Tag: killer phone sex

Killer Phone Sex Accomplice Cassandra Helps Find You Young Fuck Meat

killer phone sexI enjoy killer phone sex calls. But I prefer to be the accomplice and not the victim anymore. However, as a switch I do go both ways. Sometimes, I meet a kinky pervert at the strip club. John comes to the club once a week. Big tipper. Likes to cum on my tits in the VIP room. Last week, he asked me how much money I needed to live happily ever after. And I thought perhaps, this was a fantasy question. So, I tossed out a number. Then he asked what I would be willing to do for it.

I should have known he was feeling me out. So, I told him just about anything that did not involve animals or shit. And he said what about kidnapping a young girl for his rape phone sex fantasies. My eyes lit up because I am no stranger to such accomplice jobs. But I was a stranger to the amount of money he offered me. Wow. More money than a few men combined have paid me to help them violate young girls.

Maybe he was joking, but when I went back to his place, I saw huge stacks of money. What did this guy do for a living. He comes into the club looking like your average guy. Even drives a normal car. I thought perhaps he sells drugs or maybe he was in the mob. But I knew it was rare to have that much cash laying around your house. But I did not ask questions. Not my place.

I Can Be Your Accomplice and Help You Get a Young Girl to Fuck

But I took the money and did the job. Found him the perfect young piece of meat. Young girls might be the dumbest things around. They always trust me. Sometimes, I must use chloroform, but most girls hold my had as I lead them to their torture or death. I brought her right to my client’s penthouse suite. It surprised me that he planned on fucking this angel in his own place.

I ripped her clothes off, shoved a ball gag in her mouth to muffled her cries and screams. And I turned on some music. No one on his floor. He owns the entire top floor. Still had no clue what he did for a living. But curiosity killed the cat, so I kept my mouth shut and helped him make a teen rape porn with this little fuck meat doll. And I cleaned up her bloody cunt with my mouth.

I thought he would kill the girl, but he kept her for his fuck doll collection.  He seemed like a man just like my former master. Keep a young fuck doll until she ages out. Maybe, I can help you find a tender morsel to fuck too?

Bloody dreams that will make you cream

Snuff Phone Sex Vera

I was hanging upside down. Bound at the ankles, wrists tied behind my back. Hanging over a beautiful bathtub with golden claw feet. My mouth, taped closed. Shallow breaths. I knew what was coming.

I could see the shadow of him walking from the door way into the room. Holding a scythe in both hands as he came to the tub. The smile on his face twisting in a sadistic way.

He begins to slowly drag the scythe across my skin, not enough to cut it though. Just so I can feel how sharp the blade is. I cry out a little as panic sets in, and I start to try to free myself.

Then, ever so slowly, he starts making small cuts into my skin. I can feel the pierce of the blade as it slices acorss my flesh, baring with it the red of blood as it starts to spill. Coating the blade with every cut made. I try crying out louder, struggling to get free, as he just keeps going.

I start feeling light headed. There are now dozens of cuts across my body. My tits, stomach, legs. The blood lose is starting to get to me. The well of fear as I continue to struggle and cry, which fuels his need to see more of my insides.

I then feel the blade start scraping up against my pussy. The tip of it starting to make it’s way into my hole. I can feel the blade start to cut into the wall of the canal, and cry out even more. Tears now streaming down my face. There’s no stopping what’s gonna happen next.

The blade starts to cut more, blood now gushing out of my destroyed twat. Cutting into the pubic bone, and continuing to pierce more flash as the blade makes it way into my stomach region. I convulse, pain and blood loss setting in now.

The blade continues to go though, ripping out my womb, intestines, liver. Everything now spilled into the tub below. A collection he liked keeping after he was done. Because, with what consciousness I had left, I saw him step into the tub and start bathing in it.

And then, just like getting to the end of chapter of a book and flipping the page to start the next one, I woke up. Realizing I was playing with my clit and squirted a few times in my sleep while I was dreaming about all of that. Again.

These dreams always get me horny.


Domination phone sex with a killer twist in the end.

Domination phone sex            Domination phone sex with a killer twist in the end. Now, I know what you are thinking. Nope. Don’t even think about it. Thinking gangbang. To cliché. Perhaps injecting of puss into the balls or the captive. Yawn to slow.

            It must be remembered that pain can be torturous. It can at the same time be orgasmic. Combine the two and you have the best recipe for torturous orgasms. That is to say you will cum and explode at the same time.

            Now, to reach this point. You must first release yourself and know that as soon as we begin you are going to feel tingling. Go with it. As shown above the cunt is getting tickled with a vibrator through a cage. Next, picture the ball gag. The water is cold.

            Bringing to life all the senses. It must be remembered that in the cold things are preserved. Come play with us. The time is now. Be tortured to cum. Not until I say so though. Else you will be flogged.

            Until when you are finally allowed to cum you explode ending as the greatest snuff sex ever. Death by orgasm. The number one way to die.

Cora’s Carnages: A Bloody supermarket Frenzy

You think you’ve seen dark, you motherfuckers? Cora’s about to show you the definition of it!That blonde bitch in the supermarket thought she could get away with cutting me off? Hell no! I’m the queen of phone sex, and my appetite for blood is insatiable.As I watched her idiotic smile, I knew what had to be done. In the parking lot, my chance arrived. She was alone, and my heart raced with excitement.I knocked her out cleaner than a hockey puck to the face. A quick check to ensure no witnesses, and I hauled her insignificant ass into my car. Time to bring the pain!

Back at my place, I woke the bitch up and took sick pleasure in beating her senseless. Her body became a bloody mess, and my bat was drenched in her tears.But the best part? When she begged for her miserable life, I showed her true despair. I battered her skull till it caved in, her brains splattering like confetti.The way that blonde cunt’s eyes bulged out—fucking priceless! Her sorry ass wasn’t so funny now, was it?

A shower, a drink, and my night was complete. Another successful revenge story—dripping in blood and cum!

Cora’s work here is done!

Killer Phone Sex Victim Bleeds Out During Snuff Sex

killer phone sexNothing gets the heart pumping in my pussy like killer phone sex. My heart felt like it was going to explode. All the adrenaline was going to my clit while I ran. You were behind me with a knife. I got to the front door as soon as you caught me. You grabbed my arm and threw me on the floor. I was completely fucking naked, so there was nothing to pad my fall. You climbed on top of me and slammed my head into the ground until I passed out. 

I Knew I Wouldn’t Survive The Night

I woke up on my face. There was a burning pain in my ass and cunt. I was lying in a pool of sticky blood leaking from my fucked up holes. I grimaced. Then I heard your boots stepping to me. I tried to crawl away. You climbed on top of me and hauled my ass up in the air. I screamed for you to stop, but I was so light headed. Your cock slammed into my pussy and I screamed. It’s like my screaming made your cock harder. More and more of my blood leaked out of my cunt and leaked all over your cock. 

You fucked my holes so hard so many times I started to get too swollen to fit your dick inside of me. That’s when you decided to fuck me with your knife. The searing pain got worse when you started hitting my cervix. My pussy was being literally torn in half by your cock. I screamed again. The tears started running down my face. You forced me to kiss you. I spit in your face. I shouldn’t have done that. You forced me to look at you while you plunged your knife into my back. You pierced my lungs. I spent my last few breaths being a killer’s cum rag. 

Bloody Phone Sex Just Got Bloodier and More Torturous

bloody phone sexIt would not be Killtober without bloody phone sex. Recently, a caller inspired me to utilize more medieval torture. My grandfather did not just leave me his massive knife collection, but his medieval torture collection too. Some of the pieces are authentic and appraised at a high price. And insured too. But a couple pieces are replicas made to look authentic. All of which now reside in my underground bunker. Or best known as my new kill shack. Have not abandoned my old one yet, but this new one is more convenient.

So, after my phone call, I spoke with a friend who seems to be able to find anything you want or need from young girls to drugs to a medieval rack. But I have always wanted a medieval rack. And he found me one. For a pretty penny, of course. It got delivered yesterday. And it even has fresh blood stains on it. My guess, some one else used it recently for torture sex. Just like I planned to do also.

But who would be my first victim? My need to try this expensive, centuries old torture device, made me less selective. So, the first person to annoy me would win one free torturous death. And that just happened to be some vacuous self-entitled coed cunt who cut in line at my Goth coffee house thinking all the other Goth folks would not check her bad behavior, and when someone did, she went off on an unholy rant. My lucky turned into her last day on earth.

Nothing Better Than a Bloody, Torturous Medieval Death

torture sex

I followed her in my car, cut her off the road, dragged her out of her expensive car that no doubt mommy and daddy bought for her. Luckily, she went down a back road, less traveled. Tossed her in my trunk and drugged her. And she woke up tied to my new rack. Feisty whore. Mouthy too. I put a ball gag in her mouth because I hate those whiny, high pitched bimbo sounds. Once I cranked the rack up, she started screaming. Muffled screams, but at least she was no longer talking.

Honestly, I like to prolong the snuff sex torture for as long as possible so I can achieve maximum pain for my victim and maximum pleasure for me. But her voice and screeching forced me to put her out of my misery. So, she died quickly. At least quickly by my standards. But painfully. My nice new toy ripped her in two. Eviscerated her, leaving her guts on the floor and her  blood on my wall. But nothing a hose and some paint cannot fix.

Bloody Phone Sex Rampage for Killtober

bloody phone sexKilltober equals bloody phone sex. My Halloween rampage took off earlier this year. Just too many folks need put out of my misery. But I am an equal opportunity killer. Your gender, age, skin color, or size never matters to me. If you act like a tool or a bitch, and you cross my path, I will kill you. And without remorse either. I am sort of an equalizer.

I meet folks who need killed everywhere. And yesterday, I met Bob at the grocery store. Meet might not be the right word. More like encountered. He went off on some old lady cashier for going too slow. Who yells and degrades a grandma? If you cannot control your anger like that or enjoy picking unfair fights so you can win, that makes you a tool. And tools, I find expendable.

As I followed him out to his car, I watched him yell at more people who did nothing wrong but pass him by. I found a snuff porn victim at the grocery store. And I think that might be a first. For his deplorable actions, he lost his cock and his balls. He lost his life too. But I wanted to make him suffer. And I wanted him to know why. I am sure the act I caught at the grocery store was mild compared to what he has done in the past. Folks do not act like bullies just once.

So Many Folks Deserve to Die to Make This World Better

I ran a background check on the license plate of the car he drove off in and determined he did not have a wife. So, likely home alone. Perfect for me because I do not need his DNA in my car or home. But I leave no DNA because I am a smart killer. I caught him by surprise. The loser thought I snuck into his house to fuck him. But I let him think that so I could get his worthless dick out.

When we got to his bedroom, I overpowered him easily and tied him to his bed. The loser thought I just wanted to play kinky games. In a way, I did. I used an elastor on his balls which farmers use for castrating sheep. Once bound and gagged, I read him his rights and mutilated his body. I carved Bully in his chest with a very sharp knife and watched the blood pour out of him. Then I continued the torture sex with his cock. Carved loser on his useless pecker. More blood loss. But I prefer red to all other colors.

I sexually mutilated him before the final cut to the throat made him bleed out on his bed. Normally, I would take his body out of the house and feed it to the wildlife in the woods behind me, but he weighed too much. Dead weight literally. If anyone missed him or discovered his body, it looked like a woman scorned killed him. But they will never know I was the woman. No one ever knows it was me.

Cheap phone sex killer queen less than hired assassins.

Cheap phone sex             Cheap phone sex killer queen less than hired assassins.  Now I have been called a lot of things. Whore is one. I like it. Killer queen bee. It must be remembered that I am super cheap to deal with. All in all, I have no limits, you let me run wild. I will do the snuffing of life. Make it bloody and gory. Revel in it.

            After all, that is what I will do. Get your cock hard. Careful now, I may just decide to take a bite off it. Rip your nuts back and forth like a dog with a bone. Not letting go. Castration is always fun.

            It must be remembered that I am a cheap killer queen that you pay less than hired assassins. I like what I do to. We have covered the Bloody phone sex aspect, the castrations, and finally we will discuss how much of a killer I am.

            Just what are you thinking? You want to be a killer like me? Learn from me for the low cheap price that I am. Be a whore with me in fact. There is nothing that would be stopping us. Together we would be unstoppable.

            In any event my price never changes. It is a very cheap price for a whore that really does like what she does. So much so that it ought to be illegal. But it’s not. Live out that fantasy with me. Be a killer right alongside of me.

            Together forever.

Snuff Porn Star Needed For The Anal Chronicles

First I was a recruited Snuff porn actress. Then after many uses and resuscitations, I became an Accomplice. This was simply due to my ass being totally used so much that the crew wanted tighter, younger and virginal butts.

Now that I have been totally butt fucked into such intense prolapsing and swelling butt rings of pleasure, I had a task. My face and ability was just to good to destroy. What they wanted was a nice tender young ass.

Not only was that tender ass ring to be fucked open but also the sweet head to be chopped. The fact that innocent girls have such sweet faces. Really this offers the viewing of their heads decapitated from their tender little bodies. Obviously this is a sweet treat.

Finally the best way for men to explode their loads was to have a head rolling and a butt gaping. Now I really am happy to assist.

Snuff Porn

Most Days, The Killer Phone Sex Bitch in Me Needs Unleashed

killer phone sexThe killer phone sex bitch inside me gets stronger as Halloween approaches. Killtober started early this year. In my defense, the world seems full of assholes and cunts. Although I tend to be pro woman and mostly hunt male predators and otherwise stupid male fucks. But sometimes a bitch needs put down too. I am sure you know a miserable cunt who deserves to die. Feel free to send her my way, LOL.

I went into my Goth coffee house on Wednesday. Nothing unusual for me. I love this coffee house because the owner is Goth too. The whole place has a Goth vibe right down to the customers. However, on that day, some high school cheerleader came in for some fancy latte and criticized the environment. She said the place needed some pink, anything to cheer the place up. Bitch, please. You do not come into a Goth coffee house and tell the barista you want to see more color when you come back next.

Sometimes, A Bitch Needs Put Out of Our Misery

And you don’t bitch about your fancy latte not exactly the way you ordered it. In my mind, I killed her there. Made her a snuff porn star in the coffee house. But I like this place. My happy spot for a plain, dark coffee just like my soul. I followed the entitled spoiled bitch for a few days, then last night grabbed her from the parking lot of her high school. I called up a male friend of mine who loves little white cheerleaders. He loves to destroy them with his tree trunk cock.

This bitch would die, but why not rent her holes out to a man beforehand? Make her wish she’d never been born. Did not take long for the bitch to wish that. I helped my friend hold her down so he could turn her into a teen rape porn star before I stabbed her to death. She begged to die after he fucked her. Destroyed her pussy and ass before I eviscerated her and fed her to the wild animals.

The world never needs another spoiled, entitled cunt. At least now, I will never see her in my coffee house again. Or anywhere else.