Week III Seven Deadly Sins Conclusion of Envy

Ass rape porn

We’ve taken the envious bitch to the basement dungeon and bound her to an ass fucking bench. My guy doesn’t intend on releasing her, she is just going to be anyone’s ass slave that he wants to let have her. It’s my job to feed and give her water because she is tied to the ass bench 24/7.
Every now and then my guy goes down there and I hear her whimpering and crying. This last time he had me come with him, he told me she was about to get sutures. I was confused by that… thinking he might be sewing a wound. We got down there and she started crying right away, my guy slapped her face and told her to shut the fuck up. She did but tears were streaming down her face. He started to release the straps holding her down to the bench, he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder and carried her to a table and strapped her down again, legs wide. He went over to the workbench he has and grabbed a large U-shaped needle and some very thick thread almost string really. Without any numbing or knocking her out, he started to sew her pussy lips together, she screamed her head off as the needle began to pierce her skin. Irritated he quickly grabbed a towel and jammed it into her mouth and said “Fuck it’s hard to concentrate with that fucking screaming and shit. Shut up bitch.” The needle went through again and her whole body tightened up against the pain. The towel was stuffed into her mouth enough that should couldn’t make a sound anymore except whimpers. When he was done he explained to me, clearly so she could hear it, that he was going to be leaving her sewn up and make little cuts in her pussy lips now and then so they would heal together and close off her clit area forever. Her eyes got wide in the realization that she wasn’t going anywhere. My guy lets any cock that is interested use her ass with no pleasure for her clit ever again. He took a marker and wrote on a piece of big paper “Envy is the art of wanting what isn’t yours. The grief comes from losing something you’ve already had.” He laid the paper on the floor and put the bitch back on the ass fucking bench so she could be reminded why she was here in this situation.

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