Tag: Bloody Phone Sex

Torture phone sex with Stephanie

torture phone sex


I’m one twisted phone whore and I’m ready for some dark and freaky, torture phone sex! I’ve spent way too long holding back the urges to inflict pain on others. I started looking for some fun and finally met a guy that wanted my help torturing and force fucking his wife and little step brats. He was willing to pay but I told him to keep his money and just let me take control. I hid in the closet and waited for her to get home. I jumped out at her when she wasn’t expecting it. I jammed my knife deep into her chest and pinned her to the wall. As she was screaming, I pulled out a razor blade and slit her throat to shut her up. Her gurgling and choking on blood turned me on so much! I held her down and made her watch while I helped her husband forced fuck and snuff out her tiny brat sluts. I can tell you the details when you call me but we took our time torturing the little ones and I can’t wait to tell you about it!

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Bloody phone sex

I love when we rape niggers together babe! It makes me so happy to know that you feel the same way as I do. You called me up yesterday and requested we kidnap a teenage nigger slut and escort the whore into the dungeon. I did exactly as I was told as soon as she walked in you bent her over and branded her ass Property of Frank. Daddy has officially got himself a sex slave! I was so happy to go and purchase her from our local dealer! Just another useless whore for us to torture. She has that victim mentality anyways.. So why not make her one! We had so much fun with her.

You had me insert an exposed wire into her pussy as we watched her fry… Her hair stood up and smoked just the way you like it… Daddy loves the smell of negros burning! Right now, we have her down in the fire pit preparing her to burn like a pig! Daddy gave her Pitocin because her contractions are stalling… this helps the labor process and should have her pushing out a baby in no time! Pitocin acts as oxytocin, a hormone the body naturally makes. I went down there and cut the umbilical cord for daddy! Now that we’ve got what we wanted from that fuck pig we will set her on fire and listen to her excruciating screams.

Can’t wait to see what daddy has in store for our new coon.

 Sex with dead bodies

Goth Teen Independence

Goth teen phone sex


In the mood to celebrate the Fourth of July with a little goth teen phone sex, huh?  Well I got some bad news for you, Slick.  The only thing me and my girls are doing tonight is calling forth the rise of the much needed matriarchy.  All you loud mouthed dicks with legs had your shot and you’ve obviously fucked the world up way more than it ever should’ve been.  Now it’s our turn, go lay the fuck down, guy.

What, I’m supposed to be celebrating our “great nation’s” independence?  Go to a cookout, eat a bunch of greasy processed meat products and imbibe copious amounts of alcohol so that I might pass out on a blanket under the fireworks and get fingerbanged in my sleep by a couple of patriotic creeps in the middle of a field full of a bunch of flag waving, fart ripping fuck pigs?  Yeah, no thanks.  I already have plans, but thanks for the invite.

My team of naughty nyctophiles and I are going to burn this whole fucking place to the ground.  The WHOLE fucking place.  The entire world needs to be wiped clean.  The patriarchy has got to go and the punishment for their careless treatment of everything over which they seek to claim dominion is a sure and fiery death.  Hey, it’s not my will.  Gaia has spoken and will be guiding us on our journey of much needed mayhem until her work is done.  Think of it as mother nature’s fiery house cleaning and we’re the maids.

Get behind us and watch the world start anew.  Stand in our way and you will be just as scorched as the earth upon which we march.  We march for the natives of this, and every other, country who were displaced and destroyed by another race of people.  We march for the poor and downtrodden who aren’t given a voice in any land and are dying to be heard.  We march for the women and girls who are forced to endure the misogynistic laws and social norms that classify us as second class citizens.  We march for peace, we march for fire, we march for the matriarchy.  We will march and we will destroy.

Is that goth enough for you?  Is there enough angst in my words to make you feel like you want to spend a little time with me?  I don’t really give a fuck, guy.  You are part of the problem.  You and every other cum craving creepo that thinks women owe him something.  If you want to fuck me, you know which side of the line you need to stand on.  If you’re ready to fry and sizzle like a piece of fuck pig bacon, well.. enjoy the Fourth of July.


Murder phone sex Fantasies

Bloody phone sex

I murdered my ex boyfriend and I have his body hidden in the trunk of a broke down car in my backyard. He found out that I am a p-daddy rapist who has been raping his littles. I couldn’t help it! I didn’t want him telling on me so I had to do what I had to do! It was against my will! Right before I slaughtered him I tied him up and forced him to watch me rape his favorite girl with a 12 inch strap on. I rammed my dick in and out of her little cunt! You should have seen the look on his face as I force fed her my cock straight out of her pussy. I told her to blame her daddy for being such a coward and thinking with his cock. Maybe if daddy didn’t pick up chicks late at night at bars you wouldn’t be in this situation! She was crying tears running down her little cheeks as I fucked her harder and harder with no mercy! When I was through orgasming I walked over to her daddy and slit his fucking throat right Infront of her little innocent eyes! I am going to keep her around for a p-daddy to enjoy with me!

Breeding wars

bloody phone sex

Our jealousy and envy plead music to his ears. The addicting bloody phone sex made collin get his dungeon and scour all over for the perfect duo to vie for his attention. Now it’s up to the both of us to get him pleasant and satisfied and show him who is worthy of getting knocked up first. I’m sure I will get the honors because Master collin loves pumping his breeding cream in me.

Maggie has quite the feat to against to even think she has a chance in becoming the one to carry on the legacy of a domme daddy. Master collin makes us both play nice and kiss and makeup. He loves to dominate us sensually. We both know it will take a lot of swaying to get him to stick to one side.

So our breeding wars have become relatively more intense. I’m sure he will enjoy pumping his seed in me a lot more because I’ve gotten programmed so well to pump his cock even if it means my cunt bleeds in pain.

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Bloody phone sex

He deserved the torture he endured!!! That transgender faggot has been stroking his pathetic useless cock to all the littles he could come across. He has been whipping his cock out at gas pumps and stroking his cock while their parents are out pumping gas. Could you believe that fucker! When he ejaculates, he swipes his cum covered fingers across their lips and drives off. When me and the girls found out we brought him to a wooded area, laid him flat on his stomach on a park bench and tied him up with barbed wire! We beat the living daylights out of him. I used a pair of medal thick chains and whipped him until he was bleeding. I placed a collar around his neck and sent electrical shocks through him. A wireless drill I had in my trunk came in handy, I screwed a case of screws into his body! We put blood all over his cock and balls from my little furry companion that was in heat and left him out there to be castrated by a pack of wolves. That faggot blead out… We buried him under the floor planks of an abandoned house! The pathetic pig got exactly what he deserved!

The little slut tried to scream

Taboo phone sexNothing beats the rush I get from snuff sex! I cannot explain to you the pleasure and everything that leads up to that final moment.  You know the moment, right? Knowing that I am in control of life or death, mostly death is my choice and at my hands, is the most addicting drug! There is nothing better than watching the life drain from the prettiest face that I’ve seen so far! I knew this would be the best kill I’ve had thus far! The little slut tried to scream, but the drips of her blood falling off this knife is louder than anything! My senses are enhanced with every kill, but this one was different. She fought a little but after a while it was like she accepted her fate and even wanted to sacrifice herself for my pleasure! Such a good little whore! I knew she would be a good kill, but when I tell you I went crazy, well let’s just say I’m the original “red skin”! covered from head to toe in her sweet blood I lick the blade tasting the blood of my kill. Ummm almost as sweet as she was! Oh well it was worth the fight and being up half the night because the sound of her blood dripping off this knife is almost as good as the fight! I know you would have loved the way she begged for her life but that was for not because now she is gone and the only thing I have left is the memories.

Teen rape porn

Bloody phone sex

Daddy wanted a pregnant bitch to torture so that is exactly what I got him. A teen pregnant slut for daddy to use and abuse. We wrapped rope around her swollen lactating tits and hung her from the ceiling. We turned that bitch into a human pinata! Me and daddy took turns hitting her with a metal bat on her stomach and didn’t stop until we saw her choking up blood. The bitch was 8 months pregnant and we figured we could assist with premature labor. After brutally beating her we gave her a nice ice bath to bring down the swelling. Daddy dug his hand into her uterus and pulled that little right out of her cunt. That thing came out hollering so daddy had her latch on to mommies teen breast and suck away while I cut her umbilical cord. I finally understood why daddy wanted a teen slut he wanted to taunt her while he had his way with her little. What better way to welcome a future slut into the world than to introduce her to a nice hefty long cock.

Cheating Cunt Loses Life

taboo phone sex

Hi Master! I’m ready to play again, I have on the lacy dark ready teddy suit you love so much! Come and take it off of me. You lay me down on your bed, covered in plastic you tell me your wife has a problem wetting the bed sometimes. I believe you and let you push your cock deep inside of my cunt. You have already stuffed me full again and again all over your home! Every once in a while you slit me by mistake with a blade that’s just laying random. I feel cold silver against my throat and before I can scream your hand is thrown against my lips. The cock of yours inside of me is now painful as you shove deeper inside of me. My next thought is of my husband before the knife slices open my throat enough for me to stay alive but bleed out slowly. I watch you use my blood as the lube in my cunt. You carve into my stomach your initial as you pump inside of me, blood spraying and leaking everywhere as I can’t scream anymore and life fades away slowly.

Torture sex

Bloody phone sex

Dirty sadistic whore is what all the men I terrorized call me. That’s because I have no remorse and I love sucking the blood off of my sharp blade after I gut those little fuckers. You come to me with your dirty fantasies and instead I blow your mind with mine. Whoever thought!! I love leashing men and training them into the idealistic man I want them to be. Forcing them to do things they could have never imagined or at least that’s what they want me to believe. They need someone to put the blame on and I see nothing wrong with being the bad guy! So, since they want to use me as their pawn I make sure by the time we are through that fucker will suffer from Post traumatic stress disorder. You said you wanted me to be at fault right? Well you didn’t think giving me an idea was going to do that.. Obviously me being at fault means me turning your dirty little fantasy into a nightmare.