I first discovered knife play phone sex a few years ago. I had been dating a much older man who had a huge knife collection. He was the true definition of a sadist. That man absolutely loved inflicting pain upon me. My torture brought him so much pleasure that I began to enjoy it myself. He conditioned my body to respond in a positive way whenever a blade would glide across it. Now just the mere thought of it gets my tight little bald cunt dripping wet. I love it when a man isn’t shy about what he really wants to do with a young slut like myself. I can see that beastly look in their eyes. That look that says they want to hurt me in ways I’ve never experienced. They want to smell the fear seeping from my pussy as they taunt me with their power. I wonder just how far you’d take it. There’s something about going past the point of no return that is insanely erotic and disturbing. My mind is a dark and depraved place for you to infect more with your sexual sickness. Come torture me with those sharp blades. I need to feel the warmth of my own blood oozing all over my body once again.
Tag: Knife play phone sex
Snuff Porn Death: May You Rest in Pieces
I enjoy watching snuff porn, but I will always prefer to make it. Usually, I have a sweet young victim as my star because that is where the demand and money is found. That does not mean I do not enjoy snuffing out young victims because I do. I will kill anyone with two legs. Sometimes, however, it is fun to make a snuff flick with a man. When I do, it is like porn just for me. I can masturbate to watching my handy work and some small dick humiliation. I do extreme small dick humiliation because I will remove your tiny appendage. I will enjoy castrating you if you have a small dick. Hands down I prefer killing a grown ass man over a tiny girl. Not because I do not like tender age cunts. For me, it is more of a challenge. Like it is a fair fight. This is why I do not kill animals. No fairness there. Plus, I like animals. It is people I hate. I am happy to make snuff movies with men, especially men like Jim. I met him at Barnes and Noble of all places. I went in to get some books to read and he was the loser with a Goth girl fetish. I was not the right Goth girl for him, and he found out the hard way. He assumed wrongly that I was a pain slut and a submissive. I am into pain, but your pain, not mine. I drugged him and tied him up. When he woke up, I chopped his penis off. It was easy to do being so small. I made sure he knew I took his penis because it was worthless. I made a hot torture porn video carving him up. Dismembered him slowly too. May he rest all in pieces. Who wants to be next?
Castration and Mutilation Get me off
Its not a normal fetish for sure. But during castration phone sex I get incredibly wet and have to bring out my toys. My dildos are bigger than you could ever think about being. I have a very dark side and mutilation by castrating your balls and complete dick eradiation is just one of my maim freak fetishes! You could be a multibillionaire but if I want to slice and dice your cocktail weenie I will. My dungeon of pain has seen the likes of men like you before! If you consider me hardcore, I don’t blame you. But your here for a reason are you honey pie? You know you don’t deserve to be having any kind of penis any more. It could be your past deeds, or the lack of cock. All I know is this demented snuff slut enjoys the bloody mess and will eat your testicles’ on a cracker! Perhaps I will paint my body in your blood and let a real man fuck me In front of your dying carcass. Come to me if you need to cum without balls or a dick!
Knife Play Phone Sex Victim
When you told me to shut up and do as you told me to or there’d be hell to pay, I didn’t believe you. It was always just a fantasy all of the other times we fooled around and had knife play phone sex, so I didn’t think that this time would be any different, but it was. I told you no when you ordered me to get down onto my knees and suck your cock and that was clearly the wrong answer. Again, he said “Get down on your knees bitch” but this time he added “Or I will slit your fucking throat and you’ll bleed out while I jizz in your mouth.”
He held the knife right up to my throat as I sucked his cock and I could feel the cold steel blade up against my neck. I was afraid that if I moved too much, I’d get cut accidentally, but it was a risk I had to take. If I didn’t do a good enough job, I knew worse things than getting a small accidental cut were going to happen. I know you and your cock are just dying to know what happened next, or better yet, maybe you want to act it out with me.
Castration Phone Sex: I May Take More Than Your Balls
Castration phone sex excites me. You would be surprised how many men seek ball removal. I am a castration queen. I have no qualms about taking your balls on or off the phone. There are many reasons to take a man’s balls. The best reason is to save women from pathetic predators with tiny dicks. I guess you could say I am saving the world one set of balls at a time. Balls are a privilege, and some men just need their privileges revoked. That is where I come in. Sometimes, some pathetic loser will hire me to castrate him because he is too wimpy to do it himself. Guys that come to me are self-aware enough to know they are either a degenerate pervert or a small dick loser. Elmore is my latest castration client. I was prepared to surgically remove his balls. He paid me $10,000 for the job. I got some inspiration from torture sex porn, and castration videos. I do not remove balls in a nice clean fashion. If you want your testicles removed with a surgeon’s precision, you do not call me. You call a doctor. I do research on my clients too. It helps me decide if I want to be humane or inflict as much pain as possible. Elmore is a degenerate who deserved to have his dick gone too. He is a dead-beat daddy. He collects social security disability for drug addiction and he is a stupid anti-vaxxer spreading stupidity on social media. I would have taken his balls for free.
When he arrived, I got the payment upfront and strapped him to my castration chair. He asked about all the plastic under the chair. I told him I did not want his blood to splatter on my carpet. I used a castration band to restrict the blood flow, then strapped his cock to the plank I added to my castration chair. I took his balls first, but I did not cauterize the wound. I let him bleed everywhere, hence the plastic tarp. He whined for a bit before I told him I was snuffing him out too. I went all Jack Torrence on him and chopped him up with an axe. It was hot to watch his body twitch, and blood spurt from his wounds. I felt Satan smiling. God too if you believe in him. No one but Elmore believed he deserved to live. Be careful when you ask an evil phone sex bitch to remove your balls. She just may take your life too.
Faggot With A Death Wish
He was a faggot with a death wish! Sometimes I get lucky and the perfect victim for medical phone sex! A man who loves nails driven into his ball sack for A red Room Mistress! I get so fucking horny seeing balls tortured in some hot CBT therapy! I told him I would take those balls while nailed to the board and begin with my filet knife and slowly peel the skin from his balls making them ache and bleed like a peeled grapefruit that’s been cut too close to the pulp! He wants to be gangbanged and suck cock all night as I slowly cut all of his body parts off and before I set him a blaze for some roasted long pig he will cum from all the pain and his imminent death! To take up the scalpel again and dissect this worthless fagot filled with cum in his ass pussy and belly would be my biggest pleasure! I am all about torture and death and knife play phone sex of pathetic faggot losers like him, and you!
Castration Phone Sex
Looking for castration phone sex? I am a castration specialist. I do not just take the balls. Often I take the worthless dick too. There are too many of you assholes running around loose thinking their packages are the greatest things since sliced bred. I like to bring men back to reality. In my phone life, men call me and know they have worthless dicks and beg me to remove their testicles. In a bar at 4 am, some loser thinks he can take home the Goth girl. I am a predator. I hunt losers, sluts and brats. I have no tolerance for any of them. When this leisure suit Larry mother fucker came up to me at last call, I knew I had my mark. He did not try to roofie me like most men. He had that going for him, but he was still in denial. He had the comb over hair and the white man’s overbite when he talked. He thought he was smooth and he thought I was desperate. I do not need men. If I want to fuck, I will hire a male stud and tell him not to speak to me. Leisure suit Larry thought if I was still alone in a bar at last call, I would fuck whatever schmuck was left. I was just weeding out the losers from the studs. When we got back to his place, I roofied his drink. He was easy to manhandle. I stripped him naked, tied him to his bed and used one of his kitchen knives to remove his nuggets. His cock was average. He was not a total jack ass. He was just a loser with no game and unrealistic expectations. I cauterized the wound with a hot frying pan. In the end he thanked me. That was a first from an unsuspecting victim. He will live, but he will never fuck again. He is a neutered pup now. Are you ready to part with your balls too?
Castration Station, All aboard! (Jezzy Borden)
I don’t fuck loser cock. Perhaps why castration phone sex gets me off so easily. Even though there are some nice big fat dicks I have sliced right the fuck off. The fact of the matter is they are all loser cocks. I suppose I am like most women who have a long list of cocks she would like to chop right off. Circa Lorena Bobbitt. I know a few women who cheer for her to this day, a name synonymous with cutting your loser man’s dick off.
I am a jezebel, a evil cunt that you should never turn your back on! I am not one too degrade or fuck with in any way as many have found out the bloody way!!!
My Name rings true for those who have harmed me. Jezabel gets even and enjoys wacking off a dick with a sharp knife!
Jezzy Borden gave that cock 40 whacks when it just needed one!
My molesters and forced me at a young age men who dared hurt me have all been dickless and dead for a while now. I have scars from where I sliced myself with each death just so I can get off each time I see that mark on my body.
Not convinced I’m sick enough to put your balls on the broiler and your cock on a skewer and eat them while you bleed out.
Then you will never be convinced and should just go put your cock in balls in a meat grinder anyways! I have no use for pathetic mother fuckers like you. Pussy is better anyways, which is why I keep a bitch at my side until a worthy cock shows up… If one ever will. Good thing me and my bitches love to eat cock and balls for dinner! At least your cock will be useful after all!
Bloody Phone Sex Fun
I am a bloody phone sex whore. I find blood sexy. I am not the only one either. I met this guy at a fetish club who is into hematolaghia. It is pretty much folks who get off on blood. He convinced me to let him have some of my blood for sex play. I was nervous of course. Trusting a man to cut you gives him a lot of power. I mean he could drain you dry and kill you like a vampire. I was hesitant but aroused. He was handsome and hung like a horse. I wanted to please him, so I let him cut me. He made a few cuts on my tender flesh and my bright red blood dripped down over my boobs. I felt like Carrie at the prom. He added his blood to the mix. Bright red rivers of blood cascaded over my tits and down to my cunt. He used our blood as lube to fuck me. He pushed his bloody cock in my ass and my pussy. I was bleeding and in pain, but my cunt was on fire. I was so turned on playing in our blood. He would not let me cut him. I understood. I was the submissive taboo phone sex whore. He was the master I met in a fetish club. I started to rub my blood in my tits, and he got pissed. He was mad that the blood started to fade from my tits. He put the knife to my neck and made a huge slice across my throat. He gave me a Colombian necktie. I was choking on my blood. It was spewing out my throat. I was going to bleed out or drown in my blood. Either way, I should never have trusted a stranger to slice my flesh.
Knife Play Phone Sex With Faith
Most girls would get freaked out when they are naked in your bed and you pull out a knife, but not me. I get turned on by the feel of the cold steel against my skin. Knowing that the blade could slice me up at any time is so exciting. You might be wondering how I found out that I’m turned on by knife play phone sex. Well, my then boyfriend wanted to fuck me and I wasn’t in the mood. He pulled out this long, sharp knife and held it up to my throat. He said I could either spread my legs willingly or he’d force me to. I said “Force me” and so that’s what he did. He pushed me down onto the bed, spread my legs, and shoved his cock inside me while holding the knife to my throat. I should have been terrified, but I wasn’t.
I threw that man out a long time ago, but I’ve found myself asking for knife play a lot every time I find a new sexual partner. Some are reluctant and afraid that they’ll hurt me but you know, that’s part of what excites me so much. Will they or won’t they slice into my soft flesh as they caress it with the knife blade? The first time someone cut into me was so fucking hot. It made me cum really hard immediately. Do you want to hear more detail about how I’ve been turned into a knife-playing slut? Maybe I’ll even turn the tables and make you the victim. But how far will I go? Or how far will you go? I guess only time will tell. Are you ready to explore with me? Grab your phone and give me a call. I can’t wait to play with you.