Tag: Rape phone sex fantasies

Rape phone sex fantasies is what my unc will get out of desperate druggy whores

Since my unc was hot, it was easy for him to get his Rape phone sex fantasies he needed. “I just want to see your cock” bitch mommies would say to him. “Only way you’ll see my dick is if I fuck your daughter” he always replied. The fact that they were worthless druggy whores made it easy for them to give up their brats. “Expose their little body and bald pussy for me” my unc would say with a sadistic look in his face.

Rape phone sex fantasies

Right away they did as he wanted. He was hotter than any guy their druggy ass could get. As soon as she was naked and crying, her own mommy held her down. Then my unc got in between ther legs. Right away, my uncle wraps his hands around her little neck. Finally, her mommy gets to see my uncle’s big dick. But she sees it ripping her little daughters pussy open. The harder he wraps his hands around her neck, the tighter her pussy squeezes around his cock.

“Fuck my daughter hard,” her druggy mommy says as she hits the pipe. “Your cock looks even bigger now” she said licking her lips. My uncle just kept fucking her tight little cunt. After a bit more fucking my uncle pulls out his bloody cock out of her cunt. She couldn’t breathe, so she had passed out. But his favorite part is wake her up with his big pcock. The way he does it is by ramming his cock in her tight little asshole. When she screams in pain her mommy covers her mouth up by blowing smoke into her mouth. “That will make her enjoy it” she says while laughing. Anything to get to be around my hot uncle. 

Roleplay Phone Sex Turns Violent for This Mommy Whore

roleplay phone sexThis mommy loves violent roleplay phone sex. And I think I am good at it because I am a dark woman. Not at all your typical soccer mom. I do not bake cookies. But I do suck boy cocks and snort lines of coke. For once, I did not get in trouble scoring drugs. However, I got in trouble at home when my oldest teen son introduced me to a new school friend, Joshua. The boy undressed me with his eyes, and I let him.

This boy looked like trouble for this red headed whore. When I went to my bedroom, he followed me. Although, I did attempt to pretend to be the normal mom and send that boy right out of my bedroom, he did not listen. He grabbed me by my shoulders and tossed me on the bed. Before he pounced on me, however, he locked my bedroom door. He violently ripped my dress off. And I felt scared and aroused at the same time.

My Son’s Knew Friend Got Brutal with My Ass

He told me that my sons told him that I love ass rape porn. So, he wanted to make it real for me. I thought I would fare well since the boy lacked any clue about me and anal sex. My ass sees more cock than my cunt. And that’s because being a mother gave me a loose cunt. But this boy’s cock might be the thickest boy cock I ever saw. And I thought it might fill my ruined pussy. Saying it resembles a beer can would be an underestimate. His cock looked like a tree trunk.

Without lube or warning, he shoved his thick teen cock up my asshole. He made me scream into a pillow because he did not want my sons hearing me. I guess he did not know about me and my boys. My teeth clenched the pillow so hard that I thought I might tear it. But the only thing that got torn was my asshole. It gaped and bled from the sheer girth and force of his cock.

I guess he had rape phone sex fantasies for mommy, and I was an easy surrogate.

ass rape porn


Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies Come True with the Right Accomplice

taboo phone sexMost men have taboo phone sex fantasies. And I love to make them feel real. I am a naughty and creative accomplice. Yesterday, Brad and I drove around town looking for a sweet young teen girl to drain his balls. For years, he could only fantasize and look at brat porn. But then he met me. And I suggested we find him a little girl straight out of his dark dreams.

Brad trades stock daily. He has a wife and a couple fuck trophies at home. To the average person, he appears to be a normal, middle-class husband and father. No one would guess that he beats his cock off almost daily to teen rape porn. But last night, he lived it instead of watching it. As we drove around town, we spotted so many candidates. But ultimately, he settled on this young teen girl with fire red hair. Even my cunt got wet looking at her.

Because I am a woman, I can lure little ones away so much easier than a man. No stranger danger with women. And I can class myself up, so I look more like a soccer mom than a bimbo. I told this girl her father sent me to take her to my place because both he and her mom had to work late. I took a gamble she had two parents who worked, and she did. She bought it hook, line and sinker. She even thought Brad and I were husband and wife.

I Make Your Taboo Fantasies Seem Real

Once we came back to my place, she realized I had lied. Brad showed no mercy at all. Ripped her clothes off and shoved his dick in her young bald cunt. He told me she felt so tight on his dick. I knew she had to be a virgin because of the bright red blood on his dick. Although she screamed and fought like I did every time my father or his friends force fucked me, she could not escape.

But I survived, and this girl did not. As he explored his rape phone sex fantasies, he strangled her. He got scared she would identify us. We dumped her young, violated body in the river. Then we went back to my place and fucked on the red stained sheets from her cherry juice.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies of Suffocating Sleeping Sluts

rape phone sex fantasiesYour rape phone sex fantasies include a ski mask, a plastic bag, and a naked whore who’s going to take your cock. And hot nights like these are the perfect nights to strike. It’s way too hot to be sleeping in panties and AC is too expensive to be running at night. I was in bed cuddled up with my pillow with a dildo stuck in my ass. That’s how you knew you picked the right whore to get your nut off in.

You spit on the dildo and push it deeper into my asshole. I moan and push back on the cock inside. You pull out your hard dick and get behind me. Then you slide the dildo out of my ass and push your cock inside of me instead. It feels so good. My asshole is milking your dick instintually. You reach into your pocket and pull out the plastic bag. You’re careful. You slowly slide the bag over my head, you get a good grip, and then you pull the bag as tight as you can.

Suffocation Phone Sex Makes Your Cock So Much Harder

That’s what finally wakes me up. You use the bag for grip and slam your cock in my ass hard. My asshole gets tighter around your dick. You can feel my heart beat through my asshole while I thrash around and try to get you off of me. The adrenaline is rushing so you squeeze tighter. You roll over ontop of me and pull my head backwards with the bag while you ram your dick deeper into my pussy instead.

My hands rip through the bag. But you just wrap it around my throat and squeeze tight. From suffocation to strangulation. My cunt is just as tight as my asshole is. You can only get a few strokes into that sloppy wet cunt before ropes of jizz shoot into my pussy. Just as I start to lose consciousness. The only question now is what are you going to do to me while you wait for round two. 8826

Kidnapping Phone Sex Left Me Naked and Battered Alongside of a Dark Road

kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex stories get my pussy wet. I know. Folks ask me all the time what’s wrong with me. Nothing I tell them. I just enjoy dark fantasies. Plus, my life is a far cry from vanilla. Although I can fake it, I am nothing but an old coke whore. And because of that I get myself in some precarious situations.

My husband gave me money to fix my car. But I bought coke instead. I thought I could get some more miles on my car before it died. And I when I got paid, I could fix the car. I needed coke more than a working car. But on my way back from my dealer’s house my car broke down. However, I knew I could not call my husband to pick me up. Then he would know I put the money up my nose instead of fixing the car.

So, I called AAA to tow me. I got into a car with a man who I thought AAA sent to take me someplace safe. A dark rarely traveled road in the middle of the night no one thought would be safe for me. Even though I do hardcore ass rape porn often, I still did not want to be alone there. But I got into a car with a stranger, not a AAA driver. And I got myself violated and left along side of the road.

My Drug Addiction Puts Me in Danger Almost Daily

As soon as I got in the car, he shot something in my thigh. And the next moment, I woke up naked, battered and full of cum in my cunt and ass along the side of the road. Even as high as I get, I always remember what I did. So, what ever he gave me must have been very strong. My cunt looked bloody. Not sure what he fucked me with. But I doubt just a cock could destroy my cunt like that. Not even a big black cock.

My ass felt equally destroyed. Luckily, my broke down car was not far away. I crawled back to it and waited for AAA.  Perhaps I could use the rape phone sex fantasies of the guy who picked me up as an excuse of why I did not fix the car. Someone kidnapped me and sexually assaulted me on the way to the car shop and robbed me too. And left me unconscious on the side of a rarely traveled road. My husband can be so gullible sometimes.

Torture sex for young holes from unc

Little cocks aren’t safe from Torture sex either. My unc was sadistic and didn’t care. A hole was a hole, even a young slutboy wasnt safe. So when he saw a young dummy playing along outside, he took him. It wasn’t hard either. My uncle just flashed some candy and a toy truck. It was nothing for him to knock him out. When he woke up my uncle already had me tie him up and undress him. “Dumb little guys like you will always end up being used and treated like a bitch” my unc said as he slapped him with his cock.

Before he could scream, my uncle’s cock was choking him. After some gagging and choking he passed out. “Time to wake him up” my unc says as he gets behind him. “Cover his mouth with the pillow” he demanded me to do. I knew he was going to have me suffocate him. But there is nothing I can do. Therefore, I pushed the pillow in his face. Then my uncle pushed his cock deep in his little asshole. He woke up screaming into the pillow. “Push harder, keep him quiet” he grunted as he ripped his little butt hole open.

Torture sex

Since my uncle was fucking him hard, I had to push on the pillow hard too. It was making it hard for him to breathe, but my uncle just told me to keep going. His little body was wailing hard. My uncle’s cock just kept getting pushed deeper inside him. Soon he stopped moving and I knew I had snuffed him. “Fuck they feel better when they are limp” my uncle grunted as i watched him Sex with dead bodies. After more hard pounding, he moaned, I knew he was filling up that young limp body. Soon my uncle was hard again. I watched him pound his limp body throughout the whole night. Then he forced me to help him get rid of the body.

Accomplice Phone Sex Blonde Babes Make Wonderful Partners in Crime

accomplice phone sexA sexy blonde babe makes a wonderful accomplice phone sex partner. And I love helping men with their perverted fantasies for young girls. Most men think about fucking some Lolita slut, but never do for fear of getting caught. However, I take most of the risk when I lure a young girl to a man like you. And it’s a risk I do not mind taking for the right price. I mean, I do have bills to pay, LOL.

For the past couple years, I have freelanced as an accomplice on the dark net. My former owner showed me how to access the dark net. Not sure how all the perverted, illegal stuff goes undetected there, but somehow it does. Recently, Ed hired me. His cock teasing neighbor girl just teased him one too many times. And now he needs to explore his rape phone sex fantasies for a young girl.

When we met, I explained we needed to search for a surrogate. Fucking the Lolita next door to you, simply poses to many risks. However, some little lookalike whore in a different city does not. Just another missing girl likely kidnapped and sold into slavery. Although he did not want to kill a little girl, he trusted me to keep him safe from detection. And I did.

I Love It When I Can Sell a Girl to Two Different Men

After I found the best little surrogate for him, I talked with my former master to see if he wanted to buy the little used slut for his harem of jailbait whores. And he did once I showed him her pictures. I milked two men’s wallets with one little whore. Pretty ingenious of me, if I do say so myself. Client number one paid me handsomely to make a teen rape porn with her. And the other man paid me to sex traffic the little slut afterwards.

I love it when one little whore can satisfy two different men. And I profit off her used-up jailbait body not once, but twice. Survival of the fittest. And I prove to be the fittest over teen whores every day.

Teen Rape Porn Punishment Provided Me With Lots of Coke

teen rape pornTo score a copious amount of cocaine for the holiday weekend, I need to help make a teen rape porn. I know what you might be thinking. And you are correct. I am way too old to pass as a teen girl anymore. But I did not star in the film. I merely assisted. Unlike most movies in this genre, this one had a constant theme throughout the film. It did not just contain violent acts against women. This movie had a bad schoolgirl theme.

And I played the schoolmarm who needed to punish the naughty schoolgirl. Although I felt relief that I would not suffer the brunt of the torture, I felt badly for the girl. She looked trafficked. All strung out with needle marks between her toes. Sex traffickers hide the track marks because men who pay the big bucks for jailbait pussy, never want them to look like trashy whores. They want clean, cute, girl-next-door ass rape porn stars.

I Had to Punish a Schoolgirl Severely for Coke

As a submissive, I never get to be the dominatrix. But it made me happy to not be on the other end. As the schoolmarm, I brought my naughty student to the principal’s office. I pulled up her little schoolgirl skirt and spanked her bare bottom first. I whispered in her ear that I was sorry, then I went to town on her porcelain bubble butt. My hands left huge marks on her bare bottom. When my hands got tired and sore, I used the ruler. I needed the coke, so I did as the director instructed. And I left huge, long welts on her bare ass.

Eventually, she went over my lap so I could fist her asshole and her cunt. Periodically, I forced her head in between my legs to eat my pussy and ass. And I almost suffocated her. She seemed on another planet. My guess the smack they pumped her with put her in a trance like state. I told her she got lucky that this was not a snuff porn. But I do not think she understood anything I said. Her ass and her holes will hurt today, but at least she is alive. In her situation I am not sure if that seems like a good thing or a bad thing.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies for Pegging Men’s Assholes Consume Me Most Days

rape phone sex fantasiesWomen enjoy rape phone sex fantasies too. However, my forced fantasies do not always involve women or young girls. I mostly harbor them for asshole men. For centuries men have acted like cavemen towards women. Not all men of course. And not even most men. I think most men in the world know how to treat a woman with respect and dignity. Or they can at least fake it in public settings. However, there remains still a percentage of cavemen who think women owe them sex. And those sorts of men I love to anally torture.

If I go out any weekend night to a bar, I can find men who need taught a lesson in how to treat women. Sometimes I simply peg or fist their ass into submission. And other times, I use castration phone sex to neuter the cavemen. Last night, I did both. Told you, I just felt in the mood to wreak havoc on a man’s sexual pleasure. Although, I do not consider myself a man hater, I do see myself as a punisher. If a man cannot behave, I show him how.

I Enjoy Putting Cavemen in Their Place

Danny made the mistake of acting like a tool at the bar last night. He sexually harassed me. Some men just think they can break a woman’s will. Or they think that when she says no it’s some sort of game. Danny did not get the memo that in 2024 women can reject a man’s advances if she wants. So, I let him think I caved to his persistence and wanted to blow him in the bathroom. As if any woman really wants to blow some caveman in a dirty ass bar bathroom.

I caught him off guard. My knife forced him to turn around so I could restrain his arms behind his back. Once I secured him, I pulled down his pants and I fucked his ass with a homemade dildo that I affixed shards of glass to with super glue. And that let me shred his ass. But I did not stop there because I felt in the mood to castrate him too. I gave him the reach around for some cock and ball torture sex. With one clean swipe, his worthless caveman balls fell to the ground, and he passed out on the floor.

I left him bleeding out on that dirty bar bathroom floor, just like he would have left me after he got what he wanted. Some one needs to put cavemen in their place. Might as well be me.

Taboo Phone Sex Provides Cathartic Release for Your Young Rape Fantasies

taboo phone sexI specialize in taboo phone sex as a sexy switch. My pussy gets wet when I help men fulfill their dark fantasies. I love the accomplice role so much, that I rarely get to play the victim anymore. But I am not complaining. Life seems better helping you force fuck some little bitch. And most men need a female accomplice because we can get access to little ones that most men cannot. At least we can with little girls they do not know personally.

However, earlier in the week, I helped Adam with a brat problem. His daughter’s best friend cock teases him every chance she gets. Perhaps you know a little whore just like her. She leaves the bathroom door open when she visits his house. And she flirts with him. Blatantly too. Even sits on his lap and wriggles her cute little butt against his cock. A girl acting like that wants some trouble.

And as his accomplice phone sex partner, I helped him get that. While the wife and daughter went out of town this weekend to visit grandma, he stayed home. And he sent that little slut a text acting like his daughter. Even young girls never call anyone. All they do is exchange texts all day. He invited her over, and she discovered her friend had indeed gone out of town. But it took her a while to realize why he duped her into coming over.

I Enjoy Helping Men with Their Brat Problems

I held her down, while he ripped her little cotton panties off her. He pushed up her little sundress, exposing her puffy nipples and buried his head between her legs. I think he had long imagined what her bald cunt would taste like. I continued to hold her down. But she rarely fought. Little whore wanted this. She wanted him to force fuck her. However, when Adam shoved his big daddy dick inside her little cunt, she cried. He popped her cherry.

I told her my daddy popped my cherry when I looked younger than her. Not sure that made her hurt any less, but if a girl acts like a cat in heat, she’s old enough to be a teen rape porn star. I may have filmed this angel losing her virginity to her best friend’s dad. I mean he deserved to have this memory preserved forever.