She had to die because she was too loud and way too fucking annoying to live! All day long she would blast her music and keep me up, she acted like I was being unreasonable when I asked her to turn it down so I just fucking pushed my way into her apartment and started beating her. She was screaming and crying and promised to turn it down but it was too late for all that shit, my blood lust was awakened and she was gonna die! I beat her till I knocked her the fuck out then I invited a few friends over to fuck her. She didn’t like that very much but who fucking cares right? We fucked that bitch to death and now I will have nothing but sweet silence!
Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies
She had to die
Ass Rape Porn Fantasies
I was the star for a club night of staged snuff with an ass rape porn fantasies theme. It was going so well I was being beat, hair pulled, flogged across my bare ass and slapped in the face. I was getting forcibly face fucked and a good anal slamming when I nearly choked to death on the cock in my throat that started squirting a hefty load in my throat. Gasping and still getting pounded from behind I could feel my face turning blue.
Before I could even attempt to try breathing again my face was shoved in the dirt floor as I felt a huge cock start ripping into my ass. I wanted to scream but my head was being held down and my face smashed into the dirt where I could easily start choking on the blood from my broken nose and the teeth that were busted in the initial bashing of my head into the ground. I was unconscious and they must have had quite a time with me unconscious and bleeding to death.
Stripper Rape Phone Sex Fantasies
I was hired for a bachelor party; specifically, I was to fuck the groom to be. He likes blonde bimbos and his best man heard I do some private escorting occasionally and sent me a text. We have a mutual friend. Easy money I thought. These guys were choir boys compared to who I was accustomed to meeting. We had an enjoyable time. I gave lap dances, a few blow jobs, nothing rough. It was the break I needed. I was staying the night with the groom to be. That was the deal. I was to seduce him, act like I was doing something I was not supposed to be doing because I liked him. I thought he bought it until he grabbed my arm and pinned it behind my back like a WWW wrestler. One wrong move, my arm would have snapped like a twig. “You are just a paid whore. Don’t think I don’t know that,” he seethed. Dr. Jekyll appeared suddenly. He tossed me on the bed with both arms pinned behind me. Damn it hurt. He forced his cock inside my ass. He didn’t bother with lube or a condom. According to him, a whore like me doesn’t deserve pleasure. I could feel my asshole tearing as he fucked me dry and hard. I don’t mind anal sex, but this hurt. He wanted it to hurt. He kept yelling at me to cry. I was fighting back the tears because normally crying gets me hurt worse. He wanted the tears, so I let loose. His dick got harder hearing me cry and plead. He didn’t show me any mercy, however. He just sodomized me harder until he exploded in my ass. When he came, he gripped my arm so tight it snapped. Spiral fracture. Not my first one either, but it hurt so bad I blacked out. I woke up naked, with a bloody ass and a broken arm in the alley behind his loft. I was put out like trash.
I woke up from a drug induced stupor tied to some strange contraption. Each limb was pulled in a different direction and all four were being pulled slightly behind me, making it so my torso was sticking out further than the rest of my body. Low pitched chanting hummed through the air. I tried to look around to see who the voices were coming from, but my vision was still cloudy and the room was only dimly lit by candles, aside from one flickering light which hung right above me, shining into my eyes. When my vision finally returned to normal, I could make out black, hooded figures in a circle around me. One of them was standing right in between my legs, saying something in an ancient language as the others continued their chants. Sinking a large dagger into my chest, he jammed his cock inside my pussy at the same time. He pulled out the knife and let the blood trickle down my body, eventually trailing down my arms and dripping onto the floor. Fucking me until he came inside me, the next hooded man came up and did the same. Each man there stabbed me just once, then came inside me. By the time last man stepped up, I was dizzy from the blood loss. Streams of crimson blood poured down my arms and legs, pooling on the floor around me. It seemed the blood was being funneled into one drain, like they were collecting it. For what reason, I had no clue. Barely conscious, the last knife drove its way inside my flesh as my pussy oozed cum. The last cock entering me caused the cum to gush out and drip down. I drifted to nothing as the last nut deposited itself inside my hole.
Snuff Sex and A Venomous Vixen
When Satan ripped the virginity from my cunt with his rabid meatstick I was loaded out of my fucking mind! There was some Black Metal playing deep growling Norwegian filthy fucking deep throatal growls of dark lyrics all of which make me so fucking hot and my cunt secretes its poisonous venom. My victim, YOU will kneel down and lap up that sweet cunt juice.
As you feel the effects of my cunt venom your cock is enraged and throbbing to fuck. You push it inside my poisonous cunt and as you start thrusting the pain hits you as I squeeze my pussy muscles around that rod and sever it with the teeth hidden inside. Castrating you with my venomous vixen vagina is the very thing I look forward to as I push your severed organ from my orifice of fuck. This tasty meat rod is an offering to daddy Satan.
Freak Show Force Fuck
The circus is in town and TBH – I hate clowns. I don’t know how I got dragged into going. I was hanging after the show and having a beer when a “carnie” walked up and offered me a swig of moonshine. I couldn’t resist especially considering how torn my nerves were from all those painted-face mother fuckers with their loud airhorns and just general creepy vibe.
He was nice enough, explained where they came from and kept letting me drink from his flask. He asked if I wanted to meet the rest of the crew and while I didn’t really want to get too involved, he seemed nice and assured me the rest of his friends were chill.
We entered one of the trailers where 4 other guys were, all still in their messy sweaty clown make up. I should have paid better attention to what was going on because maybe I would of notice the moonshine guy locking a few latches. I didn’t realize how drunk I was getting and now I realize there might have been something extra in that cocktail.
I felt someone behind me and it was this giant black guy in the sad hobo get up with a cane. He pressed me up against the wall and whispered, “I heard you don’t like clowns, cunt.” My body was shaking with fear as he slid the cane between my ass cheeks. As totally freaks as I was, I could still feel my bald young pussy getting dripping wet. Another one of the clowns handed him some rope and they began hogtying me and bounding me spread open, face down on a pull-out bed that smelled like cigarettes and piss. I begged for them to please stop but they wouldn’t listen.
They first started putting make up on me, making me look like one of them while another clown pressed his cock into my soaking wet mound. “You like getting fucked by nasty carnival freaks?” I shook my head and shouted for them to reconsider forcing me to be their new toy. It was too late though, I was their toy.
They took turns slapping me, kicking me in the sides and stomach- At some point I even broke a rib from them taking turns beating me with the cane. They shared my holes, even double stuffing my filthy cunt and wore me to pieces. I cried and pleaded for it to be over but it was no use. Once they were finally ready to blast their loads on me, one of the men held my eyelids open so I was blinded by their cum. It hurt so bad too. My hair now a mess, my clothes tattered up and of course they kicked me out of the RV as quickly as they rushed me. Now I’ve got to walk home alone- can you give me a ride?
Goth teen phone sex accomplice
I place the heel of my goth teen phone sex boot on her head and slowly apply pressure. The stiletto heel had already pierced flesh and soon I will hear the lovely crunch of skull as it caves in.
You watch me, cock in hand as I toy with my victim. You’ve already violated her shit hole, ripped her pussy wide open, and shoved her panties halfway down her throat. Now, you are joyfully waiting for me to put her out of her misery.
This was an easy one. An unruly teen runaway who wanted to be a gangsta. We offered her booze and candy and she practically threw herself into the car.
But now the party was over. And it was time to take out the trash. No one would miss this one. One final fucking as she took her last breath and we will dispose of her like so many others. Someone has to purge this world of the unworthy who breathe our air. I consider myself the goth superhero doing the job that no one else has the balls for.
Teen Rape Porn: My Son Can Get a New Girlfriend
Do you like teen rape porn? I know what you are thinking. I am way too old to be a teen. That is true; however, I have sons, so I have access to teen pussy too. My little mother fuckers are pussy magnets. I got jammed up with one of my dealers. He gave me a way out. My pussy is too old and used up for him or any of his clients. He can’t make as much money off me as he can young girls. I just had to deliver him a virgin girl. That is harder than you think these days. My middle boy had a little girl over to study. I was sure she was a virgin. She is a good Catholic girl. I spiked her Kool-Aid so she would pass out and I could check her bald slit. I saw a hymen. I won’t lie, I wanted to fist the little whore. She was everything I no longer was, but if I ruined her pussy, I was out of drugs. I told my son she got sick and I was taking her home. He never asks questions. I delivered her unconscious body to Raul. He was impressed. He inspected her tight holes and concluded she was untouched too. It was a good night for a gangbang rape porn. He stripped her naked and called in his buddies. I felt bad when I saw how savagely they fucked her holes. Not just cocks. They used fists and baseball bats too. She was getting tore the fuck up like a piece of meat by savage animals. She was semi awake. I guess the pain woke her up. Raul tossed me some coke. I got high. You know, I tuned in and dropped out. That young little school girl was never going home again. I just had to come up with a good story to explain what happened when she left my house to never be seen again, unless you consider snuff porn being seen again.
Snuff Porn Mother’s Day
Snuff porn Sunday took on new meaning yesterday. All the mothers and their little ones celebrating Mother’s Day made me quite murderous. I would see these Norman Rockwell mother and off spring images about town that hid their reality. I followed this one mother and daughter for the better part of the day. They started at church, then went to lunch, then shopped at the mall before returning home. When they knew folks were looking, they played the perfect mother and daughter parts. When they thought no eyes were on them, they revealed something less than perfect. The girl was a spoiled brat. Complained about everything. She berated and humiliated her mother. The girl needed the self-entitlement fucked out of her as well as cut out of her. I knew the perfect accomplice. A friend of mine with a fondness for teen whores. We have a good partnership. He fucks them; I kill them. He likes young teen girls the best. They put up a fight and they are tight, according to him. I looked at it as a mercy killing. If I ever spoke like that to my mother, I would have been backhanded into the 1950s. Young ones have no respect these days. If going to get rid of them, might as well get some pleasure out of it, right? Drew lured the cock tease away from her own front porch. I’m sure mommy was inside lamenting her devil’s spawn with a big bottle of alcohol. Once back at my place, I watched him force fuck her for hours. She did put up a fight, but he liked it. Once her tight teen holes were bloody and ruined, I came in for the kill. Literally the kill. I dared her to talk smack to dominant woman. Brazen slut did, so I cut out her tongue and shoved it up her prolapsed ass. I played a series of cat and mouse games that mutilated her once pretty body before I stabbed her in the heart. Dumped her in an empty grave and got wet when I got the Amber Alert. Silly mother. I gave her the best Mother’s Day present ever and she had to report her bitch girl missing. I think she needs offed next. Want to help?
It was ruthless but it had to be done!
I’ve been trying to train a new accomplice recently but she turned out to be too weak to be my accomplice in anything! Fucking bitch pued the first time I showed her a mutilated corpse, how was she supposed to learn how to torture someone if she couldn’t handle seeing the end results of said torture??? She swore that she would do better so against my better judgement I kept on with her training. I brought a little brat into the mix to see if her heart was as hard as she claimed it was but again, I was disappointed! She actually cried for fucks sake! Well, that was her last chance to woman up and she fucked it all up so she had to go! I drugged her and tied her up, I was already fucking her with a giant strap on cock by the time she woke up. The look of terror in her eyes was breathtaking! It turned me on and made me fuck her harder! She begged for her life but sadly, it was far too late for her so I slit her throat and dumped with the rest of the trash!