Green Eyed Monster

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“Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretense of keeping it alive.” ~ Havelock Ellis

I very much enjoy seeing jealous feelings in others.  I myself do not get jealous, there is nothing for me to be jealous of, I don’t like people enough to be jealous of them.  However, when that ‘green eyed monster’ rears it’s head in others, oh, how spectacular it can be.  Watching as people spiral down, seeing the depression set in, the obsession, the crazy, the whole delicious thing.  Granted, not all people fall all the way, but there is always that one, that one that goes above and beyond all others.  How is it that you can supposedly love someone so much that you kill them because they no longer love you? That is fucking hilarious!

Knowing that right now there are men and women out there who are plotting the death of someone that they state they love so much that they can’t be without them.  I’m crazy, I admit that, but those that I am speaking of are in a league all their own.  Perhaps I don’t understand it because I don’t love.  Let me rephrase that, I do not love people, I have never loved anyone, never will.  I think I am incapable of it which is fine.  I am not missing anything.  If I want to get fucked I go and get fucked, but other than that I really don’t want to be with someone day in and day out.  That would be horrid. Anyway, let us get back to it.

The best part of this whole jealousy thing is, that only one of the two know what is going to happen.  There is the jealous one, and the one who has moved on.  Can you imagine how shocked they will be when they find themselves in danger? Maybe it will be a simple gun shot right to the head.  Or perhaps some torture will be involved, dismemberment, evisceration, skinning, and so on and so forth. All because the person you loved, no longer loves you. Just once, I would really like to take part in one of these killings.  I wouldn’t want to get involved, but I sure as hell would want to watch. I want to see that dragon take it’s victim by the throat and bite down.

By the way, killing someone with a gun is a pussy move.  If you are going to kill someone, put some flair into it for christ sake.  It might be the only chance you ever have of taking a life, so make it your opus.  

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