Tag: Knife play phone sex

Snuff Sex Only

snuff sexSnuff sex is the best sex. That has long been my motto. Very few men fuck me and survive. I am a praying mantis. I don’t bite the head of my lover off after sex, but I often stab him through his heart or worse. Guys make the same mistake repeatedly with me even though I am clear that I want zero intimacy before or after a fuck. It isn’t necessary to me. I knew Rob was the post fucking bliss kind of guy. He was a sap, but a sap with a freak of nature cock. I just wanted his dick for 30 minutes of pleasure. Rob had a simple task. Just lay there like a dead fish and fuck. Say nothing. Don’t try to get romantic. Just fuck. He did okay for about 15 minutes, then he got handsy and opened his mouth. Sap ass shit spewed from his mouth like a volcano erupting. I reached into my night stand to grab my knife. I sliced his cock off while it was in my pussy. I just wanted his cock, nothing more, so I took it. I made myself cum with his severed penis as he laid there on my bed bleeding out and going into shock. That shut him the fuck up. I don’t know why I try to train men. Men are incapable of being trained to my liking. They can’t shut their mouths up long enough to just fuck me. I dumped old Rob in the woods to be devoured by the coyotes, but not before I made a dildo out of his severed dick. A little quick taxidermy after I came, produced a nice dildo without the annoying man attached. I do like the feel of cum inside me, but it is not worth the hassle of a dealing with a fucktard who can’t shut his mouth.

Anything? Anything!

snuff porn

I can not go a single day without getting attacked or violated. I finally made cheer captain, so now it is my responsibility to collect donations for uniforms. Mostly it was just small businesses, and boring as hell. However, one of the donators was a big fancy office, and they made me talk to the owner. I waited in his office, but he never showed. His secretary told me he arranged instead for me and him to go on a dinner meeting. I thought it was super odd, but it got even weirder when she told me he was having a gown sent to my house. It was certainly not ordinary, but I worked so hard to be captain I had to be the best captain I could be. So, I got all dressed up in the beautiful black gown he sent me, and I headed to the address I was given. I expected it to be a nice restraint, but it was a huge house. I knock and a tall, slick man in a suit answered. He told me I was even more beautiful in person, and that he was impressed that I was early. He led me into a dining room fit for a mansion. We ate in silence, and he stared at me while I tried not to make eye contact. When we finished I watched as he wrote a check for $100,000, and I stared in utter shock. A donation like that would make me the best cheer captain the school has ever had. He told me it was mine if I told him he could do anything he wanted to me. I thought about it for a few minutes, but it was too much money to deny. So, reluctantly I agreed, and his eyes narrowed. He let out an animal like laugh, and told me to lay on the couch with my legs spread and knees bent like I was at the obgyn. He brought over a table with sharp rusty tools, and he told me to bite the pillow. He showed a scalpel into my pussy, and I screamed in pain. He used many other sharp tools all over my body some I didn’t even know the name of. When I could feel myself fading away he assured me he would mail the check to the school. Then he slit my throat, and laughed while I bled to death on his couch.

Pretty Little Liar

snuff porn

Nothing ever works out for me, and I am so sick of being used and abused. That’s why after all the prepping, tonight will be the night I finally run away from my foster family. I packed a bag full of food, clothes, and all the money in the house. I could do this I may be a cheerleader, but I am not dumb. So that I wouldn’t be seen, I wore a black hoodie and black jeans. My foster parents house is at the edge of the woods. The way I see it I have 2 options, go into town and risk someone catching me, or make my way through the woods and risk getting eaten by a bear. I took my chances with the woods. I used my phones flashlight covering it with my finger, so that it wouldn’t draw attention. After about an hour of quietly making my way through the woods, my phone goes dead, and I am left in complete darkness. I keep going though, I need to put distance between me and my foster parents house. I stumble through the woods in complete darkness, until I fall into a clearing. In the clearing there’s a little cabin and a barn. I weigh my options, and decide to break into the barn and sleep there. Before I can make my way over to the barn the cabin door opens, and a tall man steps out. He asks me what I am doing on his property, and I quickly make up a story. I tell him I was camping in the woods and got lost. He calls me out on my shit right away, he calls me a pretty little liar. He tells me my story is bullshit for a few reasons, one it’s a school night, two camping isn’t allowed in these woods, and three I have a cheerleading duffel bag. He tells me he thinks I am running away, and I admit he is right. He tells me I can sleep in the barn for the night, but then he wants me gone. He unlocks the barn door and shows me around. I find it odd that there isn’t any animals in the barn. Then, I hear it behind me, him loading his shot gun. I turn around and he commands me to strip. The tears are streaming down my face by the time I get my clothes off. He switches the shot gun out for a sickle and advances to me. I scream but I am so deep into the woods no one would hear me. He attacks me, shoving me to the ground. He gets on top of me and forces his cock into my pussy. He decides I am not wet enough for him, and shoves the sickle into my cunt. I scream in pain as I feel warm blood trickling out of me. He plows in and out of me. He uses the sickle to slit my throat as he fucks my dyeing body. Well I got my wish I would never see my foster family again.

Pay me Beat me Tortures me and make me Happy


Knife play phone sex

I’ve got this John named Tim, who pays me well to do some fucked up shit to me like from hell type shit. Tim is very awkward he’s very vulgar, but he’s got that money, so I let him fuck and torture me real damn good. I allow him to do anything, to fulfill his fantasies with me. This mother fucker he wants to do horrible things, like beat me and twist my nipples. That’s only a tiny sample of the shit he does because he really has a taste for human blood. Nasty ass fucker is what I call master Tim, but only under my breath. Master Tim is fucked up for sure, he beats me so cruel and makes me feel the agony. That’s what Master Tim does that’s what he fucking loves… He bit me, the devil fucker chewed on me about 7 times and bit my nipple off and spit it out in my face. Tim hates women, that’s what he says while he’s beating me, he fucking trashes me in every way. I’m lost because he’s so fucking barbarous he likes to tie me down and whip me with leather belts. He loves to pour oil on my body the hotter, the better and Tim get’s a massive boner when he stuffs a hot iron rod into my asshole. He likes to shit on me, and he wants to piss in my mouth. He pays me so good that I have to do it. I need that money. I need those, dollars, that cash for sure and I don’t want to stop my money flow. So, this woman will be letting him do whatever he wants to do to me. Tonight he’s coming over again. I’m hardly even healed up, but he wants to do more, and he’s paying me double, I guess I’m going to let him. Cuz I’m a come guzzling nasty torture loving, fucking whore.

Snuff Porn Movie

snuff porn

Being the cheer captain sure has it’s perks, but I never thought it would get me abused and damn near killed. I attract all kinds of men, usually never the ones I am attracted to though. So, when the school bad boy asked me on a date I was so excited. He asked me to go to the horror movie special the drive-in was having, and I reluctantly agreed. I hate horror movie almost everything scares me. It was black and white theme, so I wore a little black dress and matching black lace bra and panties. When we got to the drive-in is when I got nervous. What if he doesn’t like me because I am a scaredy cat? I tried to contain my fear as we watch Dracula in black and white, but I didn’t even make it through half of the movie without screaming. When I looked over at him he told me that it’s alright to be scared, and that he found my screams hot. I smiled a little and finished watching the movie. When it ended he asked if I would like to come home with him, and I agreed. That is where I made the biggest mistake. He drove for what seemed like an hour, and I asked how he could live that far away and still go to our school. His reply seemed rehearsed, but he said his mom lived in town and he just used her address for school. His house was huge and gloomy like Dracula’s castle. I went in and he led me to his bedroom. It was beautiful like something out of an old movie. The bed was huge and had a big canopy. I got scared when he locked the door behind us, and I asked if someone else was home. When he replied no is when I really started freaking out. I tried to leave and he threw me on the bed. He growled in my ear that I was his now, and he cut all of my clothes off with his pocket knife. He buried his huge hard cock into my pussy, and started kissing my neck. I can’t say I didn’t like it because it was incredible, until he used his pocket knife to create a long cut down the side of my throat. He licked all the blood off of me while I screamed. I must have lost a lot of blood because I passed out. When I woke up I was alone and weak I could barely sit up.


Bloody phone sex I can’t remember the last time I had kinky sadist carve into my plump fake titties. A cold steel knife pressing into my skin. Poking through letting the littlest drop of blood pop out. My body cringing in pain. My cunt aching as it drips in my panties. You push the knife in deeper and a moan escapes my mouth. The knife fucking my tittie as you move it about my flesh. I can feel the blood gush a bit more as it slides down to my stomach. Your dick rises as you hear my squeals jolt out my mouth. You waste no time shoving your dick far into my throat. I choke and gasp for air. I start to scream feeling you push the knife deep into my titty popping my silicone bag. With your dick deep in my throat, you put your hand’s around your neck squeezing tightly and firmly. Letting the life slip from me.

Bound and Stuffed

Knife play phone sexThere’s nothing quite like being bound and stuffed as though I am a fuckin Thanksgiving turkey while having super nasty knife play phone sex. A filthy and worthless snuff cunt like mine is only good for one thing and one thing only and that is to give as much pleasure as possible to anyone who wants me. There’s no reason for me to even be existing other than to provide a tight pussy for endless horny cocks. He takes that knife and glides it down my stomach as he pierces the tip of the blade into my skin. Once he reaches my cunt he starts to slice away at the meat so that there is an even more gaping hole which was now a full on open wound. Take that big jar of strawberry jam and start to smear it inside of me for some extra added sweetness. I need all of those vegetables to be shoved deep up into my fuck hole so that i’m filled up and overflowing with tons of goodies. I’m bound so tightly, I can barely even breathe let alone move around. I have no choice but to lay there and take the stuffing so that he can eat me up and devour me whole once he’s done! I taste soooo delicious, I love a good cannibal who appreciates how yummy I am.

Torture Sex is Sweet When She Is Dying Out

I really hate this humid heat bullshit of late and it really brings out the Bitch in me, like I really need a nudge there, eh?! So finding some skank whore trying to make moves on my dick fix when I walked in the bar… well let’s just say too bad for her, she sealed her own destiny. 
I went right up to her took my straight razor and slit her fucking throat. I grabbed her by her skanked out hair and yanked her down to the floor and drug her to the center of the room. Gurgling and bleeding out I needed to act quick. Announcing who wants to give this throat slit gurgling whore a good throat fuck? Have at her, in fact rape fantasy all of her holes and make a few of your own to fuck. just use the cunt up and we’ll discard the evidence at the bonfire tonight. Enjoy!
Torture Sex

Knife Play Phone Sex is Better than Gun Play

knife play phone sexKnife phone sex fantasies are among my favorite kinds of calls. As a sadistic my knife is my best friend. A knife allows for much more damage than a gun. You shoot a gun; the person is dead or wounded depending on where the wound is on the body. A knife casts a wider net for torture. You can make small stabs all over the body for a slow bleed out. You can slash a major artery and watch your victim bleed out quickly. You can dismember limbs. You can mutilate sex organs. A favorite of mine is castration. You can slice a tongue off. You can cut eyeballs out. You can give a little whore a womb clean out. You can slice off tits of any size. Fuck, you can fuck with a knife. You can stab a pussy or stab an ass.  A knife allows for torture sex. You can’t mutilate a body with a gun.  I can skin a victim with a knife too. Even prepare a meal. I have a huge knife collection. A knife for all types of victims and all kinds of torture. My family members are circus freaks. My father was an expert knife thrower. I guess you could say knife play is in my blood. I am so wet right now discussing how much better the blade is over a bullet. I think it’s hunting time.

Sex with Dead Bodies and Dead Dicks

sex with dead bodies

Sex with dead bodies is a hobby of mine. I don’t like people. I like to fuck, but sometimes fucking becomes complicated because men can be sap asses and dick wads. I was having awesome sex with this dude I picked up Friday night. He had a huge cock and he appeared to know how to use it. I was thinking he would leave after we fucked but he wanted to cuddle. I am a far cry from a cuddle bunny. I don’t wanna spoon or cuddle. I stabbed him. I wanted to fuck again, but no way was I going to go repeat the cuddle fiasco plus he was bleeding out. I hacked off his dick and slit his throat. He bled out on my pillows as I waited for rigor mortis to kick in and I used his dead severed dick as a dildo. A severed dick is a better choice to get me off. Doesn’t talk to me and sure as fuck doesn’t try to cuddle. He laid there bleeding out and slowly dying watching me get more pleasure from his cock once it was detached from his body than I did when it was dangling between his legs. I squirted from his severed cock. Hot damn, I can’t believe I didn’t think of that sooner. Consider yourself warned. Try to cuddle or spoon with a taboo phone sex slut and your dick gets severed from your body and used as a dildo.