The sound of screaming sluts brings so much pleasure to me. I scoop out the ones I want to be snuffed out, and my boyfriend handles the rest. I like to hear them beg and plead. Dumb cunts have no idea they have no fighting chance. I will do whatever it takes to make some nasty whores pay for their slutty actions. My favorite thing thus far is snuffing a whore who tries to flirt with my man. It’s like the perfect snuff porn scene. We both end up killing the bitch and jabbing her holes after we have had fun with her. Its no fun for the slut but its a real joy to hear the whore in excruciating pain. That’s the best. I light up a blunt and enjoy my high. It’s the perfect event each time. Each whore gets a different treatment, but the result is always the same. Screaming bloody murder won’t help you, sweetheart, no one will find you or hear you.
Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies
Bloody murder
Can you believe they let me babysit?
Can you believe they let me babysit their little girl? Me? A sick twisted bitch that has never pretended to be anything else? Crazy right? Well, crazy or not there I was watching this little brat and bored as fuck so I decided to have a little fun. I stripped that little bitch naked and tied her to her bed and tortured her for hours. Just cutting little pieces of her off and breaking her little bones. I had finally gotten to opening up her lil fuck holes with my biggest strap on cock when her parents came home and at that point I kind of had to kill them too. I couldn’t just let them call the cops or something right? Luckily they were easily restrained and I just continued to have my fun until the little bitch was finally dead. Then I fucked her parents up and set the house on fire. Honestly it was the most fun I’d even had babysitting!
Gangbang Rape Porn in the Dirty Bookstore
I was not expecting to star in a gang rape porn in the adult bookstore. I went in to get a new vibrator. Usually, I am alone there besides the counter guy. He knows me by name. I go through sex toys like a porn star. There were some trucker guys there looking at the blow up sex dolls and flesh lights. One of the guys started talking to me, but I don’t engage strangers in sex shops. I was polite and brief. They started talking about the stuck up redhead. I started to walk to the counter, but one guy grabbed me. I saw another guy hand the counter guy a bunch of money. Hush money was my guess. I was in trouble. I heard one of the guys say something like why get a sex doll when there was a live whore right here. They blindfolded me and ripped off my clothes. Cocks were in my mouth, pussy and ass. It went from gangbang to ass rape porn. They were fisting my ass and using sex toys in the store on me. It hurt. I was crying. Even the store clerk got in on the action, forcing his barely legal dick up my dry ass. They told me I asked for it being alone in a dirty bookstore. Perhaps they were right. Wherever I go, I have a knack for getting in trouble. I guess I give off that worthless whore vibe.
Gangbang Nightmare Ch.4
My man traded me to the 5th Ward Crips for four crack rocks. They keep me in a room with a boarded up window and a dirty mattress on the floor. These thugs treat me worse than a plastic sex doll. My jaw aches from blowing multiple men for hours at a time. And my pussy and asshole hurt from this never-ending gangbang.
Tec-9 walked into the room with a dog leash and an evil grin on his tattooed face. He put the collar around my neck and walked me into the front room on my hands and knees. I was completely naked and felt totally exposed being the only female in room full of dangerous gang members. In the corner of the room, a gangster had a furry friend on a leash. The gangster let the leash go and the furry friend ran straight towards me. He mounted my back and his pink cock enter my tight cunt. He humped me and the gangsters laughed. The furry friend panted in my ear and his drool slid down my back. His cock knotted inside me and I couldn’t pull away. The gang laughed even more at my struggle to get away from the furry friend. I felt totally humiliated and completely defeated. When will the living hell end?
She Denied Him
This creepy loser is always staring at me and making attempts to get me to go out with him and it just won’t happen, Ever! I swear dude is so fucking gross and creepy and I just couldn’t stand him or his bad aftershave. I got approached again by this loser and really have had it and told him to go fuck himself as it is all he will ever get, and to think you could get a chance with me, dream the fuck on.
Well I guess that must have hit a nerve as I went to walk away I felt a sharp prick of a needle and was becoming incoherent and started stumbling immediately. I awoke in a strange apartment, some sort of factory building and was bound and really sore. I looked at my body and was naked with cuts and bruises everywhere. Then I noticed the cum all over my tits and between my legs was sore and sticky. I was barely able to move and then noticed that I wasn’t going to survive what was next…
Your Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Cheerleader
Your rape phone sex fantasies turn me on. Of course, I am a sadistic bitch, so you can never force fuck me. Regarding rape fantasies, I am only your accomplice. Well, I might be your cheerleader and the devil on your shoulder convincing you to give in to your dark desires too. I was at the mall hunting for a little bitch to kill when I spotted him. He was in his 50s, tall, unassuming but a pervert. He was trying to be discreet as he followed this hot teen slut through the mall, but I spotted him. I knew what he wanted. He wanted what you want: to force a young cock tease to take his cock. When I busted him, he tried to deny it. He acted offended, like he would never find a jailbait girl sexy at his age. The boner in his pants betrayed his words. I encouraged him to show the slut his cock. I mean she was wearing a pound of make up. She was at the mall on a school night instead of doing homework. She was wearing a skirt so short that if she bent over any one would see more than London. I talked about how it was doubtful she was even a virgin still walking around dressed like that. I wouldn’t stop talking about her hot body, including her bald pink pussy. Finally, he caved. He gave into his dirty desires and listened to the evil bitch on his shoulder. I helped him lure her away from the mall rats she was traveling with. He was not prepared to kidnap and assault a girl, but I am always prepared for such things. We took her to my kill shack and I got to watch him force fuck her holes for hours. She was too old to let go. I had to kill her. There were some wolves eating well Tuesday night.
Going to a dark place
I love you so much that I will do anything for you I will go out of my way to please you because of the way you make my pussy feel. I get engulfed in you because you take total control over my everything. You tell me that no one will ever love me like you and I believe you with each beating that you give me. You always cry when your pouunding my ass you pierce your swollen cock into my gaping asshole all while digging blood from my back. When I scream from the paralyzing pain you slap me in the back of me head and demand that I scream even louder. You laugh like Satan when your brutalizing my body and soul and I need it as much as you.When you make me drink my blood I lose myself and I’m lost.
Gangbang Nightmare Ch.3
The gang stopped feeding me two days ago. The only thing I’ve had in my mouth is dick, cum, and piss. And a few of them like having their assholes licked and these thugs aren’t very clean. The room they keep me in is dirty and dark. I sleep on a sheetless mattress on the floor and every 20 min one of the thugs comes in to fuck me. There’s a horrible stinging pain every time a new dick slides between my cunt lips because they don’t give a fuck if I’m ready. The blood, cum, and shit stained mattress reek so bad it turns my stomach. Tec-9, the head nigga in charge, has the biggest dick. It’s 11 inches long and thick like a Red Bull can. He loves to make me choke on his monster cock. He holds the back of my head and forcefully fucks my mouth until I vomit. And he doesn’t stop fucking my face until he fills my cheeks with jizz. If I’m lucky they’ll let me smoke a few rocks. Being high is my only escape from this hell.
The Next Star of My Snuff Movies
You look like the star of snuff movies. I am looking for a leading man for my next snuff flick with a very young girl. The kind of girl who has no tits yet and a naturally bald pussy. I want to kill a really young bitch. They annoy the fuck out of me. I lack maternal instincts. But, I think a P man like you could have a use for a super young slut, right? I am thinking there are at least three holes on young sluts that you might find useful. I make the perfect accomplice and director, because I won’t give a fuck if the bitch cries or bleeds. In fact, I want her to do both. I told you I have zero maternal instincts. The way I see it, once less little slut in the world is a good thing. Annoying little cock teasers deserve to be in pictures. They deserve to be in snuff porn. They deserve to make your rape fantasies cum true. I know just where to kidnap the little beauties. I know just where to take them, so their screams cannot be heard. And, I know just how to dispose of the remains, so no one can find them again. I just need a male star. Is that you?
I’ve got a perfect new fuck buddy
My new fuck buddy is amazing he fucks me like a champion and he sends his friends over to get my cum guzzling services. Last night he shoved his fist so far in my asshole that I started to cry. Let’s call him Dexter, anyway Dexter is a monster in the bedroom he never lets up I know he would fuck me until he saw blood before he got even more insane. I’m addicted to the way he drives his enormous cave cock into my soaking wet wide open cunt. Dexter is a slapper and he likes to see my face welt up with his handprint, he squeezes my nipples so hard and chokes me until I pass out that makes my pussy squirt so he loves it because he keeps fucking me unti I come to again. I love it and he likes me to tape his friends without them knowing so we can watch and fuck like movie night.