Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Travelin’ Terror

bloody phone sex angieWillow and I have been talking about hitting the road and spreading our own brand of wicked and twisted across the county. When it comes to reeking havoc no one does it better then we do! Violence, torture, blood, gore, pain and so much more is what we are spreading and our journey has just begun! Our dream began to take shape when I found this old and hideous hears with a for sale sign in the window. Knowing it carried many corpses over the years made my cunt quiver with delight and I couldn’t resist buying it. As soon as I got it home I called Willow and she came over so that we could begin making it our mobile torture chamber. It would see more death in the months to come. We hooked it up with video cameras so we could record our journey and began pimping our ride the evil and sadistic way.bloody phone sex hearse When we got done we set out for the open road. We have been traveling for a month now and the blood on our hands is delightful. A couple of our victims have served us well, providing us with the song of their screams the beauty of their last breaths and then nourishing our bodies with their delicious flesh. Our method of killing varies on our mood, From mutilation to strangulation to just plain hours of torture in the middle of nowhere leaving the bodies for the vultures and animals to feast on. We have no clue how long we will be out here or where we will go next. Our victims fund our journey and nourish our dark hearts and evil bodies. We do know that if you follow the blood trail and find an old green hears you will find us, Licking our bloody fingers with soaking wet cunts. Better to be the hunter then the prey, or so they say. bloody phone sex willow


I Watched For Weeks

snuff sex karmaI followed him for weeks watching in the wings as he picked them out, kidnapped them and them took them to his special spot in the woods and snuffed them after living out his rape fantasies. He was brutal and didn’t do any two the same. That is what kept me coming back for more. I couldn’t wait to see what he would do next. He killed them like a pro, each time using a different method. Sometimes he would strangle them, sometimes he would suffocate them, sometimes he would slice their throats. One thing for sure he always caused the maximum amount of pain, making them beg for mercy. His laugh carried on the night air and sent shivers of ecstasy through my body. From my hiding place I would cum with him and close my eyes dreaming that he would find me and let me join him. Knowing that if he did find me I might be next. He always carried them off to a different spot dumping them in a place where he knew they would be found quickly. I made sure to be there when they were found scanning the crowd looking for him. He was always there too. I wondered if he noticed that my face was in the crowd of on lookers at every scene. Once I thought he made eye contact and smiled making me cum on the spot.. I know if he gets caught I will send him love letters in jail telling him how much I admire and adore him. I might even be brave enough to try to talk him into letting me visit him so that I can fuck myself on the other side of the glass while we talk through the phone.

Punching Bag Hag

Violent phone sexHis fucking hands were so big!  I had to have him as soon as I walked into the bar.  He was with some other skank, but I’m the ultimate skank and she wasn’t dirty enough for him.  I could tell.  He called her a bitch a few times and she looked like she wanted to cry.  Stupid cunt, doesn’t she know that are terms of endearment?  I learned long ago that women who look like me should be used by men in what ever capacity they see fit to use us in. 

I had just had some candy in the car so I was revved up and ready for anything.  I went there looking for some pain slut fun, and if I could just get the idiot away from this huge guy I knew I would find it.  Fucking is secondary to me, I just want the bruises, gashes, welts, because that’s what gets me off. 

I stepped up to him and kissed him hard.  I spit in his girl’s face and he laughed.  I asked him, “Don’t you want to take out some frustration big man?”  He smiled and called me a few names, I just smiled.  He asked me if that pissed me off, I told him no, I like it.  Then I pushed his hand onto my tits.  His girl just sat and watched.  I asked him if he would like to step outside and teach me a lesson for being such a whore.  What do you know? He said, “FUCK YEAH!”

I’m not sure which punch made me pass out, but when I woke up by the dumpster I was sore.  I made my way back to my car, drove home and looked at myself in the mirror.  My pussy almost exploded!  I looked like the garbage I am.  I will have to go back to that bar again to see if I can be someone else’s punching bag hag for the night.

Forced Ass Rape Porn

I knew selling my body could backfire. But I didn’t know how bad it could be. I am so fucking horny all the time and I like rough men, so I should have known better when you told me you would triple my fee as long as I agreed to do anything you wanted. Something about your evil nature intrigued me, and I agreed. We arrived at your place and you had lingerie laid out for me. Red and black – seemed normal enough.

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As I got dressed in my outfit you bought, you began setting up a camera. I got nervous and told you that you couldn’t run video on us. You immediately turned around and slapped me so hard I fell to the floor. You said “Shut up you stupid whore,” and calmly went back to setting the camera up. I was so shocked I couldn’t even speak. My adrenaline was pumping and I didn’t know what to do other than get the rest of my outfit on. I stayed on the floor until you turned back around to me and told me to get up.

I stood up slowly, and you grabbed me by the hair and told me that you were making a movie and I was going to be your star. You told me you were sent to my city to make some ass rape porn and that my perfect ass was going to make you a very rich man. I tried to pull away, but you you yanked me down and made me suck your cock. I tried to get it as wet as I could because I knew you were going to be fucking my ass and I was guessing you would be taking it rough with no lubrication.

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Your cock was throbbing and it was so huge that all I could think about was the pain to come. You told me that I better put on a good show for the camera or you would snuff me out. You hit RECORD and I saw the red light turn on. Show time. You sat back and pulled me on top of you. Without wasting any time, you shoved your huge cock deep inside my tight ass. The pain took my breath away, but despite myself, my clit began to throb and I came uncontrollably. I rode your cock for the next hour as the red light on the camera blinked. We made an amazing movie that night… and I wonder if I will ever get to see it?  

Shark Bait

I should have known better than the stay too long on the island. I missed my cruise ship and was stranded in the strange little town in Mexico. I was standing near the port, frantic about what to do, when two guys approached me. They didn’t speak much English, but I was able to tell them that I had missed my boat and that I needed help. They showed me their boat, and from what I could understand they were offering to try to catch up to it so I could rejoin my cruise.  

They were looking me up and down in my skimpy bikini, and I could already tell that I was going to have to give them what they wanted if I was ever going to make it to my boat. But I had no choice so we climbed aboard and took off out into the ocean. As soon as shore disappeared, they were all over me. They stank of sweat and fish, and I figured this must be their fishing boat. They overpowered me,  stripping me down to nothing and fucking me like a dirty whore right on the boat deck. I tried to fight them off, but they held me down and made me their fucktoy.

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I kept trying to stop them and tell them to make sure we were headed towards my ship. They had stopped listening to me and I was terrified. They fucked all my holes, and I have to admit that there was something about these dirty raunchy fishermen that made my pussy throb. They manhandled me like I was nothing to them. And I was about to find out that I was exactly that. As they came all over me, I watched as they threw my bikini overboard. I screamed at them and told them I needed that – I had to wear something when we caught up to my ship.

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They didn’t pay me any mind, as one grabbed my arms and the other one grabbed my legs. I fought like crazy, but they were too strong. One grabbed a giant thick cloth sack and they started stuffing me inside! The harder I fought, the fater they got me in the bag. They brought it up to my neck and then tied rope tightly around my throat to keep it in place. I was so scared that I couldn’t even scream. They hoisted me up – my naked body totally covered with the sack – and took me to the edge of the boat.

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One of them drew out a blade and cut the side of my face, and then they tossed me overboard. I panicked and began flailing around, but to no avail. I hit the water and began to sink. My face was bleeding profusly under the water and I was drowning. I tried to hold my breath, and then suddenly out of nowhere I see a shark. It had smelled my dirty whore blood and come to finish me off. My eyes widened, and I tried to scream, my mouth filled with blood and water as the shark took all of me, head first.

Canabalism Phone Sex * Just a Simple Hunting Accident

Cannibalism Phone Sex ReaganCannibalism Phone Sex ReaganSometimes it does not pay to get in the way of how nature does things. I spent many years watching animal rights activists go balls out, trying to stop hunting season. Even in the hunting preserves. Those stupid cunts will do many malicious things.. like sabotage camps, and other dumb fucking things. Mostly they will just piss off decent hunters. After all, they just want dinner… so who cares what meat they cook right?

As they aimed for the doe, that chubby bitch came out of no where. It all happened so fast. She heard a funny wet noise when it entered her belly. Looking over, the deer had run off and it made sense now. At least she had saved the animal this time. Feeling faint she landed on her knees and tugged at the metal shaft now poking out. Her skin opened up and a rush of blood gushed out.. she was puking blood and the world faded away.

The hunters looked at their kill and decided this was a doe Cannibalism Phone Sex Reageanworth taking back to camp. Stripping her naked they burned her clothes and dragged her back. The wives will know how to cook this piggy. And to their delight there seemed to be a spit big enough for a buck. The woman cleaned her out, guts and all. They put the foil wrapped potatoes where the lungs used to be, cornbread and shelled walnuts in her belly. Re using her liver they they used onions and garlic some salt and pepper and re placed it. Stitching the belly back up they started to baste her piggy thighs and took turns spinning her on the fire. They found most of the gravy came from her tits and ass. Meaty bitches are always the tasty ones!

Do you have any delicious hunting accidents to talk about?Cannibalism Phone Sex Reagan 

Whatever You’ve Got

torture sex kaliI was minding my own business on campus a couple days ago. My phone rang and “DADDY” flashed across the screen. “Hi Daddy!” I answered “Hi Princess” he said. He actually sounded sober. “How’s about me and you grab some lunch, a Daddy daughter date?” “I’ve got 40 minutes til my next class” “Sounds perfect. Meet me out front in 6” Sure enough, six minutes later on the dot, Daddy pulled up in his work truck. “Subway okay?” “Sounds great Daddy!” We stopped and went in. Daddy ordered some manly sandwich and I ordered an oven roasted chicken breast with all the vegetables besides jalapenos. I started to order my usual Diet Coke but my dad reached his hand out “Just water for the little lady, please” Weird. Oh well. We ate our meal and caught up. I looked at my phone. “We’ve gotta get back, dad” “Oh, alright” We jumped in the truck and he drove…past the school….to his construction site. Fuck fuck fuck not again. We got out and his buddies rushed me, showering me with kisses and compliments. I acted flattered but was really truly terrified. As I dutifully flirted with the men, I saw one out of the corner of my eye coming up next to me. I felt an agonizing pain in the side of my head and promptly passed out. When I woke up, it was dark. I was in the bed of a truck, and I hurt. Oh my god I hurt so much. My cunny burned, like I’d been fucked hard, and my side ached so much. I put a hand to my side, right above my hip, and raised my hand to my face. Spunk and blood, mixed together in a strawberry cream pie…but why was it coming from there?? I succumbed to the pain again and passed out. I awoke to a man lifting me up and throwing me effortlessly over his shoulder. I smelled Daddy’s familiar scent and asked what was going on, why was there so much blood, why does it hurt so much? He gently laid me down in bed and covered me up. “Daddy and John have a gambling problem, hun” “I know that, Dad. But what…” he nodded to his truck, which we could see from my bedroom window. It was backed up to the window with the tailgate down for ease of getting me out, and it was then that I noticed the cooler. “Good price for human kidneys, Kali” My jaw dropped. “But this wound, daddy. So much…” he laughed “All the men on my crew, their wives are snooty bitches. Don’t put out but for 2 days a year. None of them can resist a good hole when they see it”

Becka’s Bloody Ass Rape Porn

ass rape porn titleWhen I met Becka and she told me about her “little secret’ my cunt exploded! This little whore thinks she is a real pain slut. She claims to love the pain of being cut and watching the blood drip down her arms and body. She claims that she cums the hardest when pain is being inflicted upon her. I have just the thing for her. I am going to film a sweet little porn. I am going to bring a new meaning to the term ass rape  for her and she is going to bleed like she never has before!

I had everything set up in my basement . She was about to get everything she asked for and more. The cameras were set up. The knives, scalpels and razor whips were all in place. The restraints had been checked and double checked.

She walked in looking all slutty in her skimpy little mini skirt. her makeup done to perfection. I could imagine that make up running down her tear streaked face. In fact I had an extra special surprise for her.ass rape porn becka

While she was telling me all about how her dad had no fucking clue about her ” dark and twisted” side, she said he would have her locked in a convent if he ever found out. So what better accomplice to have for the filming of this bloody ass rape porn party then my friend Francis? Also known as Sister Mary Francis. She was once a nun and still has and wears her habit for twisted fun.

She is going to be the star sadistic in this porn. Next to me, no one inflicts pain and is so warped and fucked up as Francis.

Walking Becka to the basement, my cunt is alive and on fire. I know what is waiting in that basement of mine.

I will leave what happens to your imagination until I post the video on line, at which point you can view it yourself and jerk your cock to the carnage.ass rape porn francis

The Gift

You dressed me up in lingerie and let me put on some makeup – just enough to make me look pretty and cover the bruises on my face. You kept looking at me like something was missing. You kept mumbling under your breath about a special night for your friend, Matt. My head was spinning as you sprayed perfume all over my body. Then you grabbed me by the cheeks and put your angry face right up to mine. You told me I would do as you tell me to and that tonight I was to be a gift for a friend of yours.
A gift? You let go of my face and continued to stare at me like you were puzzled. Then I saw a lightbulb go off behind your eyes and you went to the drawer and pulled out some ribbon. You came back to me and tied it around my neck – in a beautiful bow. You smiled, pleased at yourself for making me the perfect “gift”. You told me to put my heels on and get in the bed to wait for Matt. I always do as I am told, so I climbed up on the bed and laid back, dressed and ready for whatever came next.

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You opened the door, and in came a boy, so young I thought. You hugged him and told him Happy Birthday. He glanced over at me on the bed and his grin became evil. Suddenly he didn’t look so innocent anymore. You told me that today is Matt’s 18th birthday and that I am his present. Matt will be my Master tonight, and I could see his cock grow in his pants. You stepped aside and Matt climbed on top of me in the bed. His hard cock brushed my legs as he immediately spread my legs and began fingering me with fury.
You stood and watched as Matt fucked me mercilessly for hours. He was young, but ruthless with his hands and cock. He fucked me raw in my ass and pussy and came all over my face. My makeup was ruined, and my lingerie ripped to shreds by the time he was finished. The only thing left intact was the pretty bow around my neck. Matt thanked you and left the room. You climbed on top of my cum soaked body, and grabbed ahold of the ribbon. You began to pull it tight and I couldn’t breathe. Your use for me was over, and as my vision blurred and I choked for air, the last thing I ever saw was that evil grin of yours.  

Bloody phone sex with Toni: Bathtime

bloody phone sex

Whenever my bathtub is full of blood I’m a very happy girl. I like to treat myself to a nice warm blood bath about one a month, sometimes more if I can. It doesn’t always take more than one victim to fill the tub, it’s just more fun if there’s more. I guess I never grew out of playing with my toys in the bath because it’s seriously one of my favorite things. Nothing beats bringing a scared little bitch home, slitting her throat and filling your bathtub with her blood. Usually, I keep the second victim alive and let them watch the show. Obviously, I don’t keep them alive to entertain them.bloody phone sex No one likes taking a cold bath so I keep the second victim around to keep my bath warm. They’re very unlucky too bloody phone sexbecause their deaths are never as quick as the ones they witness. In order to keep my blood bath warm for a longer period of time I have to bleed them slowly. Sometimes I start with the wrists, other times I get more creative, but either way they die before it’s over.bloody phone sex
The blood baths started to get boring so lately I’ve changed it up a bit. Everyone knows that a bath can more fun with company. What I’ve learned lately is that I enjoy my blood baths more if have a big hard prick to play with in the tub. My pathetic victim will be begging for his life and screaming while his blood is pouring into the tub. But nothing that he says or does will be enough to save his life. The more he cries and struggles, the more turned on I get and when I get that excited I only get more ravenous. What I love to do most is fuck their massive cocks while we soak in their blood, even if they faint or die before I get around to it. I never stop until I cum. Sometimes a dead cock is better, but for a blood bath I prefer for them to be alive. I love killing them after they cum deep inside me, that’s the only mercy I’ll ever show them.