Tag: Bloody Phone Sex

Teen rape porn

teen rape porn

I have the most perfect niece and every guy looks at her little tight body and her pink little cotton panties under her dresses she wears when she bends over. I offered to watch her one night so that her parents could go out and have a good time. It should be wrong that I would offer up my own family into becoming someone’s victim.

As soon as they were gone, I called my friend over. He was so throbbing hard when I took him to her room to offer up her holes. I spread her thighs and I helped him fit inside of her. He started to pump her and fuck her so hard putting his hands over her mouth. He gapped her little pussy so wide that it was bleeding down her knees.

He made sure that he got deep into that little pussy, popping that little cherry. The night is still young to take her however we want and to ruin her holes.

Snuff sex with the little ones is better

snuff sexSnuff sex is best when I have a tiny little victim, one that will cry pitifully for her momma and beg me not to hurt her… that is what I like best. Just last night I found me a little whore like that, she was tiny and much too small to be wandering around alone at night like that! She came with me willingly, I looked safe to her I’m sure but as she soon found out, I was far from safe! I tied her up and left her hanging from a hook so that I could whip her until the blood ran down her legs and her skin was hanging off her back… she looked so beautiful to me when she was all bloodied and crying like that. Then I fucked her to death with my biggest dildo and threw her body in the trash…

Plunged To Death

Bloody Phone Sex

It all started off fun and games. A casual playtime experience but things got out of hand quickly when I started giving you head. You took your hands and gripped the back of my neck and started thrusting harder and harder into my face. My eyes were watering up and silently begging you to slow down, or stop even! But you could feel my jaw breaking apart and once you saw the blood on your cock you knew you had to finish the job. You fucked my face, punching my sides and pulling my hair out. My would-be screams completely muffled by your massive penis that was choking me to death. I tried digging my nails into your thighs to push you away but it was too late. I was dying and you didn’t care. You wanted it- you wanted to see me die in front of you with your cock in my skull. I saw my entire slutty shitty life flash before my eyes but it was just images of cocks. You left me there dying, bleeding to death and with cum dripping out of my nose. Are you going to come back and fuck my dead body next?

Bloody phone sex

bloody phone sex

I am on a table getting my holes completely bloody. A big cock has been forcing his way inside of me and ripping me open non stop. My pussy has torn into my ass hole and it is so swollen. My blood is drying on my legs as he finds other ways to torture my insignificants worthless excuses of an existence. He tries putting his hands around my neck chocking me with his cock down my throat.

He leaves bruises on every part of my body, beating the fuck out of me until I can not even squirm to try and move. He opens up my stomach and tries to see how much cum he can put inside of me before I die. He invited a bunch of his friends over where they all laugh at me worthless naked body, filling the cavity of my stomach open.

My organs are coated in their glaze.

Master, I Want it Harder

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

Master made me strip naked and wait for him with my ass out and ready for his cock. I pulled my cheeks apart when I heard him coming close. Spread wide, I felt his hands explore my pussy and ass as he fingered both holes. He smacked my ass hard, making me squeal. After a few whacks, he grabbed a paddle and spanked me with it until I was red and sore. In between each slap, I had to tell him that I want it harder. And he always complied with that request, regardless that it wasn’t actually what I wanted. When I don’t ask for more, the punishments become much worse, so I know better than to beg for mercy.

But sometimes, fate decides the punishment for me. Something must have made him very upset that day, because I felt a knife pierce through my back. Even still, I choked out, I want it harder! Stab after stab, I asked to get it harder. The blood poured down from my body, pooling around my knees. Filling my lungs, the blood came up from my throat as I coughed. This time, I was no longer able to ask for it harder, as I had lost consciousness, barely clinging to life. In a fit of fury, he dug the knife through my neck, cutting my spinal cord and brain stem. Time for a new slave.

Off with your cock, Loser.

castration phone sexYou cheating fucking Loser. I spit in your face. You’re the type of man who deserves castration phone sex. Do you really think you can get away with treating women this way? Do you think your cock is so special that you can stick it in any fuck hole you please with no repercussions.

I watched you in the club tonight, looking all ghetto in your saggy pants and swagger. You hit on every woman who walked by.  Just the good looking ones though. The less attractive, you poked fun at. I watched girls faces crumple as you verbally destroyed them. I’m a cold hearted bitch but you are an asshole who deserves a whooping. Bet you wouldn’t be so smug with no cock or balls.

Tired of watching you, I approach you. Your eyes light up as you take in my slim body. “Wanna smoke a fat one?” I ask you. You nod and follow me to my car. “Hey, sexy, you wanna suck my cock?” you ask me. I respond with a kick to your nut sac with my steel toed boots. You go down hard.

You’re my prisoner now. You’ve gotten into some bad pussy for sure. MINE. I’m gonna give you what you really deserve. I unzip your pants and lay your cock out on the table. Your eyes bulge as I pull out my blade. Blasphemy explodes from your mouth as you beg to the almighty. Too bad, loser. You met the devil instead and now she owns your soul.

Vengeance is mine, saith Natasha. Welcome to hell. Now you get to burn forever as a dickless loser.

Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies

taboo phone sex

Taboo phone sex fantasies are what I do best. My callers fall into two categories: mommy lovers and sadistic men who like to do cruel things to mommy whores. I have a very interesting life on and off the phone. Callers ask me all the time if I have a Master. My master is cocaine. I have long had a problem with nose candy. My husband travels a lot, so he doesn’t know the depths of depravity I will sink for a fix. He is not a dominate man, neither are our young sons. His son from a previous marriage is the closest thing I have to a master.  Since I am weak for cocaine, I get myself into pickles all the time. This weekend, I was partying with some frat boys. We were doing lines and fucking. There was some double penetration going on, but nothing wild. Then one of the guys brought in a little girl. No clue who she was or where she came from. She was very young and very scared. She asked me if I knew her mommy. This wasn’t good. I tried to be maternal to the girl when one of the boys punched me in the face. He gave me a knife and told me to “carve the bitch up.” All three boys had pure evil in their eyes. I was informed explicitly that if I didn’t snuff the little whore, I’d be a dead bitch. These weren’t frat boys. They were sick twisted perverts. I looked at the little girl, said I was sorry and closed my eyes. I told myself this was all a bad dream as I plunged the knife in her tiny body. She was screaming and they were laughing. I was crying and shaking. When I heard no more screams, I opened my eyes. The guys were fucking her young dead body. All three of them. It was the most gruesome thing I had ever seen. They seemed like normal 20 something men but they were a pack of wild animals. I did the rest of the blow, got so fucking high, I’m still not sure it really happened, even though the blood stains on my clothes tell me it did.

2 girls for Cannibalism phone sex dinner

cannibalism phone sexI just found the perfect cannibalism phone sex specimen for us. I knew when I saw her that she fit all of your requirements for fine dining. With her fresh, wholesome looks, plump thighs, perfect rump roast ass, and thighs that would make Colonel Sanders smile, all I could think was Grade A Prime meat.

She would be easy pickings. Her name is Kali. She lives with her violent, drunk daddy. She is so poor and has basically nothing. It would be easy to make her my new friend and gain her trust. Maybe take her to the spa so that our prep work is so much easier. All nice and smooth and hairless. No one would miss her when she disappeared. Her daddy would just think she ran off with some guy.  No one would know that she went out to dinner and never came back. Poor Kali.

accomplice phone sex

I have some great new recipe ideas for this Kali. Cajun chef, Justin Wilson, who also had a great sense of humor, intrigues me. He’s dead now but he would’ve loved our style. Listen to this:  “Stir the garlic, horseradish, hot pepper sauce, thyme, salt, pepper, Cajun seasoning, olive oil, and malt vinegar together in a bowl until thoroughly blended. Pierce the beef roast all over with a meat fork. Douse with the mixture. Place the roast in a large, resealable plastic bag.”  Mmmmmm, how perfect does that sound? Maybe even shove a link of andouille sausage in those crevices. We can hear her beg while she marinates. Oh, and it gets better.

After we let her marinate for several hours, while drinking a glass of wine and saying our goodbyes, it’s time for your special magic. We’ll sear her on both sides over high heat. Then reduce the heat and let her slow roast until her internal temperature is 145 degrees. By then, her skin has crisped to a golden brown and the drip pan is overflowing with delicious au juice, enhanced with a shot of your “special sauce.”

Hand me a crispy finger, please.  You know it’s my favorite part.  I was thinking that we could use the leftover organs to make some boudin or how about some Kali étouffée for later. I know you hate to waste a single morsel.

Thank you for your sacrifice, little Kali. You fought like a champ but our hunger was stronger.

roleplay phone sex







Through the Meat Grinder

Cannibalism Phone Sex

Captured by cannibals, I squealed like a pig from fear. Rattling against the cage they had locked me in, I tried with all my might to loosen the door, but it wouldn’t budge. My wrists were in shackles, chained together. I was in a cold, damp basement. Shivering, I cowered as a tall, scary looking man thundered his way up to my cage. Unlocking the door, he dragged me out by the shackles. I kicked and screamed as he took into a colder room with the terrifying sounds from the largest meat grinder I had ever seen in my life. The gears and blades spun at bone crushing speeds that would tear to shreds in an instant. Horrified, I kicked and tried to fight back, giving it everything I had, but it wasn’t enough. He took the chain connected the shackles and hung it on a hook suspended from the ceiling. It was only just low enough that I could barely stand on my tippy toes. Walking over to the controls, he moved some levers, causing the hook to be lifted into the air, taking me right off my feet. The hook repositioned directly over the spinning blades as I frantically tried to swing away from my impending death. Slowly, I was lowered down into the machine, feet first. The pain of my feet being crushed off was overwhelming. Although the grinder could have made mincemeat of me in seconds, he lowered me in slowly, getting off from watching me scream in pain as I felt bits of my bone and flesh being torn off from my body. I lost consciousness right before I died of blood loss and shock. Damn, he better have made one fucking good burger out of me.

Meeting The Neighborhood Cannibal

Bloody Phone Sex


Everyone in the neighborhood says you like to eat people but I didn’t believe them. You’ve only ever been very nice and friendly toward me so I just tossed it up to being a local urban legend. Obviously those were just made up stories to keep young ones out of your unfamiliar reach or lies made up by the older boys to get the little ones all worked up- no way it could be true!

I was walking past your house and you were outside doing some yard work. Me being overly friendly by nature and genuinely curious, I saw a chance to get to know you and to finally settle all those rumors as being untrue. Your body language read as excited- having this cute young piece of sweet meat wander up into your space. You invite me inside with promises of lemonade and cookies. We sit down and you begin telling me more about yourself. I started feeling a tired and lightheaded, probably from the heat. You offer your sofa to me for a rest and I fell asleep quickly without a single problem.

I eventually did wake up but I was paralyzed and gagged- tied down to the kitchen table which was dressed with one single place setting. You walk in and run down the way this evening is going to play out. You are going to eat me. Raw at first, to help you figure out the best way to season my flesh. I have tears rolling down my cheeks and you gently shush me, running a sharp knife along the inside of my thighs. You then tell me that I am going to go back to sleep for a long time now and that you don’t like the way shock and pain tastes. You inject me with some medication and the whole world goes dark.

While I am unconscious you begin cutting sample pieces off of different parts of my soft teeny body. Trying the individual cuts first helps you determine exactly how you want to cook me, if at all. After making a few decisions on which direction to take your meal this evening, you pull out a dusty copy of some  Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 1. Flipping through you find yourself salivating over the recipe for Gigot a la Moutarde- leg of lamb with mustard.

You remove my leg with a large butcher saw while I am still breathing. Then clean and shave my fresh- preparing it for seasoning. You rub 1/2 cup Dijon mustard, soy sauce, rosemary, garlic and your finest cold press olive oil over my limb in a large roasting pan. Cooking one side for 30 minutes and the other for roughly 20 more. Finally pulling the beautiful roast from the oven, it smells delicious! You sit back down at the table, pour yourself a glass of Merlot. Taking tongs and knife to pick out a selection from your masterpiece. Placing it on your plate and taking your time savoring each bite.


My young flesh is so tender-  What are you going to make out of the rest of me?