Tag: Knife play phone sex

Too Pathetic to Fuck

You bought me at auction. Why me? I was the scrawniest little cum slut there. No sexy panties or pretty shoes. There were gorgeous blondes there, for less money. But your black eyes settled on me, and I watched as you outbid everyone. You sat in the front row, rubbing your hard cock through your expensive pants. Everyone saw, and I could tell the other men admired you. Or maybe they were terrified of you. It was difficult to know the difference.

I was terrified. I remembered being kidnapped from the sidewalk near my house, and then nothing until I woke up here – on this stage – naked, and being sold to the highest bidder. My head was spinning, and it felt like my pussy was already torn up. If it was, then it happened when I was unconcious. The thought crossed my mind if you would have paid so much knowing my pussy had already been used. The evil in your stare told me you probably didn’t give a shit.

When the auction ended, the highest bidders collected the women they bought. Most of them were dragged off by several men, screaming and kicking. I was too weak to fight as you picked me up and carried me into another room where we were alone. You set me down, and I ccrawled into a corner. You approached me with a ball gag, and I felt myself begin to cry. You were saying something in a soft whisper, and I couldn’t make out the words, but I knew in my heart you were going to hurt me, but didn’t want to hear me scream.

You gagged me, and began grabbing my tiny tits and putting clamps so tight on my nipples that I felt like I was going to faint. You duct taped my legs and wrists together, and my little pussy was throbbing at the thought of what was coming next. I thought you were going to fuck me – but then you started speaking louder. I could hear you saying what a dirty fucking cunt whore I was. My blood ran cold as I saw you pull out the knife. You held it up so I could see it right in front of my face.

You told me you would never fuck a dirty whore like me, and that you spent your money to make sure my pathetic slut ass was put out of misery. You brought the knife to rest next to the base of my right ear. The cold sharp blade gave me chills all over my naked body. I wanted to beg for my life, but the gag made me unable to speak. I saw your hand begin to move, and I felt the knife pierce my throat. I watched your hand make one beautiful motion and end up on the other side of my face. I felt the blood draining from my throat, and I knew I was going to die right there. One last look in your black eyes, and I realized I was relieved.

Torture Sex Bound to Die

Torture sex was what this guy was all about, and Master knew all about these cruel desires and intentions of said client. Evidently this client paid him good for me after he “tasted me” at the party. The client Mr. Gallo had a very grave sense about him and how he never seemed to smile. I was dressed in a red low cut dress with a low back and fell open just above my knees. Silky back seamed nude stockings flanking my legs with some red leather stiletto heels.

Arriving to my date’s hotel I was ushered in the room and served a glass of wine. After a couple sips and small talk I was feeling faint. Attempting to get up was useless and before I realized what hit me I was knocked out cold. While I was out I had become the source of Gallo’s sick intentions. Mr. Gallo was slicing at my flesh and and he was filming this the whole time. He’d get hard at the sight of his blade drawing my blood as he marred up my pale flesh. 

I know what was happening as I was forced to watch the movie after I awoke and found myself bound to a chair in an severe anemic state. He laughed as he fucked me and sliced into my flesh as he went. Mr. Gallo continued to torture me as he fucked me and got rougher with each thrust in my cunt. As he became ready to cum he pulled out and rubbed his cock in my wounds and blood. Eventually cumming all over the cuts making them sting.

The night came to an end as I was hauled into the E.R where I received over a hundred stitches and a blood transfusion. 

Snuff phone sex with Georgia: Hook suspension.

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You knew my biggest fear and used it against me. Death used to be what made me the most afraid, but that was before I knew what real torture felt like. Dying sounds like fun compared to what you do and what you’ve made me do.
When I saw those hooks and thick piercing needles I knew what your plan was. You’ve used similar methods to prevent the other kidnapped girls from escaping. Even though I knew what was about to happen to me, I didn’t bother to resist. It’s a waste of time and by now I obviously know better. There were still tears streaming down my face while you pierced me and I let a few screams when you slid the hooks through my newly opened flesh.
The real horror came when you suspended me high off the ground. You kept pulling at the chains until I begged for you to stop. It’s my own fault that I ended up so far from the floor, no other kidnap girl was suspended nearly as high as I was. I just wanted to push myself and you probably expected that anyway. I bet you didn’t know that I started off terrified, but in right in the middle I started to enjoy it.

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Feeling my warm blood running down my back and hearing it drip all over the floor excited me more than I’d ever admit to you. I only begged to be released because I was bored and wanted to play with you. I love feeling the cool blade of your knife against my body. When you cut me I nearly cum every time now. I can’t help myself! I love feeling your hot tongue licking up every drop of blood.
Last night, I was still suspended by the hooks while you fucked my throat hard and deep with your massive cock. Every movement you made pulled at the hooks and tore my flesh slightly, but I enjoyed every minute of it. My back was covered in thick layer of my blood by the time your fun was over.
My mouth distracted you from seeing cum gush out of my juicy cunt. Once you felt it on my thigh you slapped me firmly across the face to punish me for not asking for permission. Then, you shot your cum into the open wounds on my back. It burned a little, but I secretly enjoyed it and only wished that I got to taste some of it. These few months have turned me into a good little pain slut that’s addicted to the taste of her Master’s cum. I’m sure you know it already because I haven’t done a very good job of hiding it. It won’t long before I start begging for more abuse and pain.

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Not Your Girls Next Door…..

Bloody phone sex knife play tortureFew folks get me, even fewer folks are part of my inner circle. The friends you had when you were younger played with dolls and action figures. I dismembered and disfigured them. You skipped stones in your local creek. I threw stones at my class mates heads. You pushed that cute little school girl you crushed on in the swing. I pushed her off the swing and shoved her lollipop up her ass. You wanted to be a doctor when you grew up. I dreamed of being a mortician. You went to church with your family, while I worshiped in the church of Satan. You went swimming in the local pool. I held you under the water and laughed as you struggled. You listened to Britney Spears and Bare Naked Ladies. I listened to Morbid Angel and Mayhem. You played Life and Sorry, while I was conjuring up evil spirits with my Ouija board. You cried at the Notebook. I got wet at the Hostel and Saw flicks. You wanted to be the next Bill Gates. I wanted to be the next Michael Myers. You loved your family. I murdered mine. You get the picture. I was and always will be a dark bitch.

bloody phone sex evil violenceThat is why I love my job so much. I am among other dark bitches. Evil seductresses; dominate whores; blasphemous beauties; pain sluts; mutilation wenches; p mommies;  willing victims; torture dolls; mayhem maidens; castration junkies; blood lovers; cannibal cunts; violent vixens; knife wielders;  twisted teens….Girls like me cannot have an office job because we would cut a bitch at the water cooler. I am at home here with my fellow sadistic bitches. If you are reading my blogs, or on this site then you don’t like vanilla girls either. You need me or one of my fellow dark accomplices to help you come to terms with your evil thoughts; fulfill your sickest needs.

You can follow our carnage on Twitter and like our bloody triumphs on Facebook. And of course, call us for your most taboo fantasies. There is nothing too sick or perverse or extreme for us. Chances are your sickest thoughts, are tame to us. But don’t fret, we can bring out the evil in Mother Theresa.

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Blood lust

Hurting people turns me on, always has and always will. Not that I ever bothered trying to change it, but I’ll never want to. I love the way I am! Just seeing someone in pain makes my cunt dripping wet, but I like it better when I inflict it. I came once just from cutting into the flesh on a trembling body. My favorite part is watching the blood run from the wound until it splashing on the ground. There’s just something about the noise it makes, it’s like an addiction. Sometimes I even lick the red rivers of blood as they pour out and make their way to the floor.
Extreme pain sluts are afraid me now and they should be. I’m experimenting with new things because I want to push my limits. It might sound strange, but I want to do something so revolting that it even disgusts me. I don’t think I’m even close to getting there at this point! I’m not worried though, there’s still plenty of time for that and I’ve always been very creative.

The Bloodier the Better

bloody phone sex torture gothWhen I was younger, instead of watching cartoons and Disney movies, I watched torture porn horror films. I didn’t want to see romantic little tales of when girl met boy. I wanted  sexy stories about when girl dismembered boy, or when girl disemboweled girl. While other girls my age were experimenting with sex and drugs, I was experimenting with knives. I’d get so turned on by the Hostel and Saw movies that I would have to go hunting. Back then, I rarely killed, just maimed and disfigured. But stalking, hunting, hurting, are just like fucking, the more you do it, the more you love it and the further you go to get off.

We all have our ultimate sexual fantasy though. For some guys it to bang hot sisters or be the star in some Girls Gone Wild movie. For some women it is to get double penetrated by two big black cocks. For me, my ultimate sexual fantasy would be to kidnap some worthless piece of trash and string him or her up above me naked. Masturbate at their fear of not knowing what I am going to do to them next. And, as I am cumming,  I slice them open as their blood and organs cascade over my body bringing me to the pinnacle of my orgasm.

Bloody phone sex, bloody sex turns me on. From stabbing and cutting to castrating and chopping to eviscerating and gutting, the bloodier the better. If you are a worthless fuck pig, then I will kill and gut you like one. If you are like me, a sick, twisted mother fucker who gets off and pain and death, then  let’s go hunting together and see what kind of trouble we can make for others.

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Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus: Wheel of Death

knife play phone sex evil dominatrixJohn and I were snuggled on the couch watching American Horror Story Freakshow. We had just finished off his stupid worthless cunt of an ex girlfriend. He helped me eliminate my old school nemesis, so I owed him a kill. We get so horny when torturing and snuffing out worthless fuck pigs. John knows my affinity for knives, and as we watched my favorite TV show, he suggested we execute our next victims on a Wheel of Death like they have in American Horror Story. My cunt got wet. He told me I could make death by impalement and art form. He gets me. The thought of strapping some stupid cunt or useless bastard to the Wheel of Death while John spun them around and I threw my knive, excited the both of us.

We went to the mall and snatched up the first vacuous Barbie doll we spotted. The little teen twat had a mouth on her too, but John smacked her hard enough to knock her out. She woke up naked, on the Wheel of Death babbling some shit about her daddy and when he finds out yada yada yada. John told her we didn’t want or need her money. She was my Christmas present. I love that man.  I sharpened my knives in front of her, while John burned  her with cigarettes for fun. Her screams made my pussy twitch with excitement.

knife play phone sex snuff killerJohn started turning the wheel like he was a sadistic Vanna White and I began hurling knives. I didn’t do bad, until John started feeding me shots of Tequila. Then my aim started sucking. I hit the bitch in the femoral artery. Blood started spurting out her thigh. She was going to bleed out. I could have thrown a knife to hit her jugular vein, ending her life instantly. That would have been the humane thing to do. But neither John or I are exactly humane. Instead, we let the bitch bleed out and fucked in the pool of her blood. You ever see Hostel 2? The opening scene is wicked hot. A young girl is gutted above a hot woman who gets off as her blood pours over her body. That scene is spank material for folks like John and I. I guess some folks would think we were the freaks, getting off on blood and death. I bet if you are reading this, you get the darker desires that lurk in the minds of some. Some people don’t deserve to live. They contribute nothing to the world. And that’s why girls like me exist. That is why accomplices like the love of my life, John, exist. We aren’t afraid to get dirty. We aren’t afraid of a little blood. Or a ton of blood.

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Santa’s Evil Accomplice Venus

knife play phone sex goth bitchSo I was stupid enough to think I could run to the mall to get a pair of boots on Black Friday. I wasn’t bargain shopping or anything. I just wanted some fucking boots to go with my new goth outfit for this underground club. It was a mob scene and bitches were going crazy. I had my boots in hand, tried them on  and everything. While I was in line waiting patiently to check out, this stupid cunt stole the boots right out of my hands, while her whore friend held me so I could not chase her.

They fucked with the wrong bitch. I had my knife collection in the car, but my favorite one was in my purse. I’m not the kind of chick who lets things like that slide. I’m no doormat.  But I am no hot head either. My ability to remain calm, and exact my revenge in due time is what makes me a perfect accomplice. I don’t get caught because I am smart and patient. I let the bitch steal the shoes. I then followed the cunts around the mall until they headed to their car. I walked right up to them, held my knife to the thief’s kidney and demanded the return of my boots. When she laughed and called me Wednesday Addams, I sliced her flesh. Her friend insisted I take the boots and leave.

knife play phone butcher girlI took the boots. Thank you stupid worthless cunt for giving me what was mine in the first place. I looked around, parking lot crowded as hell, broad day light, but no one paying attention and we were near the back of the lot by a Holiday display. I knifed each of them in the gut, twisted it up, causing a slow painful bleed out. I pushed them under their car temporarily, waited till the crowds died down a bit and the blood stopped flowing. Then I dumped their lifeless bodies in a big Christmas box that was being prepared for the Holiday decor. Some Macy’s worker would get a nice surprise when he or she finished  decorating.

Perhaps not too festive of me to snuff two cunts at the start of the holiday season, but they had no manners. I’m not sorry, but if you going to be thieving bullying whores, well you going to get taken out . I guess I am Santa’s evil accomplice. If you on that naughty list, beware. I have to no tolerance for stupid worthless people. And I am always packing the kitchen cutlery in my purse.

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Cannibalism Phone Sex

snuff phone sex pandoraCome join my tantalizing endeavor. My appetite for a debilitated martyr is necessary for my Thanksgiving feast. My pussy twitches with the thought of catching another victim. I put my hand down my panties and rub my clit as I examine the requisite for my next undertaking. My urges are strong, I rub faster my breathing quickens, my body starts to tremble I must cum. It excites me thinking about how my knives chisel out the tender spots. My mouth waters seeking out those scrumptious chunks of fresh flesh. I love those special morsels putting them in my mouth savoring the warm juicy flavor of blood and muscle. You can’t beat gazing into their eyes as the pain overwhelms them. Just when they think it’s over I ravage their body making them endure more agony. Their screams are endless it’s no use no one can hear them. My knives are precise have to be tapered, they flow right into the flesh, and there is no time for jagged edges our feast has to be perfect. I can’t help it I came hard all over. The night is long we can’t wait, the pursuit has begun.

Home Invasion Phone Sex with Venus: Your Evil Accomplice

home invasion phone sex knife play tortureI’m a sadistic bitch. I am unapologetic about that. The world is over populated by sweet, boring vanilla chicks.  I’m not the girl you date, I’m the girl you plot revenge with; the girl you stalk and kill with. I’m your evil sexy accomplice. An old friend of mine recently reached out to me for some help  with her philandering husband. My reputation as a sick bitch is common amongst certain crowds.  We devised a genius home invasion plan that would result in revenge with no culpability on her.

I broke into their home late at night. Walked right into the bedroom yielding my big ass knife. Told them to get the fuck out of bed. Of course he offered me money and the jewelry to leave. I wanted jewels that was for sure, but the family kind. I had his wife, my secret accomplice, tie him up, while I tied her up. I played cat and mouse games with them for awhile before I got to my nefarious intentions.  I untied my girlfriend and “forced” her to untie her husband and put him on the bed, where I tied him spread eagle. The fear in his eyes was intoxicating. I told him I heard a rumor that he has a little trouble keeping his pecker in his pants. “Is that true?” I inquired while I held the knife under his worthless balls. He looked at his wife and tried to lie. I pushed the knife harder under his testicles, drawing blood and he sang like a canary.

home invasion phone sex castration bitchI informed him that cheating was a sin and I was an old school Bible thumper; a believer in an eye for an eye. I was prepared to cut them clear off right then and there as planned, but I gave the knife to his wife.  I then pulled out my pretty little pistol and held it to her head. I explained it was simple. Take your husband’s worthless balls and you both live. She started crying. Crocodile tears I’m sure, but nice touch. He begged and pleaded to keep his worthless nuggets. I started Russian Roulette with my pistol. He had no clue the gun was empty, neither did she. It added to the realism of her fear, made our game more fun; well for me at least.

castration phone sex home invasionAfter 3 rounds of nail biting Russian Roulette, my pal looked at her husband, apologized and cut his balls clear off. There was a lot more blood than I imagined. A lot more screams and tears too. Blood, tears, screams…total turn ons for me.  I made her put his balls in a plastic baggie. Told her she should keep them as a reminder of her pathetic excuse for a husband’s infidelity. I kissed him on the forehead. Told him to keep it in his pants or he would lose his pecker the next time.  Told her she should get him some medical attention fast. Some folks see me as a sick bitch. I see myself as a helper. I assist folks in making better decisions in the future.

Perhaps I can help you with wiser choices. Perhaps I can help you get revenge. Perhaps I can punish you. I am the accomplice of your nightmares.