Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

murder phone sex fantasiesI love it when he calls to share his murder phone sex fantasies with me. He has the same lust for sweet, young, innocent flesh. We delve deep into the macabre of violating their little bodies in the most violent and in humane ways. Torture and rape fantasies that get our blood boiling to the point that neither of us can keep from cumming at the images we create together. We long to pile their little bodies up, bloody, twisted, distorted in unnatural poses. Then we crawl into the pile together, naked, excited. He is rock hard, I am soaking wet. We let our desire build as we delight in the sensation of the feel of their bodies on our naked flesh, covered in their blood, as we come together and fuck, unbridled, heated, passionate. Knowing it is taboo and evil only spurs our desire for more. His cock deep with in me, my cunt milking him dry as we whisper the words that we long to hear and let ourselves drown in our sadistic desire until we explode together.

In The Name Of The Father

snuff porn angie1When I found this sweet little trinket in the bottom of a box, way in the back corner of the second hand store I knew that I had to use it. As I picked it up and examined it I felt my cunt twitch and quiver when I realized just what it was. I love sacrilege on any level. I went home and started on the wooden cross right away. I found the nails I needed and made sure that everything was just right. I found the perfect tea totaling dress for church and cringed as I put it on. but this was going to be worth it. I headed out for the local Catholic church with a handkerchief and some chloroform in my hand bag in search of the most chaste female I could find. Getting her alone after mass was easy and I could hardly wait to nail her naked and vulnerable to the wooden cross that I constructed before beginning to use the cross syringe to inject her with mind altering drugs and begin my abuse! I can’t wait to hear her denounce her god and curse him to hell while I defile her body, mind and soul.taboo phone sex angie

Cannibalism Phone Sex: What’s Cooking in Your Kitchen?

Cannibalism phone sexI love cannibalism phone sex, especially during this month of Thanksgiving. I am so grateful that there are so many stupid bitches around that I can have for dinner. Literally. I have been watching cooking shows for months now to learn the proper seasonings for white meat. I like dark meat too, but there are far more dumb drunk white girls roaming the malls and bars of America. I have learned a few things over the years of preparing special holiday feasts. Always have back up meat. Sometimes you grab a meal on the go and don’t realize until you get home it is already spoiled or way past its expiration date.

Nothing ruins meat more than too many tattoos; or fake boobs and butt implants. Plastic surgery and a face full of Botox means you are a practice meal at best. I don’t serve my friends anything but the best, purest meat. I have a sweet young thing chained in the back yard as I type. She is free range, eating corn meal and protein so her meat with be extra juicy come Thanksgiving Day. I also have a not so sweet thing who is giving the Kardashian twits a run for their money in the fake department. She is a barely legal girl already addicted to plastic surgery and chemicals. Honestly, she will do society far more good as a practice meal. I am just putting her out of everyone’s misery, including her own.

snuff pornIt got messy, but I extracted her breast and butt implants. Shaved her head so the bleach would not ruin her flavor. I flavored her body in a yummy butter sauce. Slow roasted her over an open flame on a bed of veggies. Even put an ear of corn in both ends as a side dish. The key is letting the sauce absorb into the skin. This can be obtained with an overnight sauté or good meat tenderizing before roasting. I like a slow roast. Sure there may be some screams as the heat consumes your meal, but ultimately it just makes the meat so much more tender and sweet.

I applied some cooking tips I learned from Rachel Ray and I pretty much turned Spam into Lamb. Even golden brown. Tender and juicy all around. A nice aroma. And seasoned to perfection. She yielded way too much meat for me alone, and I never let a meal go to waste, so I put parts in my Ninja blender. Made some protein shakes for the real meal grazing in the backyard and some diced meat for sandwiches. I so can’t wait for Thanksgiving. Want to join me for a very special meal? You can bring a special side dish and we can trade recipes!

taboo phone sex

What could happen

After binging  on drugs, booze and horror films yesterday, I find myself wondering what it would truly feel like to be kidnapped. I am a sick bitch and I love being hurt. I’m not talking a little slap on the ass, I love having a knife stabbed into me as I am fucked. I know, I’m fucking crazy! Like what if some psychopath grabbed me as I am trying to sell what is left of my cunt. He takes me back to his place and fucked me as hard as he can. I think I would love it. My nipples would be hard, my fuck hole would be dripping wet and wanting him to fuck me harder. I would probably laugh in his face. I am hoping his anger would get worse and he hangs me up like a cow and chop me up into pieces. What would you do to try and hurt me? Tell me!

Evil phone sex

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Torture phone sex

I know you like snuff porn torture death. I know you sit in your room rubbing your cock thinking about cutting my pussy lips off. I bet as you read that your cock twitched. All day long as you work, take a piss and sit down and take a shit. You know what I am doing. I am selling my pussy to random men for drugs. You know I am a druggy whore, who does anything I can and am willing to do for my drugs. You must get Insanely jealous knowing another man’s cock is deep in my cunt, deep in my asshole and down my throat. You sit there thinking of different ways to torture me to death. Maybe slice my throat as you fuck me. Make me overdose and then fuck me as I slowly die. You are sick, I am sick. Cover me in blood and fuck me till your balls are empty. You never know, someone else might beat you to it.

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All Hallows Eve Madness

taboo phone sex angie1

This Halloween will bring an end to her madness. I have had her for some time now and she has gone mad. Watching her sanity slowly slip away has been a journey of erotic satisfaction for me. She has gotten loose in the basement and I had to chain the door shut. Listening to her wail and chant incoherently has been the catalyst for many days and nights of hot masturbation, making me cum very hard. It has also given me time to plan the perfect snuff ending for my insane little prisoner. I love when she pushes the trap door of the basement open and stares at me with her wild eyes and filthy face chanting that she is coming for me. What she doesn’t know is the clock is ticking and her time is almost up. On All Hallows Eve when the moon is high and the night is dark I am letting her out of the basement through the outside entrance. As she is flailing and chanting in the cool crisp air I am going to pull out my cross bow and systematically hunt her down. Legs first rendering her immobile. As I let my arrows fly, hitting strategically to cause her pain, I will become weak from the intense orgasms that her end will bring me. The shrill of her insane screaming will fill the night air and bring the juices flowing from my cunt.

snuff phone sex angie

Snuff Porn Victim Beat Unconscious

Snuff Porn Victim Beat Unconscious is how the newspaper heading read. In pure disbelief I sat glancing at the image of me presented as the subject. As if living in a parallel world I read on about how I was knocked out dragged into the woods and tied to an alter. The article failed to go into explicit details.

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Awaking, in a cold clammy cave I failed the ability to see well in the darkness and barely felt my body. All parts of me were numb, and I started gaining flashes of images. I heard screams coming from me and felt myself being put through ass rape porn footage. The camera lights were so bright and my wrists were bound over my head. I felt them violate me and cut me. They were bleeding and fucking my body to it’s very last breath.

In confusion and weariness I awoke.


Drowning The Asshole

Taboo phone sex

I am so pissed at you. I heard that you were fucking around on me. You didn’t think that I would find out did you? Well I did, one of my friends spotted you hanging all over that trailer trash bitch and now you’re going to pay for being an unfaithful bastard. Don’t think that you’re going to get off easily either. I’m not going to let on that I know exactly what you’ve been up to. I’m going to wait until you’re relaxing in a nice warm bath and then I’m going to bring you some wine with a little something extra in it. When you start to doze off, it’s going to be so very easy for me to push your head under the water and hold you there as you thrash and gasp for air as the water begins to fill your lungs. You’re choking and terrified but not strong enough to fight me off. I let your head surface just long enough to let you know that I know what a cheating bastard you are before I snuff the life right out of you and you die under that water. Your body going limp never to struggle or cheat again.

A Dark Night

taboo-phone-sex-karmaThe night was dark , the moon high in the sky. Her skin was glistening with sweat from fear as she laid on the alter. He skin was covered with goose bumps, her nipples rock hard in the cold night air Her sacrafice will please my dark lord. She is a prime specimin. I found out she is a virgin. That makes it even better. Her virginal blood will please him. I have the perfect impament for her first penetration. A nice stake that will pierce her farther then it should. It’s almost time, let the blood flow warm and hot, thick and sweet. I can’t wait to drink the life giving fluid, to watch the last beat of her heart while it is in my hand. Death will be slow and her gift will be appreciated….



Snuff Porn Fun with Crack Whores

Friday night festivities are under way. I’ll be grabbing one of the boys to be my accomplice phone sex assistance in rounding up a snuff porn victim or three. Crack whores are the easiest target and least likely to be missed or they are already writen off as dead. Who in their right mind will miss a filthy druggy crack whore? For fucking real, the bitch could care a rats ass for herself so who fucking cares!

My boys in the lab have my bait ready to grab a few for the snuff film tonight. You see we always need a couple extra victims as they are crack whores. You never can tell just how bad things will go before finishing the film so we need more than one disposable body. I love hunting for the perfectly degraded piece of trash to make some of the most gruesome little films. Some nights we get lucky and achieve full use of each victim.

This round I am going to lure in a male counterpart for fucking the crack whore to death and we’ll even fucking snuff his ass after my gang gangbangs his fuckless ass. We will get fucking filthy and feel free to call me up for a preview as I verbally exploit the hell out you. 

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