Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Goth Teen Phone Sex To Die For

Goth teen phone sex

I learned young that this world was a dark place and that no one was going to make it better but myself. I sat and dwelled in the world that was darkness for many years till I found my friend, blood. Something about it and how it bonded with my vamperic like soul made me long for its sweet release. I loved torturing others, it reflected the pain I felt inside for every moment of my life until that very moment. It was beautiful watching death come into someone body. The look in their eyes as their soul voided into the dark space made me long for to be the goth teen phone sex slut that would let others experience the art of death I was gifted with. Both sides in my evil phone sex are vitally important. My clients provide me the scenario in which I need to work my canvas of death. My victim provides me with their expression, their longing to live, their fight. I can work out everything in my murder phone sex fantasies that my client asks for, but my reaction to my pain that I place upon my canvas is something that will never be able to be scripted. The raw mutilation of their bodies and the way the blood chooses it path is something that is rarely predictable. My ears long to hear my dark canvas of death scream into them. Most of all my skin aches when not coated with the sweet blood of my dead victims. It fills my black heart when I hear the music of their death rattle, the last attempt of their lungs to save their souls. I will never stop killing, and I will never stop bathing my body in the blood of my dad canvas. A true artist in the world of darkness.

evil phone sex

Cannibalism Phone Sex; Taste of Summer

Cannibalism phone sex

Well, it is national BBQ month and that means that Harper’s taste for fleshly goodness is moving to some outdoor cooking. Oh how I long to taste some nice rump cooked over a nice BBQ pit. I went hunting with my favorite cannibal Mr. Closter! He loved to teach me how to hunt and cook our meat with passion and skill and I loved every minute of it. We tracked a couple of girls through the woods for a while. There were by themselves and hiking. We had set some traps up and it did not take long until they found themselves caught in our net. They squealed like little piggies as they were held into the air. Mr. Closter had me approach them with caution. When they saw me they hollered down for me to help them. I released the rope, dropping them to the ground with a big thud. I giggled at their please and reached inside the net to ass’s their fat content. I called to Mr. Closter that they were okay, and he he drove the ATV through and I pulled them out of the net tying them to the back.

Murder phone sex Fantasies
I hopped on the back with Mr. Closter and we drove the fresh meat to our stocked campsite for further inspection. I pulled them off with his help. They were hog tied and heavy. One was thicker than the other so we decided to prep her now and save the other tasty treat. I tied her up in the tree and let her hang there gagged. She cried tears running up her forehead. Going back to the other girl, I began to cut off her clothes. Mr. Closter gave me a nod and I knew she was perfect. She cried through her gag, tears streaming down her face. I smelled close to her body, she reeked of insect repellant. I asked him to hand me a couple gallons of water and a bucket so that I could rinse my rag clean and began to scrub her. She smelled so bad. I was taking a considerable amount of elbow grease to clean her so Mr. Closter cut down her friend and shoved her my way. I explained unless she wanted to be first she had better help me. That poor sniffling bitch was lazy as fuck though. Mr. Closter decided that she need to a good brutal raping since she was not doing what she was told.

Violent phone sex
I giggled as she whimpered and screamed. Not wanting to bother him I got up and grabbed the olive oil from his back pack and brought it back over to my pesticide free prime meat. I began to rub down her body. I poured the oil over her and rubbed over her tits and into every clevis and fat roll massaging her well. Once Mr. Closter was done her tied the other girl back up and informed me he was feeding the fire under our grill. Once she was fully she was hog tied with her hands and feet behind her back. The two of us lifted her onto the grates. Mr. Closter reached over and pulled out her gag and she let out a quick scream before he shoved an apple in her mouth. She whimpered passed it squealing. You could hear the wood crackling. She tried to fight herself free and I assured her she would pass out soon and she did. I continued to baste her and feed the fire under her. I took one leg and covered her in a BBQ mop I had prepared prior. Mr. Closter did not like sauce because he preferred the natural flavors but I wanted to try it. When she was done we carefully lifter her off and let her cool before serving her up with a lovely salad. MMmm she tasted so yummy. Her friend was so lucid and hungry she ate her right up. When I told her it was her friend she cried and called us monsters. Mr. Closter decided she was very unappreciative and gagged her again while we enjoyed the rest of our meal.

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Babysitter Phone Sex Massacre

Babysitter phone sex massacre is going to be streaming live tonight mother fuckers! Parents won’t even get to leave this time, nope tonight’s episode will feature the parents bound and gagged and forced to watch what will unfold before them. I love my new electric carving knife and I think it’s the perfect tool for tonight. 

First I will pull the parents to the front room and get the twin slut offspring stripped. I will have my gang of big black cocked men come in five insanely hung black guys ready to rip into some sweet pink pussy. That virginal fruit getting violated by huge cock, what a bloody mess it will be! These guys play rough and will force them to take their massive man meat. 

Once the guys take advantage of the slut I will approach them and stab my stiletto into their chest cavities a few times until blood spews. Knowing their chest bone is broken and they bleed out I treat them like dumb chickens and skin them. Right in front of mommy and daddy their sweet darling twins are basted and baked.

My carving knife is coming in handy as I carve the sweet flesh to feed to their parents. Enjoy your daughters as we have enjoyed them.

 babysitter phone sex

Accomplice phone sex with little Miss Harper

Accomplice phone sex

Accomplice phone sex with little Miss Harper is sure two give you two things. A blood thirsty boner and the best deviant fun you have ever had in your life. If you like things dark and demented than I am the bloody phone sex bitch for you. Murder phone sex fantasies are my favorite. I love talking about all the things that drive your cock crazy. I am a no taboo evil teen who loves to kill. Let me take you on a wild ride into my crazy mind. I am a little p-slut too. I want to fuck you over a body that we slaughter together. I want to feel their screams fill my cunt while you ass rape their little virgin shit holes. Thinking about sucking the blood from your cock makes my teen pussy wet and ready to have fun. Let’s have fun together, and be my evil lover. I will be your Goth teen prize willing to kill for you on command, cross my heart. Now, let’s have some fun!

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Victims Log 23

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

     Murder phone sex fantasies victim’s log 23 had been established the day these mother fuckers had brought me here. I knew I was not going to make it to 100 and if I did at what cost would it be?I was kicking that bitch as hard as I could and he was just too strong. He was putting these razors in my tits and pulling them so hard that they certainly would have popped off. I felt his hand cover my mouth and his cock shoved down my throat. He was going to fill me with his cum and there was nothing I could do! I came up with the plan, I knew what he was going to do and each step he did was just one more toward my death. Yes ,it was ugly to think that a filthy bitch like me would ever have a chance of escaping this gang. I was here to fuck and suck whatever they told me too. I knew that’s what they wanted to fuck the shit out of me for a bastard’s mistakes. Hadn’t I learned a lesson already that the streets got no love for mother fuckers like me! I was ready to die now after so many days in shit and I was going to go peacefully but they had just one more mission for me to do. They were going to make sure that everyone knew they were the biggest gang in town. I felt the chain around my fucking neck and tits.

      The sound of the truck started and something  was pushed up my ass. I heard them say a prayer didn’t know hell had  prayers. One kissed my forehead like we were lovers. His foul breath invaded my nose and caused me to gag further. I heard a clap a stomp and then the racing of the truck but then all of a sudden it stopped. I breathed in slowly thinking it was over! Then I saw your cock in your hand, the knife the edge shiny and new and that sinister smile that said the games were just being played and I had lost!

Ripping Hearts Out Of Bleeding Chests

snuff phone sex

Have you ever squeezed a beating heart in your fist? You haven’t lived until you try it! I love cutting a fresh kill open and exploring their insides, but nothing compares to that. I just kept fantasizing and day dreaming about pulling someone’s heart of them while they were breathing. Anytime I think about something that long you better believe I’m going to try it.

My first attempt didn’t go well. There was this awful whore walking down some random street, I snatched her up because I could tell right away that no one would miss her. I tortured her for a couple days just for some entertainment, but eventually that got boring like it always does. When that happens it means either my victim dies or I release them severely mutilated. Unfortunately for her I already had something in mind. Everything was going well when I first cut into her chest, but then she started convulsing uncontrollably when I reached inside. She died pretty quickly and her heart was still warm by the time I reached it, but it was no longer beating.

That wasn’t good enough so I had to try again. This time with a younger whore who was equally awful. When I picked her up I asked if she had any family or friends, she said she didn’t. I didn’t find that surprising at all. I even laughed about it, which scared her a little. She started to beg for me to let her out of my car right after that and doing that only made me laugh more.

murder phone sex fantasies

She should consider herself lucky because I didn’t take the time to really torture her. That nasty bitches death was quick, usually I don’t like that. As soon as I had her someplace nice and secluded I got right to work. I forced her onto her back and stabbed her directly in the chest. Obviously I was careful to avoid her heart, I just needed a way into her chest. Once that was out of the way I spread her bleeding chest open with my hands and dug around inside her. The entire time she was thrashing and screaming, but that didn’t stop me. It would have been better if she just relaxed because she was going to die anyway no matter what.

When I finally reached her heart she stopped moving. I wrapped my fingers around it before pulling it out hard. Her heart was a little damaged when I finally had it out, but it was still beating and that’s what counts. I’m just sad that she died before I could rub it in her face. Maybe that would be impossible, I don’t know. There’s no harm in trying again It will only get easier.

Killer Phone Sex Case of Revenge

killer phone sex

     Killer phone sex case of revenge was going to kill me at last.That fucking bitch needed to die I rationalized. All that fucking slut had ever done was talk shit about my fucking clothes, boyfriend, and fucking tits. She was better off dead the fucking little whore. I saw the door open and a dark mask get out of  the vehicle I gasped, but there was not going to be any turning back. You took that fucking razor and put it to my throat and told me to get in. For  a moment I thought of running but I knew you were here for revenge. Pulling the mask over my face you whisked me into the van and I tried to see out of the corner of my eyes. I tried to see the light of day anything to scream for help but there is no help from the big house of hell! You were going to take me and fuck me to death I knew that. Why wouldn’t  you take Revenge on the bitch that had fucked and sucked your sister and left her for dead? In my mind I knew my end was coming but I  was going to take you with me no matter what!

     As the darkness of the night enclosed and the weight of the mask caused me to try to get air to my lungs I wondered what kind of fun torture things you had in store. None could be more deadly then what I had done to her.  Was it to be Chinese water torture, a noose around my neck? Whatever it was I hoped death was going to be fast! I just knew for a fact that maybe it just wasn’t going to be easy. Maybe it was just going to be  a hardcore you fuck me in the ass  kind of thing and  then throw me down a hill. My mind couldn’t grasp the hell you had in store nor would it ever!

Bloody Phone Sex Train Departure

Bloody Phone Sex


      Bloody phone sex train departure 160 all aboard to hell anyone was what I was thinking as I laid here with my life running out of me.We were  both on the train together going to our preferred destinations. I was trying really hard not to look back at him because I just had ate lunch I noticed the deepest  brown of eyes that I don’t think I was really quite seeing before. You were engrossed in a book and I thought by the sound of your voice  we had per chance ,met somewhere before. I was so happy to get a café with you and talk about our English assignment. I was trying my best not to notice that as we were talking a guy with the deep brown eyes was getting closer to me. I was hanging on your every word and then suddenly ,I felt the sting to my back and  my eyes got heavy , I leaned forward against your chest and slumped into a drugged sleep.

     I could move my legs I could get away I could be free of this madness that was killing me at this point. For the hundredth time it seemed I felt your cock push in my asshole. The tiny hooks in my flesh were tearing my skin off of its frame and the masking tape around my nose and mouth were securely fastened. I couldn’t move and all I could feel was the stiff blunt force of the knife on my skin and your plunging cock deep in my walls. My tears were stained onto my face and there was no more coming out of me. I thought you were the nicest guy that just wanted to talk about fantasies , you never said anything about living what we talked about over the phone. I was thinking I was lonely and wanted to meet someone nice you were thinking of a sadistic case of cat and mouse that was going to have my ass in this trap you had set! As you came around to look me in the eyes and grab my hair I thought it was my chance to run, but I was far too weak to do anything. I was going to die at the hands of someone I knew. Blinking back the tears ,I felt the pain of a slap hit my face and then the knives began the piercing in my skull it would not end this pain this torture would go on for another 160 days.

Killer Phone Sex Good night Nigger

Killer Phone Sex


     Killer phone sex good night nigger testimonial was coming to a close for me. My fucking tits were getting stomped all over. They were more fucked up then ever when this asshole pulled out the knife from his shoe and started stabbing me with it. I was going to do all I could to make sure this mother fucker felt my pain and I took his bitch ass out with me but before I could do that I was going to have to fight my way out of this. I had been struggling for a very long time with this mother fucker trying to understand why I couldn’t just pay the debt! I had the money but this wasn’t about the money that asshole had stolen this was about something much worse. This was about the game of the streets and getting things done! The bitter taste of cum hung on my lips from when he had stuffed that cock so deep down my throat, I just wanted to know what was going to be next? Was it going to be laying in trunk gasping my last breath or was it going to be me getting fucked in the ass with a hook. I felt his hand slap across my face again and I felt my teeth become loose, Pulling my head back again he stuffed his cock inside my mouth and this time he pulled out the knife and put it to my throat!

     He was going to cut me and I knew this was going to be the last of me. The end of fucking Layla and this shit was real. I had one good shot out of making it out of this alive and I knew I had missed it. It was about time to leave the world. I felt the sting of the knife and then my head hit the concrete pavement with a thud it was over for me. I felt him come from behind me while I lay there pulling my legs apart stripping me down to fuck me in my ass again! It was going to be the end and you know whose face I saw as I lay dying yours. I saw the knife in your hand the blood that pooled. I saw your smile as you said good night nigger and I felt the heel of your boot go across my face. Yes I thought it really was a good night!

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies take on Love

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies


     Murder phone sex fantasies take on love scene was that fucking stupid shit you saw in one of those gory picture films. I had fucked up and I was going to have to pay for that.My eyes were filling with tears as he fucked my ass with the razor.I had been trying to get away from him for the past half hour but he would never let that happen. If a person wanted to cut you open they were going to do it! I know why I had to suffer I had on more than one occasion broken his heart and he wasn’t tolerating my abuse anymore! He was going to let me have it and I knew  that meant in the end that I had to die. It had tarted good enough I had asked him for a ride home and he was the agreeable type and from there he was trying to make sure that I was ok every minute of the day. The thing I disliked about him was that he was a push over and so I guess that’s why I pretended to like him for a bit just to get shit out of him. He was becoming more attached and now  he was going to fucking kill me.  I felt the razor in my cunt and I knew that the sight of the blood was going to knock me out! I wanted so much to hold tight for the life inside but his grip was too strong. Taking the meat clever out of the drawer and pressing it to my ear, he said”You bitch you could have played by the rules but you didn’t” Now you will pay for your transgressions !”  I know what he thought of me the filthy slut who had slept with his sister and best friend together, and he was going to make me pay for everything. I felt the meat cleaver tear into my back and I let out a scream but then it stopped! I felt my body go limp him pulling down his pants and fucking me over the head with something but I don’t know what it was!

    I was dead for sure and he was fucking me I guess no matter what he was doing I couldn’t help but think that I deserved all of it!