Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Torture sex

torture sex

My car broke down on the side of the road and to my surprise my phone was dead as well. I had no choice but to either hitch hike or walk home. I maybe walked a mile from where my car had broke down when a stranger pulled up next to me in his car. He asked if I needed a ride home since,” I looked like I could use a ride.” I said no hoping he would go away. He smiled at me for a while and said, “I understand you can’t trust any one now days especially with everything you see on the news.

I laughed and told him that he indeed was correct. I waived good bye at him as I watched him drive off down the road. It was beginning to become dark outside and I was still maybe three miles away from my home. I heard a weird noise but I continued to walk forward. Suddenly I felt a large person grab me by the mouth and a sharp pain in my neck. I awakend some hours later in a truck tied and gagged. When I looked to see who the accuser was, I was surprised to see that it was the same man that tired to offer me a ride earlier.

The man pulled over into the woods near by and made his way down a dirt path. I was so scared since I had no idea of what was about to happen. I felt my body shaking as the man began to touch me. He began touching my bald pussy trying to work his fingers inside of me. I tried pushing him away from me but he just got upset and began hitting me non stop. His fest made my eyes and face bleed like crazy. I was then fucked in the back seat of his truck, he had me do all kinds of positions while I was tied up.

He made me take his cock in all of my holes, he had no problem stretching them out or filling them up. Once he was done getting his cock wet, he tied me up side down on a tree. A bag was placed over my head so I couldn’t see and he made a tiny slit around my throat. Gravity just made my blood flow out all over the place, I was getting everything covered from the amount I was bleeding. Then I felt the bag around my face get wet .The pillow cushion was absorbing all the blood making it almost impossible to breathe.

The stranger watched me drown to death as my body wiggled all over the place while I was suspended in the air. The words I’m sorry were carved into my chest and my corpse was left there to rot. I guess the moral of the story is always have a phone charger.

Suffocation Phone Sex with Marley

Suffocation phone sexHe had me tied with my forearms together behind my back and each leg bound to its thigh. He carried me just like that from his van to the bank of a nice-sized river, then settled me on my knees. It was painful, having to adjust my body around the bonds to settle down how he wanted me to. He had duct tape over my mouth, and when he walked around with a knife, I tried so hard to scream that he backhanded me with his free hand. He pulled my hair back hard and raised that knife to my mouth as tears streamed down my cheeks. The knife slipped across the duct tape, slashing a hole neatly where my mouth was. I started to try to beg for him to let me go, when he pulled his cock out and stuffed it down my throat. With the knife still in his hand, I didn’t dare try anything. Soon enough, he pulled his cock out of his throat and bent me forward so that my face was on the ground, and he shoved his cock into my dry cunt, tearing it a bit. I cried out, which I immediately regretted. He picked me up on his cock, moved us just to the edge of the lake, and settled me back down with my face in the water, his hand pressing me down into it. I struggled to keep the water from getting into my lungs. I held my breath as long as I could. Finally, I started to feel the water enter my lungs, even as his thrusts behind me got harder and faster. He was close to cumming, and my body was close to drowning. I prayed that he would let me get some air soon, but his body started spasming behind me. The last thing I felt was his jizz spurting up into me.

Strangulation Phone Sex – Stuffed

I knew the moment that his car pulled up beside me that I was in trouble. The car was old, almost decrepit, but the windows were nice and new-looking, clean, tinted so that you couldn’t see inside. I took off running, of course, but he drove the car into my side as I tried to veer away. As I was recovering, he got out of the car and made it to my side, lifting me up and all but throwing me into his passenger seat. Once he slammed the door, and I tried to open it, I realized that it was impossible. There was no handle, no opening mechanism at all. It had been completely removed. The only way to open it was through the outer handle, and the window mechanisms were also missing.

When he got me where he wanted me, he drug me out, tied me down with my head hanging off the end of a table, and proceeded to smack me around some for causing him any trouble. Then, he held a knife to my throat and told me to open my mouth. When, I did, he rammed his cock deep into my throat, cutting off my air. I felt his hands go around my throat and start squeezing to intensify the tightness around his shaft as he fucked me. I felt one of his hands move and twist a nipple til it felt like it tore right off of my body before his hand returned to my throat. I could feel my life slipping away with every thrust of his cock into my throat, even as I felt his cock swelling and getting harder as he got closer and closer to cumming…Strangulation phone sex

More Snuff Phone Sex for 2017

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex is the perfect way to start off the New Year. My only resolution this year was to wreck more havoc. I want to kill more people. I want to dismember more folks. I want to up the torture and the pain. I want to castrate more men. I want to kidnap and destroy more little ones. I want to get more revenge. I want to put more losers out of their misery and ours. I want to see more blood and guts. I want to hear more cries and pleas. I want to consume more flesh. I want to ruin more lives. I want to fuck with people’s heads more. I want to kill more for profit. I want to kill ore for pleasure. You get the picture, right? I want a lot of snuff sex. So far, 2017 is looking like a great year. At the stroke of midnight last night, I killed my first victim for 2017. A precious little blonde angel. I saw her so sweet and innocent at the mall. Her adult companion was paying more attention to his phone than his angel. I rescued her but she had to die after what my accomplice did to her tender little body. He wanted to ring in the new year inside the tightest pussy and ass he ever had, so I gave him what he wanted.  For a price of course; a very hefty price. You have to pay for your naughty taboo predilections. But, think about it. If I am your accomplice, you can do whatever you want to whomever you want whenever you want. I even do the clean up and disposal for you.  You have all the fun but I take the risk. Something tells me I will be hearing from you soon.

Taboo Phone Sex: I Spread Holiday Fear, Not Cheer

taboo phone sexWhat are your taboo phone sex fantasies? I consider myself a sick therapist of sorts. I help men explore their dark desires. The ones that could get them arrested or committed to an insane asylum; maybe even killed. The holidays are lonely times for losers. You will not get a sympathetic ear if you call me crying about nobody loving you or whining about how awful your life turned out. I will, however, be likely to encourage you to off yourself or at the very least let me kill you. The holidays fill you with sadness, but they fill me with murderous rage. I am easily pissed off as it is, but you add crowds, holiday cheer and shopping to the mix and I want to get a semi automatic gun and unleash on a mall full of self absorbed assholes. Instead, I  take my rage out on you. The pathetic loser who calls me baby or asks me what I am wearing in a futile attempt to bond. I don’t bond. I kill. I can smell fear and desperation through the phone. It gives me a girl hard on because I like to fuck up losers who think I give a crap about them. I don’t have a lonely hearts phone sex line. I have a snuff sex line. It is very therapeutic to kill you. I bet it would be therapeutic for you to die too. I clearly need to kill and maim more, because I flew in a rage over one of those annoying Salvation Army dudes ringing his damn bell. I kicked him in the balls and shoved his bell up his ass while a crowd gathered by and watched. Why? Because the sight of one of those mother fuckers is just a reminder that it’s fucking Christmas. I hate Christmas. Want to find some little soul or annoying twat waffle and spread fear instead of cheer with me?

Snuff Porn Selfie Whores

snuff pornSnuff porn is better than a sappy ass chick flick any day. Don’t you agree? I decided I would make my own  little snuff chick flick. I know some guys who pay good money for jailbait whores. I decided to help some friends out while making a movie that would make me feel good and bring me some extra holiday money. Teen girls are self absorbed. I told a few teen twats at the mall that I was a casting scout for a movie being filmed locally. They believed my bullshit. Had them meet me at this old house I inherited years ago. It’s a snuff sex paradise there. Middle of nowhere. No one can hear the screams. Lots of places to dump bodies. The girls thought they were in a horror movie so they never even questioned the locale. Stupid whores.  I gave them drinks which drugged them up. My male friends force fucked the whores for hours. Fucked their asses, mouths and cunts. Tore their fuck holes up too.  These are the girls of the duck lips generation. They cock tease all the boys, so only fair they got fucked good and hard. Perfect teen bodies. Tight, lean with pink pussies. They were red pussies by time my friends finished ravishing them. After the teen whores were covered in cum, it was my turn. I scarred up their faces with a razor blade first. Sliced up their faces they take a million pictures of weekly. I mutilated their sex organs. It was very bloody. I imagine quiet painful for them too by the tears in their eyes. They were alive after a few hours of torture, but barely. Bloody messes. My male friends shot another load a piece on their bodies before I got out my chainsaw and dismembered them. I like to spread body parts all over the state to confuse the cops. No one looks hard for a self entitled selfie teen anyway. Not even her parents.

Sometimes Snuff Porn is Better than Torture Sex

snuff pornSnuff porn is not just all about young coeds. Most of the snuff films I have seen involve young school girls, but there is a market out there for mommy and MILF snuff films too. I know. I am always told I deserve to die for being a piece of shit whore. My drug dealer took a hit out on me recently because of all the money I owe him. I knew it was just a matter of time before my dead corpse was rotting in an alley dumpster. The sad thing is no one will know I am missing. Well, they won’t care that I am missing. I am trying to stay hidden in this underground dungeon club. It may be safe from my dealer, but it is not safe. The male members of this club are into torture sex. I have been hiding out here for days now and I wish I was dead. It is a miracle I am alive with all the sick things they have been doing to me. Some of what they have done makes shitting in my mouth seem approved for the Disney Channel. One guy took pleasure in fucking my ass with a broken dirty beer bottle. I can still feel shards of glass stuck inside my asshole. Another man made me drink a mixture of maggots and cum. I puked it up, then had to lick it back up. Another sadist put a sewer rat up my cunt and stitched my pussy lips together. The rodent clawed at my cunt for hours making me bleed from the inside out. I know I am safe from my dealer here. He would never come to such a sick depraved place, but I may not make it out alive at this rate. I am disease ridden, bloody, infected and ruined.  A bullet to the head is welcomed at this point.

Knife Play Phone Sex with Marley

Knife play phone sexI awoke to a harsh, driving pain in my side. I couldn’t recognize my surroundings, what little I could see of them in the dim light and from my angle. I went to move my hand to comfort my side, only to realize I was restrained. I felt the pain in my side erupt again, and paid attention to it. It was the feeling of a blade being drawn back out of a stab wound. I had felt that before, and it drove my blood through my veins at double the rate. I tried to scream, only to realize that my mouth was taped shut. It wouldn’t do me any good to scream anyway, it seemed. The best I could make out, I was in a sealed room that looked to be made of rock or stone.

A slap across my face drew my attention to my attacker. He had a huge grin on his face as he reprimanded me for not immediately focusing on him as my superior in every way, instead of exploring my environment. I watched as that knife found its way into my side again, this time piercing one of my kidneys. I felt his hand drive into my cunt, wide open and in full. The tears poured out of me as I screamed and writhed from the pain he was putting me through. Then, I saw the knife flash upward, above my chest, only to be driven down, just below where my sternum ends. I struggled to breathe, but he drew it up again, forcing his hand deeper into me as he stabbed lower. He did this again and again, driving the knife into me lower and lower with every move, until he finally buried it to the hilt in my uterus. I wanted to die, but he wasn’t done with me yet.

Fuck Doll

Bloody phone sexI love being a good little fuck doll. I love being tied up, down, anyway that I am wanted and having the shit fucked out of me. Use my body as your cum dumpster. Choke me, slap me, beat me, kill me, I am yours to choose what to do with. My life and body is yours to use and to dispose of. I want to be your cum whore, I want to be filled with cum while you beat me bloody. I want you to end my useless life, and then fuck my dead body; I want you to get your fill out of me, any way that you think is best. I am forever your willing slut to use.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies – Kidnapped

Murder phone sex fantasiesHis voice chilled me to my very bone. He had called twice before, issuing what I had thought were empty threats by way of prank phone calls. But, this time, I had chills going up and down my spine.

*3 days later*

He grabbed me after I left the grocery store. He has me tied up in the back seat of his car, and I have no idea where he’s taking me. I am so scared!! Oohh, we’re stopping! Please let there be people around!!! No!!!! No people, only trees!! Why?!

He’s carried me to a clearing, and oh gods!! He’s cutting my clothes off with a knife!! He’s crushing me, and … ahhhhhh, that hurts!! I think he ripped my cunt open!! I can’t scream with this damned gag!! Why is he doing this to me?! Oh god, my lungs!! He’s crushing my chest; his hands are so big, and his fists are just crushing my chest!!! I think that’s a broken….Yep, that’s a broken rib!! Someone please help me?! What’s that? Oh, please gods, NO!! Please? I can’t breathe. I can’t…