Tag: Knife play phone sex

Can You Survive Castration Phone Sex?

castration phone sex

You’re a Masochist coming to this castration phone sex Seducer. Your dick is in my hands and I have the sharpest big Butcher knife at the tip of your penis. I smile and tell you that I want the thinnest cuts of Carpaccio! A thin raw Italian meat. Your dick is big enough to make me a delightful breakfast! Slice by slice the pain sears through you. You rattle your shackles and scream. No one can hear you bitch! Your cock is going to be tortured and sliced paper-thin for hours. The blood doesn’t bother me as I tie a big thick rubber band around the base and clip your balls off with garden shears. This isn’t just castration, its penis mutilation, and cock cutting! Near the base, you keep passing out. And you awake to the soldering iron as I finish you up. I left you alive with a pee tube. You are a mutant and will never get hard again. But you will be a nice hole for these huge cocks I have coming in so they can prolapse your ass! My work is never done as I drizzle olive oil on your slices of cock and gulp them down!

I Get Off Being Daddy’s Accomplice

Accomplice Phone Sex SierraAnother of Daddy’s customers has been refusing to pay and daddy has sat back and watched as he is living the good life. Partying it up with lots of strippers and lots of drugs. Daddy will ask a few times and then send a goon to try to convince him, but nothing seems to sway this dude to pay up. So, when daddy is at the end he always sends in his tried and true, me. Very few men can resist me, and daddy was really pissed. The guy has a young son who frequents an after hours off the book’s kind of party, so I got all dressed up in my slutty best and went. I spotted the guy, all coked up and drunk as hell. I started making my move and soon I was driving him back to our place. We went in and started fooling around. I let him suck on my big tits and lick my juicy wet pussy. Then I got on my knees and started blowing the guy. I actually gave him quite an impressive blow job. I licked his balls, putting his sack into my mouth and playing with them with my tongue. Then I licked his hard cock, gently from the base to the head. When I tasted that pre-cum, I took him in deeper and he grabbed my head and started throat fucking me. Just as he was starting to cum daddy came from behind grabbed him and cut that dick off. He was in midstream and his cum landed all over my face. He screamed and blood flowed. Daddy handed him a cloth and some ice and his dick and told him to tell his daddy to pay up or next he would be sending his wives pussy back to him. He left and me and daddy were so turned on that he grabbed me and threw me down on the puddle of blood and fucked me so hard. It was one of the best orgasms I have had in a while. I kind of hope he does not pay. I would enjoy cutting off her pussy.

Torture Phone Sex is Therapeutic

torture phone sexWe could all use a little torture phone sex right now. Inflicting pain is therapeutic. Let us hunt for a victim that we can work our anger issues out on together. The world is full of useless cunts and pricks. Hell, you may be one of them. I met this guy at the grocery store. Meet is too strong of a word. He was all up in my personal space with no mask. He tried to hit on me. Got right up in my face like there is no pandemic and gave me a lame come on. I told him to back off and tried to kiss me. The mother fucker tried to kiss me. For a quick moment, I thought about gutting him like a pig in aisle 7. I wanted this mother fucker dead. Natural selection would kill him sooner or later, but I wanted to speed up the process. I followed him out to the parking lot and gave him my address. The look on his face was priceless. He thought he was getting lucky with a Goth girl. Nope. He was getting sliced and diced. He was getting torture sex. I drugged his whisky and while he was passed out, I dragged his body onto a sheet of plastic. I did not want his blood on my floors. Normally, I kill and maim in my cabin in the woods, but these are not normal times. I was impulsive, which I never am, but this asshole needed taught a lesson. I did not kill him. I castrated him. I took his nuts. I used a rusty blade and I waited before I cauterized the wound. He bled like a stuck pig. He was awake for it thankfully. I like to torture when my victim can feel it. I am a sick bitch. I had him tied down, so he would not escape. I neutered the bastard. Just like I will neuter you if you come at me like a dog in heat. Castration phone sex is my favorite hobby.

torture sex

Bloody Phone Sex Victim

bloody phone sex

You may not believe this, but I’ve recently discovered the thrill in using fake blood on my snuff calls, because it really gets me in the mood. Especially for those bloody phone sex calls. I just bought two new gallons of costume blood because I love drenching my body in it while we play out a crime scene together. I love the feeling of that oozing gooey blood red liquid all over my tits while I’m begging for you to spare my life. I especially love it when my roommates come home to find me in a pool of fake blood. With all that said, I’m really looking forward to some bloody massacre type calls, where you show me know mercy and use every torture device you can think of on my sweet innocent young body. The more violent you become, the more of my blood I’ll use, as we get off together. Don’t hold back and don’t be afraid to get rough. I prefer it that way and the bloodier the better.

Babysitter Phone Sex From Hell

babysitter phone sex

You were hired by my parents to babysit me which I assumed was going to be an evening of board games and movies, but you had other plans in mind, didn’t you? For starters you relocated me to an unknown location, where my parents are to never see or find me again. At this location there is a basement that you keep me in. It’s your own little playground of torture and fun and my living nightmare. You visit me there every night and sometimes throughout the day as well. I tremble every time I her your footsteps because I know that nothing but horror and pain awaits me. Over there in the corner is a table where you like to display all of your favorite torture devices, even though you have a lot more upstairs. It’s like this ritual act every time you decide to introduce a new one to me, because you enjoy the look of fear on my face throughout the process. Well I can’t take this fear and panic any more! I want you to end my life and end this terror once and for all!

Much Deserved Torture Sex

Torture sexI was tied up, it all happened so quickly. I came to serve the Master. He told me he had a surprise. I thought he had found our newest victim. It was unexpected when he grabbed me and dragged me into the dungeon. My legs sliding, scraping against the cold stony ground. My hands tied together and placed on a hook leaving me to hang, the smell of death in the air. I truly thought today was the day my value ran out. That I was about to be disposed of, I was actually getting a little excited. When Master turned around with a sharp blade I imagined it being thrust in and out of me. However, he had different plans. He took the blade and cupped my breast with his free hand and began to carve into my skins. It stung and I tried my best not to whimper as I knew it would upset him, but I just couldn’t help it. Each new cut was done purposely to cause pain. Master was branding me, he wanted the mark to remain as a scar for the rest of my days so he needed it to be deep and to hurt. For my whimpering, though he decided to make me really scream. With the same blade, he brought it down to my pussy the cool sharp point pressed against my clit. Slowly piercing it the pain was unbearable. The more I scream the more he made it hurt until he was fucking the blade into my cunt, screaming at me to keep going, to fuck his blade. There was a bright puddle of blood collecting on the ground by the time I was cut down, still in pain even now, but still can’t stop touching myself.

My Knife, Your Balls

Castration phone sex is what you fucking deserve. I see the way you look at those little girls and perverts like you need your nuts cut off, and sadistic like me love to taunt you with that sweet fuck meat and turn the game on you. I like to make you think you will get to do what all those fantasies you have with that young sweet thing. But you see, I’m really hating on perverts today and I think I’d rather turn the little slut into a hopeful sadistic. I want her to become as sick and twisted as me and making her watch what I do to you with my big knife will be something that will traumatize or inspire her. If she is of the right kind of cloth she will be inspired. If she is a worthless little whiny brat… well then there is only one way to go. I don’t need some brat ratting me out, instead I just call up my guys and let them party with her writhing little corpse. Well she will be alive for most of the torture. To have her little slit ripped up and that puckered ass destroyed. She’ll bleed out, I don’t want them to be easy on her, she does’t deserve that, and you don’t deserve to keep your balls… unless, of course you pay me off. Gratuities accepted and your balls will stay intact.

Castration Phone Sex

Snuff Porn at Church

snuff pornI was in the mood to make snuff porn. Perhaps it is all the horror films I have been watching on Shudder or maybe its just my nature. All I knew was that I had to get out of the house and kill something. Kill something young and tender. I got in my car and drove around. My town was a ghost town. No one out. Hunting is challenging because nothing is open. My usual hunting grounds are empty like malls and public parks. I can’t leave the state without my license plate being recorded. I could, however, leave the county. I drove three hours to this city with a crazy pastor saying God will protect him and his congregation Stupid fucks like that are breeders. I knew there would be brats there. I am a blasphemy sex bitch anyway. I have no problem killing on so called holy ground. The world needs one less Bible thumper in the world anyway, don’t you agree? I mean the God fanatics are out in droves and their little crotch fruit will grow up to be just like them. I grabbed a little angel who was in the hallway by herself. She wondered off, I guess. I suffocated her just enough so she would pass out. I put her in my trunk and took her to the woods behind the church. I made it look like a satanic sacrifice. Hail Satan. I mean these are some end of times. I put her in the middle of a pentagon and cut her open. Sliced her tender flesh. Fucked her tiny holes and dismembered her. It was a bloody hell of a scene, but I worked out some aggression and maybe taught those bible thumpers a lesson about having church in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.

Lets slice her!

Her screams haunt me with pleasure. I have made many young girls scream. This one, however, is special. She is the one I think of when too long of a period has went by with no violent fun.

She was my first. Literally just for fun. Most girls that love kill, or torture started out doing it just to make some guy happy. I’m not that bitch. My very first time was solo, just for me. I can’t even tell you what was on my mind it was so incredibly fucking random. It wasn’t because I was pissed off or my feelings were hurt or because I had some underlying issues I hadn’t dealt with. It wasn’t even because I was bored. I can’t even say it was because I was horny because at that point in time, I had no clue that it would turn me on. I remember being so calm and just deciding I was going to do something new and different.

I think she was just lonely and wanted a friend. Just all chatty Kathy. I was shorter than her and slenderer. She probably could’ve kicked my ass if she had tried. She wasn’t afraid of me not one bit. However, she was afraid of my knife. I still have that same knife. It came out of the butcher block in my mom’s kitchen. It’s the one thing I cannot part with even though I know it’s a horrible idea to keep souvenirs.

killer phone sex
Anyways she still haunts me. Right now, while we are all kind of stuck at home with this stupid fucking coronavirus. She is the one I think of. Specifically, her screams. Though screams gave me the ultimate orgasm. I seriously fucking came without ever touching myself.
If I am honest out of all of my “experiences” she was the sloppiest the one that should’ve gotten me caught. I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing. Three years later I went back, after learning a whole lot more, and set fire to that entire area. There wasn’t much left of her except for a few random bones. Now the only thing left is the haunting of her screams. I can hear them so clearly, even now. It’s like beautiful music to my cunt….

It’s a Bloody Date

bloody phone sex

I’m really nervous about talking to J. tonight. He’s into some very extreme kinds of knife and needle play. The last time that I saw him I wasn’t myself for weeks. When I told him that I was concerned about being pushed too hard he just told me that recovery wouldn’t be an issue after this session. I asked him what he meant and he told me that not everyone recovers every time. I knew right then that he planned on cutting into me in a fatal way. I can see him towering above me now. I will suffer while he dismantles me one last time.
I’ve been his bloody phone sex torture whore for some time now. I feel the warmth rushing through my skin. The need to bleed for him ignites my entire being. Hurt me, please. I’ll beg to take it. I’ll beg for his blades all the way down into my grave. I’ll take the deep twisted ways that he chooses to bleed me out. Can you imagine being the one that will drain my life completely? You better act quickly. My life now has an expiration date. Take me out and fulfill your dark needs now.