Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Murder phone sex fantasies Langley



Murder phone sex Fantasies are one of my favorite pass times!

I had one that got me off so hard, I think I might have to send my work bench to be refinished…

I was at a bar, and of course, all my friends had left me there, by myself…. Poor me, right? Right. So I was pretty buzzed when this hot guy sat beside me, and started talking with me. We had a wonderful conversation, with so much in common! As we smiled and laughed, trading stories, his hand laid upon my thigh. My nipples shot out so very hard, and I was very aware of how wet I had become!

Needless to say, he came home with me! I was so horny, and so excited! But, as I walked through the door, a pain exploded behind my eyes, and everything went black…

I came to in my shop, naked but for my panties, and very strapped down! I could barely squeak around the gag in my mouth. There was that hot guy, standing over me, smiling so wickedly! Naked, and rock hard, he moved around my shop, opening drawers, examining shelves… I was crying, begging for my life with all I had, but it didn’t faze him. It seemed nothing would.

When he rolled my little table over to me, full of all things I owned out there with a blade, my blood froze! I couldn’t breathe for the terror gripped my throat so tightly!

Faster than my eyes could follow, he grabbed my curved skinning knife and slammed it deep into my pelvic bone! I screamed and screamed, choking on my own saliva-drenched tongue. I barely drew a breath before another slammed into the other side of my bone, shattering it to pieces within me. I started to black out from the pain, but a jolt from my own fucking tazer brought all new pain and awareness.

He was now holding my jigsaw, looking at the blade adoringly. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…

He turned it on, and with his eyes looking deep into mine, slipped it through my flesh from hip-to-hip like a bot knife through butter. Small bits and pieces of me flew from the blade, splattering wetly all over his naked body, the walls, the ceiling. Pieces of my meat, my organs, everywhere.

As I cried, choking on my own fluids, and shaking from the deep cold only shock can bring, I could barely feel his hard cock stroking through my internal organs like a sickly wet pocket pussy.

As the last of my life drained from my body, and his hand playing at my mangled, missing pussy, I heard him come in my bloody body cavity…

Undeserving Whore Gets Decapitated

Violent Phone Sex

Walking through the mountain path, I stayed on my guard for mountain lions, which had been attacking people lately. I would have gone another way home, but this was quickest and I was in a hurry. A low rumble stirred from the bushes ahead as I stumbled upon exactly what I feared- a mountain lion! I let out a scream and tried to keep a big boulder between me and the beast, in hopes it would get bored and leave. Although, this was not the case. With one powerful pounce, the snarling creature cleared the boulder and pinned me down. Digging its powerful jaws into my shoulder, it began to drag me off the path. Bone crushing pain surged through my body. I struggled and screamed for help, but I could not break free. Just as I thought I would be dragged off and never found again, a rugged looking wild man burst through the bushes wielding a large sword and a can of bear mace. With a flying kick, he knocked the mountain lion off of me. The mace stung its eyes as it ran off through the trees. Blood still pouring from the bite mark, crying, I asked the man what I could do to repay him. Without a word, he dropped his pants, trying to get me to suck his dick. Shocked that he would suggest such a thing when I was so badly injured, I refused and demanded he take me to a hospital or call an ambulance for me. This did not bode well with the man. He grabbed me by the throat and forced his sweaty cock into my mouth. I bit down to get him off, but this was also the wrong choice. Looking angrier than ever, he kicked me in the chest, knocking me to the ground. He pulled out his sword and hacked off my head as revenge for his bleeding dick before fucking my dead body. I was an undeserving whore.

Raped in an Alley

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

I was always told never to walk alone at night, but I was never a good listener. Walking home from my friend’s house was risky through that part of town, but I like danger I guess. I cut through an alley that took off about 10 minutes from my trip. I heard rustling behind me, but I could not see anyone when I turned around. Figuring it was just the wind, I looked forward again just to run right into a hooded man. He knocked me down and climbed on top of me. Frightened, I squirmed and fought my way out from under him. I tried to run, but he grabbed me, this time knocking my head into the side of the dumpster. Everything went blurry for a minute. Grabbing my ankles, he dragged me closer to him and pulled out a knife. I was still dazed from the blow to the head, so I couldn’t fight him off this time. Cutting a hole in the crotch of my pants, he whipped out his cock and started fucking me furiously. Then I felt an awful, sharp pain right in my stomach. He had sunk the blade right into me! Blood trickled from the wound, but he started stabbing me just as furiously as he was fucking me. Screaming as he fucked and knifed me at the same time, he pulled out and blew his load over my sputtering wounds before running off into the night.

Accomplice phone sex Torture of a Bitch

Accomplice phone sex

We took a woman hostage. She was young, maybe 20 and a real bitch, that’s why we took her to begin with. She was mouthing off to my friend in a line at the movies. We snatched her while the theater was dark. She was going to scream but the knife in her ribs made her think otherwise.
We got her to his house, stripped her and immediately shoved a butt plug in her ass. She was screaming and yelling to let her go and asking if we know who she is. Neither of us cared. He took each of her wrists and wrapped rope around them, they were attached to a pulley on the ceiling and he hoisted her off the ground with a nice jerk. She screamed as one of her arms was jerked upwards the wrong direction, dislocating it. He clamped her nipples with a dress pants hanger; they pinched so hard it looked like her nipples would come off. He did the same with her clit. She was endlessly screaming so he told her if she made one more sound other than ones she was told to make he would cut out her voice box.
He took out all his stress and frustrations out on her body. With a large wooden paddle he cracked her across the ass very hard many times. As her skin started to turn deep purple, his hardening cock would get even more visible through his pants. He took the clamp off of her clit and she made a half scream, but remembered his threat. He put cuffs around each ankle and hoisted them into the air. Her body suspended, face down, he quickly jabbed the knife into her throat cutting her voice box. He laughed, “That’ll shut you up you fucking bitch.”
The torture continues next time….

Snuff Sex With a Useless Whore

So your looking to take some sexual aggression out on a worthless whore are you? I’m just the prey, bait, or submissive whore that you desire. My big fake tits are always the target for a lot of torture as in my ass and cunt. I’m always falling into situations beyond my control and end up being left for dead or in the E.R. after some stranger finds me and takes their use of me first, even in my tattered fucked up form.

Snuff Sex

Let me be your fuck doll for all your twisted desires to be acted out upon. My mere existence is as a useless whore and always in need of some form of rape phone sex fantasies to be acted out on me to really make me come.

I’m going to cum from this eventually…ending

Mutilation phone sex

After we broke her hip joints from jumping on her knees my ex started to randomly cut up and dismantle her. The head came off first and he sat and stared at it for a while, then suddenly started to skull fuck the head. I had heard the term before but haven’t seen it in the flesh.
He looked directly at me while he was doing his skull fucking and said to me…”I’m going to cum from this eventually.” And let out the most horrific laugh I have ever heard. I began to shake from all out realization that this was really happening. At first it felt like a dream or haze, not real…but it is very real and I don’t know what to do. I am frozen with fear. He shoots a load into the skulls mouth and then turns it around and hands it to me. Even more frozen I can’t take it from his hands and drop it. As it hits the floor the cum splatters out onto the floor and my ex looks at me and with the most insidious look, turns…grabs a large machete and cuts the body down the middle and says “My cum was going to be your lunch, now it’s guts. Enjoy.”

Off with her head


Met some guy from the internet, it was my first time doing it. I’m a little older and online dating isn’t something I have done in the past. He had a big creepy house, which should have been my first clue. I thought, well not everyone can afford to paint and junk, so I took a chance.Snuff phone sex

As bad of idea as that was, I knocked on his door. He opened it wearing an apron, and I thought cool, dinner. There was a lot chemistry between us, and I was wanting to get fucked, so I made a move.

We went and sat on the couch, making out lead to getting naked. We played on the couch, and it was great sex. He was huge and hard and couldn’t seem to get enough. He told me it was his goal to make me cum first. My pussy was wet and throbbing I came more than once. He fucked my ass, my mouth, my pussy. I could tell he was getting close to cumming himself so I started to clench my pussy muscles. He is fucking me so hard, I have my eyes screwed shut…then I open them…he has a giant axe up over his head, he swings it down and my head is on the floor looking up at my severed neck.

Snuff sex

I see him pull out, and he grabs my hair, with my head in mid air, he cums on my face and in my mouth, my mind goes to black. Dead, he continues to fuck my mouth. Dropping my head like it was trash; he grabs the shoulders of my dead body and starts to fuck the hole in my beheaded neck.

I sit up; startled from sleep…it was a dream. Why are there marks on my neck?

Murder phone sex Fantasies, fuck me with a knife

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Master has me in his playroom. He straps me down to the metal table naked. Him and one of his friend’s start rubbing on me. They work their way down to my already wet cunt hole. They begin to finger me. Once my tight pussy is soaking wet they begin their fun.

They start by fucking me with a broom stick. It hurts. They ram it deep into my cunt. I scream out in pain. They take away the broom stick to replace it with the handle of a thick brush. They shove that in and out of my tight wet hole as well.

Master starts to fist fuck me now. He shoves his whole fist deep inside of my stretching bald cunt. I begin to cry. He punches his fist inside me over and over.

I think he is done when he takes his fist out. I am wrong. His friend takes a knife. I think he is going to fuck me with the handle. Wrong again. He stabs my soaking wet cunt hole. Over and over he slices my tight pussy. I beg him to stop.

Everything goes dark. My pussy is gushing out blood as he fucks me harder with the blade. I feel myself grow cold as my bloody pussy betrays me as I squirt out my juices onto his knife.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex: Dr. Death

So my BFF, a dude, works in the morgue of an hospital that happens to have a botch job of a Neurologist Surgeon. My medical fetish phone sex needs get so stoked when I hear about another victim of this fucking tool that talks really big of himself, he’s a total fraud and so fucking arrogant.

I decided the other day to start flirting with this arrogant ass and see how far I could get with him. Jordan, (my bff), wanted to perform a lobotomy on the creep with my assistance in botching that. We were going to have some fun with this arrogant dick. I lure him to the morgue and tell him I want to play nurse with him and one of the corpses. We get to the basement and as soon as the elevator opens Jordan is waiting with a baseball bat which he bashes Dr. Death in the head with. He has a strong swing and the great doctors’ head nearly explodes as he stumbles backwards bashing head into the frame of the elevator.

Blood, skull fragments and brain matter is everywhere and standing over him watching the blood hemorrhaging from his head was a complete fucking turn on. I knelt in the crimson stickiness and started smearing it on me I leaned in and kissed his filthy fucking brain before getting up. I turned to Jordan and noticed he had the biggest boner I grabbed him and pulled him down and we just started fucking right in the mess of blood and brain matter getting it all over our naked bodies as we fucked in the hospitals’ morgue.


Sex with dead bodies

The room is quiet and a little cold. My nipples are hard and makes my nipples rings feel tight and aching. Everything is still; I remove the sheet and climb on top. It’s hard, but won’t stay that way. I squat over the hard cock and start to bounce up and down. Playing with my clit, this is so hot. I pull on one of my nipple rings and bounce even harder.
Suddenly the door opens. “What are you doing in here this is a morgue!” he says. As he approaches, he starts to look aroused. His hands are on my ass helping me get fucked by this stiff cock. He moves my hand from my clit and starts to play. “This has been a fantasy for years.” He says. Cum you dead body fucking, slut. His finger goes up my ass and I start to cum just like that. “I knew that would make you cum, whore. There are 10 more bodies in here with rigor, you better get going.”

Sex with dead bodies