Tag: Knife play phone sex

Celebrating Girls Scout Day with Knife Play and Castration

knife play phone sex castration sexIn honor of Girl Scouts Day, I decided to help a local scout earn a special badge. The purpose of badges is to teach young women useful life skills. I consider myself somewhat philanthropic, so I like helping young girls. I offer a badge in castration. Girls need to know how to put a man in his place. You see most men do not know how to use their penis properly, but sadly too many women let them get away with bad penis behavior. Every Girl Scout I take under my wing, is trained in how to use a knife to slice a man’s worthless junk off. Castration is a much more useful skill to have than pottery making, wouldn’t you agree?

I hand pick my Girl Scouts. This year was Lilly. Lilly has a dirty step father who violates her young holes every night, and beats her and her mother. Real men don’t abuse women. She needed my castration badge. We spent a few weeks discussing proper knife use; cock and ball torture;  how to cauterize a wound so no one bleeds out unless you want them to and how to taunt your victim with his severed appendage. She was really dedicated to earning this badge.  When I deemed she was ready to execute a castration, I accompanied her to her father’s house.

castration phone sex killer sexShe looked so cute in her Girl Scout outfit. Her dumbass dad believed I was a Girl Scout leader. Maybe if Hell had girl scouts. I explained to her dirty p daddy that we needed his help in earning a special badge for Girl Scouts Day. It wasn’t until after she had him tied up in the chair that he inquired what the badge was for. He thought it was knot tying! I sat there watching proudly as my pupil pulled out her Daddy’s dick and drove a nail into each ball, then elongated his pecker to see just where to sever it. I was beaming. She ignored her daddy’s pleas and apologies. She did not let him guilt her into changing her mind. She looked him right in the eyes as she wielded the knife above her head and said, “Daddy say good bye to your little friend.” Then with one fell swoop, she took his penis off earning her castration badge. She immediately lit a cigar and put it out on his bloody stump to slow the bleeding.

She scooped up his severed member and shoved it in his mouth. That was a proud mama moment. We left him in his basement, with his dick in his mouth, tied to a chair and went to Baskin Robbins to celebrate earning her castration badge and in honor of Girl Scouts Day.

Layla’s Death Wish

violent phone sex layla.jMy Pussy was so raw and the blood dripped down from the beating this bastard had just given me. I don’t know how long I had been chained down here. But the one thing I did know was that while the bruises on my flesh were real I didn’t know how long I was going to be able to survive here. The gaping scars from the rope that inflicted my skin tore into my flesh and the warm blood was gushing of my pussy from the assault I just had taken.
One asshole had thrown acid on my back and used a knife to deepen the cuts. I thought piss and shit were the least of the worries in this hell hole but they came back with sponges and salt to rip away at the skin that was already open. One’s favorite game of torture was to put barb wire on my pussy and insert it forcing it so far up my breathing hole I could hardly breathe.
One of the little ones they brought for me to fuck used razor blades at my ass cutting the hole so deep and wide I could no longer shit any more. I tasted the blood from my mouth and one would kiss and spit on me. Saying “You like that you filthy little nigger whore don’t you?” I would cry and the snot would just build up on my cheeks as I felt the length of their cocks in my pussy stretching it wide while the rope was tightened around my neck. Using a garden hose, they would beat my head and legs letting the blood run onto the dirt floor. The little one would stand in the door with his dick in his hand stroking it and run towards me forcing it down my throat while the others stood in the back ground getting ready to piss on my open wounds. This I thought had to be the fun part as the rope would go further up my neck and my eyes bulged out and yet I did not have the strength to pull at the rope that was taken me to darkness.

Castration Phone Sex: Loser

Castration phone sex with Dusty will have your pathetic dick twitching. You’re a sick fuck aren’t you? Your desiring my skill for making your pathetic worthless manhood *if you can call it that* obsolete. I will castrate you and make you nearly bleed out before I allow you medical aid. I am interested to see if I can’t see how long it takes to bleed to death from such a wound. Can you imagine it?

Castration Phone Sex

Your testing me by attempting to be an asshole. Well mother fucker that shit does not fly with this Bad Ass Bitch. I approach your loud pathetic ass at the bar where you just get more obnoxious. My friends all look on in silence, they know me so well.

The cold steel pressed against your scrotum as I have you believing your going to stick that dick inside me. You really think I am going to let you stick that thing in me? I run my blade down your inner thigh and back up the other teasing you as I do so. I feel you getting erect as I push the tip of my stiletto into your ball sack. I caress the flesh as it tightens. Your pushing towards me and I hold my blade perpendicular to your balls. Your hands start groping at my tits, I slide the blade across the base of your scrotum as you let out a scream.

Torture Phone Sex

Smiling at you I hold your dismembered balls in my hand as I hold them over my mouth lapping at the blood. I lean in close and spat it in your face. “You’re a useless piece of shit”, and I toss your testicles at you and walk away.

Mutilation phone sex Makayla

Today daddy was different. He walked down the stairs with a look in his eyes that scared me. He put my collar on me and then grabbed another daughter. Last time this happened one of the girls never came back. As we walked up the stairs I knew one of us or both of us were never coming back to the comfort of my little pallet beds. We would never see our tiny holes that we called home. Once we were upstairs daddy stripped us naked. He was looking over our bodies. He finally handed me a basket full of clothes pins. He grabbed Gabby and slammed her down on the table. Daddy is so strong. He strapped a choke collar on her and tied it tight to the table. He tied her arms and legs down. He told me to get started. I pinched her skin and pulled up as much as I could on her malnourished body. After I pinched and pinned as much as I could, then daddy pulled out his knife and started to make little cuts on her body. asking her if it made her pain go away. She was still crying and screaming in pain. He told me to make her shut up. He handed me a pair of pliers and told me to be creative. I took the pliers and pulled out her tongue piece by piece. The look in her eyes as she watched me do this will haunt me till I die. I don’t know what happened to her after daddy kicked me down the stairs. But we never saw her again. 

Castration Phone Sex with Sin and Venus

castration phone sex knife playSometimes I have a victim that is either so annoying, I need to enlist the help of a sexy sadistic accomplice to double the pain. Sin was perfect. Sexy, seductive and sadistic. The perfect accomplice for my snuff pig. He wants to be castrated. In fact he paid me good money to take his worthless pecker, however, when I actually tried to chop of his useless appendage, he got cold feet. Told me I could keep the money, but wanted to call the whole deal off. It doesn’t work that way. You pay me for a service, I don’t give a rat’s ass if you change your mind. A deal is a deal. I was castrating that snuff pig.

When I told Sin about his cold feet, she agreed his dick needed to be gone yesterday. We hatched a plan together. I broke in to his house, drugged him, wrapped him in a garbage bag and brought him to Sin’s dungeon where she awaited us with a variety of cock and ball torture devices. She is an expert in bondage and CBT. She dressed him in this leather masochistic  outfit, exposing his balls. We teased and ridiculed him for hours first. A little CBT was like foreplay.  Sin put mousetraps all over his cock and balls, while I squirted Ben-Gay down his urethra and fucked his pee hole with a long sharp needle. Snuff Pig was howling in pain. You try to wiggle out of a  deal with me, better be ready to handle some pain. No one backs out of a deal with Venus. And if they do, Sin is there to help me teach them a valuable lesson.

accomplice phone sex 2 sadisticsAs much as I got off on torturing his pathetic dick, it was time to get rid of his junk. Losers shouldn’t have their peckers anyway. I was doing the world a favor by ensuring this loser would never be able to procreate.  I let Sin take his balls for her collection. She has a hundred or so shrunken or flattened balls in mason jars in her basement. A little trophy of her kills and tortures. She got out a huge mallet and smashed his testicles. No warning. Just smashed them flat. Busted each nut, then cut them off. I got out my big knife, put it to his throat, and whispered, “Say goodbye to your little friend.”  Then I chopped it right off. Blood was spraying on Sin’s walls, but she was laughing. She said Mr. Snuff Pig could clean his mess up once he stopped bleeding everywhere. Sin took her soldering iron to the bloody stump between his legs to cauterize the wound. He was a crying, sobbing, bloody mess. Oh and a dickless one at that.

Sin made him clean up his bloody mess with his tongue while we sat back and enjoyed some red wine. I love castrating men. So never fear. If you want me to take your junk, but afraid you can’t go through with it, I will take it regardless. Pathetic losers don’t deserve their genitals.

knife play phone sex castration

Keeping my new year right on track

snuff sexSo if you haven’t already heard my new year’s resolution was not to stop kidnapping, torturing, forcing and killing – but to rather do it more often to better get a grip on my constantly growing anger and to fulfill practically the only thing that turns me on… What can I say I want what I want and I always make it happen. But I don’t quite like to do it alone. I like to be needed and helpful; I love to be the perfect accomplice and capture the ideal victim to have our way with. What are you into? Young and innocent? Or maybe a whore who deserves this shit and will probably secretly love it till we snuff her out? I personally have no preference, as long as I get to see the scared look on their face as I tie them up naked and as I hold my knife to their throat when they struggle. I don’t care as long as by the time we are done with them, they are begging to be fucked and telling us they will do anything we want them to do. This always makes me laugh, breaking them to this point, making them our little sex slave and into filthy little whores, begging to be fucked in order to save their life. They never quite get that they won’t be making it home ever again and that we are the last people they will see as the life fades from their eyes. And how creative I can be as I kill them in the most painful ways I can think of, in the bloodiest fashion. But not before we have our fun of course. She’ll be pleading for you to fuck her ass in no time – then begging to taste her ass and your cum once you’re done. She’ll love chocking on your dick after rubbing it all over her bloody cunt. I can’t wait to get started, so what are you waiting for?

Torture Phone Sex with Toni: Better Than a Snuff Porn Video

Torture phone sex

The snuff porn streaming on the internet is NOTHING compared to the real thing. Hearing bones break and blood drip just doesn’t sound the same through computer speakers. When I hear someone scream, I want it be because of me. I don’t just want to see someone scared, I want to see the fear in their eyes. The smell and taste of blood is only better if it came from a fresh tortured victim. Sometimes I drag a knife across their flesh just to get a quick little taste. Another method I like to use, especially when I’m taking my time, is cutting into their flesh with rose thorns. If I’m in a really sadistic mood I might even fuck their cunt or asshole with it too!

snuff porn streaming
One time I was feeling really nasty, like I often do and I did something really sick. I took the thorny rose and shoved it down some poor bastard’s piss hole. I’ve never heard a man scream like such a little bitch before so now I do it all the time.
Any day that I get to hurt or torture somebody is a good day for me, It’s my secret addiction. I’m not sure how much of a secret it is anymore, but I still don’t want everyone to know. Do you know how hard it would be to find victims if everyone knew about what I’m up to? I’m sure it would make it more difficult and there’s no way I would want that! I’m enjoying myself too much now and I don’t think I’ll ever stop. Actually, no matter what I’ll never stop! At least not until I leave a lot of bodies behind…

snuff porn video

Knife play phone sex with Makayla

Taboo phone sex

After daddy punished me like he did, he wanted to have a big family dinner. All of us are scared. Last time we had a family dinner we lost a girl. Daddy says manners  is real important. We have all kinds of forks and he cuts our meat for us. He says we cant have knifes because things can get messy. We all have to wait until daddy is done cutting up our food. We all know the rules but Charity didn’t wait this time. Daddy caught her eating and he said it was wrong. She didn’t ask permission. Daddy walked up to her and grabbed her by her head. He slammed her head into the table a bunch of times. While he kept asking the rest of us the rules. Then he took his big knife and put her hand out on the table and stabbed it. He made us all watch as he cut little bits off of Charity’s face. We were all scared. We knew this was the last time we would ever see her. It was sad but so excited to watch the life drain from her eyes as we all ate. Daddy was still angry. He threw his plate at Charity to see if she was still alive. She twitched and that made him see red. He made each one of us  stab her. while one was stabbing the her he was fucking us one by one. I am happy to say daddy was please with what I did. He kept me upstairs and made me help him get rid of her. Daddy was very pleased. I am still alive and happy in love with my daddy. 

Taboo phone sex

Killer Dinner Party

killer phone sex evil bitchI know I do not fit in. I never have, likely never will. I tried to make some new hipster friends recently. If for any other reason, than just to not look like such a Wednesday Adams to my parents, and more importantly the cops. Every time someone goes missing, I don’t need them looking at the antisocial bitch in the community. I got invited to a dinner party. The conversation was insipid at best. But, I was trying. All these dudes in skinny jeans was criminal, however.  And the music , don’t get started on that. A bullet to the brain was less painful than this awful band Neutral Milk Honey. What the fuck kind of name is that anyway?  When I suggested we play some Slayer, maybe go a little “South of Heaven,” this one bitch started spewing some post modernistic babble about pastiche and irony exhausting themselves as aesthetics. Essentially she was using pretentious speech to insult heavy metal. Unacceptable.

When I heard the lyric, “And one day we will die and our ashes will fly,” I lost it. I thought this bitch’s one day is now. My hero Patrick Bateman channeled through me, as I grabbed the butcher knife in the ham and just started giving the Roger Ebert of music 50 whacks. I realized it was not all in my head. I was killing this bitch on the dining room table for real. Blood spewed all over the ceiling and across the faces of dumbfounded assholes in colored skinny jeans. They looked at me like I was a crazed bitch. I am I guess. But I could not let her drone on like that. Her body laid lifeless, covered in blood like some macabre center piece. Made me wet.

cannibalism phone sex killer partyThe room was silent. They all were in shock; they feared me. I have impulse control issues, as well as anger issues. I simply have no tolerance for stupidity or pretentiousness. I did think for a moment of killing them all. The world needs less hipsters anyway, but I decided to use their fear to control them. If they didn’t want to be a bloody centerpiece, a dead hipster, they better join me in dining on their friend. I forced them to eat her remains. I am usually more methodical about my kills so I don’t have to worry about detection and proper disposal, but shit happens. I have discovered that eating the victim, hides the remains. I was covered in their friend’s blood wielding a big ass knife, which apparently put the fear of God in them. They sprinkled some hot sauce on her and started eating her like she was BBQ ribs; like they were the progeny of Hannibal Lector. Gave new meaning to the phrase “having a friend over for dinner.” Made me more wet.

I don’t play well with others. But, I do play well with knives and annoying people. Invite me to your dinner party. I will fly into a rage and kill whomever annoys you too.

Shadow and… Becka?

2 girl call phone sexI have always dreamed of finding someone to go on a cross country murder spree with, I wanted to be the next Bonnie and Clyde or Mickey and Mallory but so far I haven’t found my  psychopathic soulmate so I decided to improvise. I went and found a sweet little bitch named Becka and forced her at gunpoint into my car. I told her that I would only let her live if she did everything I said, the first fuck up and I would kill her slowly. She was fucking terrified but seeing as how she was securely handcuffed to the door handle, there was no chance for her to escape, she wasn’t going anywhere but where I wanted her to go. We drove down the highway in silence for almost two hours before I found the perfect place to commit our first crime. It was a little mom & pop diner with only a few people inside so it would be an easy first target. I told Becka that she would be the first to die if she didn’t follow my orders but honestly, I don’t think the stupid whore could have disobeyed me if she tried! I definitely picked an obedient slut! We went in and I shot the biggest ones as soon as I walked in the door and left the bitches for Becka to take care of. She was shaking and crying, she even begged me not to make her do it but I was merciless. I made her get up close and personal with each and every one of them, she felt their hot blood spray on her when I forced her to slit their throats. Poor little whore had to try several times before she actually killed them but that’s ok, she will get better with practice…