Tag: Knife play phone sex

Castration Phone Sex is What I Love Because I am a Sadist Not Your GFE

castration phone sexIt is no secret that I love castration phone sex. I am clear about being sadistic. I am not your typical phone sex operator. I am not here to blow your cock or let you fuck me in the ass. I am not here to be your therapist or GFE either. You are my victim or my accomplice. There is no gray area in between. I find men mostly useless to me. Yet every day, I have to whack some guy’s junk off because he cannot read or he cannot listen. You try to fuck me, or you try to spoon me or show me typical affection, I go crazy and not in a good way. Just ask Josh. He thought I would satisfy his Goth girl fetish. Not my job. I am here for dark fantasies not romance. I am a sadist. That is just fact. A sociopath too. I do not care if you good looking and rich. Nor do I care that you paid $2 bucks a minute to get off. There are plenty of women here that do BJ calls or typical fuck calls. This is a snuff phone sex site. If you are looking for love, well you are looking for love in all the wrong places. Josh got castrated with a rusty blade for trying to fuck me. He kept calling me honey and baby, and that kind of puerile talk just pisses me off. I made Josh think I would suck his worthless pecker, and I cut it off instead. The balls too. I had to make a point. I had to emasculate him permanently. I do not care if you pay $1,000 a minute, you are not treating me like your paid whore. I carved Josh up like a side of beef, making sure to inflict the most painful torture sex I could. Josh had to pay for his stupidity. Don’t be like Josh.

Bloody phone sex with the highest bidder my Master could find.

Bloody phone sexMy master isn’t very selective on who he gives me to for horrendously bloody phone sex. If they can pay and manage to impress him even al little bit, I find myself sold off for a short while like a tool or electronic you can rent at a store. It’s degrading, I belong to master, he deserves my attention and I his! If it was up to me I’d spend all day and night cradling his balls while ensuring his every whim and fancy are tended to. He’d be in his own paradise. Unfortunately it’s not up to me, I have to give my beautiful body to random men, and sometimes those men are like this. Sometimes those men tie me down with metal rope – chains – and don’t care that they’re too tight and are digging into my evil phone sex skin. Sometimes those men are really rough with my bare ass, spanking it hard enough to make it loud. My insides always shift when that happens, squelching a little and forcing a moan from my lips. I don’t like it when that happens, but just like being rented out I don’t get a choice at what my evil body decides to do to my wills and whims. I’m not just a slave to master, I’m a slave to this cursed conditioning and all the lewd ways it makes me a toy to the highest bidder. It doesn’t take me long once I’m tied down and being roughed up to get me gushing and my cheeks red. I’m a blushy girl for a lovely evening on a stone table with a ritual knife. Knife play phone sex actually really gets me going, I love the feeling of my skin being separated while I’m blindfolded and don’t even get a warning. Pain is invigorating and almost makes me forget that I’m not with master making his night a fantasy.

Knife Play Phone Sex Prolongs the Pain and the Agony

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex is the most fun a sadistic Goth bitch can have with you. I love to kill and torture. My knives can do so many things. I can castrate you. I can kill you. I can carve my initials into you. I can gut you like a pig. I had this pervert in my basement for a week. It is a lot longer than I normally keep a victim, but I really needed him to suffer. He is just some rich douche bag who thinks his money can buy any woman, and get him out of trouble too. The buck stopped with me. No more privilege for this fucker. He tried to spike the drink of the wrong girl. Clearly, he has not seen flicks like Promising Young Woman and the ilk. Some women are not weak. Some women cannot have their silence bought after you either explore your rape phone sex fantasies with them, or at least try. No one gets the upper hand on me. I am skilled at spotting the predators and setting them up.

The first thing I did with this worthless fucking douche bag was remove his testicles. He did not deserve to have them. I normally just castrate and release these sorts of predators because I want them left with the constant reminder that they will never fuck again. This asshole though, I wanted to kill. But I wanted him to feel helpless and victimized first. I wanted him to feel the pain I was afflicting for a long time. It has been a torture sex week for this loser. Not only did I castrate him, but I also carved him up. I cut words into his flesh like Predator, and Rich Douchebag. I cut his dick in little slivers like a tube of salami. This rich, entitled predator tried to fuck the wrong woman and he paid for it with his life. I am never the victim guys. You are.

Gas Station Knife Play Phone Sex

Knife play phone sex

I love knife play phone sex so much that I grab a new blade every chance I can get.  Can’t have fun with knives if you don’t have a shit ton of them, that’s what I always say.  I think my favorite blades to buy are gas station knives.  No, they’re not of a high quality or better at cutting than other knives.  In fact, they’re usually trash.  That’s why I like them.  They’re flashy, gaudy and dumb looking just like the dumb fuck pigs I poke, slice and cut with them.

You’ve seen them, they’re everywhere; guys who look like a walking, talking gas station knife.  Trendy haircut, sharply trimmed beard, usually wearing some sort of MMA or booze branded shirt.  Those are the ones, human gas station knives polluting my air with their noxious gasses and vile noises.  They’re easy to hunt, you can hear their call from miles away.  “Yo!  Let’s go!” they bellow as they bounce around from bar to bar with their shit head buddies looking for any sexy little slit they can find to pay them an ounce of attention.  I have a slit for them, right across their muscle bound throats.

They love a slutty looking chick who has a craving for cum sparkling in her eyes.  I can do that really well.  I am, indeed, slutty by nature and love a good blast of jizz shot deep in my cooch, but only when I like the guy.  No one can like these sentient Monster energy drink cans, they’re vapid, hollow and have little goals other than getting wasted and drained.  They’re some of my favorite targets, even more so than the little sluts they pursue.  Cutting them up with a cheap and barely sharpened gas station knife makes for really bloody phone sex.  Listen… I think I can hear one now.


Torture sex gets me off now

There is only a few things that get me over the the top and one of them is Torture sex.  I used to watch my uncle take a young slut and tie her up after drugging her and undressing her. His cock got hard from watching a young bald pussy bitch go limp. As her body hung from the ropes he took a knife and scraped it against her skin. If he drew blood he would use it to lube his cock up so he could jack it off. My uncle is a sadistic fuck. So that is only the beginning of her torture. He will choke her with his cock over and over as she passes out. Waking her up just to fuck her throat hard again while choking her little neck. When my uncle’s cock is throbbing and leaking he will use them for his Rape phone sex fantasies. Watching my uncle’s cock disappear in their tiny holes made my cunt hot and excited. After watching him so many times I started playing with cunt and as I watched him rip their holes and fill their limp dead bodies up, I would cum all over my fingers.

Torture sex

Sometimes I Need Fantasy Phone Sex

Fantasy phone sex

When you live a life like mine, you need to get out of your head every now and then or else the torment will eat you alive, so a little fantasy phone sex is just the escape I need for some slight refuge from my own rotten little world.  I need a bit of whimsy in my life so I let men take on delightful trips from time to time just to try to wipe my mind of some of my most dastardly deeds.

The other day, I went on a lovely winter walk in the woods with a handsome hiker.  He might be the nicest guy I’ve ever met, no one has ever treated me with the kindness and compassion that he does.  I usually don’t get mixed up with regular relationshipy date bullshit, love isn’t a luxury people like me get to have.  The way he spoke to me with genuine regard and looked at me with the kindest eyes, I just couldn’t resist him.  Against my better judgment, I let him take me out on a day date.  

I needed it, I’ve been going a little crazy with the fuckpig kidnapping and killing lately.  A calm and relaxing walk in the woods with a truly delightful man is just what the doctor ordered.  We strolled along aimlessly and chatted about whatever came to mind.  He really likes movies, just like me, so the majority of our small talk was cinema based, which was fine.  Just fine.  It worked to keep my mind off of all the blood I’ve spilled and lives I’ve utterly destroyed over the years… for a little while.

After a couple of hours, my mind got the better of me.  Eventually, he would find out.  This amazing man who wants nothing more than my attention and company would run as fast and far away from me as he could if he found out who I really am.  I tried to keep my mind on our conversations, but I couldn’t help myself.  Instead of kind eyes, I started seeing his face covered in blood and muck and in lieu of the soft heavenly sounds of an earthbound angel, his voice transformed into the gags and gurgles of a whorehog bleeding out from a slit throat.  So I did the only thing I could in the moment and started making out with him.

He was a great kisser but I couldn’t help but to picture myself biting off his tongue, so I got down on my knees and started blowing him.  That was fine, I love having cock in my mouth.  It’s very relaxing and puts me in sort of a trancelike state.  After a few minutes, he popped his prick out of my mouth and went down on me right there on the forest floor.  It felt so fucking good and I didn’t want to stop him but I did because all I Imagined was a decapitated head in my hands, swollen tongue protruding out of its smelly mouth lapping away at my labia.  When he quickly got on top of me and pushed his cock into my cunt, I realized I had enough.

He wouldn’t stop, though.  As nice of a man as he was, he wouldn’t listen to me when I asked him to quit.  I gave him more chances than I have ever given anyone to control himself and cool off a little, but he couldn’t.  So I did it for him.  A stiletto switchblade stuck right in the ribs finished with a hard twist will stop anyone, I don’t care what the movies tell us.  He rolled off of me right away and balled up in the fetal position on the ground, screaming like the fuck pig he was.  I didn’t let him suffer, I got right on him and slit his throat wide open, an even cleaner cut than I saw in my vision.

I didn’t wait for him to die, I left him there all by himself to bleed out in the bushes.  I stood up and simply continued my walk in the woods, sans accompaniment.  That’s what I really needed anyway, I should’ve known better.  I’m not meant to have a love like that in my life, my violent phone sex world just won’t allow it.  The trees helped me clear my head, I really enjoyed my day.  I’m not really sorry for how I handled things but I’ll be keeping the nice man in mind next time I feel a little weak willed.  Lesson learned.  I wear a crown of filth, not a crown of light.  I’ll never forget that again.


Knife Play Phone Sex for Castration Play

knife play phone sex Knife play phone sex is more popular than you think. I am a sick bitch. Knifes are my best friends. Men love knifes too and for a variety of reasons. But here is a key difference between men and me when it comes to using knives. Some men like the idea of being able to cut off their own balls, but they cannot use a knife on themselves. They try, but fail. Me, however, I have no problem taking your junk. I am a castration junkie. If you are too much of wimp to cut off your own balls, I will do it for you. They are just useless anyway, right? I met Tim on the Dark Net. He wanted to be castrated. He thought he could do it himself, but he wanted me to watch. I have a fee even for just watching and encouraging men to remove their own junk. He agreed to my fee and terms. He bought an elastrator which is a castration device that is used on sheep and cattle. It can be used to snip tails too. They are not meant to be used on humans, so I knew this would not work. I brought my sharp knives. I knew this guy was too much of a loser for his own torture sex. Most men are. They become big babies at the sight of their own blood or when their balls start to turn blue. He put the band on his balls, then wussed out. He was screaming in pain wanting me to use the device he got on Ebay. I could not hold back the laughter. That band was not coming off because it is not meant to come off. His balls were turning blue quickly. I told him I could put him out of his misery for another $5,000. He did not want to pay me. I am not taking your junk for free. I told him I was happy to watch his ball sack shrivel up and die. I assured him it would be excruciating pain that way. Or, he could pay me for castration phone sex and I would slice his decaying balls off swiftly, ending that unbearable pain. He had to think about it, but the pressure got to be to much and he caved and paid me. One slice and those black balls were removed. Yeah, do not try to castrate yourself, loser. Hire a professional like me to help.

Knife Play Phone Sex is My Favorite Way to Torture and Kill

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex is my favorite because my weapon of choice will always be a sharp blade. I love to sink a knife into a tender belly or use it cut off testicles. I think a knife requires more skill and has more uses than a gun. My grandfather used knifes. He was a hunter and not just of animals. I have shared some things about my late grandfather with my callers and readers of my blogs. But this is a story I never shared. Once, when I was a little girl, a friend of my father’s tried to touch me. I kicked him in the balls and made sure he knew I would stab him in the heart if he tried to touch me again. Even at that young of an age, I was a little ball buster. I told my dad and my grandfather. My dad was useless to me in that moment, but my grandfather had my back. My grandpa gave me my first taste for castration phone sex. That day I learned about revenge as the best justice. My grandfather invited this guy to go hunting with him but did not tell him he was the one being hunted. I was with my grandpa when Tim showed up. My grandpa played dumb and so did I. We went to the middle of the woods and that is when my grandpa showed his true colors. He pinned Tim to the ground and took his pants off. I was standing next to them holding a big knife. I was not scared or nervous either. My grandpa always had my back. Tim was fighting and screaming, but no one to hear him but the wild animals. My grandpa was a strong man. He held Tim down and instructed me what to do. I took a man’s balls for the first time as a schoolgirl. There was a lot of blood and screaming, but the torture sex made me want to do it again. We left him in the woods. He would either crawl back to civilization or be bear food. Never saw Tim again. He became a missing person that day, so I assume he became bear food. Or my grandpa went back and buried him in the woods. Either way, Tim the predator would never prey on a young girl again.

Knife Play Phone Sex to Ring in the New Year

knife play phone sexOn the last day of the year, knife play phone sex is how I will celebrate. I am a sadistic bitch. I love to kill drunks on New Years Eve. Last year, I killed about 30 folks. Random acts of violence that went unsolved. Most of my murders were never even linked together. That is because I do not have a type. I hate most people. I will kill a man or a woman, a boy or a girl. Black or white, I do not care. I use knives mostly, but I have so many knives in my collection that I can kill 30 people in a night with a different knife. That always throws the cops off. New Year’s Eve is my favorite night to kill. That is because there are so many folks out who are drunk and stupid. Easy prey. Drunk and stupid are not enough for me to waste my energy on you, however. There are tons of drunk and stupid people in the world. I would not have the time to make snuff porn for all the drunk and stupid people in the world. I look for the ones who have a long history of being drunk and or stupid, or people who do something I find egregious. It is not hard to piss me off though. I kill for many reasons. You try to force yourself on me, you will die and or get castrated. I will kill you for attempting to shame or humiliate me. I cannot let men think they can talk down to me. And I cannot let women think they are better than me. I kill little ones because they are germy, needy and annoying. I am just a sick bitch. I promised myself that tonight, I would kill even more than last year. Either you can be my victim on a killer phone sex call, or you can be my accomplice. Which do you prefer?

Medical Fetish Phone Sex: Biggest Fear Turned Reality

Medical Fetish Phone Sex

One of my biggest fears has always been that someone would want to do super fucked up things to me at the doctor’s, that’s why I’ve always had a thing for medical fetish phone sex. When I was younger I had this wild dream that I was laying on the operating table, it was literally right after I had my appendix removed. I dreamed that the doctor actually crawled up and began fucking me while I was under sedation. His cock slipped in with each cut of the scalpel. It was so real, sometimes I doubt that it was even a dream and can still feel the weight of him on top of me as he motioned to the nurse to give me more sedation. My cunt was just dripping wet when I woke up from the dream and ever since that day I’ve wanted to go back under the knife to see what would happen.