Tag: Sadistic phone sex

The Tub

torture sex karmaI had some time to kill and decided to stop at the library. Browsing the shelves I spotted a book titled “The Most Horrific Torture Techniques Of All Time” Picking up the book I could feel the pumping of my cunt releasing juice into my panties. I sat down at a tale and began to read. With every page I could feel myself getting closer to cumming. Some of the tortures I had heard of some I had not. And then I got to The Tub. It doesn’t sound menacing but it is sadistic and evil and twisted. As I read all about it I came so hard I almost slid off the chair and I knew that I would be finding a victim with in the hour. This form of torture would last for days and I could not wait. This particular form of torture was commonly called “sitting In the tub” it was used to torture convicts years ago. The convict would be placed in a wooden tub with nothing but their head sticking out. Then the executioner would cover their faces with milk and honey; in no time at all flies would swarm their faces and begin to feed on them. The convict was kept well fed so that they would end up swimming in their excrement.  After a few days, maggots and worms would devour their body as they decayed alive. I had the perfect metal tub for the job and got right to work. Being sadistic is such fun!torture sex the tub

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies with Georgia

murder phone sex fantasies  georgia diehfhdb 00

When I see you torture another girl now I just get jealous. Can you believe that?! I never thought I would enjoy the pain as much you said I would. Watching you torture that girl was still a little fun, but I just wished it was me the entire time. Hearing the loud cracks of your whip and seeing her blood run down her body really got me going though.
As much as I tried to resist I couldn’t ignore my aching clit. If you caught me I knew I’d be punished, that’s probably why I didn’t try very hard to hide what I was up to. It wasn’t a surprise when you caught me, to be honest it’s what I wanted. You saw me there, kneeling on the floor rubbing my swollen clit. I didn’t even get a chance to make up an excuse before you slapped me across the face. You were so angry that you continued to beat on me, not knowing that it makes me cum. Those screams weren’t just from pain! even when I was spitting my blood out of my own mouth I loved every minute of it…
Every night I crave more pain and fantasize about the most severe beating. Sometimes I think about you cutting me into little pieces, slowly killing me. That fantasy makes me cum right away, I feel so dirty afterward. I’m a little afraid of how far I will go to feel more pain. I want to beg you for it, I’m so tired of denying how much I love it.

murder phone sex fantasies  0544 00

He’s Got The Naughty List

torture sex angieYes it was the night before Christmas and all through the house….blah blah blah…you know the sappy fucking story. Everyone knows about jolly old Saint Nick with his bag full of toys for all the girls and boys. But do you know about Krampus? Ah yes wicked, evil, cold hearted, Krampus. Santa’s evil brother. I love this guy. He is sinister and creepy and comes once a year to take care of all the naughty boys and girls. He fills their night with terror and pain. He makes them pay for being such bad little fuckers and he makes them pay dearly. He makes the Boogie Man look like the fucking Tooth Fairy.torture sex krampus He will come down the chimney with a bag full of torture and fear. My cunt stays wet thinking about all the fucking brats he will be punishing this Christmas Eve. Legend has it they will wake up bloody, bruised and broken and have no explanation for their injuries. Not one gift will be under the tree for these snotty nosed brats. Isn’t it the most deliciously evil and perfect scenario you ever heard of? I can’t stop pinching my erect nipples and rubbing my hot, wet pussy as I salivate over the visions of torture dancing in my head. Fuck the sugar plums….Merry Christmas Mother Fuckers!torture sex krampus2

False Heaven

Strangulation phone sexI watch you from the corner.  Slowly drawing on my cigarette.  I think you completely forgot I was there since you were so intent on finishing what you started.  It was a slow build at first, I wasn’t even sure you would go through with it.  You took a long time just sitting in the metal chair staring into your hands.  I finally had to tell you it is either now or never.  You stood up and removed your clothing.  I took your hand and lead you down the hall.  Before I opened the door you hesitated.  You started to say, “What if…: I placed a finger on  your lips to silence you while giving you a smile.  I told you that there was nothing to be frightened about.  This is what you wanted, this is what you needed, this is what you have desired for so long.  You nodded your head in agreement. 

I pushed open the heavy door and stepped to the side.  You looked at the pale thin girl on the mattress, she looked at you in return.  She said, “Are you the one who is going to take me to see my Mommy?”  I walked over and smoothed her hair down while telling her in a soothing voice that yes he was the one that was going to take you to see your Mommy.  I told her to tell you where her mommy was.  She looked up at you and said, “Heaven.”

I held out my hand to you and as you grasp it I held it tight, pulling you toward us.  I released my grip and walked over and shut the door.  You were beginning to get down onto your knees as the last of the light faded from the hallway.  I walked across the room as you started to kiss her, she didn’t like it, you didn’t care.

You looked at me through the milky white light that was cascading into the room through the window next to me.  I said, “Go on.”  You pulled your arm back to deliver a hard slap to her flawless face.  She screamed.  You struck her again until the screaming stopped.  I leaned back against the wall to light a cigarette, I watched as the tendrils of smoke lifted up into the darkness above. 

I could tell you had entered her from her frantic pleading and crying.  She kept telling you it hurt, this only made your hips thrust faster, pushing yourself into her further to the point where you could feel her cervix give way.  You were at the point that you are now.  Hands around her throat, her broken nails clawing desperately at your hands.  It won’t be long now.  I snub out the hot box of my cigarette with my high heel before walking behind you.

Her eyes are losing focus, your grip becoming tighter and tighter.  I can see her mouth opening and closing like a mute person calling out for a savior that will never come.  You reach orgasm just as her head rolls to the side.  I put my hand on your back and ask you if that is what you wanted.  You look up at me, sweat streaming down your face to say that you were surprised that I told her that you would take her to see her Mommy in Heaven and that she stayed in the room without trying to get away. You also stated that you were surprised you actually went that way with it as you only wanted to feel what a tight pussy would be like.

Before stepping out of the door into the dimly lit hallway I turned to you, smiling I said, “Oh that.  Heaven is the name of the bar her Mother is drinking at tonight, certainly it is not my fault you thought she meant the other Heaven.” I see the look on your face and I laugh as I leave you to your guilt.

A Surprise Gift

Mutilation phone sex

He walked in with a huge smile on his face.  I knew he had done something.  He held up his hands and they were completely clean.  I was shocked, I have never seen him smile like this without there being some sort of Sadistic Act making him do so.  He sat down on my bed and tossed some panties at me.  They were so frilly, I almost laughed.  I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something like this.  It is true that I have sexy lingerie, but nothing like this.  This was up and up girlie attire.  I looked at them for a bit, then at him.  He tried to act innocent saying, “WHAT?”, but that smile was still playing on his lips.  I then thought he was just joking around with me so I started to joke back with him.  I played with the panties a bit then I just tossed them back to them.  I said, “Please get rid of those things.”

He made a big deal out of stuffing him back into his pocket while he acted sad that I didn’t want them.  I asked him why he was acting so weird.  He said, “Maybe if you don’t want the panties, you might want what goes in them.”  He got up and walked out of the bedroom.  I KNEW IT!  He had done something.

Bloody phone sex

He backed into the bedroom tugging on a heavy rug.  I asked him what he was doing, his reply was that he was going to show me what goes in the panties.  He pulled the rug over and unfolded it.  It took a minute for my brain to register what I was seeing.  There on the rug was one of the most messed up individuals I have ever seen in my life.  The breasts had been removed, one of the legs was torn away at the knee cap, and when it opened it’s mouth I could see the tongue was gone.  All the hair had been removed from it’s head.  I mean this was a bit shocking, even to me.  He said, “Go on, give it a little smooch.”  I laughed and said, “No thanks.”  He said, “Awww come on, at least blow it a kiss.” 

I laughed and blew the thing a kiss.  “Who is that? Or was that rather?” I asked him.  He said, “Does it matter?”  I laughed again and said, “No.”  He said, “I haven’t shown you the best part yet.”  He reached down, the thing started to make noise and try to wiggle away, he kicked it in it’s head.  It immediately stopped moving.  It wasn’t knocked out because I could see it follow his movement with it’s eyes.  He reached down again and pulled the rug completely away from it’s body, then grabbed the one ankle that was left and raised it up and back.

I immediately started to laugh hard.  I looked up at him and he said, “Go on.”  I placed my hand on the ankle that was sticking out of this thing’s ass and pushed on it.  It let out a scream, so I pulled it out, then shoved it again. I could tell it was in a lot of pain, but his cock was getting hard.  The more I fucked it’s ass with the detached limb, the harder he got.  He said, “Guess what else is in there?”  I knew right away that the other missing body parts were somehow shoved inside.  He said, “I packed them in there with the leg.”

Torture sexBoth of us spent the next ten minutes or so just violating it’s ass with the limb, we were laughing and enjoying ourselves.  Then he stopped and looked at me.  I looked back at him.  He asked me if I wanted to fuck, and by this time my pussy was in need of a good fucking.  I moved back to where I was and started to take off the rest of my clothes.  I didn’t have to tell him if it was a yes or a no, he could tell right away that the answer was a resounding yes.


Torture phone sex with Toni: Amputations

torture phone sex toni 0eolwmm 00

Amputations drive me wild! All I have to do is pull out my saw and my cunt gets soaking wet before I even start to use it. The sound of cutting flesh and sawing through bones almost excites me more than my victims screams. None of my little amputees gets to die right away either because keeping them alive and screaming gives me the most pleasure. After I hacked off all their limps I used to get bored and just let them die, but I’ve had a lot practice since then. I can keep them alive for weeks if I wanted to! I kept this sorry bitch Tammy alive long enough to turn her into a naughty little cannibal. Poor girl was starving, but it doesn’t make what she did any less pathetic. That desperate little whore even thanked me while I fed her pound after pound of her own rotting flesh.

torture phone sex toni 0998399 00

Tammy’s arm made great toys too and I played with them for hours before I fed them to her. I pushed the bloody side of Tammy’s left arm deep inside my pussy while that dirty slut watched every minute of it. I could hear her screaming as I pulled her lifeless arm in and out of my juicy kitty, but that wasn’t enough to stop me. Her arm was better than a real cock, it made cum like I never had before. It was so good that I almost regretting feeding it to her that night!

torture phone sex toni 03lddj

Snuff phone sex with Georgia: Hook suspension.

Snuff Phone sex Georgia 4 000

You knew my biggest fear and used it against me. Death used to be what made me the most afraid, but that was before I knew what real torture felt like. Dying sounds like fun compared to what you do and what you’ve made me do.
When I saw those hooks and thick piercing needles I knew what your plan was. You’ve used similar methods to prevent the other kidnapped girls from escaping. Even though I knew what was about to happen to me, I didn’t bother to resist. It’s a waste of time and by now I obviously know better. There were still tears streaming down my face while you pierced me and I let a few screams when you slid the hooks through my newly opened flesh.
The real horror came when you suspended me high off the ground. You kept pulling at the chains until I begged for you to stop. It’s my own fault that I ended up so far from the floor, no other kidnap girl was suspended nearly as high as I was. I just wanted to push myself and you probably expected that anyway. I bet you didn’t know that I started off terrified, but in right in the middle I started to enjoy it.

snuff phone sex 90 00 georgia
Feeling my warm blood running down my back and hearing it drip all over the floor excited me more than I’d ever admit to you. I only begged to be released because I was bored and wanted to play with you. I love feeling the cool blade of your knife against my body. When you cut me I nearly cum every time now. I can’t help myself! I love feeling your hot tongue licking up every drop of blood.
Last night, I was still suspended by the hooks while you fucked my throat hard and deep with your massive cock. Every movement you made pulled at the hooks and tore my flesh slightly, but I enjoyed every minute of it. My back was covered in thick layer of my blood by the time your fun was over.
My mouth distracted you from seeing cum gush out of my juicy cunt. Once you felt it on my thigh you slapped me firmly across the face to punish me for not asking for permission. Then, you shot your cum into the open wounds on my back. It burned a little, but I secretly enjoyed it and only wished that I got to taste some of it. These few months have turned me into a good little pain slut that’s addicted to the taste of her Master’s cum. I’m sure you know it already because I haven’t done a very good job of hiding it. It won’t long before I start begging for more abuse and pain.

snuff  phone sex georgia dkkfhdo

Blasphemy Phone Sex

Journal entry

December 11, 2014

I am so tired of being tortured and raped what have I done to deserve this blasphemy.  I pray to god each night does he not hear my prayers. Lord hear my prayer.  Countless promises go unanswered what must I do?  The other night I had a dream that  I had a savior. Could it be that  I’ve been praying to the wrong god.  Curse his name and for what he stands for.  One who says we have chosen our own fate. Jesus who would chose this kind of life.  He claims throughout this book he is here to save me, well where you are. Do you not love me, have I not honored you?

blasphemy sex

 I bow my head in shame deliver me from this life I call upon the devil.  I will sell my soul just to be released from anguish.  Pray, make me your bride deliver me from this hell I am in.  Curse my soul and bring me deliverance and make me whole.  Bring me to your palace I am eternal grateful I will be your honored servant.  As you take me for your bride I pray to the gods in hell I am your whore.

Snuff Sex Fun

snuff sex angieAs I stand here, the sharpening stone spinning, sparks flying in all directions and cum flowing down the inside of my legs. Each time the ice cream scoop touches the wheel and sharpens a bit more, my pussy sends out another wave of cum. He called and asked if I would be his accomplice. She was a pretty young thing with long blonde hair and freckles trailing across her nose. Her eyes had him spell bound and he had to have her but he wanted my help. He asked me to bring the sharpened scoop that I use for just this type of thing. When he opened the door she was cowered in the corner her smokey greyish blue eyes wide and I could see why he was mesmerized by her. He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her into the bathroom where he shoved her on her knees in front of the toilet. I sat on her back facing the wall and took her hair in my hand. When he was ready in between her legs, dick rock hard and throbbing, I shoved her head into the toilet and held her under the water. My bare pussy rubbing against her back, my clit getting more swollen with ever twitch and fight she put out. I lifted her head and let her take on quick gulp of air before shoving her face back into the commode.  This time when I lifted her head he said he was ready. I got off her with her hair still in my grasp and whipped her around to face him. He pushed her chin up into the air tilting her head back as I brought the ice cream scoop down and scooped her eye right out of the socket. I held her head for him just like he likes it and he shoved the head of his cock in her skull. “Push deeper baby. You know you want to feel her warm soft brain against your dick. And I can’t wait to watch the fluid flow from her ears and nose.” He followed my command and shoved deep into her head, sending fluid flowing from every orifice of her skull and spewing his hot load into her head while I came all over myself. I love being his accomplice and sharing snuff sex fun!

Eyes Forced Open

Rape phone sex fantasiesHello there little darling, I take it you are taking a short cut?  Don’t you know that pretty things like you shouldn’t walk down alley ways like this in broad daylight, let alone this late at night.  I am sure you have heard stories of what can happen in them.  That’s right, pull your coat around you tighter and walk faster, surely nothing bad will happen if you do that.  You do not have to worry about me, I’m perfectly safe.  However, I’m not sure that the Gentleman whom is with me is.  He noticed you as soon as you turned down this long dark alley.  He saw how you kept looking over your shoulder and pulled your purse hard against your body. 

He pulled on my hand and pointed to you.  I knew right then from the smile on his face that he was thinking of having some fun.  Not fun for you though, only fun for him and of course Me.  As you passed us it was all I could do to keep him at bay until you walked a little further up into the darkness.  The funny thing is that when you saw us you lowered your head never taking your eyes off of the ground before you. That was a huge mistake my dear. 

If you had simply walked down this dirty, filthy, dimly lit path that you have chosen with your head held high and giving off the sense of confidence perhaps you wouldn’t be about to be in delicious pain. 

I watch as he runs up behind you.  Your scream is stifled by his strong hand against your mouth.  He turns you around forcing you against the wall, pulling from you your coat.  You try to fight but there is no use and for him…that is part of the fun. Your eyes are forced open as he plunges himself inside you.  He is brutal, he is unrelenting and he is having the time of his life.

Sadistic phone sex