I was in a castration phone sex mood last night. That is not uncommon. Most men piss me off. They think because I have a pussy I will just be spread and ready for them. I am not a typical girl. If you have called me or met me out at a Goth bar, then you know fuck calls are not my thing. I need violence to get off. And don’t even think about it. No violence towards me. I am not your bitch or your whore. If I am going to cum, I need to hurt you. Now, sometimes that is just a cut or a stab. But sometimes, you die while fucking me. It is a risk you take having sex with a sadistic bitch. I am like a female praying mantis. They bite the heads off their male lovers after copulating. They get what they needed from the male species, kill the lover and move on. Now, I do not always kill a male lover, but when I do it is because some loser gets all sappy over me. I do not spoon. I do not do pillow talk either. I do not give a fuck about your day. I do not give a fuck about cuddling. Troy would not shut the fuck up after we fucked. He wanted to know what my dreams were and my astrological sign. He got to star in an impromptu snuff porn. Normally, I am not an impulsive killer. I plan and stalk my prey, so I do not get caught. But Troy was the most annoying mother fucker I ever fucked. If I went to jail, no better kill to send me there than that sappy ass loser. I cut his cock clean off and stuffed it in his mouth. I did not cauterize the wound. I let him bleed all over his bed. The kill had jilted lover all over it which was not exactly the case. This was not a revenge kill. This was a mercy killing. My mercy. If I had to hear him yap one more time, I was going to kill myself. Hey, consider yourself warned. I am a taboo phone sex bitch not a GFE.
Tag: Knife play phone sex
Castration Phone Sex is a Risk With Me Because I am a Sick Bitch
Knife Play Phone Sex is My Favorite Way to Kill
Knife play phone sex is my favorite. I am prone to violent tendencies. A knife is my weapon of choice for many reasons. I have more control over a knife, and it takes skill to kill with one. Plus, you can do more things with a knife than a gun. You can stab, slice, gut, dismember, castrate, and slit throats with a knife and so much more. A gun has less variety. You shoot or pistol whip. No skill involved if you are in close range. Just aim and pull the trigger. Can you tell vanilla sex is not my thing. Vanilla is an ice cream flavor, not a type of sex, LOL. I was like Wednesday Adams as a schoolgirl. I wanted to play with knives not Barbie dolls. I never hurt animals like a typical sociopath. I do not think I am a sociopath. I just like to kill people. Not just any person, but folks who annoy the fuck out of me like mean girls, cock teases, tools, brats and shrimp dicks. I have always been full of killer phone sex fantasies. I have no set pattern other than I use a knife. I do not have a type I kill other than the fact that they have annoyed me in some way, but that is an indiscernible pattern to the authorities. I am never on anyone’s radar because I leave no trace. The bodies are never found because I will feed carcasses to the wildlife. They are bear shit or coyote shit and no one is testing the DNA in wild animal shit. I make a great accomplice because I can help you hunt and kill while keeping you off the radar of the authorities too. You just might have to modify some things like location and target to stay off that radar, but with me as your accomplice phone sex partner, I will help you have a satisfying surrogate kill.
Snuff Porn Saturday Nights with a Sadistic Bitch
Saturday nights are for snuff porn. Well, with me, any night is. I will kill anyone any night of the week. But Saturday nights are prime hunting nights. Now that colleges are back in session, you can count on some annoying drunk coeds to piss me off enough that I must kill them. It is really community service when you think about it. I hate cock teases and there are no better cock teases than coeds. I was not in the mood to be fucked with last night. But this one blonde sorority cunt was all up in my face in a Goth bar. She did not belong. She was drunk and stumbled in trying to get guys to buy her booze. She was being a drunk bitch and the guys in the club were not into sorority girls. She assumed I was gay and was like you can buy me drinks and I will let you eat my pussy. Nope. I was not having anything to do with her and it was pissing her off. When she got in my face and told me I should be so lucky to eat her pussy, I had killer phone sex impulses right then. I kept my shit together until closing time. I followed her drunk ass until she stumbled into the park trying to cut through to the nearby campus was my guess. I had my knife with me because I always have it with me. I could make it look like a sexual assault or a robbery. I shanked the bitch. I made it quick because I did not plan this one out well enough to torture her for hours. I stabbed her in the right place to kill her with a slow bleed out. She fell to the ground paralyzed from the pain and bled out. I took her purse to make it look like a robbery. It was all over the news this morning, but it will just be another random act of violence to go unsolved. Nothing random about snuff sex for me. I kill the bitches who deserve to die.
Knife Play Phone Sex Has Endless Scenarios for Countless Amounts of Fun
Knife play phone sex is my favorite. A knife requires skill. There is no skill in shooting someone. If you are close enough, and have even crappy aim, the person is dead or severely disabled. I pride myself on the hunt. I love to play cat and mouse first. Guys never suspect a woman of being a knife wielding fiend. Recently, me and a fellow sadistic bitch arranged a special hunting party. We invited some men on our personal hit lists. They thought it was a sex party. Stupid men. These were small dicked losers who did not deserve their balls, let alone their cocks. We were having a castration phone sex party. We acted like horny sex kittens to get them naked. It did not take much. It was me an Gail and 6 men. Six men who never saw it coming either. We tied them up and they still had no clue we meant them harm. Men think with their cocks. Well, Gail and I cut off their brains. And we did it slow too. Do not feel sorry for them. These men had small cocks and big egos. No brains either. Never saw it coming which I enjoyed. Element of surprise makes it hotter. It was very messy, however. I waited a bit before I cauterized the wounds. I love the site of blood. Other people’s blood of course. Gail and I practice witchcraft. There are so many potent spells you can create with testicles. We severed each loser’s balls. But some of them had such small cocks, we figure what was the point of having them? I mean if my clit is bigger than your dick, I say good riddance. Gail and I created some spells, but we practiced some cannibalism too. I like to eat testicles. They are much better than sheep balls. I know. I am sick bitch. What can I say? Or torture sex makes me wet.
Snuff Porn Audition
I had a snuff porn audition this week. I needed the money. I have been trying to get more accomplice gigs, but the rent was due, and I was behind already. I needed a couple grand, and I needed it quickly. The snuff industry pays well. Well, maybe not well for what you must endure, but it is decent enough pay. And the money is cash under the table. Instant money. The director seemed to think I was perfect for whatever it was he had in mind. He told me it was a horror snuff film. I love horror flicks. I always wanted to be a scream queen, and this was my chance. I let out some blood curdling screams and got the part. I would be the star of his next snuff sex porn. It was violent and gory. Just up my ally too. I assumed it would be all simulated like most snuff flicks, but apparently the reason the money was so good is because it was a realistic snuff film.
It was a Little Red Riding Hood theme. They dressed me up just like her with a basket and everything. What I was not prepared for, however, was a man with daggers for fingernails and sharp teeth to jump me. Most snuff flicks are unscripted for a better sense of reality. I was in the fight for my life. The guy’s wolf costume was so realistic and the teeth and fingernails so real too and oh so sharp. When he attacked me, I bled. He sliced my skin. I got so scared. Was I going to die? I love a hot roleplay phone sex call, but then this was not so much roleplay as it was snuff. I ran for my life when I realized whoever this was in a wolf outfit meant me real harm. And he did. I was bleeding from several gashes in my arms and face. I was so scared; I ran right out of the studio and never got my money. I do not think I would have survived if I had stayed anyway.
Castration Phone Sex Hotline
Some men are just better off without a cock, and I’m just the girl who’s more than happy to help you depart from your phallus friend. However I must warn you, it’s quite painful and bloody! Undergoing your castration with me is not something you should go into lightly. Although you will get what you want. I’m simply using you to satiate my own sick twisted desire to cut into flesh however I please.
With my assortment of blades, I’ll never get bored on my castration phone sex hotline here. I got it all from the shiny, smooth but incredibly sharp katana blade, to the rusty jagged used-up butter knife. I personally love my many serrated blades, from a tiny little pocket knife to a large serrated sword. So many options, sometimes I wished I didn’t have to just stop at removing your penis. Perhaps you will allow me to cut more? Or maybe I’ll just decide to take more…and more…until every last piece of you is nothing but scraps!
Snuff Phone Sex with a Taboo Bitch
Snuff phone sex is what I do. It is clear in my blogs and my bio. Some dickwad called me last night with honey this and baby that. He wanted to fuck me. Like romantic girlfriend experience shit. I do not do that. I am not your girlfriend. I will never be anyone’s girlfriend. I do not need a man to get off. They make toys for women like me. I do not do well with baby talk and stupid shit like cuddling. I am a loner. I like it that way. So, when Charlie called me for the girlfriend experience, I thought he was purposefully pushing my boundaries so I would react. Turns out, Charlie was just stupid. He got a call last night, but not the one he wanted. Or at least the one he thought he wanted. Once I gave him my best castration phone sex role play, he was down to let me abuse him. He had never met a bitch like me. I hear that almost daily. Lots of women need men. They pretend to be something they are not to get a loser. They use catfish filters and change who they are for some dickwad who will cheat on them or emotionally abuse them. I do not get it. But I also do not get men who want to make a woman something she is not. I mean why would Charlie try to make a sadistic bitch who loves knives more than men, his girlfriend. Now that I removed his testicles free of charge, he is probably wondering the same thing. Although he was shocked and not at all willing in the beginning, he cannot stop thinking about me. That is because I am often the first woman to step up and but a guy in his place. I am no June Clever. I will not ever be some doting housewife who cooks and cleans. I am the taboo phone sex psycho who castrates, tortures, force fucks and kills. Do I sound like your kind of woman?
Knife Play And Castration For A Man Bitch
I ‘m so tired of men being little bitches. When I was young a man would take control of you. He knew how to use you in every way but would reward you for being a good slut. Now men are weak and can’t even take care of themselves. I met a really weak bitch at the bar who tried to hit on me but could even buy me a drink.
I decided to bring him back to my place, just like a dumb slut i was able to drug him. When he gained consciousness, he was already naked and tied up. I showed him all my knives and toys I was going to use on him. I started by showing him how sharp my favorite knife was. I barely grazed his chest and it had cut him, seeing the blood drip down made my pussy stir. I pinned his balls with old school wooden pins, they are my favorite to use. The way they pinch the skin makes your body tighten up and seeing you squirm turns my sadistic pussy on. I pulled his cock out as far as I could. He begged for me to just let him go but I could not. I was going to make him into the bitch that he acted like. With one fast swift motion I cut his whole dick off, all the way to the base. I just left a big whole there for me to be able to use. As I finger fucked my pussy, I shoved my other fingers up his new cunt hole. I finger fucked us until my pussy clenched down on my fingers. It came so much my juices dripped down my arm. Now I just needed to finish him off and get rid of a pile of bitch meat.
Castration Phone Sex Gets My Cunt Wet and Brings Me Joy
Castration phone sex is what gets my cunt wet. Guys ask me all the time what I really enjoy, and I am brutally honest. I am not your typical phone sex woman. I am not sitting around all day begging for men to call me. I am not waiting to service your cock. I enjoy torture and the mutilation of sex organs. Now, I do love a good accomplice call where we hunt and kill together; but a good genital mutilation brings me nothing but joy. I am superior to most men. I am superior to most people. I am intelligent and I act with reason, not emotion. Too many men act with their dicks instead of their brains if they even have any. I know that sounds egotistical, but emotions are what bring people down and send them to prison. If guys acted with their big head instead of their little head, there never would have been a Me Too movement. I have never looked at any man and been like I want him so much I am just going to take him. Now, I have looked at a man and been like he looks so fucking stupid, I must explore my murder phone sex fantasies, so he never procreates.
I had that overwhelming sensation last night when I met Oliver at my local Goth dive bar. He was spiking girls’ drinks. I see everything. I am never caught off guard. My sixth sense is strong. I drugged him first. Not the first time or the last time that will happen. I was going to take him to my kill shack where I do my best work and can prolong the agony, but this guy was about 250 lbs of dead weight drugged. I settled for a back-alley castration. He had a worthless wiener. No woman would want to fuck or suck that worthless nub. I drove him to the waterfront. It is a seedy warehouse district where all the drug deals go down and hookers hang out. His sexually mutilated junk would be blamed on some whore not a torture sex bitch like me. He was out cold. I pulled his pants down and laughed at the short stack he thought he could force on me if I had not outsmarted him. I used a rusty blade and cut off his balls and half of his cock and tossed them in the river for fish food. I left him there to bleed out and get jack rolled. Fucking loser. He will just be the victim of another random act of senseless violence. Although it was not senseless to me. The bastard deserved it all.
Bloody Phone Sex Massacre
Bloody phone sex fun is what I am all about. I love a massacre. Blood turns me on. It is my favorite color. I bathe in blood. I drink blood. I am not a witch or a vampire though. I am just a sick bitch with a passion for pain. I love a bloody massacre the most, but normally I am only killing one little bitch at a time. This new client of mine had the fantasy of a gang bang with a bunch of little schoolgirls. He even had a a plan on how to get a bunch of brats together at once. I traveled for this guy to another state. It was a for hire job. He paid all my expenses and my fee. He ended up doubling my fee because he was so satisfied with our work. I normally do not travel that far. It is not that I do not think I can kill in another state. I can kill anywhere. I just cannot scope out and plan as well when I have no lay of the land. But this dude was the best accomplice sex partner ever. He knew this house that had a bunch of illegals who were likely nabbed for the sex trade. We massacred the place. Sneak attack. No one would report these brats dead. And with us in and out of the state so quickly, we would not be found. We went in at night, killed the three gunmen guarding the place. That left about a dozen little South of the border girls who spoke no English to play with. This dude just wanted to fuck a bunch of young brats and kill them. He was a true partner. Not only did he fuck these little cunts, he helped me stab them to death. Guns are traceable. Not my knives. I make many of my own. Never have I purchased a knife that was so rare it could be traced back to me. Blood was gushing all over the place. I love the taste and feel of the blood of little girls. We came in the middle of the night and left undetected. Always covered because of cameras. I mean we had zero motive and those types of crimes get blamed on rival gangs. Some evil trafficker took out the competition when it was just two folks with teen rape porn fantasies.