace down my belly, and he stabbed me right in the side! I couldn’t help but scream but my boyfriend assured me this was not a death wound, it was a small shallow wound. He just wanted to get off to the idea of me dying.

Snuff sex 

He needed the blood to run down my belly button and around this cock as he fucks me so hard and I screamed so loud!!! I don’t know what I was thinking, who would say is fucking stupid little bitch like me! He didn’t kill me, just left me with a horrible scar, and it took weeks to heal. But he wouldn’t let it heal because he kept fucking my belly wound!

Snuff Porn World Needs More Female Directors

snuff pornHaving starred in my share of snuff porn, I discovered recently that I enjoy making it too. Very few female snuff makers in the seedy underground of hardcore snuff flicks. Hollywood faces the same problem. Men dominate the vanilla film world as well as the snuff world. Until now. My former master hires me to procure him sweet young things. And he pays me well for my efforts. I can disguise my bimbo Barbie looks to lure young girls right into their worst nightmares. Or at least their parent’s worst nightmares.

With the new school season in session, I see all sorts of cute schoolgirls going to and from school. Some ride the bus home. And others walk. I’ve had my eye on this little blonde girl for some time. My former master knows a guy who pays top dollar for authentic schoolgirl snuff movies. And I think you know what authentic means.  So, I decided this cute innocent schoolgirl would be the perfect victim.

The World Needs More Female Snuff Directors

I studied the girl for weeks. Learned her routine. And thanks to social media, anyone can find out anything about a little girl. My research made it easy to lure her away to this dungeon where she would make her one and only film debut. Sure, I feel bad for the young girls who get snuffed, tortured and force fucked on and off the camera. But this world is based on survival. And only the strong survive.

Once I stripped her naked and tied her to a rack, she knew she would likely not survive the night. I could see the look of fear in her eyes and that adds to the authentic feel of any snuff sex film. I had an accomplice who did the dirty work while I filmed the entire thing. And boy did he destroy her little cunt and ass. Split her girl parts in two with his monster cock. And I captured every scream, every cry and I caught every bloody hole’s destruction too.

She needed to die on film. And she did. No one can make authentic snuff films without the star dying. But like I said earlier, we live in a survival of the fittest world. And many never survive.

The art of Snuff sex is easy to Master, if you’re brazen

Snuff sexSnuff sex is more than just cum and gore, it is an elevated experience. Only a true artist like my Master can really get it right. But you will be surprised how easy it is to get into it. First you have to lose all that bullshit, that so called compassion. Fuck that, these are nothing but slaves to serve my Master’s cock. I am lucky that he has seen something special in me. It is why I am allowed to be around still. 

My initiation into this world was a baptism of fire. I emerged victorious, making me the envy of all the other slave whores. They come and go, their cries of mercy only make him harder. Only when he finds release, they will too. It’s never quick though. He’ll fuck them for hours, sometimes days, his camera always rolling. He is so creative the way he makes them meet their end. As the curtain falls, they are soaked in his cum and if they are lucky about to meet their end.

I remember when I did not just accept this lifestyle but embrace it. I fell in love with the depravity and gave my Master a performance he still compliments me for. She was still alive, bloody and bruised, we brought her outside for her to crawl in the dirt. She had to beg her God for forgiveness to see if he would actually save her.

That’s when I felt the power of the mighty spirit, the Dark Lord himself called to me. I took my master’s ten inch blade and pounded it into her flesh. The blood soaked me and my pussy flooded. I got on top of the little slut and fucked her to death. This was more than just one of his Snuff movies, this was a love letter to my true Master, Satan.


Snuff Movies : Stupid Little Cunts Are Useful as Dumb Whores

Snuff movies are favorite thing for me to make. I like finding dumb little fucking whores to use in my live streams. Torturing strangling and murdering filthy little cum dumps is great pleasure for me. In fact I’m kind of like Elizabeth Bathory when it comes to bathing in ???? blood.

Snuff Movies

Once the night hits you can find me trolling along dark alley behind bars and clubs, where all the stupid bimbos hang out and get drunk find the best little victims and such precious situations. I love it when these little whores are so emotional and torn up because of a few different things. Commonly these sluts got dumped, sometimes they got violated, and often they just got too fucking drunk to handle their shit.

Coincidently, I like to play the dark Angel. Pretending to care and that I understand what they’re going through. I just got completely burned by a guy. Coincidently, I have a bottle of alcohol with me pretending that I’m just drinking it off. When in fact, the bottle has been drugged and soon that whore would be drugged too. I console her and give her the bottle, go ahead take ???? drink.

Salute to assholes and she chugs it back.
Finally, I have her completely un able to stand walk or even apprehensive of the situation. This is when a couple of my guys come around and assist in hauling the cunt into my van. I do this for a few more times. More than one victim is best.????

Snuff Movies : a Drunk Girls Debut

Now back to my place. Pulling into the garage with a van full of stupid passed out whores. The fun is about to begin. Hauling the little bitches out, setting them each up on chairs in the middle of a studio for their first filming debut. And ultimately their final

First things first, the first little whore is set up, tied taped and bound to a chair with the camera in her face I slap her. Then I give her a little sniffing salt wake her up. Following a beautiful expression shot her face red make up streaked eyes, big and wide and completely full of fear.

Sadistic phone sex

Gangbang Rape Porn Accomplice Finds the Talent You Need

gangbang rape pornI used to star in a lot of gangbang rape porn. For a teenage runaway without even a high school diploma, I did not have many job opportunities. And the adult industry seemed like easy quick money. Although it did give me quick money, the job seemed far from easy. But back then I worked in the legitimate world of hardcore adult entertainment. And I knew nothing about the seedy underworld of snuff flicks. Now I do.

The world I travel in now pays a lot more. But sometimes your never see a snuff starlet again. And I almost ended up like one of those girls who simply vanishes. Although I lack book smarts, I am overflowing with street smarts. And that kept me alive. Now, I help find the talent for snuff movies. And I do have an eye for talent. Men enjoy working with me because I can find them what they need easily. Plus, I can lure them away easier too.

This Sexy Accomplice Has An Eye for Young Talent

Over the weekend a man paid me for the task of procuring a young schoolgirl for his client who wanted a private movie. The 8MM kind. Old-fashioned projector movies make it much harder to trace. People get caught all the time making brat porn on their cell phones or other wifi operated devices like digital cameras. With me as your accomplice, I make sure you not only have your perfect young starlet, but that you also stay under the radar.

I brought Tom, the schoolgirl of his wet dreams. And she came willingly with me. For a moment I felt bad for her. But when I got paid, the guilt dissipated quickly. She would be one of those girls who makes a one and done teen rape porn and no one would ever see her again. Perhaps you need some talent for your own dark desires too?

Snuff Phone Sex Fantasies Become Reality for a Druggy Soccer Mom

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex fantasies often cum true for a druggy soccer mom from the suburbs. This coked up mom gets herself in so much trouble. But I am like a cat. I have 9 lives. Well, maybe 8 after what happened on the weekend. I went to see a different drug dealer. I never went to this guy before, but I know another druggy soccer mom who uses him regularly. She vouched for him. Turns out she set me up for a fix. And I cannot blame her. I have done the same thing and worse just to get high.

Although this man turned out to sell coke too, his primary source of income comes from his underground snuff movies. He likes to torture soccer moms. Maybe he has his own mommy issues to work out. Or perhaps the demand seems high for soccer mom snuff flicks. This guy turned out to be very sadistic. Maybe even more sadistic than my stepson.

One of These Days My Nine Lives Will Run Out

First, he had me on my knees with my hands tied behind my back. He skull fucked me until I puked. And like a dog who just pissed the rug, he pushed my face in it and forced me to clean up my mess. With puke breath, he used a cattle prod to shock my tits. And the pain of the electric currents going through my body made me lose control of my bladder. And just like he did with my puke, he forced me to lick up my own urine. Gross. But I had no choice really.

I am smart enough to understand you do not say no to a man holding a taser. Eventually he strung me upside down so my body hung from the rafters. He continued to shock my body, but he paid the most attention to my cunt and asshole. At one point he fucked my ass with the cattle prod on its highest voltage causing me to thrash about and piss uncontrollably.

The torture sex went on for hours before he let me go and gave me coke. And I do not know if I should slap my fellow soccer mom or hug her for the referral. His coke is good enough to make me forget the torture.

Torture sex is best when she is skewered

Torture sexTorture sex is glorious and it is the sound of a sharp steel rod slicing through flesh and muscle. The blood curdling screaming and shredded flesh gets my pulse racing. And the sight of a warm, squirming body being skewered like a shish kebab? Absolute paradise.

Don’t be squeamish, you know you crave it just as much as I do. I bet you drool over the thought of a some little slut all helpless and pathetic. When you make her bleed is when I cum.  

There’s a certain weight to a dead body that you just can’t replicate with the living. Their cold flesh against mine reminds me why I am here and what I am good for, to be the best Snuff sex slave I can be.

And don’t even get me started on the clean-up. There’s something oddly satisfying about sucking down my Master’s blood-soaked cock, especially when I made his cock so messy. He loves when I guide his cock into a chopped up slut hole. All that gore gets us off so fucking much. 

At the end of the day, it’s not just about the gore and the violence. It’s about the power exchange. It’s about giving yourself over to something dark and dangerous,