Torture sex is my religion. I am a total dark pain slut. I do shit I know could get me killed. I answered a fetish modeling ad on the dark net last week. Any ad on the dark net could end up with me dead. Guys troll for dumb bimbos like me. I am not really that dumb, however. They just think no woman would really want that much pain and torture, but then they never met a woman like me. I have been a cutter all my life. I was daddy’s fuck slave and punching bag before I was even a school girl yet. I have grown up with pain. I crave it now and my threshold has only increased. That is why I am on the dark net hooking up with men for torture fun. Regular Joes can’t fathom the kind of pain I can endure. The kind of pain I want. Thursday night, I showed up at the warehouse I was told to be at. It was dilapidated and filled with cobwebs and creepy crawlies. I followed the light. There I met three men who just introduced themselves as Master 1, 2 and 3. Their faces were obscured by leather masks. I saw the torture chamber and it made my cunt wet. Knifes, blow torches, rope, clamps and piercing needles. They tied me up spread eagle to an old wooden board. They bound my tits so tightly that they immediately turned blue and purple. My pussy was juicy from the pain. They cut my flesh, gave me electric shocks and burned my hair. They wanted me to beg for mercy, not plead for more. I knew they had never seen a whore like me before. When they all started fucking me at once, my ass rape porn star side shined. I begged for all three dicks in my ass at once. They gave up. They were pussies. They could have killed me if they wanted too, but they either wussed out or didn’t want me to enjoy the pain. You won’t wuss, out will you?
Tag: Sadistic phone sex
Torture Sex is My Religion
Enter The Red Room
Who here knows what a “Red Room” is? You don’t??? Where the fuck have you been??? Red Rooms are stuff of legend. Way, down deep, within the Dark Web there lives some very sick motherfuckers; I love them by the way; who set up Red Rooms. Red Rooms are there so that you can indulge your sickest fantasies by telling those in the room what you wish for them to do with their prey of choice. They will do anything! The more deviant the better. The poor little thing is bound, or chained, or hung up, or tied down, or what have you just so some very lovely people can make them hurt in so many wonderful ways. Now these places are not just out there for anyone to find, you have to stumble across them, or be invited, and invites are very hard to come by. However, once you are in the game begins.
The fear on the faces of the victims is almost palpable. Wide eyed, begging, hyperventilating, sweating, pissing themselves, the fear is so tasty. You watch as piece by piece is destroyed until there is nothing left to play with. Then comes the best part. The Snuffing out of the prey’s little life. Then, the screen goes black.
It is the most amazingly cunt wetting adventure someone could witness. I know if you were there your cocks would be so rock fucking hard, wouldn’t they be my sweet?
Torture Sex Awaits You
You have no idea the torture sex that awaits you. You are going to wish you had of killed me when you had the chance. You broke into my apartment and knocked me out. You hog tied me and forced me to suck your cock until you shot your hot jizz down my throat. You even taunted me and told me that Daddy couldn’t save me. But guess what mother fucker Daddy is here now.
Daddy and I are going out on the prowl to find your ass. Once we find you we are going to make you strip naked. Then once we tie you up the fun will begin. I plan on making small cut marks all over your body. Watching you bleed and hearing you scream will give me so much sexual gratification. When I get bored with that, I plan on shoving various objects up your ass such as Corona 12fl oz bottle, cucumber, and finally a pineapple. I plan on fucking your ass until it is raw and blood is running down your legs. I want to hear you begging me to stop. Begging me to have mercy on your pathetic sorry ass.
I plan on sitting back and watching as my Daddy forces his big thick cock down your throat causing you to gag. My pussy will be getting soaking wet as he face fucks you. Making you suck on his hard cock until he drops a load in your sleazy mouth. I am going to taunt you just like you taunted me. No one will be able to save your sorry worthless ass. Then when I finally bore with you I will cut your cock off with a jagged rusty knife and shove it down your throat. I will sit back and fuck my wet pussy enjoying every minute of you bleeding to death.
Cult Style
It gets twisted in my mind sometimes, I can’t help myself. I think about the most wicked things, and it releases me. I wish that you could cover me and your liquids but not the fluids that everybody thinks I’m talking about. Don’t you like me, aren’t I pretty can you imagine me covered in red if you can then you know exactly what I’m talking about. I want you to bleed for me, I want to bleed for you too. Do you think that we could do some really demented shit we can mix piss with blood and shit I love it it’s tasty just like all of my rape fantasies. Do you think that you could get me hot and wet by pushing something tangy and twisted inside of my cum dumpster cunt? I could tell you things that would make your cock cream like a cake. I can just feel the vibration of your balls wanting to release all over me. I want your hot creamy cum, I need it please give me that tasty hot cum-filled cock, right now don’t fucking hold back on me you know that I get weak for you. I want you to slice me and dice me yes cut me if you love me and beat me like a pinata. I want you to knock me down and rip all of my clothing off of my body explore all of your nasty thoughts you can do the most vulgar things to me. I love it the pain it feels like pleasure the gore feels like good in every single way. I don’t have any taboos I’ll do anything I’ll eat anything, and I’ll drink anything so feed me Cult Style.
Nipple Torture
My client Nick has a sadistic fetish he loves nipple torture and I love being the whore he tortures. We always meet at his house. He has a room set up for torturing nipples. In the middle of the room is a steel table which I lay on after he cuts off my clothes. The table is cold and only adds to the excitement in me. He blindfolds me so I never can see what instrument he is bringing out for torture. He has steel cuffs for my wrists and ankles. I never know what nasty thing Nick has in store for my nipples. What I do know is that it will be extremely painful and my cunt will squirt and squirt.
Your Nigger Wife
Your wife is a fucking cunt bitch, and I hate her. That fucking whore needs to be beaten with a whip. In fact, both of you need to be punished you’re both stupid little fucking black slaves. You behave like fucking animals, and I can’t stand you. I want you on your fucking knees you black piece of shit. You’re nothing but a stupid fucking nigger to me, and I am going to make you pay for your goddamn fake ass freedom. Your foolish wife is a black slut, and you are a God damn nigger lover, and this is what I’m going to call you from now on nigger lover. I’m going to make you eat my shit I want you to dig my shit out of my ass with your tongue and Munch on it. You like brown things Mr nigger lover well then eat my brown shit you like the taste of it I know. I can tell that you love to get nasty and dirty because you date and marry nasty dirty black fucking nigger bitch whores. You said you wanted me to sleep with your woman well guess what I’m going to sleep with her alright I am going to make that black bitch eat my asshole Raw. You are a fucking parasite upon the earth, and I can’t stand people like you I feel like you only deserve to live to be my sex slave. You know that you like it that’s why you got married to your nasty fucking wife you just did it to make me angry, and you have succeeded. When you told me you were going to marry her, I lost my mind, but when you said to me that you still wanted me, I picked my spirit back up again. And now I’m full of devious ideas I don’t want to be the sweet girl you already know that. You need me to be the evil bitch, and I’m going to give you and your new nigger wife everything you need.
Snuff Sex and a Peeping Tom
I told you that when you are not home, I have a peeping tom that hides in the trees behind our house trying to catch a peek at my luscious nude body. You told me that you would leave your car at work and have a friend drop you off at the house. That if I was right this could be a hot night of torture and snuff sex for us.Sure enough later that night when it had gotten dark and I turned on the lights in the house if you looked closely you could see a man out there. He had his hand in his pants jerking his cock.
You told me to do a little strip tease and then walk outside totally naked. You knew that he would be so distracted by my big tits and hot wet pussy that he would not realize that you were sneaking up on him. You knocked him out with a large stick and then you drug him over to the patio table. I helped you strip his clothes off before we tied him spread eagle to the table. I turned on the water hose and you dowsed him with cold water. That woke the peeping tom up. You told him that he had fucked with the wrong girl.
I went in the house and grabbed a tapered candle off the fire place. I light the candle and started dripping hot wax all over his nipples before working my way down to his cock and balls. He was screaming like a little girl. Then I took the candle and shoved it up his ass flame first. I fucked his ass with the candle until his cock was hard and dripping pre cum. You pulled out your pocket knife and told me to chop off his big balls. You told me that he has had more sexual fun than he deserves. I sliced them off as his was screaming for mercy. I handed you the first ball that I cut off and you crammed it in his mouth. I chopped off his other ball and we feed it our furry friend. I licked his blood off of your finger causing your dick to get extra hard. We left him there to bleed out. The thrill of the kill made us go back into the house and fuck all night.
Torture Sex Makes My Cunt Wet
The line for the women’s bathroom at the nightclub was extremely long. No one was waiting in line at the men’s bathroom. I opened the door and yelled hello. Hell, no one was even in the men’s bathroom. This girl needed to pee so bad that I decided fuck it and went on in to use the bathroom. I had just finished peeing when you walked in to the room. You were shit faced drunk. You grabbed your junk and said is this what you are looking for slut. As I was contemplating if you would be a good candidate for torture sex. You come closer and grabbed my tit giving me the answer that I needed. I kneed your drunk ass in the crotch causing you to lean over and cry out in pain. I grabbed you by the hair and shoved you head into the toilet and held it there until you passed out. I yanked your pants down and fucked your tight ass with my five inch stiletto heel. Seeing your gapping ass start to bleed on my shoe heel made my pussy hot and wet. I left you with your pants down and your ass exposed with your head still in that nasty toilet. I went and found my date and pulled him into a dark corner. I was so turned on from having tortured your ass and leaving you for dead in the toilet bowl that I had to get fucked right then and there.
Suffocation and Spiders
Suffocation Phone Sex fuck stories from your evil bitch Jezabel. I stole a precious angel face from the grocery store and met up with my boy toy to please his and my sadistic fetishes. The only thing missing was how I would torture both my boy toy and this sweet tiny thing. She was beautiful and perfect. A little spice and my signature brat stew would be complete. My idiot boy toy thought he was going to get my plaything all to himself and he would be able to gape her open and enjoy his sick twisted fuck! His fuck would be no existent as I had a Rich man and wife waiting for the girl and had paid handsomely to do as they please and watch me take a human life. I sat boy toy on the chair and seductively tied him up it was going to be such a waste of big dick but they are other sick twisted big dicked men happy to be my accomplice. I had a special request from the couple and as they sat down I delivered the slutkin right in front of him. His face was great and it only paled more when I began filling a plastic bag up with black widows and crept closer to him. His screams were echoing off the dungeon walls. I wet my panties in excitement as the bag went around his head and the siders attacked him. I would not be able to use him in my feast but I was promised a small brat filled with cum and tenderized nicely when the couple was done. As my ex-boy toy lost consciousness and met his demise I saw the gentleman’s pecker out fat and hard. See They are more big dicked men in this world.
Gangbang Rape Porn for Drug Money
I didn’t want to make a gangbang rape porn but I need money to get high. I walked into this dirty bookstore in hopes I could get something going. This is a trucker stop and its known as a lot lizard skank hangout. Girls needing a fix show up and can be rented out for movies or sex for quick money. It’s prostitution, but the loop hole is they say its porn. The owner takes money for two people or more to fuck, he films it and that makes it legal. Guys get pussy and a home-made porn as a memento. I was the oldest chick there. All the other girls were hot teen sluts in need of a fix, but I was a dirty old whore and I knew my odds were slim in getting selected. That was when I told the guys they could do anything they wanted to me, even make a hardcore ass rape porn. I ended up taking on 5 guys to get the money I needed to get high for a few days. I should have not handed myself over with no restrictions because these men when crazy on my ass. They fucked it raw for shits and giggles. They laughed when my asshole bled and even prolapsed. This was being filmed too. One of the truckers said since I was such a used up skank, he was going to have his co-pilot fuck my old ass too. His co-polit had 4 legs. He hooked his nasty, slimy red rocket up my ass while the others came on my face. I was covered in cum both man made and not man made. It was dripping out my ass and was tinged with shit and blood, which I had to lick off their dicks. I got my money, so I went and got high and tried to forget it all.