Tag: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Screaming Brats Annoy Me

Need to annihilate some fucking brat? Got a grand to offer up for “special” sadistic phone sex babysitting services? I’m your no nonsense brat annihilator and I will go above and beyond to take care of all incriminating evidence. I guarantee you will not have to worry about that little virus anymore. In fact I have a big ole bucket of Hydrochloric acid at my “disposal” and that means we can have lots of fun with their little holes if your the perverted p daddy type. We can mess them up real good as HCL has many uses in my ways of disposing of evidence. We play with the virus’s in a porcelain tiled room and it’s cleaned up real well and the remains get dissolved, simple as that. However I do enjoy a good barbecue in the summer also. Lets create some fucking havoc and  my evil babysitter phone sex sessions are the fucking best. I love to help rich fucking perverts get their demoralizing fix with the little cretins  and I am the sadistic to help you carry it all out. I have my advantages and ways to work shit out and that means I will help destroy their holes and bodies completely.

sadistic phone sex

Tasty Rena

Cannibalism Phone Sex


I want to be your perfect little victim. I crave being used and degraded and tortured like the worthless piece of meat I am. I would fight and scream so perfectly for you. You can tie me up and gag my sweet mouth to muffle my cries. You can draw out the pain and torture as long as you want to. Cut me and make me bleed. Slice pieces from my flesh, cook them up and savor me. Force me to partake in the meat of my own body. Watch my face contort and tears stream down my face as I fight back the nausea that comes with the thought of eating my own flesh. Beat me to tenderize the meat and then butcher me. I want you to cut me up and keep all the best parts in the freezer. Cook delicious meals and remember your best victim while you eat me.

Killer Phone Sex A Fantasy About Survival

I’m a bimbo and can’t help what I am nor that I am always getting caught up in some killer phone sex. My boyfriend is a Black Metal vocalist and is always going on about how he should really let his band mates have their way with me. Well he decided a little camping trip in some forested mountains would be perfect for their black metal video and they decided to test me out in just how dumb I am. I have no survival skills, I’m a city girl and not the smartest at that. I am always getting stuck in the wrong places or locked out of my apartment at the wrong times. \these moments leave me open to being used by predators and that was how I met my BF. I was in some warehouse district to do a porn film and got lost. His rehearsal space was near where I broke my stiletto heel and crying. He took advantage and took me into their studio and fucked my pussy and ass with his big Satanic cock. He just burst into “Hail Satan” as he burst his load deep inside me. We were hooked and he claimed me as his property and made me show up at all rehearsals and shows as his personal whore. I was good with sucking him off as he performed on stage and when he mentioned making me the prey for their black metal satanic video I was excited. They led me deep into the woods blindfolded and left me. The band members came at me from all directions and tore at my clothes and fantasy raped me for a snuff sex scene of torturous vengeance.

killer phone sex

Necrophilia phone sex

Necrophilia phone sex


When we matched on Tinder I was so excited because of how handsome and sweet you seemed. Our date even went really well and I happily took you up on the offer to come have some “coffee” at your place. I was enjoying making out on the couch with you until you started getting rough. You pushed me down and punched me square in the face, I’m sure you broke my nose. You hit me over and over until I nearly passed out from the pain. That’s when I felt your big, strong hands wrap around my delicate throat and grip tight. You strangled me until you were sure I was gone and then carefully removed all my clothes. You carried my lifeless body to your room and laid me down on your bed. Then you spread my legs and took off your clothes before climbing on top and taking my dead but still warm and wet pussy. You pulled out and came all over my corpse. I’m just a toy for you to use now.

Suffocation Phone Sex

Suffocation phone sex

My roommate and I had just come back from a fun night at the bar and were not expecting our night to end how it did. You were waiting for us. Ready when we came in the door to ambush us, holding us at gunpoint. You had us both strip naked, each of us crying and begging to just take what you wanted and leave us alone, but you had more sinister plans than just a robbery. You had me tie her up and then you tied my hands and legs so I couldn’t make a run for it. Both of us helpless and naked. Then I got to watch as you flipped her over onto her stomach and took her from behind. She was screaming and crying out and wouldn’t listen each time you told her to shut up. She just cried louder when you hit her across the face. I guess you were serious because you took out your knife and held her by the hair, exposing her throat. She was panicked and just wouldn’t listen when I begged her to be quiet so you silenced her for good with a gash across her delicate throat. You left her body there and made your way to me. I just nodded when you asked if I’d be quiet. You left and walked to the kitchen and found a grocery bag and some tape, I saw it in your hands when you came back in the room and began begging and pleading. I struggled against you as you placed it over my head and duct taped around my neck. I couldn’t see and was panicking as you untied my legs and used your body weight to hold me down and take my young tight cunt with your rock hard cock. I could feel myself getting lightheaded as you continued to fuck me. I drifted into unconsciousness around the time you pulled out and left me in a pool of cum.

Torture Phone Sex

Torture phone sex

I thought you were such a nice guy. I mean, I have lots of Uber drivers but not many are willing to help a girl out with her luggage. I didn’t even think anything of it when you walked inside my apartment and set down my suitcase before taking the knife from your pocket and telling me to close the door. I told you to just take whatever you wanted and leave me alone but you just smiled and said that you wanted me. My mind was made up,I’ll just do what you say and you’ll surely leave me alone after. You ordered me to take off my clothes and get on my knees in front of you. You grabbed my hair and forced your cock roughly into my mouth, choking me. You fucked my throat fast and hard and deep until tears were streaming down my face. You then pushed me face first down onto the ground and got on top of me. That’s when I felt a searing pain as you stabbed the knife into my right shoulder and again a few inches below it. You flipped me over as I was screaming and sobbing for you to please just leave and let me live. You shoved your cock into my tight cunt and fucked me hard. My head was getting dizzy as you stabbed me again, right through my breast and I began coughing up blood with every thrust of your dick. I’m not sure if I lost consciousness before you finished but you pulled out and came all over my naked bloody body and left, you’d gotten what you wanted.

A Worthless Cunt

When They say I’m going to be the star in their snuff porn it’s certainly not going to end well. I was just leaving the club a little high and tipsy when these three huge thug type black guys surrounded me. Two grabbed my arms and restrained me while the third one took a knife out and ran it down my cheek and neck, sliding it along my neck and laughing. He made a quick swipe and cut the top of my dress open. With a laugh they said I would nicely and hauled me off into their SUV. They took turns face fucking me while a fourth guy drove us to a shithole apartment in. an abandoned building. This was like a crack house with needles and paraphernalia littering the floor. A lone filthy mattress in the middle of the room was surrounded by video recording equipment. I knew too well what was about to happen. I felt a prick in my neck as they shot me up with heroin and probably with a dirty syringe. They laughed and the three pulled their massage black dicks out again. They shoved me down and cut my clothes off calling me all kinds of derogatory names for a white girl bimbo blonde slut. I was then getting the starring role in the gangbang rape porn they promised me. They tortured my cunt and ass shoving those massive schlongs in me and sometimes shoving two big black dicks in my cunt while the third slammed my ass. They ripped me and destroyed my guts as they pounded and ripped me up. As they were taking their final use of my bloody prolapsed holes one masked man entered and slit my throat with a machete.

Snuff Porn

Home Invasion

Home invasion phone sex

I was just getting out of the shower when I heard it, the back door opening. Fuck! My cellphone is downstairs and who even owns a landline anymore? I quickly wrap myself in my fluffy white robe and hide inside my closet. I hear racket downstairs and know someone is here. My breathing is quick while I try to quiet it, hiding and praying I’m not found. I guess God wasn’t listening because next thing I know the closet door is opening and you are pulling me out by the hair. I scream and fight to push you off and your accomplice enters the room. The two of you easily overpower me and forcefully rip the robe from my naked body and throw me onto the floor. You tell me that I need to please both of you or I’ll regret it. I do my best to use my mouth but you grab me by the back of the head and forcefully fuck my throat and I start crying. You slap me hard and I fall to the ground, your friend walks over and holds my arms down while you straddle my stomach. That’s when you started to hit me across the face and head until I was crying out and bloody. I felt your big, strong hands wrap around my neck and tighten until I couldn’t breathe. My thoughts went fuzzy as I panicked and fought harder against the restraint until everything went black. You took turns fucking my warm cunt and tight asshole bloody and left my body there in the mess, covered and filled with cum.

Killer Phone Sex Is Foreplay For My Lover

It’s a great time in the Summer with our partying into the wee hours of the morning. My lover and I will often go out and find some crackwhore breeder and lure the little gutter brat from her with a variety of means. If the whore is preggo it’s best to take care of things before she brings a useless waste of space into the world already an addict it’s the least thing this world needs. I love it when the addict breeder is nice and young and can destroy her real good as we abort that blackhole ghoul from her belly. Nothing makes me more excited then seeing the dead eyes of this cunt roll into the back of her head and her diaphragm stops contracting and flattening as she is no longer breathing. She’s just another piece of garbage for the garbage man.

Killer Phone Sex

Gangbang Rape Porn Biker Snuff Cult

I’m such a dumb bitch sometimes and those times will always lead to my demise. I’ve nearly died so many times because of my lack of intelligence or care after all I am completely caught up in my looks and what they can get me. Well, last night they got me closer to death than I ever experienced with the Gangbang rape porn some misfit biker cult decided to make me the star of after I brushed off their comments about my looks with bitch attitude I tend to give greasy lowlifes. They didn’t take kindly to this and left the club. Well they left the club itself but were waiting for me in the shadows and followed me home. Tipsy and lacking awareness of my surroundings was common and that’s how it made things easy for these creepers. They rushed me and shoved me in my place as I was opening my door. The home invasion phone sex this led too was going to be the most violent fantasy rape scene yet, and the one female in the gang was video recording the whole scene while laughing about how they anally destroyed me into a bloody pulp. My cunt was ripped and destroyed after they all took turns in it they started shoving large bats in it and jamming them hard fucking up my womb and reproductive system. I was internally destroyed and a bloody mess when they left me… hours later I found myself in the ER.

Gangbang rape porn

Home invasion phone sex