Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Snuff Porn Pool Party

snuff pornIt was a snuff porn kind of weekend. My neighbors have a pool. They allowed their little whores to play in the pool  unattended. In fact there were no parental units around at all when I went to yell at the brats for making so much noise. I saw empty liquor bottles and condom wrappers  all over the place. Clearly, their parents were out of town and the slut twins decided to have a whore pool party. I decided to be patient. Young teens like that can’t hold their liquor. They would be passed out before nightfall. I called up a few men I know who love the young sluts. Thought they could have their way with some drunk sluts before I turned  the neighbor’s house into a crime scene.  If the neighbor girls wanted to act like whores, they would be treated as such.  I let myself and my accomplices in through the back door. I made sure drugs would be found in their system during the autopsy. Drugs, alcohol and sex always leads to trouble. My handsome accomplices used their tender little ass holes to make ass rape porn. Fucked the living daylights out of the whores. I fucked their cunts with broken beer bottles while their asses filled up with cum. There was blood and shit everywhere, but they were still out of it. They just flopped around like fish out of water. I watched as my friends violated the teen whores in all sorts of ways with cocks, baseball bats, bottles, fists, kitchen objects….. I originally wanted to make a snuff film like Pool Party Massacre, but as much as I love blood and guts and torture, killing the neighbor sluts in such a fashion would bring too much heat on me. I opted for a good old fashioned drowning. They were so wasted it would likely be deemed accidental. A party gone wild. Their deaths would be a warning to teen girls that they should never invite strangers over when their parents are away. The police stopped by this morning, but all I knew was that they had some loud party. You see, I barely know my neighbors.

Ass rape porn

ass rape porn

 I was at a local beach when I met this really sweet guy. We kissed and swam and tanned with one another so I figured why not try fucking him. Once we got to a really secluded area I began to undress my self letting him see every part of me that he would soon be fucking. This guy being so turned climbed on top of me and began kissing me hard, I noticed this hard pinch on my lip so I stopped and evaluated the situation. My lip was bleeding non stop. I tried to push him off of me since he ruined the mood. Instead I was punched in the face repeatedly until I was in a daze. He then began grabbing and sucking on my tits, once they were hard he began chewing on my nipples making them bleed as he ripped away at my flesh. I began to scream but I was shortly silenced when he shoved his shirt in my mouth as he continuously beat me in the face making my eyes swell. Once I was unconscious he began to work on my holes making sure they were filled with his cum. When i awoke I was surprised to see him behind me as he repeatedly Penetrated my shit hole making me bleed from how hard and fast he was going. Once he was done degrading me he left me on the beach naked and unconscious and full of his cum. I guess that’s the last time I ever go after summer love.

Laundry Mat Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape porn (2)

Our washer and dryer is broken so Daddy had me go down to the laundry Mat to wash some clothes…but it was way more than I bargained for! I am sure you can guess where this is going…it was yet again another gangbang rape porn episode with me sprawled out on top of the washers and dryers taking cock in all my holes and not being able to do anything about it. They were tying me up, beating me around and forcing all their cocks in my holes as hard as they could. Even if I cried or screamed or tried to fight it, there was nothing I could do. I struggled hard but my cunt, ass and mouth was violated and fucked bloody and raw. They were all filled with cum, and even piss. I was feeling like a disgusting fucking whore by the time my laundry was done…

Almost Died During Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape porn

Oh my god! I am really going to die. I have no idea where I am…Daddy brought me here in the middle of the night. I just thought he was going to fuck me or make me be his accomplice but all he did was tie me up and leave me here. I can barely move, and it’s wicked dark. If someone was coming to get me, I would never see them coming. Oh no! Someone is coming…I can hear footsteps echoing throughout…oh god I am going to die! Update: I am not dead…but barely alive. My body is numb from pain…I have broken bones and I am covered in bruises and cum. That was the most brutal gangbang Daddy has ever put me through! They kept me all chain up and beat me senseless. I would pass out from the blows to my head and wake up to my ass and pussy being rammed hard as possible. I would try and fight it and they’d choke me while fucking my mouth all in  one. I was cry and scream and they would only fuck me harder. This is what they wanted! I just wonder what Daddy’s price was for his pathetic daughter….

Ass Rape Porn Pro

ass rape pornThe first time I did ass rape porn I was so naive. I honestly just thought it was another term for rough anal. When I woke up the next day in the hospital I knew better. I had answered an ad in a fetish magazine for an anal rape porn. The pay was good, but I was 18 at the time and desperate for cash. I was living on the streets as my father had kicked me out. I aged out for him. I had outlived my usefulness.  Two hundred dollars seemed like a lot at the time. In hindsight it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t paid to make an ass porn. I was paid for snuff sex. This dude with a monster cock was hammering away at my ass. My daddy use to sodomize my butt when I was young, but his cock was half this size. At the time I remember thinking this must be what it felt like to get a couple black cocks up your ass at once. My ass was bleeding. It prolapsed which at the time I had no clue was reversible. I kept smiling through the pain, keeping my eye on the money. Then suddenly hands were around my throat choking me. My eyes were bugging out, I was struggling to breathe. I heard the director yell, “Finish the whore off.” I somehow knew he didn’t mean make me cum. I played dead. I acted like I passed out. It was a trick I learned when daddy would sneak into my room late at night for special play time. I slowed my breathing down so much, the director actually thought I was dead or damn near it. They dumped my body in an alley, naked in the dead of winter. If I had been unconscious, I never would have woken up. I would have froze to death. Some good Samaritan found me pretty close to dead. He saved my life. I have been getting closer to death every day since. One of these days one of you will finally snuff me out for real.

GangBang Rape Porn

gangbang rape pornIt was just as good of a day as any to make a gangbang rape porn. I needed drug money and  this kind of porn pays well. I showed up ready to earn my money. This particular director really makes me work hard for the money too. There were over 100 men waiting. I was the only woman in sight. This was more men than ever before. More than double the amount of men than any time before. I tried to negotiate for more money, but was met with a punch in the face and ridicule.  No one was wearing condoms like I insisted.  They didn’t care what I wanted or how I felt. They saw a bitch and decided to make an ass rape porn instead. Two even three dicks went in my ass at once as fists and cocks were shoved in my pussy. I knew better than to scream. I just thought about the money. They guys were doing meth and crack which was making them really aggressive towards me. Pulling my hair, smacking me, even pissing on me. They were enjoying degrading me. Cum was oozing out of my fuck holes. I was practically wore completely out. I started to pass out from exhaustion. They had been gang banging me for hours. One guy grabbed my head and smashed it on the floor. Blood trickled out of my mouth and nose. The sight of blood  turned them all. They took turns bashing my skull against the concrete floor. My brain felt scrambled. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t even think. My face was smashed in. Pretty sure I had several broken facial bones, not to mention a broken nose. This was no longer worth the money. They were tweaking and I was going to end up brain dead or worse. The next blow left me unconscious. When I woke up no one was around anymore. I was covered in cum, blood and piss. I looked worse than Rocky. No money was anywhere to be seen. I think I made a snuff porn instead.

ass rape porn

Two Against One

bloody phone sex

Somehow my husband found out about the neighbor. If ask me I truly believe they are in works with each other. And yesterday they both confirmed what I thought to be true. I was cornered by the both of them. With no where to go. My husband had a knife to the side of my throat as he forced me to my knees and made me suck the neighbors cock. He would cram his dick deep into my throat then look at my husband and smile and that is when my husband would pinch my nose shut. Unable to breath or move because he still had that blade pressed into my neck I started to panic. Chocking on his cock I puked all over him. That is when I started taking blows to the head. Each of them bashing me upside the head all the while I am still being skull fucked with the neighbors cock. It started to get real fuzzy and eventually I blacked out. Once I finally came to. I found myself handcuffed to my husbands work bench out in the garage. I had a screwdriver shoved in my ass and a dildo in my pussy which was attached to his power drill. I was covered in bruises and my neck ended up with a shallow slice enough to cause it to bleed leaving all kinds of dried up blood down my neck and onto my tits. If this is not a living hell I don’t know what is.

Need a Teen Rape Porn Victim?

teen rape porn

Are you looking for a teen rape porn victim? If so…I’m the girl for you. Let me tell you why, if you will allow it. You see…my Daddy is a drunk, a big  horny drunk at that. I don’t know where my Mommy went, but she went far away. A place where Daddy couldn’t find her and beat her and fuck her. She left me here for that. So ever since I can remember (like thumb sucking days old) my Daddy would come home drunk ready to make me his little bitch. He has never been easy or gentle on me, I don’t even go to school because I am always covered in bruises and slash marks from him beating me whenever I struggled, or whenever he wanted to simply take out some anger. I’m basically just his little rag doll. He does whatever he wants to me, and there is nothing I can do about it. I’ve accepted that. I realize my worth is nothing, and I know the only good thing about me are my tight little fuck holes. In fact, Daddy has drilled that into my head as he goes back and forth from my ass to my pussy, and even as he passes me along to his friends. He makes me say lots of degrading things while I am getting fucked, even thru the cocks I have shoved down my throat. “I am nothing but a worthless whore” “Please degrade me” “Use my mouth and ass, please!” “I am nothing but a fuck toy for you and your friends, I beg you to use and abuse me to no end” All this is easily interrupted by a smack to my face or a cock being shoved in my mouth, but what can I do? It’s all true!


Snuff phone sex in the park

snuff phone sexI’d had a very nice day at the park doing drugs and panhandling. I’d even crashed a few parties and been offered a few drinks. I was feeling no pain as I staggered through the grass. I had no clue that I was being watched until it was too late. A group of homeless men living in the shadows of the park were like silent predators, seeing my small, drugged body as the perfect sexual target. They were on me like wolves, beating me unconscious and pulling me into the netherworld of the forest.

I could barely open my battered eye sockets. I tasted the blood on my lips. A dozen of them stood around me. I could feel my ravaged pussy now as yet another one of them climbed on top of me. His foul breath came in gasps as he pumped me viciously with a rock hard cock. Another feral creature stepped forward and grunted, trying to get his nasty stick into my ass at the same time. I whimpered and they knew I was alive. A third one grabbed me by the air, pulling me upward to his giant cock and plunged it into my throat. He used it like a weapon, asphyxiating me, as I wheezed for air. This seemed to inflame them and I was surrounded by horny animals, all wanting to use and abuse me. I felt the world going dark around me as he rammed my windpipe over and over with his oversize meat stick. Even in my drugged state, I knew I was dying. My soul seemed to leave my body and I found myself hovering over it, watching these monsters continue to fuck my dead carcass. Despite it all, I felt my pussy begin to twitch in orgasm. It was one bad drug trip…or was I really dead?

A Day in the Park: Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasiesMy callers love to hear me share my rape phone sex fantasies. All women have them, right? It is just not considered politically correct to admit you have rape fantasies. I told this one caller months ago that one of my rape fantasies was to be taken spending the day in the park. Coincidentally, I spent Saturday at the park by myself. Honestly, I was not thinking of being gang banged or anything like that. I was just hiking in a nearby national park. Getting high, while up high on the mountains. I was not paying attention to my surroundings as usual and before I realized I was in danger, several men rushed me. I almost fell backwards into the gorge. I was saved only to be tied up by mountain climbing rope and suspended to a tree. At first, they just taunted me calling me names like stupid whore.  Then the torment escalated. They hit me with sticks and threw rocks at me like I was a piñata. I screamed for help, but none came. A rock hit me in the head. Blood started running down my face like I was in some horror movie. Talk about a wrong turn. I was in a secluded part of the park not marked by trails. I had no cell service. The men left me bleeding hanging from a tree.

bondage phone sex A single hiker came by what felt like hours later. I was so excited to be rescued. He was not exactly the rescuing type. He saw an opportunity and he took it. He cut me down with a knife, left me tied up and force fucked me. My mouth, my ass and my pussy were all up for grabs with him. He never spoke once to me. Just grunted like a wild animal as he shoved his cock in my fuck holes. I was violated twice in the middle of God’s country. Finally, a park ranger rescued me, but because drugs were found in my system, no one believed my story. They thought I got high and fell down a hill. When I got back to my house, my caller I shared my day in the park rape fantasy with called me to see how I was healing up. I will never know which one he was.