In the mood to celebrate the Fourth of July with a little goth teen phone sex, huh? Well I got some bad news for you, Slick. The only thing me and my girls are doing tonight is calling forth the rise of the much needed matriarchy. All you loud mouthed dicks with legs had your shot and you’ve obviously fucked the world up way more than it ever should’ve been. Now it’s our turn, go lay the fuck down, guy.
What, I’m supposed to be celebrating our “great nation’s” independence? Go to a cookout, eat a bunch of greasy processed meat products and imbibe copious amounts of alcohol so that I might pass out on a blanket under the fireworks and get fingerbanged in my sleep by a couple of patriotic creeps in the middle of a field full of a bunch of flag waving, fart ripping fuck pigs? Yeah, no thanks. I already have plans, but thanks for the invite.
My team of naughty nyctophiles and I are going to burn this whole fucking place to the ground. The WHOLE fucking place. The entire world needs to be wiped clean. The patriarchy has got to go and the punishment for their careless treatment of everything over which they seek to claim dominion is a sure and fiery death. Hey, it’s not my will. Gaia has spoken and will be guiding us on our journey of much needed mayhem until her work is done. Think of it as mother nature’s fiery house cleaning and we’re the maids.
Get behind us and watch the world start anew. Stand in our way and you will be just as scorched as the earth upon which we march. We march for the natives of this, and every other, country who were displaced and destroyed by another race of people. We march for the poor and downtrodden who aren’t given a voice in any land and are dying to be heard. We march for the women and girls who are forced to endure the misogynistic laws and social norms that classify us as second class citizens. We march for peace, we march for fire, we march for the matriarchy. We will march and we will destroy.
Is that goth enough for you? Is there enough angst in my words to make you feel like you want to spend a little time with me? I don’t really give a fuck, guy. You are part of the problem. You and every other cum craving creepo that thinks women owe him something. If you want to fuck me, you know which side of the line you need to stand on. If you’re ready to fry and sizzle like a piece of fuck pig bacon, well.. enjoy the Fourth of July.