Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Master, I Want it Harder

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

Master made me strip naked and wait for him with my ass out and ready for his cock. I pulled my cheeks apart when I heard him coming close. Spread wide, I felt his hands explore my pussy and ass as he fingered both holes. He smacked my ass hard, making me squeal. After a few whacks, he grabbed a paddle and spanked me with it until I was red and sore. In between each slap, I had to tell him that I want it harder. And he always complied with that request, regardless that it wasn’t actually what I wanted. When I don’t ask for more, the punishments become much worse, so I know better than to beg for mercy.

But sometimes, fate decides the punishment for me. Something must have made him very upset that day, because I felt a knife pierce through my back. Even still, I choked out, I want it harder! Stab after stab, I asked to get it harder. The blood poured down from my body, pooling around my knees. Filling my lungs, the blood came up from my throat as I coughed. This time, I was no longer able to ask for it harder, as I had lost consciousness, barely clinging to life. In a fit of fury, he dug the knife through my neck, cutting my spinal cord and brain stem. Time for a new slave.

Snuff Sex Death

snuff sexSnuff sex Cassandra is my handle in a few fetish online chat rooms I belong too. It is because I have fantasies about dying. Some of my fantasies are inspired by my callers. I have some sick twisted regulars. One of my most creative callers recently did a call with me that had me bragging in one of the chat rooms about wanting to die in just such a fashion. He was a mad scientist of sorts creating new drugs. Killer drugs. I was a sex slave thus he could legally test his drugs on me like I was a lab rat. I woke up strapped down with him injecting his drug into me. When I protested he reminded me I was a sub human. I asked questions. I wanted to know what was going to happen to me, but he was vague with the details. He shot a needle in my arm. Nothing happened. When he hooked up an industrial sized vibrator to my pussy, I thought this was like a female enhancement trial. No such luck for a blonde bimbo slave. It was a death drug. When I came, my heart would stop beating. Death by orgasm. A hot and terrifying concept. I tried not to cum. I tried to think of horrible things so I wouldn’t cum.  I couldn’t. I am a pain slut. I am a snuff porn junkie. I resisted for as long as I could but the intensity was too strong. I came. I felt my heart seizing up like some one was on the inside squeezing it. Within minutes of cumming, I was dead. Wouldn’t it be great to die by orgasm? Sure, your dead, but what a way to go.  If you want to snuff me, which I know you do, make me cum to death.

Even Pretty Women Can Be Evil

Accomplice Phone Sex

Home all alone for the weekend, all the doors and windows were locked. And I knew better than to let any strange men into my house. That’s when I heard a knock on the door. I peeked through the window and saw a nice looking lady outside. So I opened up to see what she wanted. She said her car had broken down, and her husband and little ones were waiting for her at home. They would be worried when she didn’t show up, and her phone had died. With a smile, I let her use the phone in our kitchen. The instant I turned my back to her, she grabbed my small body and held a cloth over my face. It smelled funny, and then all of a sudden, things began to fade.

When I woke up, I was tied down and naked, ass up. Looking around, I saw that I was still at home. That’s when I saw the woman, now dressed in a dominatrix outfit, and a strange man was now in the house as well. I tried to scream, but my mouth was gagged. The man instructed the woman to take a cane and whip me with it on my bare ass until it was red and raw. With each lash, I cried out in pain. Fighting my restraints was useless- they had been expertly secured and there was absolutely no wiggle room. When my cheeks were so red that I could feel the heat radiating off of them, the woman stopped as the man came up and forced his hard cock inside my cunt. Wrapping his hands around my throat, he strangled me until things started to fade again, this time for real, as he blew his load inside me. They left my naked, dead body tied up as they made their escape.

Through the Meat Grinder

Cannibalism Phone Sex

Captured by cannibals, I squealed like a pig from fear. Rattling against the cage they had locked me in, I tried with all my might to loosen the door, but it wouldn’t budge. My wrists were in shackles, chained together. I was in a cold, damp basement. Shivering, I cowered as a tall, scary looking man thundered his way up to my cage. Unlocking the door, he dragged me out by the shackles. I kicked and screamed as he took into a colder room with the terrifying sounds from the largest meat grinder I had ever seen in my life. The gears and blades spun at bone crushing speeds that would tear to shreds in an instant. Horrified, I kicked and tried to fight back, giving it everything I had, but it wasn’t enough. He took the chain connected the shackles and hung it on a hook suspended from the ceiling. It was only just low enough that I could barely stand on my tippy toes. Walking over to the controls, he moved some levers, causing the hook to be lifted into the air, taking me right off my feet. The hook repositioned directly over the spinning blades as I frantically tried to swing away from my impending death. Slowly, I was lowered down into the machine, feet first. The pain of my feet being crushed off was overwhelming. Although the grinder could have made mincemeat of me in seconds, he lowered me in slowly, getting off from watching me scream in pain as I felt bits of my bone and flesh being torn off from my body. I lost consciousness right before I died of blood loss and shock. Damn, he better have made one fucking good burger out of me.

Meeting The Neighborhood Cannibal

Bloody Phone Sex


Everyone in the neighborhood says you like to eat people but I didn’t believe them. You’ve only ever been very nice and friendly toward me so I just tossed it up to being a local urban legend. Obviously those were just made up stories to keep young ones out of your unfamiliar reach or lies made up by the older boys to get the little ones all worked up- no way it could be true!

I was walking past your house and you were outside doing some yard work. Me being overly friendly by nature and genuinely curious, I saw a chance to get to know you and to finally settle all those rumors as being untrue. Your body language read as excited- having this cute young piece of sweet meat wander up into your space. You invite me inside with promises of lemonade and cookies. We sit down and you begin telling me more about yourself. I started feeling a tired and lightheaded, probably from the heat. You offer your sofa to me for a rest and I fell asleep quickly without a single problem.

I eventually did wake up but I was paralyzed and gagged- tied down to the kitchen table which was dressed with one single place setting. You walk in and run down the way this evening is going to play out. You are going to eat me. Raw at first, to help you figure out the best way to season my flesh. I have tears rolling down my cheeks and you gently shush me, running a sharp knife along the inside of my thighs. You then tell me that I am going to go back to sleep for a long time now and that you don’t like the way shock and pain tastes. You inject me with some medication and the whole world goes dark.

While I am unconscious you begin cutting sample pieces off of different parts of my soft teeny body. Trying the individual cuts first helps you determine exactly how you want to cook me, if at all. After making a few decisions on which direction to take your meal this evening, you pull out a dusty copy of some  Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 1. Flipping through you find yourself salivating over the recipe for Gigot a la Moutarde- leg of lamb with mustard.

You remove my leg with a large butcher saw while I am still breathing. Then clean and shave my fresh- preparing it for seasoning. You rub 1/2 cup Dijon mustard, soy sauce, rosemary, garlic and your finest cold press olive oil over my limb in a large roasting pan. Cooking one side for 30 minutes and the other for roughly 20 more. Finally pulling the beautiful roast from the oven, it smells delicious! You sit back down at the table, pour yourself a glass of Merlot. Taking tongs and knife to pick out a selection from your masterpiece. Placing it on your plate and taking your time savoring each bite.


My young flesh is so tender-  What are you going to make out of the rest of me?



Sadistic Phone Sex

I woke up from a drug induced stupor tied to some strange contraption. Each limb was pulled in a different direction and all four were being pulled slightly behind me, making it so my torso was sticking out further than the rest of my body. Low pitched chanting hummed through the air. I tried to look around to see who the voices were coming from, but my vision was still cloudy and the room was only dimly lit by candles, aside from one flickering light which hung right above me, shining into my eyes. When my vision finally returned to normal, I could make out black, hooded figures in a circle around me. One of them was standing right in between my legs, saying something in an ancient language as the others continued their chants. Sinking a large dagger into my chest, he jammed his cock inside my pussy at the same time. He pulled out the knife and let the blood trickle down my body, eventually trailing down my arms and dripping onto the floor. Fucking me until he came inside me, the next hooded man came up and did the same. Each man there stabbed me just once, then came inside me. By the time last man stepped up, I was dizzy from the blood loss. Streams of crimson blood poured down my arms and legs, pooling on the floor around me. It seemed the blood was being funneled into one drain, like they were collecting it. For what reason, I had no clue. Barely conscious, the last knife drove its way inside my flesh as my pussy oozed cum. The last cock entering me caused the cum to gush out and drip down. I drifted to nothing as the last nut deposited itself inside my hole.

Snuff Show

Snuff Phone Sex

It was an exclusive snuff show, only allowing in the most elite members. I was tonight’s entertainment. Strapped to a giant “X,” two other girls rolled me out on the stage. Ominous music played over the speakers as the audience watched both girls dragging daggers across my skin, up and down my whole body. The men in the crowd usually brought a partner with them, so the audience soon turned into a massive orgy as they watched the violent display on stage. The girls began to slowly dig the blades deeper into my skin until they drew blood. Carving along my titties and pussy, I was becoming a bloody mess. My pain only made the masses hornier. One girl held the knife in her teeth as she spread my pussy lips so the other girl could fuck me with her dagger. The long blade plunged hilt deep inside my mutilated hole, spattering the girls face with my blood. Then, each girl sliced one of my nipples off and threw them into the crowd, making them go wild with cries of lust. The scent of my guts made the perfect perfume for this snuff show orgy as the girls slashed away at my stomach. My last sight was the sea of animalistic fucking from strangers drunk off the sight of my torture.

Accomplice To Murder

Accomplice phone sexI have a confession to make, something that I haven’t told anyone yet. A few months ago, I was an accomplice to the murder of my ex-boyfriend’s sister, she was a dirty cunt and deserved everything that happened to her! Throughout my relationship with my ex, she was always a nasty bitch to me, rude as fuck and jealous of how fucking good I look. For some reason, she was oddly overprotective of her brother and that made it really difficult for me and him to carry on our relationship. Even though we are broken up now, we have always remained close friends but his sister has been cyber-bullying me and stalking me, my ex and I knew that she had to be taken care of and it needed to happen very quickly! We wanted to be rid of her psychotic ass! While she was about to take a bath one night, my ex and I ambushed her in the bathroom and locked the door behind us so that there was no way for her to attempt an escape. He threw her in the bathtub and butchered her with a steak knife, it was quite a fucking sexy sight to see! There was blood everywhere, literally everywhere! It squirted out of her body and all on to the walls as well as all over the floor and inside of the tub. She was screaming bloody murder and begging us for mercy while he mutilated her but that didn’t phase either of us, we knew that she had to go! Once she was good and dead, to add insult to injury, my ex whipped out his rock hard cock and shoved it into her mouth, skull fucking her face as she transitioned into Hell. I loved being his naughty accomplice, we had so much fun together and fucked like crazy after we disposed of her body into the lake in their backyard!

Skinned Alive

Kinfe Play Phone Sex

I met a man online, and although I knew it was dangerous, I went to meet up with him when he invited me to his cottage in the forest. I drove through a lot of wilderness to get there, and when I arrived, I cursed myself for falling for his innocent way of making this sound like a cozy cottage, when really, this was clearly a cabin in the woods. A perfect murder scene. Despite my better judgement, I went inside anyway. He offered me a seat, then went to get me a drink. My back was to the kitchen, and when he came back, he hit me over the head with something heavy, knocking me out cold. When I woke up, I was in some sort of hunting shed, strapped down. He was standing over me, holding a long knife. He began to peel my skin from my flesh, starting down on my legs. Screaming, I thought I might pass out from the pain. There was so much blood dripping down, but not enough to kill me. I would be alive for every moment of the torture. He laughed maniacally as he stripped each section of my skin. Peeling off the skin from my tits seemed to be his favorite. He carefully outlined each breast and nipple before pulling them apart. At the end, when all my skin had been removed, he climbed onto the table with his throbbing cock in his hand. Barely conscious, I whimpered as he raped my skinless pussy. My flesh squished with each thrust. He drove the knife hilt-deep into my chest as he came, snuffing out the tiny spark of life that still remained in my mutilated flesh.

Snuff Sex Victim Needs a Lesson Taught

This fucking asshole seemed to really have snuff sex on his mind when he started calling me a cock tease. I’m sorry that I am so fucking hot and can ignore you if I fucking feel like it. I am NOT fucking obligated to take your advances and really your too fucking gross for me. It seems you did not like that I feel so superior to you, and you felt the need to teach me a lesson using strangulation phone sex techniques on me.

I tried to fight you off as you grabbed my arm, and you forced me into the men’s room where you punched me in the face knocking me to my knees. You grabbed my scarf on my waist and roughly put it around my neck yanking it making me hurt. You had me in my place as you said and forcibly face fucked me while yanking the scarf tighter gagging me and crushing my windpipe. As I was trying to get breath you shot down my throat a huge thick load of spunk that blocked my airway. Begging with my eyes and I started turning blue, they glazed over. You gave the scarf one final yank as you hear my neck crack you pull out and laugh at me as I fall to the ground.

Snuff Sex