When I met him, I knew that it was going to end badly for me. I didn’t know that he was going to push me past any limits, though. The pain grew more intense with each session of torture sex. It didn’t matter; I could not get enough. My nipples were raw, my thighs covered in lacerations, but I gave him more. He would choke me so harshly that I just knew I was gone. It burns my soul to give so much to him, but I’ve never come harder in all of my life. I wanted it.
He pushed the knife deeper, deeper each time he used it on me. My pussy dripped as the blood coursed out from my body. Finally, he confessed that he wouldn’t be satisfied until he felt my body go cold while he was balls deep inside of me. The butcher started to remove parts of my skin as I watched in exquisite horror. He flayed me, and then I lost consciousness. A hard jab my jaw brought me back to the moment. He wrapped his gloved hands around the handles of the garrote. My life faded, and he licked the fresh spill from my throat.
Tag: Knife play phone sex
Snuff Slut Who Loves Torture Sex
Knife Play Phone Sex Fun on the 4th of July
Last night was the night to wreck some knife play phone sex havoc. So many little brats out lighting off fireworks and playing with sparklers. With it being dark and parents drunk, it was easy to snatch a few up undetected. No one was paying attention and with all the noise, no one heard the brats I kidnapped screaming. I came in the loudness and darkness of the night and scooped up three precious little angels. I am sure some one missed them eventually. I drugged them with chloroform. They woke up in my cabin in the woods, naked and scared. I wish I had you with me because I only sliced and diced their bodies. A male accomplice phone sex partner could have fucked these little bald cunts before I mutilated them. It was fun to destroy the future welfare cunts of America, but I like watching them be violated too. A big dick in the tiniest and baldest cunts looks amazing. If you think what I did was so wrong, what the fuck you doing on a snuff site? I am not a vanilla bitch. These little cunts would have just grown up to be your future ex-wives draining your resources but never putting out. They did not go quietly, but we were in the middle of the woods. No one around for miles. Only the wildlife heard their screams. The local animals love screams. When they hear a brat screaming in pain, they flock to my kill shack because they know it is feeding time. They are my accomplices because they eat the remains. When you have me as your partner in murder, I take care of all the evidence. You can leave your DNA in those tight fuck holes and I will butcher what is left and feed it too coyotes and bears.
Snuff Sex Makes America Great Again
Snuff sex is the only kind of sex I have nowadays. I find even less use for men, people in general with this fucking plague. People are idiots. Men bitching about a haircut, talking about all lives matter, bitching about wearing a mask and complaining about food name changes and statutes being removed and no more rebel flag at Nascar events. I mean why the fuck do they care? Half these idiots are fat old white guys who do not live in the deep south and could not even tell you who the fucking statute is and what that person contributed to history. To me, no white male lives matter at all. All I must do is go on social media and find a jackass with a death wish. I found Bubba. No shit his name was Bubba. He lives a few counties over in a trail park. Poster boy for birth control. Missing some teeth. Big old beer gut yet he had some stupid memes fat shaming chicks on his wall. There was a picture with him in a Confederate flag shirt next to his Ford truck with big old truck balls. He was wearing his Making America Great Again red ball cap and drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer I heard banjo music just looking at him. No way Bubba represents anything great about this country. I decided he needed something more than castration phone sex. I cat fished him. Had him meet me in a no tell motel for a kinky tryst. Like he could get a girl like me, let alone the girl in the picture I cat fished him with. Bubba was so dumb he just thought he was getting two chicks. I drugged him and he hit the floor with a big thud. Bubba lost his balls and his dick. I went Lorena Bobbitt on Bubba because all lives do not matter. And there does not need to be more Bubbas in the world. He screamed bloody murder. I shoved his dick and his balls in his mouth. And I put his Make America Great Again hat over his mutilated sex organs. Normally, I never call 911, but I wanted Bubba to live. I wanted him to know there is a cost to his free speech and sexism. Fat fuck will hopefully learn a lesson. Just for shits and giggles, I carved Black Lives Matter and Trans Rights on his chest. I know that will just annoy the shit out of him.
Fantasy Kidnapping Phone Sex
I was alone when a man forced his way into my home when I opened the door. He pulled out a hunting knife and pressed it hard underneath my chin. My eyes bubbled with tears. The sadist just licked them off of my eyes and laughed. When it was clear that no one was home, he marched me through the house and out of the door. I was tossed into the back of a windowless van and taken right from my own home. I begged him to let me go, but he acted as if he hadn’t heard me.
The van stopped, and the man yanked me from the vehicle, and drug me into a cabin. I knew that I would never leave there, he had shown me his face, let me see the plates on the van, and now he has shown me the location of this place. No, this is the end of the line for me. The sharp edge of his hunting knife ripped through my dress. The blade nicked my thigh as he cut my panties off, and I yelped. Then he slashed my delicate throat. He was pleased with using me for kidnapping phone sex.
Torture Sex Doll Mutilated
When you have the reputation for being a torture sex doll, men do not feel the need to hold back their thoughts. I was looking fine last night. I went clubbing with girlfriends. It was weird to be in this bar at half capacity. I am used to wall to wall people. One the one hand it was easier to get a drink and I could hear people talking. On the other hand, there were not as many men to choose from. This one handsome older gentleman spotted me and wanted to talk. He bought me drinks, but he must have drugged them, because I ended up naked and spread eagle on some dingy bed. I had no clue where I was. He was standing over me with a big knife and an evil grin. He spouted off about me snubbing him a few months ago when I had my pick of the liter. He informed me he knew I was a snuff porn whore because he had seen my pictures online. He did not think a whore like me had any business snubbing him. Now, I was paying for a crime I had no clue I committed. I did not remember him. He carved his initials in my belly with the knife and whore on my arm. As I bled, he got hard. I used to be a cutter, so I can handle some pain, but what he did with the knife next was beyond any kind of pain I could handle. He fucked my cunt with a knife while hurling insults my way. I could feel my insides coming out in a way they are never meant to come out. I thought he was done, but he wanted to fuck my bloody ruined cunt. He shot his load in me and laughed that he did not need a condom because he made sure I could never get pregnant. He permanently disfigured my pussy.
Thrill & Kill Snuff Sex Gang-bang
Was it snuff sex gone wrong? Or was it perfectly right for daddy and a bunch of his friends? I wanted him to destroy this neighbor slut with me. What I thought was going to be an intimate sexual assault on her little whore body turned into a gang bang murder. Not that this killer accomplice slut has any problem with that whatsoever. In fact, watching her think she was going to fuck my daddy and not have any consequences was a turn on. Daddy had just whispered that he had a couple of his evil friends coming over to force fuck her and that the ending would be a surprise for me! I was so horny; I began to masturbate my tiny cunt as this was a few years ago. As daddy put his hands around her throat until she turned purple I had my first real orgasm of the night. Watching her panic as he didn’t let her throat go until she blacked out was very fucking hot. When she came to, it was another man using her ass hole and her mouth being fucked while her hair was yanked violently!
I was told to go get my little knife so I could cut her nipples off and have my very own souvenir. I rubbed my pussy for days with those little pieces of flesh. At one point one of the men had me sit on her face and piss all in her mouth before I rubbed her face in my cunt. She bit my pussy, but that just made me drown her in my cum! Daddy had enough of torturing her and said it was time for my surprise. His friends and him were jacking off those big hard cocks and as they began to cum. one of then pulled a gun and blew her brains out. It was a big mess to clean up but I never minded being his little accomplice phone sex helper!
Faith’s Cannibalism Phone Sex
When he told me that I looked good enough to eat, there was no way that I could have been prepared for what he really meant. He told me that he was a Dominant man with a very particular fantasy in mind. I’m a no limits kind of a fuck slut, what could he want that I’m not ready for, right? His voice lowered to a near growl, and his heated breath beat the words into my ear. ” I told you, you look good enough to eat.” My legs went limp, and I fell into his embrace while I scrambled to gain a hold with something around me.
My pussy would always quiver when I had cannibalism phone sex. This was taking place, though. My heart thundered in my chest while the knife shredded my dress like it was made of paper. The cannibal marched me into his kill room and pressed the blade into my fragile neck before dragging it across in one swift motion, bleeding me like a pig. As each drop hit the drain, he told me how he’s feast on me for days, and then the lights faded, and I just melted into death’s arms.
Knife Play Phone Sex With Faith
The dream that I had last night caused me to wake up in wet sheets. My panties were soaked, and my sheets looked as if I had been squirting relentlessly. Do you perverted animals want to know what got my masochistic cunt drenched and creamy? My mind races to the dark, dangerous places with me being your vulnerable victim. My hand went into my messy cummy panties, and I started to fuck myself with brutal finger pumps, but as you probably could guess, that’s not enough for this pain slut. I needed more force, more anger fucking into me and pushing me to the edge.
I hopped up from my bed and got the cold silver blade that I keep in the fridge for knife play. Then I pressed the cold metal to my neck and held it there while I writhed around in the sheets and begged you not to slice my throat and take me. I heard the rough, emotionless voice in my ear telling me to fucking beg all that I wanted but that I wasn’t going to live through the night. My clit was humming with need, and it needs knife play phone sex. Take me.
Why I Prefer Knife Play Phone Sex
Knife play phone sex is near and dear to me. I am a cutter. I do not cut myself. I cut others, maybe even you. I love the sight of blood. I like the sound of skin tearing. I like cries, whimpers, and screams. Sure, I could shoot some one dead but no fun in that for me. One bullet and a thud. It is over quickly. A knife, however, can inflict pain for hours. A knife can do a lot more than a gun. It can castrate a tiny dicked tool. It can stab the cunt of a trailer trash whore. It can dismember body parts. It can skin the flesh off a person. I can gut a little whore like a pig. I can disfigure a vain cunt. A knife is perfect for torture sex. A gun is what a hothead uses. I do not partake in crimes of passion or anger. I do not just stab a person. I plan it out. That is how I have never been detected. I plot. I hunt. I observe the patterns of my prey. No rush in killing either. I take my time, so my victim feels the pain and feels the impending death. That is what gets my cunt wet. I am a hunter. I get off on stalking and planning some little slut’s death or even some grown ass prick’s death. You can have your guns. I will keep sharpening my knives and planning my crimes. Care to join me?
Destruction In The Hospital
I let myself in the morgue with the keycard I had swiped from you. On text in front of a dead body and you knew your medical phone sex fantasies just got real. I unzipped your daughter’s body bag after I pulled her out of the freezer. Did you do this to her? Were you the reason she lay cold and stiff on this slab? Her pussy was mangled, and I knew that someone had forced a cock way to big inside her. But on second thought this happened after she was dead. I laughed and it echoed off the morgue walls, You couldn’t fuck her in life but you sure got that pussy the second she arrived down here for you. I begin looking for other young ones and discovered sloppy stitch jobs on cunts and asses. Even an old lady and other women had been penetrated after death. You are one sick bastard! I love it. I grabbed a scalpel off the table and sliced your daughters little clitty off. I added a piece of her heart after I found the chest spreader. I was making you a voodoo box of her so you could always have a piece of her near you after a long day’s work of sex with dead bodies!
Necrophilia at its finest you sick fuck! But my cunt is wet and ready for you all over again.