Tag: Bloody Phone Sex

Knife To The Wife

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I woke up to something cold, hard and, sharp pressed against the side of my neck. This is not a normal way of ever having to wake up. But one would think if they were to be awoken with a dagger against their neck most likely it is because an intruder has entered their home. Not so much the case with me. This intruder of my life…pressing this knife against my flesh making me beg for survival is my very own husband. If you keep up on my blog. This will come as no surprise to you. You already know how violent and angry he his. You have probably read about all the hate filled fuck rages he goes into. Either it be him or his arrangements of someone taking what they want from my old battered, torn, abused, and used pussy, asshole, and or mouth. On this particular night he made a threat against my life and took his hatred to a whole new level. His exact words that he spit in my face when my eyes opened were ‘If you don’t do as you are told I will fill your fucking throat with my load and then I will split your wrinkly old neck from ear to ear just to watch my nut ooze.” This was a legit threat and I took his cock in any way he demanded.

He Looked Right Through Me

taboo phone sex karmaI saw him across the room and my body reacted with out my permission. He was dark and brooding and his eyes had a red glow. I could feel the heat of his stare and the evil in his eyes had me excited beyond belief. I was drawn to his bad boy appearance and the way he carried himself screamed “I am dangerous” I tried to stay away from him but it was useless. By the end of the night I was in his arms and when he kissed me and bit my lip so hard he drew blood and laughed as he licked it off my mouth, I almost came on the spot. He took me home and ripped my clothes off savagely. He bit every inch of my body and drew blood every time he bit down. Looking in the mirror at all the little drops of blood, I had to run my hands over myself and smear it all over me. I knew I had met my match and couldn’t wait to get back to he bed where he would take me with out regard to anything but savage lust.

It was an interesting meal…

castration phone sexIt was an interesting meal… though to be honest it went nothing the way I imagined it would. It all started with my newest slave boy, he has been submissive for his entire life and so he was very obedient… to a degree that I have never seen before. I have had a million slaves but this one… he was very different, it was like he was a robot just ready to die if I commanded it. I decided to test him, I wanted to see just how far I could push him before he would say no… but he never said no! I told him that I wanted to cut off his cock and fry it up for our lunch and he didn’t even flinch, he just asked me if he should pull it out. He didn’t whimper or protest as I cut through his cock and when I put it in the pan to fry it up, he just smiled. He even helped me eat it… every last bite…

Friday the 13th Playtime

castration phone sexFriday the 13th. My favorite day of the year when freaks like me can run free and commit crimes. Hey, everyone expects the evil ones to be out tonight and who is more wicked than this teen torture slut? Gonna find me a nice victim, maybe some drunk who staggers off into the dark. Sex doesn’t matter. I’ll entice him with my charms, my tits, and promise of some pussy. Men are soo easy. Then it’s off to my place for some hardcore CBT and castration fun. I’ll get that dick nice n hard before I slaughter it. Makes it so much more bloody that way. I’ll flog that cock, beat it until it spurts blood before chopping it off and feeding it to the dog. No one pays attention to screams on Friday the 13th. So before you decide to go out and play tonight, say a prayer for your own soul.  Because if I am the one to find you, I will show no mercy and no amount of begging will make me spare your worthless carcass. Only the coyotes will know what happened to your body, and they will never tell.

Anal Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with an Ass Rape Porn Star

rape phone sex fantasiesAnal rape phone sex fantasies are very popular these days.  I think because of all the anal torture porn available. The porn world makes it look like a hardcore ass fucking is what every girl wants. I do love ass sex. My daddy force fucked my ass for years. Did I like it at the time? No. Do I like rough anal? Not really; but, I rarely have a say in the matter. I am seeing this new guy who is obsessed with my ass. To say he is a butt man is an understatement. On our first date, he fisted my ass with his big college rings still on his fingers. When his hand came back covered in blood and shit, he fisted my mouth until his hand and rings were clean.  On our second date, he decided to make an ass rape porn with me as the star of course. He invited close to a 100 frat guys over. I was their present for winning some fraternity charity award. Do good deeds for others, get to sodomize a whore. Seemed reasonable. This new guy in my life is very active in his fraternity. Originally, I thought that was cool, but after 97 horny frat boys reeking of stale beer rammed  their dicks in my ass for over 8 hours, I didn’t think that any more. He made it clear that I was his property to use as he wanted. If he wanted to pimp any of my fuck holes out for the night, that was his prerogative. I better just shut the fuck up and take it like a good fuck slut. These frat boys were not very charitable on my ass. They pissed up my ass while fucking me. They shoved 2-4 cocks in my ass at once, leaving it gaping open. They didn’t care that I was bleeding or that my ass had prolapsed. When all balls were drained, they switched to beer and liquor bottles. I am afraid to see what is in store for me on date #3 Saturday night.

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Evil phone sex with Ivy

Evil phone sex

Look at you, depressed and lonely in a house full of people thinking about that Evil phone sex you had. You have my full attention. I can see you are more than a person standing there in a crowded room. You are Evil phone sex but no one has noticed you. The bottle in your hand is almost empty and the little blade you are holding tells me what you are thinking. You are right, its sick and wrong. No one is even going to notice you are gone. No one is going to realize you slit your wrist and the blood is flowing down your arm. I fallowed you into the your bedroom. This is your house, your party and no one even knows where you are or that you’re missing.

Snuff phone sex

My pussy tingles as I watch you tease your skin with the sharp edge of the blade. The way you bite your lip as you gently push into your wrist and pull away because of the pain makes my pussy drip. I can’t stand the teasing anymore. I step out and start telling you how pathetic you are just like our Evil phone sex call. How you can’t do any fucking thing. You have been thinking about this all fucking night and now you are questioning yourself? Let me help you. Take your clothes off, lay down on the bed. Start teasing your skin with the blade again. I can see your cock is hard and my pussy is dripping. You cut deeper into your skin as I touch your cock…. I wonder how far you will go to fuck me.. to cum just one. last. time.

Rape phone sex fantasies on Cinco de Mayo.

rape phone sex fantasiesI don’t why they targeted me. Maybe they had been out celebrating Cinco de Mayo and had too much tequila. I was just at my dealer’s to pick up some blow. I heard them whistle as I came down the steps. There was a lot of whispering in Spanish and I was grabbed from behind. I could smell the muskiness and stench of unwashed flesh as they dragged me into the alley. A punch to the head rendered me almost unconscious. There were at least 8 of them and they pulled out their cocks. Dark gangsta types with saggy pants and no concern for the law, they just wanted white pussy. My skirt was pushed up and my panties were ripped off as they pulled out huge cocks. The biggest one was on me like a starving mongrel shoving 12 inches into my dry hole. I try to scream but my panties were stuffed into my mouth. He was fucking me piston style, but flipped over suddenly, making me ride on top. He grabbed me by the hair and yanked me forward, exposing my tight little asshole to them. “Fuck, yes.” I heard one of them say and I felt his massive cock against my pucker hole. I bucked and tried to escape but that inflamed them more. My ass ripped as he stuffed me full of beaner cock. The blood lubricated it and I could feel it running down my legs. They double penetrated me for at least 15 minutes before filling me with jungle juice. The lesser gang members then got the sloppy seconds. The last one was a violent fuck. He held a knife to my throat and threatened to kill me. With each stroke he hit me. I felt like a pinata. I felt my nose break, my lips bust open, and my eye swelling shut as he pounded me into the pavement. Before they left, they all kicked me and spit on my prone body.

As I came to, all I was worried about was my drugs. I found the baggie stuffed into my bra and stuck to my tits. That’s all I cared about, just the drugs. As I struggled to my feet, all I could think about was getting home and getting wasted. That’s just the life of a druggie whore. Happy Cinco de Mayo.

violent phone sex

My Favorite Candy

taboo phone sex angie1I love dropping a hit of X and fucking a bitch up. I love the way X makes me feel. How it heightens all my senses and intensifies every sensation. When I came across these cute little Hello Kitty shaped X pills I knew that they were perfect. They look like candy and any sweet young girl would love eating them, never knowing what  I have in store for her. Eyeing a sweet little gum drop on the playground, my cunt drips juice as my mind creates a twisted and evil plan. She is going to be mine. Tripping from the effects of the pill she just ate. She is about to feel every bit of pain that I am about to inflict upon her ten fold. Knowing this brings me more pleasure then I can even explain. As I inflict more and more pain, I know it is almost time for me to drop a hit myself. fucking and fucking someone up on this drug is the ultimate in dark and twisted fun. snuff porn angie

Ass rape porn with his bare fist

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I was at the gym today and I saw a man eyeing me. I did not think much of it since it was still daytime and he was rather cute. I should know that I always get myslef in trouble when I do this crap and think a guy is attractive. So what do I do you ask? I start showing off a bit, walking around sexy and bending down in front of him.

I finally decide to go into the ladies locker room to wash up so that I can head out. I take my clothes off and make sure the water is the perfect tempeture. As I get into the water, I hear the locker room door close and lock. I was in my own world not giving anything much thought. I am such a stupid bitch. I suddenly felt a huge rough hand cover my mouth.

I naturally tried to squirm away. The man eyeing me took no time to bend me over, forcing me to my hands and knees. My cheek bone was pressed against the cold tile floor and my ass cheeks were spread open before his face. He took his fist and said that he wanted to have anal sex with me, since he could tell I was a dumb worthless bitch.

 He punched his fist into my ass hole, over and over again. I could not even scream. His manly force of his fist was all that my body could take. I tried to brace myself but the blood started to run down my thighs from him fucking me open. He fucked my ass harder and faster, ripping me open. He pulled something out of his pocket, I thought it may have been his dick, I was wrong. It was his seven inch pocket knife. He rammed it into my gapped open ass.

He kept pulling his blood cover knife out of my ass and spreading my cheeks open. He kept looking and admiring at my gapped open bloody ass. He kept spreading me wider, watching the blood run down my legs to the floor. He could have fucked my ass with a toy even with his dick, but oh no he wanted anal sex with anything but a toy. He wanted to make me bleed for days with my now newly gapped open ass from his fist and knife.

I hope he finishes soon before he punctures something important and makes me bleed out.

Violent Phone Sex with Paulina

evil phone sex

He wanted his cock sucked and to me that was a walk in the park compared to these past couple of weeks. So I slid my mouth over his dick doing it just the way he liked hard and fast. Then out of no where I felt a pair of hands reach from behind me and wrap around my neck. I could not breathe but I knew that I better keep sucking him off. Then suddenly I blacked out. I could still hear noises and there was another guy there with my husband. He told this man to spread me out on the floor and while my husband held my legs up he told this guy to shove his dick in my asshole. I was laying there limp as a rag doll and was not much for me to do so I just took it. I could feel he came in my ass and it was oozing out slowly. Then my husband told him to get my legs so he could tear my asshole open the right way. He shoved his dick so hard and so far up my ass I could feel it tear open again. I knew at this point I was a bloody mess. All the cum that was dripping out was burning and stinging me so badly. I knew he had torn me open after I just started healing. When my husband was finally ready to bust his load he opened my mouth open and shoved his cock deep down my throat choking me with his massive load of cum. That is when I finally came too choking and puking up all his cum laying in a bloody mess from my stretched and torn asshole.