Do you have killer phone sex fantasies? I bet when you think about it, there was a mature woman who either cock teased you in your youth or just simply pissed you off. Perhaps, your own mommy? I am often the star of “Killing Mommy.” My stepson loathes me. He lusts for me too, which is his dilemma. He hates me for replacing his mother; he hates himself for beating off thinking about how much he wants to fuck his read headed step mom. Like me, he likes to get high. It is just when he gets fucked up, he turns into Dr. Jekyll. On Friday night, I was home alone with him. My sons with his father, his half-brothers, were at a sleep over. My husband was out of town on business. He was drinking whiskey straight out of the bottle and doing lines of coke. I could feel his anger building. I turned to the right of me to turn on a lamp and he yanked me off the couch with one hand in a fit of rage. He tossed me against the wall so hard, I slumped to the floor in fetal position. He started kicking me. His cock was out and it was hard. The more he kicked me, the more he abused me, the harder his dick became. He yelled at me; degraded me for being a homewrecking whore. I told him I’ve been married to his father 15 years now, so get over it. That didn’t go well. He ripped my clothes off; demanded I show him some respect. He shoved his cock in my mouth before he slammed it repeatedly in my ass. He smacked my face against the wall as he assaulted my ass. My face was bloody. My ass prolapsed from the torture sex. He tried to strangle me too. So much rage in my stepson. He spat in my face when he was done. I laid there motionless and sore, battered and bloody, knowing he was not done with me yet.
Tag: killer phone sex
Killer Phone Sex Fantasies
Snuff Porn Inspiration
Snuff porn? Do you like watching or making it? My Master enjoys both. We have been watching this series of Japanese snuff films all week. It is foreplay for him. He was fucked up on meth last night when we watched this bondage film. I thought it was a bondage movie, but in the end, the man in the executioner’s mask, slit the bimbo’s neck while he was cumming in her ass. There was so much blood. She went lifeless quickly. It looked so real. Hard to believe it was fake. When it was over, Master pulled me by my hair over to a recreation of the same bondage device the girl in the snuff movie was hooked up too. He was really fucked up. Pissed too. He found out that I fucked another guy without permission for some weed. No man can touch me unless he grants permission. He tied me up like the girl in the video. He even put a ball gag in my mouth just like she had. He pulled out his dick and started force fucking my ass. He never uses lube either. It was hardcore anal torture. He pulled my hair so hard, a got a fist full of my blonde locks. I screamed as I saw the knife. He was angry enough for snuff sex. He put the blade to my throat as he fucked my ass. He bit my ear then dug the knife in just enough to nick my neck. I could feel blood running down my neck into my boobs. I closed my eyes tight, fearing the worse. Instead of slitting my throat, he carved his initials in my “whore ass” and cut off chunks of my pretty hair. “Now other men will know who owns you, whore,” he seethed as he came in my ass. I am running out of lives.
No One Will Miss Me
I’m the perfect victim. I walk the streets selling pussy, cops don’t care about hookers. They expect to find us dead in an alley. When I get in your car I’m yours to do with as you please. Wrap your hands around my throat and squeeze. Choke me, and quiet my screams. It’s all my fault, I chose this profession and I chose to get in your car. Pound my pussy with your hard cock and keep choking me. I deserve to be treated lower than trash. Bite me, slap and punch me. Make me regret getting in your car. Watch the life leave my eyes as you squeeze my neck tighter and tighter. My face will start to turn blue and squeeze my neck harder. Push my lifeless body out of your car; go home and kiss your wife. I’m a prostitute I don’t matter. No one will miss me.
Torture sex
The last thing I remember was being at the club and drinking some fact drink a handsome man bought me. I am now on the floor with shackles on my wrist and I am completely naked and sore. I feel like a bus hit me a thousand times. My thighs are bruised and there is dry blood settling between my thighs and on my tummy. I take the time to look around and see a pretty girl. Much smaller and skinnier then I am. Her little body is mounted to an x alter. She has her hands mounted to the sides about her head and her legs are mounted to the bottom. She whispers to me and tells me that she is his toilet. She is covered in shit and soaked in piss. I look on the other side of me and there is another pretty girl. All her teeth are removed, she has a leash around her neck and she tells me that she is his cock sucking dummy. I hear the door open and here his footsteps walking to where we are. He greats me with a smile, a hard cock, and a knife. He gouges the words “my cunt” into my bald cunt. He lets me know that forever how long I live. I will be his, for eternity. His big cock slaps right onto my bloody mound and then he shoves himself right into my already sore gaped open pussy.
Live Autopsy On A Youngster
My Master and I had some wicked fun with a youngster that we kidnapped, and we created a bloody mess all over the dungeon! We went to the weed club together to re-up on a bunch of herb to celebrate 420 today. While Master was inside of the club making the purchase, I noticed that a Mom left her little girl in the car while she went into the grocery store next to the club. The car was unlocked and the window was down, so I went over to the car while Master was still inside and I lured the little girl to come with me so that I could show her some cool little toys that were inside my car. The dumb little bitch did what I said and as soon as we got into the car, I knocked her over the head with a crow bar and I tied her up in the backseat. Master came back out to the car soon after and he was so pleased with my evil antics while he was away! I know Master has been craving a torturous time with a youngin and it worked out perfectly that I was able to abduct this pretty little cunt. Once we got back to the dungeon, she was coming back to consciousness as we strapped her on to the medical bed to have some fun with her. Master sliced open her stomach with a scalpel and asked me to be his sexy nurse accomplice as he did a live autopsy on her petite body. She was moaning and groaning as Master mutilated and tortured her. He cut out each one of her organs one by one and very slowly so that he could inflict as much torturous pain as possible. Her life slipped away right before our eyes and it was so fucking hott to witness! I was fingering my pussy with her blood, it made for the perfect slip and slide lubricant! I had a bucket next to the medical bed where I was placing all of her organs, blood and guts. The bucket was overflowing and she was left as just skin and bones. We threw her in the oven and cremated her remains to get rid of all evidence. Master put all of her organs in the freezer to preserve them so that we can eat them in the future. Young little girls always taste so delicious!
Accomplice Phone Sex w/ Evil Goddess Gray
Your Evil Goddess of accomplice phone sex loves when you grovel at my feet begging for my attention. You beg me to use you and your petty little mind fails to understand that you will NOT survive my attention. As a sadistic phone sex seductress it is imperative that I get off on the torment of useless men.
Feeling sorry for your pathetic ass I decided to be humored by your presence and demanded that you undress for me. I needed to see if you were worthy in other ways… unfortunately, you are not. I barely was able to contain myself in my laughter when I saw that your fucking male member was as useless as you and immediately took a butcher knife to it. Your horror and shock turned me on so fucking much but not nearly as much as your screams and the blood. Oh the Blood! I was ecstatic in how fucking much a lacerated penis can bleed and lapped up that deep red sustenance that fuels my need to fuck.
Sadly, you bleed out and lose consciousness as I tried to force you to watch as my big beastly monster with a massive 16″ cock is fucking my cunt into pure ecstasy. My beast eats severed cocks like a delicacy as it truly is a total aphrodisiac for him, and in turn I get the kind of fucking I need to fuel my evil ways. His demon seed pours inside of me empowering me with it’s magical essence, it is my addiction.
Seven Deadly Sins Week Two Greed
On week two of our 7 deadly sins journey we are going to take a look at Greed. This week my new guy has picked someone from his past, and this one must have really pissed him off.
They met at a gas station, a meet cute type of thing, they were instantly attracted, she had just moved here. He took her to his home and of course one thing lead to another and they were fucking. My guy has a lot of fucked up things he wants to do but I have to say he is an excellent fuck, he always makes sure I get off first and sometimes second before he is thinking about himself. At least that is how he is with me. This bitch, he made her cum, squirt even while he licked, finger fucked and eventually fucked her with his cock. He said she came several times that he could tell. As he started to get close to cumming and needed to pound the fuck out of her pussy, she got up as if to change positions, but started getting dressed. He said he lay there looking at her completely confused. He said she told him she came and that was all she wanted. I’m pretty sure that would piss off any guy! He had heard her name in his social circles as she became friendlier with the neighborhood. People, the men, were talking about some greedy bitch; she gets off, sometimes repeatedly then suddenly gets dressed and leaves. He thought this bitch needs a lesson. So begins week two…Greed.
Final day of Gluttony, a fat burger for the fat ass
Last time we talked, I had just told you about our first week of the 7 deadly sins. We started with gluttony and a giant fat woman. My current man has a fetish for mutilation and snuff sex.
I don’t think she knew she was eating her own fat, or that he had even cut it off of her. The fat bitch even started to enjoy it. My new guy made a burger covered with all kinds of stuff and covered it with her blood. She was so out of it she ate it like any other burger.
He started to cut her up the middle and laid out each piece still attached to her back. Once he was done nothing was left of her front, the fat was all splayed out around her. You could see her ribs, her abdomen, even her pussy with all the fat removed. She wasn’t responding to him slapping her due to blood loss so he gave her a shot of adrenaline and she came to. He set up and mirror to show her how her fat was removed and she started to scream again but she could barely get any sound out, she was starting to die. He looked her in the eyes and said I’m going to fuck your slimmed down pussy while you die you bitch and tears started rolling down her face. He laughed and took his pants down and said “Fat ass, your crying only got me nice and hard.” And a maniacal laugh followed. He fucked her for several hours even after she died. When I didn’t think he could fuck anymore, he cut off a piece of the fat and sat down next to me. He handed me the piece of fat and said hold this around my cock, and he came again and again. We left with her dead and fat starting to rot all around her. Rigor had set in and it was funny to see her huge fat legs spread out all on their own from him fucking her.
Guess we are onto a new sin next week, this one is done dead. Let’s see what will be next….
I’m going to cum from this eventually…ending
After we broke her hip joints from jumping on her knees my ex started to randomly cut up and dismantle her. The head came off first and he sat and stared at it for a while, then suddenly started to skull fuck the head. I had heard the term before but haven’t seen it in the flesh.
He looked directly at me while he was doing his skull fucking and said to me…”I’m going to cum from this eventually.” And let out the most horrific laugh I have ever heard. I began to shake from all out realization that this was really happening. At first it felt like a dream or haze, not real…but it is very real and I don’t know what to do. I am frozen with fear. He shoots a load into the skulls mouth and then turns it around and hands it to me. Even more frozen I can’t take it from his hands and drop it. As it hits the floor the cum splatters out onto the floor and my ex looks at me and with the most insidious look, turns…grabs a large machete and cuts the body down the middle and says “My cum was going to be your lunch, now it’s guts. Enjoy.”
I’m going to cum from this eventually
I was out at a bar with some friends and I decided to leave before anyone else. Walking out to the car, I had my head down looking into my purse and suddenly I had arms around me pulling me toward a car. I saw the car and knew it was my ex’s car. I screamed at him to let me go, and he took his arms off me and said “Alright, alright stop your fucking screaming it’s just me. Get in the car.” “With you? Oh fuck no…I’m not going anywhere with you.” He flashed a gun and again told me to get in. I got in the passenger side and he pushed me to the driver’s side and told me to get going. When he was shoving me over I noticed a woman tied up in the back with a bandanna around her head gagging her. “Where are we heading.” I said to him in total fear. He told me to just head out and go left out of the parking lot. After about 10 minutes we arrived at a dump of a hotel, the $20 a night kind of slum. My ex turned around and pointed the gun at the woman and told her she was going to walk to the room and not make a sound or she would be shot in the tits. He took the gag off her and she gasped and rubbed her face.
In the room he had a tarp laid out, and when the woman saw it she started to panic. My ex punched her in the face as hard as he could and told her to shut the fuck up. He took the blanket that was on her and laid it over the tarp and told her to get down on it. She whimpered a little and he raised his hand and she stopped immediately. She lay down on the blanket and he told her to cross her legs Indian style. Then he looked at me and said when I tell you to, jump on her knee. When he said go, he jumped on her other knee and her hip joints broke. She started screaming out of pain so he stuffed the bandanna in her mouth. Tears were streaming down her face.
My ex doesn’t get off from fucking of any kind. He cums simply from torture and I am his accomplice tonight. And I think it’s going to be a long night.
I will write more tomorrow, I have to go help him again…