Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Continuing the nightmare

Mutilation phone sexShaking, terrified, piss dripping down my legs I stayed crouched painfully in place. Too scared to go to her, too scared not to. But something drew me, pulling at me from within my core. Seemingly against my will I slowly rose and stumbled towards her.
She reached her bloodied hand out to me, smearing my face as she cupped my jaw and wrapped her fingers into the hair at the back of my neck. She pressed her lips to my quivering mouth. She forced her tongue between my teeth, licking them, pressing forward. I opened my mouth to her explorations. I hated myself for how wet my pussy instantly became. The heady flavor of her tongue mixing with the hot iron of the bastard’s blood set a fire pit in my belly which spread to every inch of my body. My nipples drew into hard peaks, threatening to rip themselves from my body. Her other hand cupped one breast, hot and liquid covered, she caressed me. Why? Why do I want this so badly?
She released me, stepped down from the mangled corpse I had all but forgotten she crouched over. Undressing me to my panties, she lifts my small frame with unexpected ease, setting me on what would have been my captor’s lap.
She picked up entrails from where she’d tossed them to the floor, and tied my hands with them to each of the corpse’s legs. leaning me back between his feet.
“Don’t you move, little one.” She ordered.
Prying the remains of his dick from it’s holding place of his mangled jaws, she slid my panties to the side. Sticking her finger inside the mangled cock like a puppet, she then began sucking my clit into her hot mouth. Colors burst behind my eyes as I began to orgasm. She Shoved the meat puppet into my pulsing pussy, and I came. Over, and over I squirt over her hands.
I came as I’ve never came before.

Her bloody, pussy juiced face rose between my knees.

“You’re mine, now.”

Bloody playtime

snuff phone sexYou smile when you come in and see the present I caught you, all curled up and whimpering in her nasty little cage. I don’t know why she bothers, no one can hear her fucking pathetic little cries here, anyway.

I know I’m your favorite little whore, but I wanted to bring you something special tonight, something tiny. You tell me you want to watch, so I open the cage and drag her little cunt ass out. She’s so small, it’s easy, even for me. I already had everything set up, and decked out with all your favorite sharp, shiny toys. I fasten her to the cold, metal table. She’s thrashing, but a hard slap to her face fixes that.The look of terror in her wide eyes, making my lips drip,

I can feel my cunt ooze, feeling your eyes upon me, getting your hard cock off on what I’m about to do.
I start slicing the little twat apart, one piece at a time. Rubbing her hot blood all over my tits and horny pussy. I lick her tears from her face, and whisper in her ear, “they’re never going to see you again, you little fucking slut.”

Just wait and see what happens next!

accomplice phone sex accomplice phone sex

Murder phone sex Fantasies about the girl next door.

Murder phone sex Fantasies

My neighbor was an older man, I never thought he would be a crazed man looking for sex in a brutal way. He has lived next door to me all of my life. He was always a very nice man. He always had the best decorations at every holiday! Last year he fell while he was taking down his Christmas decorations. He broke his arm and needed help, he offered to pay me by the hour to come help him take everything down. Once I had taken everything down I had to box it up and take it into the basement. The vibe I got while being down there scarred me. He yelled down to me to grab something from the back room down there.. Then the lights went out. I screamed and he yelled down to me how to find the breaker box, but I was in darkness. I couldn’t see anything.. Suddenly someone grabbed me, covered my mouth and told me if I screamed he was going to skin me alive. He blind folded me, stripped me naked and I could hear the flash of his camera.

Teen phone sex

He tied my hands behind my back with a rope tightly around my neck cutting off my airflow making it very hard for me to catch my breath. If I tried to move I would end up chocking myself. Which is what he wanted. The blind fold came off and there was my neighbor. His arm was out of his cast and just fine. He started slapping my body with a string of lights. I tried to struggle and it made the rope tighten. The tighter it got the worse the torture was. He grabbed one of his Christmas gnomes and started force fucking my pussy with his hat. Shoving inside of me making me fuck it. He kept saying I was such a dirty worthless fucking whore. He showed me the gnome hat and said look at how fucking wet this is, that’s how I know you want me. He start forcing his cock inside of me. Brutally fucking me, making me struggle and slowly choking myself as I started to cum on his cock. Next thing I know  I was fully dressed and in my back yard… As if nothing happened to me.. Was it a dream?


Taboo Phone Sex Confessions of Cannibalism

There is just something in the world of Taboo phone sex that gets my pussy so very wet! One specific subject that had me so excited I needed my cunt fucked hard, and that was a guy confessing to cannibalism phone sex. Can you imagine in the heat of fucking passion that your partner just uses his teeth like some mad creature and rips your neck flesh from your body? He went on about this and how he just gnawed at her breasts then savoring every salty bloodied piece of meat in his mouth.

Taboo Phone Sex

I could not imagine being the one alive and feeling… hell Witnessing… my own flesh being ripped away and devoured like some crazy predatory alien species. I would like to hear your stories of cannibalistic endeavors.

Not Tonight

Torture phone sex You want some accomplice phone sex? I would be more then happy to go and get that little ex bitch of yours. We can pick her up and make her suffer for leaving you. Every time I hit that bitch in the mouth and she spits out blood your cock gets harder and harder. I am used to being you dirty little fucking whore slave but tonight I am making this bitch suffer for you. I will take some barbed wire and wrap it around her fucking whore throat and choke that bitch as shes telling you that your cock was the best and how sorry she was for being a fucking dirty skank. I love seeing her eyes turn red and pop out her skull. Aww, it hurts? Good you fucking little cock teasing whore. This is going to end any time soon so we will let you bleed out for a while and we will be back.

Snuff phone sex with Ivy

Snuff phone sex

Living in the city of sin I get to just sit and people watch. You can really find some good victims here. They are all way too drunk, and way too willing to party. I was at a casino just watching people and sipping on my long island ice tea. I get turned on watching these drunken sluts walking through. So many have beautiful bodies but not the ones I am looking for. Finally she found me. Crawling on the ground between the slots she grabbed my leg and thought I was her friend.  I helped her up off ground and played along with her. As soon as we got to my car she was black out drunk. So easy to get her all way to my house. We stumbled around but I finally got her into the shower.

Cannibalism phone sex

She tried to fight me off but I hit her in the face a few good times. She was thick in all the right places. She was going to cook well.. Just thinking about smelling her slowly cooking in my oven made my pussy so fucking wet. I sat on her face and started rubbing my cunt against her. Smothering her with my pussy until I squirted down her fucking face. She was still passed out cold until I started prepping her. I love spicy food, so when I poured half the bottle into her pussy and asshole she felt it. But that isn’t going to be anything compared to sitting in the big oven and slowly baking to death! 

Snuff Porn Sacrificing a Virgin

This biker whore is all about the snuff porn videos she is instrumental in creating and finding the victims is only part of the excitement. This time I chose to visit a local charity event put on by a Church just knowing there will be the perfect piece of innocent and pure virginal meat to abduct. Always a do good, church going primadonna in need of real life enlightening will be in attendance at these functions, and they will always approach the biker whore she feels needs to be saved.

Approached, as expected by the busy body little woman that wreaked of purity and posed the pristine picture of a fucking virgin with pent up angst due to that lack of arousal, and penetration. Smiling to myself I accepted her presence and managed to get her to come away and talk to me. With a rag and some chloroform I subdued her quietly and walked her to my car. Arriving at the warehouse where we do the filming I noticed her starting to stir.

In the warehouse on site of where we film I slice her clothes off with my knife inspecting her I jam a few fingers up her hairy snatch. Yes, a virgin it would seem by her distress and tightness of her cunt. I laugh and call to Bruno to come see our latest victim. The 6’5″ Norwegian approaches from around the corner with his butchers apron on. His massive 9″ long with a 6″ girth cock starts to twitch and become fully erect as he gazes at the whore I have strapped to the beams on the wall. Her legs are spread and arms above her head, and a look of terror in those pathetic prudish eyes.

Snuff Porn

He approaches her and slaps her in the face as the camera’s are rolling he begins to pull her from the bound position she was in and throws her to the ground demanding her to her knees. His hard prick ready to deflower the cunt as I position my large black strap-on cock to take and ass rape porn that tight bum. We begin to invade her holes as she screams and fights us. Laughing as he fills her virginal snatch with his seed I throw a black hood over her head with a noose and he pulls the rope until we hear a snap.

Tossing her used body into the incinerator Bruno and I rub the blood from her violated cunt and fornicate.


Snuff Porn Auction: What Price Would Pay to Kill Me?

snuff pornEver hear of a snuff porn auction? It is where you are sold to the highest bidder for whatever sick depraved thing they want to do to you. I owed my dealer a lot of money. He was no longer content with exchanging blow for my well used cunt and ass. I promised him I had his money, but I didn’t. I was desperate for a fix so I lied. I was sure he would settle on fucking me in exchange because I let him do anything he wants like piss on me, smack me around, rough anal…. He can even share me with his friends. He smacked me hard, put a collar and chain on me, then dragged me into the back of his van. I thought he was going to take me for a gang bang, share me with his friends. Where we ended up was what I thought was a burnt out warehouse awaiting demolition. I needed a fix, so I went with him without a struggle.  He led me like a dog down a cement staircase. Honestly, I was a bit scared. I had really pissed him off. He is not the sort of man you want to piss off either. When we reached the basement, bright lights came on. Great, I was going to have to do some dirty ass rape porn to pay off my debt. That would have been ideal in comparison. I saw a row of strung out women on leashes facing a line of scary men. No one would answer my questions, but it became clear that we were being bid on. For what, I was not sure. That was the scary thought. Was this like those Hostel movies? Women are kidnapped and sold to the highest bidder to live out their dark fantasies? I swallowed my own puke at the possibility I was being sold to die. Everything happened so quickly, but I was bought by a foreign man for $5,000. Now I am his, awaiting my fate in a small cage. Will I be a fuck doll? Will I be a torture doll? Or maybe I will be a snuff doll? If you bought me and could do anything you wanted to me, what would it be?

Ass rape porn

ass rape porn

I met this guy who is really kinky and doesn’t seem to have limitations on what he finds as to much or disgusting he will do it all , he indeed is a freak. He invited me to his warehouse which is a building just full of toys and props everything and anything needed to have crazy ass wild kinky sex. I arrive a the front door where I am greeted and instructed to remove all articles of clothing. Then I am chained by the hands and feet and guided into a room where a Crain then lifts me up by chain. I dangle naked in the room allowing him to see my freshly shaven legs my bald pinky pussy and my perky tits. Then he decided to give me a lecture on how sometimes pain is often the most kinkiest of all sex. I didn’t think much of it at first since he has whipped me and paddled me and pretty much bit me and I just couldn’t see anything more he could do to me. He pulled out a box where he then laid it directly on top of a table, grabbing a key to unlock the two locks he has on the box allowing me to see the contents of the box. It was a huge metal dildo that appeared to be smooth all the way through but it had different head pieces.

One head piece was just a six inch mushroom head, then a mushroom head with thick screw like groves then one that had little metal ball bearings. I laughed since I thought he was playing with me since there was no way a twenty inch dildo that was six inches wide could fit inside my tiny tight pussy. The guy laughed since he said that this dildo was meant for my ass hole. He positioned the dildo directly below me, he pulled the chains that controlled my feet so that I couldn’t fight back by kicking. And I began my decent to the biggest cock my shit hole will ever see. I could feel my shit hole tearing as this dildo did its best to make it all the way inside of me. I could feel a heavy burn followed by a painful tear as this metal cock made its way in. I screamed in pain begging him to stop.

All you could hear was my screams and my chains rattling around as my ass hole stretched. I could feel blood pouring out of my ass and down my legs I continued to scream since this dildo was literally splitting me in half, once the metal cock hit seven inches I could feel my intestines stretching open and wanting to burst. Then I felt the cock begin to slip out which In fact hurt way more since my shit hole was torn open. I couldn’t believe my eyes this dildo made my shit hole prolapse and my intestine was coming out of my ass. I screamed In horror as I saw the bloody dildo finally make its exit. The man then switched the head for the one with the screw like groves.

I begged the man crying in desperation to let me go before the damage is to late but he didn’t listen. I was then lowered onto the metal cock again this time the head spun this time acting like a screw since it went in with out a problem since it was drilling its way through my anus. Blood shot out like a tomato in a blender spraying all over the floor, my insides where in pain since I could feel the groves tearing through my skin tearing its way from my asshole to my pussy. My insides were raw and carved up by the groves of this metal cock. When the dildo was removed chunks of flesh and blood and God knows what began to fall out of my gapping hole. Leaving not only a puddle of blood but blended up pussy and ass hole. I shook in pain and fear wondering what more could happen.

I began to feel light headed and began to black out from the pain and the blood loss. The next cock head was the one with ball bearings. I felt the icy dildo slide back in this time not hurting as bad since it had room and I waited for the ball bearing to pinch or scrape but they didn’t move I felt a sense of relieve until minutes later I felt the dildo getting warm, then hot then scorching. I screamed crying , for my life I was In so much pain. The ball bearings heated the dildo until it was read orange since the metal was extremely hot I felt the hot burn just torch all the skin it touched , the room smelled awful like burnt skin. I kicked and screamed pulling on all the chains I even tried biting my arms off since the pain was so awful. My arms bleed and pieces of flesh were missing until finally it was no use the dildo was going to burn right through me.

I sat on the red hot cock as it made its way deeper and deeper inside of me until it burnt me alive from the inside out until the cock made its way out the top of head melting all the flesh and blood and bone. I guess this was one cock way to big for me to handle.

Home Invasion Phone Sex

Home invasion phone sexIt’s dark, raining and there is a chill in the air. I feel as though there is someone watching me. The hair on the back of my neck is standing up. The power goes out and my heartbeat quickens. I hear a sound in the bedroom, frightened, I freeze. When I get the nerve to move forward down the hall, I am grabbed from behind and choked out.

When I came to, I awoke in my bedroom, tied to each bedpost and unable to move. There was a ball gag in my mouth. Three men were going through my things while one stood over me, naked and stroking his cock. He called to the others, “The whore is awake.” Before I knew, four masked men were sticking their cocks in every whole I had. I was being choked and every hole I had was being stretched to bleeding. I screamed, they laughed and one slapped my face with such force my eyes watered instantly. With each hole filled and immense pain throughout my body, I wanted to beg them to kill me. As though they could hear my thoughts, once I was covered in jizz, I saw a butcher knife and could hear the sound of my throat being cut just as I lost consciousness.

Violent phone sex