Tag: Blasphemy phone sex

Dark Blasphemy Phone Sex

blasphemy phonesex

The fucking father, son and holy ghost. Can you fucking believe these damned hypocrites? These stupid mother fuckers are on their knees on Sunday.. Praying for forgiveness. Touting their faith and how they are mere sinners and not worthy of the love and grace that their fucking God bestows upon them. Then they go home and get fucked up, screwing their fellow man in every fucking way imaginable all week just to start the cycle over again on Sunday. What a bunch of fucking saps. I say they all need to come to the dark side with me. Worship the Dark Prince and know that all that shit you do all week pleases him. You never have to spend another day of your life on your knees begging for forgiveness for all the shit you do six days a week. The fucking truth hurts doesn’t it? Want to really be fucked up? Watch me shove your savior’s head up my ass while his image hangs on that stupid fucking cross. Yeah that is what I think of it all…it’s shit, pure shit. Let me show you how that young girl that you have dressed in virginal white, ready to be his bride and take her first communion on this bullshit day bleeds just like the rest of us. Watch me shove a fucking fist up her cunt and change that dress from white to red in the blink of an eye. Better yet bring that fucking holy man to me. Watch as I lay him on the alter that is all holy and shit and wrap my  tongue around the cock that he can’t keep from rising to greet me. I will suck the seed right out of him and let you watch it spew on your fucking alter and my face while not one of you can keep from masturbating as you watch the show. You fucking hypocrites.blasphemy phonesex karma

Blasphemy Phone Sex: At the Altar

Blasphemy Phone Sex

My lover and I were sitting at the diner, drinking coffee, when a young priest approached us.  He ranted about how we were living in sin and how he would pray for us.  I made a mental note of what church he attended; and, my lover shook her head.  She knew I wouldn’t let it go.

Saturday night, before church on Sunday, it was really easy; I snagged a boy from the playground.  And, luckily, he fit into the choirboy uniform that I’d stolen from a costume shop.  It wasn’t completely authentic, but I was happy with it.  Then, I sedated the young boy and drove to the church.  At dusk, it was quite eerie; and, I liked it…that big church building that was more grotesque than anything. 

The priest looked shocked to see me, but I knew that he was alone; I knew his routine by now.  I never leave things up to chance.  I threw the boy down at his feet and his mouth dropped.  “I brought you that sacrificial lamb that you’ve been drooling after,” I said between my teeth.  He shook his head, but he couldn’t avoid my confrontation.  I leaned over the alter and looked him squarely in the eyes.  “I know what you like to do, Father,” I said with a sneer.  “More like wolf,” I laughed.  It was so simple, really: the more that I talked about the young boy’s flesh, the more he looked like a cherub to the priest.  And soon, there the priest was…leaning down over the bate. 

I taunted him and told him to get on with it and defile the lamb.  He balked at first; looking at me with large eyes, he tried to rationalize what he wanted to do.  “Even if you are the Devil, God has sent you…brought him through you.  So, God must want me take this precious boy and show him grace.”  “Why don’t you take that grace out of your pants, Father?” I snickered and walked around the two bodies.  He brushed the little boy’s hair off the face; and, I could tell by the twitching that the boy was waking up.  The priest bent down, shaking, craving the boy’s penis in his mouth.  And, suddenly, the boy shot up, the razor clutched in his hand…and stabbed the priest directly in the throat.  The boy could not have done better if he had aimed.  I watched the boy become covered in blood; and, as the priest took his last gargled, bloody breaths, the boy looked up at me with a smile.  Maybe I had found a kindred spirit, too, I thought.

Blasphemy Phone Sexd

Broken Wings

Taboo phone sex1

One night, I heard my nieces whispering; they were talking about the new pastor at the church that I hadn’t attended since I was younger then them.  Curious, I leaned in and listened.  One whispered that she’d heard the pastor had been having “relations” with some of the choir boys and girls.  Another one whispered that she’d seen pictures by accident; he had showed them to her, but she had ran out of the room before he could touch her.  Infuriated, I decided to take a trip down to the church.  Candles were lit and lights were on in the study, so I was sure the pastor was there.  My heavy heels clicked against the thin carpet as a young, blonde man emerged from the study.  When I told him that I was looking for the pastor, he surprised me by informing me that I was looking at him.  He was so young, younger than I can ever remember seeing a pastor.  I could see how some of his young flock may be attracted to the smooth-talking, baby-faced young man; but he didn’t fool me.  I knew that my nieces would never lie about those things that I heard them speaking about.

He looked me up and down, and I could see a little disappointment in his face.  “Usually, the young girls and boys hang out here at night.  I like to keep them out of trouble,” he said.  I replied, “I bet.”  I looked around his office while he sat in his expensive leather chair an impatiently waited for me to explain why I was there.  I wasn’t in a rush since I had locked the church door behind me; but, I did find it odd that all of his pictures were of young people and himself.  Fuming, thinking that one of those young faces could have been my niece, I wrapped a chord around his wrists.  I pressed my spiked heel to his rotatory cuff and twisted his arms out of their sockets.  He screamed, but not to my satisfaction.  I took the envelope opener from his desk and began sawing off his trimmed pecker.  It took sweat and muscle, but it was an enjoyable feat.  Then, I drug him to the alter, where there were a few feathered harnesses laying by the stage.  “They’re my little angels.  You don’t understand.”  I told him that I did and kicked the bloody mass between his legs until he was sitting beneath the table that held the offerings during service.  I carved “false prophet” on his chest.  I blindfolded him and told him that I sparing the looks of horror from those that found him; but, I wanted him to acutely hear their screams.

I wasn’t sure that night if he lived or not; but, he did.  A couple of months later, though, he was back in the newspapers: this time he was found with his throat slit over the chalice bowl.  It seemed that someone else didn’t like what he was doing, either.  But, it also seemed more personal: there was a crucifix shoved up his urethra, what was left of that dick that he’d loved using so much.

Thy Will Be Done Thy Cunt Will Cum

torture phonesex blaskarma1Every night before I go to sleep I give thanks to Lucifer. I cut myself and give him my life blood and thank him for leading me to the dark side and showing me what has always been in my heart. I ask him to visit me in the dark of the night and fill me with his will. I love it when he answers my prayers.

I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep almost instantly. Floating slowly into the blackest darkness I feel his presence near me. I can’t see him yet but I know he is there and he is taking a hold of my soul. Soon he will be in complete control, I can feel his power washing over me. 

I feel him so strongly, his hot, rancid breath on my neck. The tip of his forked tongue running along the lobe of my ear. His probing slimy cock pushing between my legs, searching for my inviting cunt. Hitting his mark he shoves his dick deep into me, breathing heavy and fucking me with brutal force that always leaves me sore. I beg for more of this onslaught, needing to feel his hot sperm squirt deep inside me. 

Throwing me to the ground when he is done he hovers over my body, drool dripping from his mouth, his lips turned up in an evil grin and his eyes begin to glow as they show me the vision he has for me.torture phonesex blaskarma

I watch it like a movie, entranced and mesmerized. I can see myself walking into a church. As I enter I see a huge golden cross with Christ hanging from the wall, glowing and beckoning me closer. As I approach I see him. He is dressed in his white robe with gold trim. His hands are clutched together in prayer and his eyes are down cast. I can tell by the lines on his face that he is a handsome man. 

Suddenly I see my Prince of Darkness standing at his side. Whispering in his ear to turn and look at me. As he does Lucifer rips my top from my shoulders and there surrounding each of my nipples is a raised cross, upside down. It looks like I was branded. As the priest reaches out to gingerly touch my scared flesh I can feel the electricity begin to flow. I can hear Lucifer whisper in his ear “Fuck her Priest. Take her now” 

As soon as his fingers touch my flesh I feel my pussy get soaking wet and I see him reach for his pants to free his throbbing cock. Rubbing my clit at a fevered pitch I see him begin to masturbate, jerking his cock with a mission. 

I feel Lucifer’s hands on my shoulders as he shoves me to the floor on all fours, putting my ass high up in the air and spreading me wide as he invites the priest to feast on my flesh. I feel his hard cock shove into my ass in one swift motion and the priest begins to fuck me like an animal, fast and hard, deep and with abandon. He is sweating and breathing heavy as he pulls out, yanks my head back and cums in my mouth, groaning and jerking as he enjoys the height of his pleasure.

He opens his eyes and looks up at Lucifer, my prince, and the tears begin to flow silently down his face as he realizes what he has done. 

I hear my prince say, “Give your soul to me” 

Silently the Priest drops to his knees and takes his worthless life right there on the alter. 

The vision is vivid and real and I know I will live it out soon.torture phonesex blasphamy

Blasphemous Crucifixion

Blasphemy Phone Sex

I set the stage to my perfect standards and then returned to my prey in the church closet. The poor little soccer mom wasn’t so demure as she pretended in church; instead of her soft voice, she was yelling foul words at me…it was laughable! I told her to calm down and forced her to drink the entire chalice of communion wine. She became limp and I drug her through the church up to the stage where she was directing that damn nativity play. I felt a little throw-up in my mouth as I thought of all the Jesus songs and fucking parking mess that the whole thing had created. The madness had to stop. I hoisted her up on a ladder, balancing her until she was positioned properly on the cross. I took a chisel and banged led files through her limbs to keep her where I wanted her. She looked at the blood and vomited; luckily, I side-stepped it and told her that wasn’t very Christ-like of her. I laughed and pushed a crown of thorns that I’d had made especially for her. “Realism is the key,” I said, “to any production.” She continued to swear, but her words turned into mumbles as I slit her clothes open and drained her blood. “You look more like a whore,” I said and decided to write “Mary” in her own blood in front of her. I paid extra attention to making sure her breasts and pubic area were exposed; then, as a last gesture, I shoved a dildo in the shape of a cross up her ass. With her remaining blood, I spread it over the plastic little animals that were huddled around the manger. Pleased with my work, I sliced her neck, her head falling so violently that it almost fell off. I admired the scene and felt confident that the brats who came in for practice would be singing a different tune than the one that had echoed down my street.

Sissy Parade in New Orleans

Blashphemy phone sex

It’s New Orleans, one of my favorite places to be because it is so damn crazy. I was walking past a residential area when I heard muttering; I squinted and I could see a flashlight in one of the graveyards. I thought it was just a couple of teens playing around, maybe spray-painting the tombstones. But, then I heard, “No, I am not opening it! I just got my nails done!” I was intrigued and moved in for a closer look. There were a bunch of young sissies standing around a couple of open tombs; only the final cover remained between them and the corpse. “We have to do it, ya’ll or Master will be angry,” one of the more logical ones said. My ears perked up: these sissies belonged to someone. I focused on them and could see that they were really not prepared to do what they were instructed to do; after all, who wears high-heels and short skirts on a job like this? Finally, the logical one opened the casket, struggled with the body, and then demanded help. The others helped lift the body, and then it became apparent what they were doing: they were stealing the clothes off the dead people! Most of them gagged as they did this, but I was impressed with their resolution and continued to follow them. “Now, girls,” the sissy whose nails were recently manicured said, “remember that we must prance our little sissy hearts out! Master is watching and we cannot disappoint him. No stealing beads, but everything else is fine. Beads must be earned from flashing!” And, along they marched, this very interesting crew. I walked down Bourbon Street as far as I could without getting absorbed into the crowd; and, sure enough, there was a man sitting on a balcony with a cigar…and a woman, wearing a dog collar, at his feet. Our eyes met and we had an understanding; I smiled as the crowd became even more boisterous. Yes, the sissies had arrived!

Satan’s Cunt

I went to my first church service today. Funny thing . . . I couldn’t stop rubbing myself off on the sermon. You ever had a 666 tattoo stamped onto your skull? No? Haha. You can borrow mine, baby. I’m the ultimate in blasphemy. What I don’t fuck with a crucifix, I lap up like a dirty, depraved puppy dog. And what I don’t shout to the fucking heavens when a huge ass cock explodes an immaculate impregnation up my divine asshole, I am begging Christ to whip his dick out so I can have a go at that, too. I feel up every man I get my filthy, sinning hands on. My fingers have a way of turning men to the dark side. My tongue has a way of convincing them to do my bidding. And my tight, wet, evil cunt is Satan’s perfect fuckhole. He uses me like his innocent virgin bride to defile the virginity and respect of everyone around me. I am Lilith incarnate, a sickening seductress who will hold you down and fuck the bejesus out of you

Blasphemy Phone Sex Adventure Time

I wait until all other parishioners have left the sanctuary.  I watch as he snuffs out all the candles, the smoke from each rises up into the air to disappear forever.  I close my eyes and breath in the scent of this place, the Holy of Holies, the House of god.  I wonder how many women have come here, pregnant, searching for an answer only to be told that abortion is against god.  How many people have laid out their troubles to some Priest that sits behind a confessional screen only to have him talk back in a bored tone, giving instruction  to say a few Hail Mary’s and then they would be absolved.  What a total and complete load of bullshit this all is.  There is no absolution, there is no forgiveness, but what there is, is a book written 3500 years ago about an invisible force that created all life, and gave rules, and started wars, and got a young girl pregnant then didn’t pay  support, but worst of all? Forbid the masses from eating pork!  Fuck that shit, I’m eating a Triple Decker Bacon sandwich right now.  I bet jesus is up there in the stratosphere majorly craving some perfectly cooked pig parts at this very moment. I get up and smear the pew with the pig oil from my finger tips, and I save just enough so that I can also smear some on my lips, then I climb up onto the Alter and kiss jesus with my bacon lips. There you go jesus, enjoy.

This is when the Father turns to look at me.  He says tersely, “Can I help you?”  I climb down, licking my fingers.  I say, “Yes Father you can.  I need counsel, can you hear my confession?”  He checks his watch, and puts his hand on the back of my shoulder; I try not to puke from being touched by this asshole;  and leads me to the confessional booth.  I sit down and open my messenger bag; I wave at Ruby Girl; I take out the crucifix, and start to suck on it.  The Father takes a seat, and asks me, “How long has it been since your last confessional?”  I say back, “Twenty years.  I have never confessed to anything before.”  He goes on to ask me to tell him my sins so that I can atone for them.  I start. He hesitates. I push the Jesus On A Stick that I brought with me into my cunt. I tell him more. He fidgets with his collar. I start to moan. He tries to peer through the screen. I start to say the Lord’s Prayer in Latin; and no I do not speak Latin, I just found it online and took it with me and tried my best to enunciate it correctly.  He gets up and swings open  the confessional door, he sees me with Jesus buried Holy Beard deep, and he yells at me.  I laugh, and continue riding the son of God until I cum.  I stand up, allowing the Jesus On A Stick to slip out of me.  I pick up my messenger bag, push my way past the wide eyed Priest and make my way out the door.  I like to think that after that, he picked up the violated jesus and licked it off.

I might go back to that church some day, might even take jesus a whole ham this time, because I’m generous like that.

Religious Blasphemy Fetish Phone Sex

Hear, See, and Taste the Evil!!! YUMMY!!!


Many call me a DERANGED-INSANE-SICK-CRAZY-PSYCHOTIC-BITCH!! FUCK THOSE FUCKERS!!!…….(It is time for a bedtime story for the little ones-but it’s really NOT a story!!) Fuck-slut-bitch-whores deserve to have their filthy slits used, ripped open, and torn to shreds by hideous, devilish monsters! Nasty-shitty-smelling-monsters! Matted-fur! Smelling-of-vomit! piss!  Nasty sluts crave cock from wherever they can get it!  Fuck you nasty sluts raw!  No one can save you! VORE FETISH!!! -SWALLOW YOU WHOLE-THEN VOMIT YOU UP!!!-ONLY TO BE SHARED WITH THE ‘FAM’ (HAHAHAHAHA)-DIE BITCH!!! You tell your friends, but no one believes you!  You tell them that a DEMONIC CREATURE is pursuing you-IT WANTS YOUR LIFE!  First,it infests your womb with its seed!  Once you have shitted out its offspring-like runny diarrhea-you become the demonic families’ RAPE fantasy- CANNIBALISTIC FEAST!!!imageedit_44_2122659146

Fuck your holes and swallow you helpless damsels in fucking distress! I hate sluts! I want to watch their filthy cunts get mutilated! Rape fantasies enacted! Fucked with sword dicks! Sharp razors! Ripped shit holes-by dagger cocks! Blood cum! Double penetration with knife cocks! Cutting their nasty cunts to smithereens!  I’ll puke in their fuck holes! Scary creatures! enormous cocks-shoved through the fucking whores’ stomachs and popping their FUCKING HEADS OFF!! DINNER TIME!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Nighty night- MOTHER FUCKERS!!   DIE!!!

Sadistic Phone Sex and My Sacrificial Lamb

torture phonesex karmaIn two more days, on October 4th the New Moon rises. This is the time for a very important Satanic sacrifice.
I planned long for this sacrifice. I had to get sinew and a hooked upholstery needle. I had to break into a church and steal a chalice, holy water and some holy communion hosts. I had to construct the cross.
All of this was just in preparation.
Once I had all the things I needed I had to time the acquisition of my sacrifice just right. After all a person can only survive so long before they die.
I found her fairly quickly and abducted her two days ago. She was a young run away on the streets and no one will miss her. The first thing I did was strip her and insert her crown of thorns, You should have heard her scream as the large barbs were pushed into her skull!
Next I nailed her to the cross I had constructed and the blood curdling screams she let out were hellish! I almost thought she would pass out from the pain, it was so perfect!
Then I threaded the needle with the sinew and got it ready for the next step. I shoved her mouth full of the holy communion hosts till she looked like a chipmunk. She was still gagging as I sewed her mouth shut with the sinew. This time all she could do was moan in agony as tears rolled down her face. It was exquisite but I wasn’t done.
I then re threaded the needle and sewed her cunt and ass shut.
She has been hanging there for two days now and is clinging to life, I know she will make it another two days because I have done this before.
By the night of the New Moon she will be very near death and that is when, with the moon high in the night sky, I will sacrifice her by gutting her nearly lifeless body letting her blood drip into the chalice and mix with the holy water. Then I will remove her barely beating heart. I will offer it up to the King of Darkness before feasting on it and her blood while they are warm and fresh.
In the mean time I am enjoying watching the life slowly drain from her.