Tag: Knife play phone sex

Surgeon Amputates My Limbs and Drills My Brain

Medical fetish phone sex


The surgeon has me strapped down to the hospital bed. I feel groggy after he had injected some kind of sedative. He says that I am prepped for surgery, but I didn’t ask for any surgeries. I see his tool station with all of the devices he will use to torture me. There lie surgical scissors, a bone cutter, sutures, retractors, a dilator, and a cranial drill. He had his sterile gloves on and was ready to tear into me. Even though he sedated me, I could feel everything that was happening to me. As he sliced into my leg, he noted all of the muscles, nerves and ligaments. Then, he took his surgical saw and sawed into my bones, completely detaching my lower leg from the rest of my body. I wanted to scream out in pain, but I was too drugged to make a sound. He continued with the rest of my body, cutting off my left hand and my right arm. Each procedure left me  in agony. Once I finally got up from my stupor, I screamed at the top of my lungs and begged for anyone to help me. The surgeon took his cranial drill and shoved it into my forehead so that he may continue his surgery in peace. 

You Love Fucking Dead Sluts

Necrophilia phone sex


I am nothing to you. I was nothing you when you cornered me in the park at night, got out your big steak knife and sliced my throat, a steady stream of blood spurting from the wound, with ease, and I am nothing now as I lay dead before you. This is the perfect opportunity for you to fuck a dead body, fresh from your kill. I dressed for easy access, which makes it easier for you to rip off my panties, lift up my skirt and force your cock into my pussy. Your precum is making my dead pussy wet and allowing you to slide in and out of it as fast as you please. You love fucking this body, especially as it is about to get cold. It is just a fuck toy for you to use, was never a person. If I wanted to be treated like a person, I wouldn’t be dressed like a whore. If I were still able to feel my body in the afterlife, I would enjoy your abuse. You bet my deceased pussy is getting wet right now from being abused by you. Use me like the cum dumpster I am. 

I Live and Die to Pleasure You

Snuff phone sex


I had absolutely no idea what you wanted. You asked for my number, we met up at your place, and now I have my legs behind my head while you fuck me. You do not seem to be sufficiently satisfied by fucking my sexy body. It is like you need more and I was eager to give it to you. I sucked your cock and deep throated the entire dick down my throat so that I could choke on it and give you a show. Sucking on your cock makes you hard, but does not make you cum even once. I tell you that you can fuck me in any hole you like. First, you fuck me in my pussy. I moan and beg for your cock to pound me hard in my tight, wet pussy. Then, you shove your cock down my asshole and I beg you to fill up my tight little asshole with your cock. You do not cum inside me at all. I ask you what I can do to please you. You tell me that there is something you always wanted to do to whores like me who are so pathetic and desperate to please. I ask you what it is and you tell me to get on all fours and I will show you. Now, you are really ramming your cock inside me. I can hear you panting and truly enjoying it. It hurts me and I beg for you to stop and you won’t. I keep begging you over and over again and it is like you do not hear me. I cry for you to stop assaulting me, but that is the last thing that I say as I feel a knife slitting my throat and cum squirting on my back. I finally pleased you. 

Knife Play Phone Sex Is Torture for You, Pleasure for Me

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex is popular. Guys know that a woman who is fond of knives and knows how to use them is one sick bitch. I am a sick bitch. A knife takes skill and precision. Anyone can shoot a gun, but to maim, torture, or kill with a knife means you are in master class of sadism. I have amassed an impressive collection of knives over the years. Some of the knives in my collection are worth thousands of dollars because they date back to the 20s. I even have a few that are from the medieval times. My grandpa was a knife connoisseur. He taught me at a young age how to defend myself using knives. He gave me my first one. He taught me how to hunt prey with knives. He taught me how to torture men with knives. I gelded sheep with him before I ever castrated my first man. When my grandpa died, I inherited his knife collection and a bunch of torture sex devices. Thanks to him, I can kill, stab, slice, castrate, filet and gut a person however I want.

I kidnapped a teen twat last night. She is still in my cage in my dungeon. I have been torturing her for hours. She hit my car and went ballistic on me. She was intoxicated, but in high school still. Not old enough to be drinking. She was out of her league with me. Pampered, spoiled, twat was used to getting what she wants. With me, she is just getting tortured until I can find some one like you to fuck the shit out of her too. I could have killed the cunt on the spot, but I like to prolong the agony. So far, I have cut off her labia lips. I have pierced her nipples. I carved twat on her chest. I even burned her clit with a stogie. I am just getting started too. She will be a snuff porn star before long.

Castration Phone Sex is a Bloody Good Time for Me

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is bloody fun, especially for me. I watched a documentary on Lorena Bobbitt last night. I felt all inspired. I do not need her to take a man’s junk though. I castrated my first man in high school. I got a taste for it then. When I was a schoolgirl, the other schoolboys and girls called me Wednesday. That was because of Wednesday Addams. I was a loner Goth girl even back then. A teacher tried to force himself on me in the dark room where I was developing photos for a school project. I carried a small knife on me that I hid between my legs. I had it strapped with a garter to my thigh. My grandpa told me to do it so I could defend myself against bullies. This teacher was the last one I suspected of being a pervert too. But when he tried to fuck me, I threw photographic solution in his face, which burned his eyes, and I cut off his dick. I did the Lorena Bobbitt thing. She did her thing when I was just a little girl in diapers still, but everyone knew who she was and what she did when I was in high school. My teacher was my first willing torture sex victim. He started a domino effect though. I felt empowered grabbing that knife and slicing his dick off so he could not violate other schoolgirls. I knew he was not going to tell anyone what I did because he would have to explain why his dick was out in front of a young girl. He is likely still alive and dickless wonder. But now, so many more men are too. Because he was not the last man to try to force himself on me or other women. I can castrate you cleanly, or I can make it leave an ugly mark. I can take the balls, or I can take the dick too. I can let you bleed out or I can cauterize the wound. I am a taboo phone sex bitch. Not your bitch though. Never your bitch. I am just a tough as nails Goth girl who gets immense pleasure from mutilating your sex organs.

Babysitter Phone Sex with Layla

Babysitter Phone Sex


One of my favorite movies is “When a Stranger Calls.” The voice at the end of the line that harasses the babysitter during the movie gets me nice and wet. It’s so deep and mysterious! This scenario is an integral part of my recurring babysitter phone sex fantasy. While I’m babysitting, I keep getting calls from a stranger and though I try to ignore it at first, I become increasingly terrified by him. Eventually I call the police who trace the call and determine it’s coming from inside the house, but at that point, it’s too late…the intruder has found me and have to run and hide. I hide under the bed in one of the guest bedrooms and try to control my breathing. He wanders into the bedroom and he nearly misses me, until my watch alarm goes off reminding me to take my meds. He quickly grabs me by the legs and pulls me from under the bed. I’m screaming, crying and kicking and he punches the back of my head. He angrily rips my leggings and panties off and buries my face into the carpet while he pulls out his cock and shoves it forcefully in my ass. This makes me scream louder and he pushes my head deeper into the carpet to muffle me, angrily force fucking my ass as my nose bleeds. He calls me names—stupid bitch, whore—and tells me about how he’s going to slit my throat, fuck the wound, defile my corpse and throw me into a woodchipper so he can feed me to his pigs. I love the feeling of being powerless and at someone else’s mercy. I imagine him dragging the blade of his knife across my jugular and feeling the warm blood trickle down my neck at the exact moment I cum. I then imagine watching him have sex with my lifeless body as my spirit watches on from the corner. Torture babysitter phone sex sure does make me horny!

Blasphemy Sex and Fucking Jesus with Satan’s Cock

Fucking Jesus’ God Damned cock and Hailing Satan is the greatest thing ever. Blasphemy sex is a righteous kind of sex with me. I had this loser stalker that thought Goth girls were the filthiest little whores and wanted to give me a taste of Christ by attempting to forcefully penetrate me against my will. Fat Mother Fucker God damned piece of shit Bible thumper Southern Baptist Bat Shit nut job got his dues.

My quick reflexes and street smarts put him in a hold as I flipped my tight little body around and held his fat ass down. A quick move and my blade was out and slicing that cock right from his fat greasy balls. I laughed as he screamed bloody fucking God help me bullshit bitch screams. I rubbed his blood on my body and while he still spurted I did a little stitching and rendering of that prick of his.

In moments I had a bloody red strap-on ready for some penetrating truth of his Christ fucking dreams. That’s right Bitch take Satan’s phallus like the fat bastard you are and spit in his face as I rape fantasied that ass into oblivion with the power and force of Satan infused within it. Conjuring demons into dick cuttings is a great Hobby of mine.

Blasphemy Sex

Knife Play Phone Sex is a Bloody Good Time with Me

knife play phone sex

Knife play phone sex is bloody fun. I love to stab, slice, cut and disfigure. I saw this little girl playing by herself at the park and was suddenly filled with rage. She looked like an angel; the kind of girl P men would love to fuck. But she represented to me all that is evil in little girls. She was flirting with the daddies in the park. Even at her young age, she knew her tiny little body could garner attention. This was a future gold digging, cock teasing slut who would grow up to be the kind of woman who gives other women a bad name. I had to stop her in her tracks before she could do more damage. I had killer phone sex impulses right then, but I curtailed them until I could get her alone. I am stealth and I am patient. It is a struggle most days though to show restraint, but restraint keeps me out of prison. I followed the girl home, so I would know where she lived. I waited. I plotted. And when the timing was right, I stole her right from her bedroom in the middle of the night. I took her to my kill shack, and I mutilated her little body for shits and giggles. I sliced off her nipples. I cut off her labia lips. I carved a W in her flat belly to remind her that she is a whore. I took pride in disfiguring the little cunt. I could have killed her quickly, but there is no fun in a quick and painless death for me. I like the suffering of others. I get off on the pain and tears of young girls. Do you? Honestly, I could have used a male accomplice. Sure, I had fun torturing the cunt with my knife. I eventually killed her and fed her to the wild animals but having an accomplice phone sex partner is always way more fun for me.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies: Kidnapped and snuffed by Mr. Troy.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

The look of shock on my face when Mr. Troy, pulled up to me had to of been apparent to him. I was so shocked that my science teacher would actually offer to give me a ride home, crawling into his vehicle he locked the doors and started down the road. That’s when he began telling me about his murder phone sex fantasies. The things he was saying had my heart racing in fear of what was about to happen to me.

He informed me that a few of his buddies were waiting for me at his house, that he had sent pictures of a few girls to them and I was the chosen one.  Quickly reaching for the door handle to climb out of the car, it didn’t take me too long to realize how fucked I was. I was definitely in danger being this close to him when he quite clearly had bad intentions on his mind. Pulling up to his garage out back of his house, it was a good distance, no one would be able to hear me if I screamed. My heart racing I tried to get away as he opened the car door, grabbing me by the hair he drug me into the building. Where I saw two great big men standing before me.

“On your knees, Bitch” I heard a voice from behind me as they quickly shoved me down kicking my legs out from under me. Their hands were rough and firm on my skin, I knew there would be bruises the next day if I made it through this. They were all wearing masks, standing there naked. Cigirrets and knives in their hands as one of them walked over his boot finding its way to rest on my midsection. Pushing himself into me I let out a grunt before feeling another kick me in my thigh. Immediately sent a cramp up my leg as I screamed in pain another blow to my head “Shut up, Girl” they said.  As I heard the ciggies being lit before pressed into my skin, the sizzling noise was masked by my screams.

“We’re going to torture you then murder you, you dirty slut” they said laughing to themselves as I whimpered begging for my life to be spared. “I won’t’ tell anyone!” I cried out as they began punching me, filling all of my holes with their cocks as their cum just dripped from my body.

To be continued…

Accomplice play with a hot barely legal Babysitter phone sex Princess?

Babysitter phone sex

Could you imagine combining babysitter phone sex and accomplice fun? The way it would feel to know that you had a partner in crime to commit the horrible acts you’ve been dreaming about should absolutely make you feel super horny and turned on.  I would love to be that person, the one who gets the little creatures together that you intend on snuffing. There’s nothing I want more than to assist you in making your cock explode with need.

Just imagine me calling you and inviting you over to the how I’m babysitting at. Telling you not to worry that I’ve put the little ones down and you and I can have some fun together. I bet your mind would be racing with thoughts of fucking me, when little did you know you’d be having sex with dead bodies while we mutilate and do fucked up things to them.

Does that turn you on? The thought of having sex with corpses? The thought of hearing the last dying breath of air escape a perfectly little set of lungs. Let me give you what it is you crave, weaving a tale of destruction that may even be too much for you.

Are you ready to snuff some brats?