Tag: Blasphemy phone sex

Blasphemy Phone Sex, If You Dare

blasphamy phonesex angieAs I slowly circle her bleeding and broken body I dip my fingers into my wet cunt bringing them to my lips and savoring the juices that her pain made flow down my thighs. My nipples are so hard they hurt and the pain from their straining only serves to increase the flow of liquid between my legs. We have been here for hours. I lost count of how many bones I have broken. Looking at her laying there bleeding and in agony brings me such pleasure. It really is sinful to enjoy this so much. But then that is what makes it so much fun! I can’t count the number of times she has begun to pray to that fucking God of hers. It makes me sick to hear her uttering his name. Praying for his help. Bitch please, he can’t help you, he won’t help you, he isn’t fucking here and he isn’t fucking real. I can’t count the number of times I have said “Fuck your God, where is he?” and I can’t count the number of times she has felt my wrath for uttering the words “God loves you and he forgives you” This bitch just doesn’t get it. I need to show her once and for all just what I think of her fucking God and his bullshit forgiveness. I am a cunt’s hair from snuffing this bitch, she has served me well. But I just can’t end it before the ultimate blasphemy. The final dig before ending this game. I go to the basement where I have boxes of things that belonged to others. I know I have seen some religious crap in there. I take my time as I enjoy the sound of her cries up stairs. And then I find them, a huge brass cross with a man hanging from it and a statute of a virginal woman with her blue veil on.  I carry them up stairs and show her what I have. As I get between her legs she is sobbing hysterically, and I can’t stop cumming. “This is what your God is doing to you, fucking you” The scream she lets out as I shove the statute up her ass head first and the cross up her swollen and bruised pussy at the same time brings me to an orgasm to top all orgasms. I use my pelvis to shove them deep in her as I lean over and wrap my hands around her neck. As I squeeze slowly, enjoying taking her last breath, I take great pleasure in knowing the last words she hears are “A-fucking-men”blasphamy phonesex witch

Evil Phone Sex Bitch

hot phonesex karma4You thought when you saw me at the farmers market today you would save me. You had to start in on me with your preaching and your holier then thou attitude. You wouldn’t let me leave even when I told you that wasn’t what I believed. You had to back me into the corner and spew your beliefs on me. Beggaring me and continuing to insist I needed saving.
Who needs saving now bitch?
I waited for you in the shadows when you finally let me go. I know how to capture little bitches like you. Now your sitting there looking at me with tears running down your face praying to a God that isn’t going to save you.
You love your Jesus so much I am going to show you what it feels like to be him. The cross is constructed, the thorny crown is made, the whip has been laced with razor blades, all while you watch and repeat your silly prayers.
I drag your limp body to the cross and tie you down and still you keep on with the endless prayers feeding my desire to bring you down. By the time I am done you will admit that you are wrong. And I can’t wait because your going to do it one way or the other.
Funny how silent you fall when I grab the hammer and the first long, rusty nail as I position it over your palm. Your prayers are now sobs aren’t they?
You should have left me alone.
I cum in pouring gushes as you scream when I hit the nail on the head for the first time driving it into your flesh. I am not hitting it hard enough for it to go threw in one swing…no this is going to take a bit. Each scream brings a fresh round of cum running out of my pussy.
I think before I do the other hand and your feet I will shove these thorns into your tender scalp and relish the sounds of your pain.
No one can hear you from our spot in the woods and it thrills me to see you urinate all over your self as I inflict more pain.
Your a pissy little bitch now aren’t you?
When your all nailed down and I use the pulley to hoist you up right I tingle at the look in your eyes as I loft the whip in the air.
It’s going to be along and lovely night for me, not so much for you.
You messed with the wrong evil bitch sister!