Tag: Blasphemy phone sex

Blasphemy Sex Exploitation of Sister Anna

Blasphemy sex and exploiting a servant to the Church is what this Sunday entailed. You see this dumb fucking penguin thought she could lay her judgement upon me and my gang this morning. As we were enjoying the sunrise with our booze chilling on the green behind the old monastery. We weren’t bothering anyone and were just passing around a blunt when the whore approached us. She felt it was her duty to try “saving” us. Well… little did she expect she would need the saving.

Blasphemy Sex

I got up and pulled her close to me by her fucking crucifix and beads. She was sputtering and willing to back down and leave us alone, but it was too late. We bound and gagged her and hauled her into the rectory where we tied her up on a large wooden cross. My guys and I took in the sight with laughter and drinks proclaiming her a sacrifice to “OUR” fearless leader Father Satan.

Taking my switchblade out I sliced her penguin gown off her trembling body. Look at the pathetic whore of her Lord wearing the most prudent under garments of some old bag. However this whore had to be in her late 20’s and had a hot body, so pure and pale. She made me sick so I sliced into her sweet c cup breast and licked the blade only to spat her blood and my spit in her face. I grabbed a large crucifix from the wall, I cut her panties off and started fucking her with the relic of her worship. Laughing the whole time.

Blasphemy Phone Sex

My guys wanted her, they wanted her bad so we cut her down, spread her legs and bound her wrists as we bent her over the pulpit. I soaked her panties in the holy water receptacle and ringed them out ensuring her cunt juices were wrung into the basin ultimately desecrating the purity of that basin. I shoved her panties in her mouth gagging her as my gang had their way with her other two fuck holes. We left her naked and dripping with cum in the church ready to greet the congregation.


Blasphemy Phone Sex with Toni: Torturing the Sheep

Blasphemy phone sex

Nothing is more pathetic to me than people who go to church or believe in a god. I don’t care what god you worship, it’s pathetic! Christians and Catholics are the worse though. That’s not just my opinion that’s a fact. A lot of the people you see flocking to church every Sunday, or sometimes even twice a week, are just as morbid and twisted as me. In their minds, they’re saved so anything they do in this life is forgiven as long as they ask for redemption. At least that’s what they like to think.blasphemy phone sex
One of my favorite things to do is kidnap these stupid bitches and torture them until they loose every once of their faith. Just loosing faith in god isn’t enough for me, I want them loose faith in everything including their salvation and humanity. Their last seconds on earth will be so horrible that there won’t be any flash backs, there won’t be time to reflect on the past. All there will be is pain and anguish.
The Hell the created to scare people into following their beliefs will be their only reality and I always love every second of it. Watching them suffer and squirm, listening to them beg for their sad little lives–it’s what I live for!
One time I even forced a pastor of a small Baptist church to wear heels and shoved a crucifix up his ass. Fucking him with that crucifix hard and deep was one of my favorite memories of all time. Don’t think he didn’t deserve it! They all do! He’s rolling in money while all the members of his church struggle and they’re all blind to it too. Don’t worry, those sheep aren’t of the hook. They all got pictures in the mail, it was a warning that I’m coming for them too.

blasphemy phone sex

Blasphemy Phone Sex w/ Dusty

Blasphemy Phone Sex is something that gets juices flowing for all involved. This is one reason why I love worship nights, as sometimes things get so fucking hot all I can do is scream out blasphemy as the Devil fucks me. He has me screaming and moaning as I am taken by my favorite man. Yes, I worship in the house of Satan, and get baptised by the Devils seed. I dare you to try coming between Satan and I.

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Tonight’s gathering construed of ass rape porn and snuff porn playing on all 13 of the screens. Accented by surround sound speakers blaring out dark chamber music meant for the sacrificial sermon. As I enjoyed time alone with our master of darkness I heard noise on the main flow upstairs. In checking out the commotion I notice a couple of followers hauling in body bags, three of them and they weren’t stuffed with dead folk either.

As I inquire about what was going on the High Priest smiled at me “High Priestess, my sweet, we have a treat for tonight. Here we have -he is unzipping the bags with help from a few followers- a few wonderful specimens for ritual sacrifice. We will have a full house for tonights worship and it will be divine. The three individuals were now laid out in front of me still unconscious, hogtied and gagged.  

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Oh look at the sweet virginal girls! Father Satan will be pleased and we will have a wonderful ritual tonight with a full congregation three virgins and plenty cock for a perfect gangbang rape porn ritual of blasphemy and deflowering. It would appear the girls so sweet and innocent looking were actually brought in from a detention facility one of our members work at. Oh this will be a sweet night of Worship and sacrifice to Father Satan.



Blasphemy Phone Sex

 Blasphemy Phone Sex1

 I had it rough growing up. My mother was very religious and my father was a drug addict. My mother was forever convincing my father to go to church, to find God, and he’d come around, until Sunday came, and then he’d throw a fucking fit and my mother would end up going to church with long sleeves and sunglasses. Everyone knew, but he was the man of the house, so either no one spoke up or no one cared. I’m pretty sure it was the latter. My father beat me  often. My mom never believed me until the time she walked in. My daddy was humping my face and his friend was fucking my cunny. My mother took a frying pan and smashed both of their heads in. She left their limp bodies on my bed, threw me over her shoulder, and put me in the truck. She drove all night to her brother’s house, where I climbed into the nearest bed, my eyes sewing themselves shut and my body aching for rest and sleep. And there I had the strangest dream.

Blasphemy Phone Sex

My father killed me, which wasn’t very surprising, and I went falling through nothingness and I fell into Hell. I was tied up, whipped and fucked by the devil Himself for eternity. I was just a dirty cum dumpster for every man that landed there. I was routinely beaten and slapped and choked out and that was my life. Forever. Satan’s dick was really, really hot. Excruciatingly so. I awoke from the dream when I realized the pain was not in my dream, but in real life. My cousin, 2 years my junior, had tied me to his bed and was fucking me with a plugged in curling iron. I realized what was happening and he stuffed his limp little cock in my mouth and pissed down my throat, continuing to fuck me with the curling iron. My pussy felt like it was melting shut and in fact, still bears scars from that night. I wasn’t sure whether I’d rather be taken advantage of by my Daddy or my cousin, but it didn’t really matter. Psalms 9:9 states The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. and Psalm 9:9 is bullshit. I’m just a little pain slut, and I deserve everything I have coming to me. Is it your turn?Blasphemy Phone Sex

Ass rape phone sex fantasies with Marley

Journal Entry

Friday February 6th

They let me go outside. We took the dog to the park. The air was so crisp and cold, the sky was such a beautiful blue. I was breathless at how gorgeous it was. And to think, I never appreciated this. I fell to my knees in awe and bowed my head to a Lord whom I thought had forsaken me. I started to thank Him for this wondrous world when I heard a pop. A sharp sting hit the middle of my spine and I turned to find a guy about my age with a BB gun. He was running to me with a maniacal grin. The fear gripped me like a vice and I jumped up and bolted. He was hot on my heels. I was so scared. Fuck fuck fuck. I tripped over a tree root and fell, cracking my head. I heard a laugh and felt a body crumple on top of me. I felt the butt of the BB gun smash the back of my head. I woke up in the backseat of a tiny car with my pants around my ankles, a dick inside my ass and the gun to my head. “If you scream, I will shoot” I laughed “You’ve got a BB gun” He moved it to my throat and pulled the trigger. I screamed as the pain surged through my neck and he shoved his balled up fist in my mouth as he fucked me harder. “I told you not to fucking scream” I whimpered with his fist in my mouth and he spat on me. He laughed and put the gun back up to my temple. He was balls deep in my pussy, his beady little eyes focused on the pain in my eyes. He started fucking me faster, and he paused and scrunched his face as he spread his baby batter deep inside my butt. He grunted and pulled out, a string of jizz oozing from his softening dick. He punched me, and then once more for good measure. He shook his head. “The family is going to be so disappointed in you” He opened the car door and dumped me out. My body ached. He jumped into the driver’s seat and pulled out as my captors surrounded me. They must have asked a thousand questions and I resigned myself to the beating I was going to get when we got home. Well, so much for thanking the Lord.

Rape phone sex fantasies

Blasphemy phone sex with Toni: Corrupting Young Minds

Blasphemy phone sex

Corrupting religious hypocrites is just one of many hobbies and also one of my favorites too. There’s nothing more satisfying so I do it almost every single day. It isn’t always extreme, when I’m too busy I settle for just a little taste. What I’ll do is drive past a private Catholic or Christian school looking for some feeble sheep brains to corrupt. You wouldn’t recognize me most of the time when I do this because I dress like one of them. I’ll wear a school girl uniform even the socks just to get them to trust me and it works like a charm.gore snuff porn
Sometimes all I do is plant a seed of doubt in their hollow skulls. That will make them start to question things or completely loose all faith in God right away. Other times I show them things that have been denied or hidden from them by their parents and the church. That is a lot more fun obviously. Even the most innocent lil’ one can be broken in just a few short hours of spending time with me. All I have to do is expose them to drugs, sex, and gore snuff porn. Seeing their eyes glow after I’ve revealed what’s really behind the curtain makes my cunt sloppy wet. At that point it doesn’t matter to me if the person I’m re-educating is a boy or girl, I’m going to play with them whether they like or not.
For the ladies, I have plenty of phallic objects that will stretch their virgin pussies out nice and wide. A lot of girls bleed their first time, but not as much as they will with me. Some of my toys have nails, spikes, or broken glass that slices the flesh deep inside them. Oh, I love the way those stupid bitches scream and squirm while their blood pours out of their busted fuck holes.

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Boy’s are almost too easy. All it takes is a slutty outfit or brushing against their cocks, after that they’ll do almost anything I want. But that’s not surprising is it? Once I see their pricks pressing into the tight pair of faggy khakis their mommy forces them to wear I know they’re ready to play. I pull their dick out and do whatever I want with it, they rarely resist or say no. It’s not like that would stop me anyway, it just might be fun if they tried. No matter what hole I force them into, the outcome is the same. Just as their about to cum I pull their cock’s out and aim their cum at whatever religious paraphernalia is around. Usually, it’s their copy of The Bible that I steal from their back pack’s when they aren’t looking. One time I shoved a boy’s rosary down his little piss hole and he hated it so much that it actually made him cry. Obviously I laughed in his face, but at least I was nice enough to lick some of the tears from his face.

blasphemy phone sex
Don’t think that I just target foolish brats either because no one is safe. Doesn’t matter if they’re a pastor, priest, nun, or Sunday school teacher their all fair game to me. The last time I had fun like that was about 3 months ago with a Sunday school teacher named John. After about a week of stalking him to learn his habits, I made my move. I waited for the brats to clear out of class and made my way down stairs in a very sexy latex nun costume. When he first saw me he was a little afraid, but It didn’t take a lot for him to let his guard down. What happened that Sunday he’ll regret for the rest of his life because I recorded the entire thing. Now I own his ass! Blackmailing him is a lot more fun than fucking him too, I could hardly feel his pencil dick when it was inside me.

blasphemy phone sex

A Peek Into The World of Blasphemy Sex

Blasphemy sexBlasphemy Sex is one of my all time favorite things in the world.  Some people think Anal sex, or sucking on a dirty dick are the nastiest things to do, but then again those people who think that would never ever read this blog, so that leaves you.  And you DO think of things of the more Taboo and Sadistic nature, don’t ya dumplin?  I thought so.

Now let us begin.  Blasphemy Sex is one of those touchy subjects.  There are a lot of religious lines a good majority of people will not cross, even in the fantasy world.  However, I can promise you that if you just give it one try you will feel exhilarated!  It’s the ultimate no no but you have an orgasm from it.  It’s a mixture of self loathing and elation after you are done.

There are different levels of this type of sex as well.  You don’t have to go full on H.P. Lovecraft, you can just maybe have the perfect little pussy riding your big Sunday School Teacher dick while she recites a bible verse.  Or you could take a sweet little thing into the rectory to spank her while she says the Lord’s Prayer because you caught this sweet little thing taking a quarter out of the collection plate.  Then there is the other end of the spectrum with it, you can fuck an unwilling nun while praying to the Angel of Light while a bunch of guys, in robes, chant praises to their Demon God with each thrust.  It all depends on what you want.

So you see, it doesn’t have to be something where your mind will snap if you even attempt it.  It can be dirty, nasty, sacrilegious and cum inducing.  All good things as far as I am concerned.

Babysitter phone sex with Moritia

Accomplice phone sex morticia 3



I hate babysitting. 

I hate it even more when I have to watch the little demons that my whore of a mother brings home.

They aren’t going to leave my house anyway so I have a little fun with them. 

My mother and her freak friends have brats to sacrifice to their goddess. 

What a stupid fucking religion. 

Anyway They have these  brats at home so there is no record of their existence.

These brats are stupid, they are kept at home they don’t go to school. 

So they really are just little useless fuck-tards. 

But they are fun to hurt. 

Like this last one. 

She was at the age where you become a woman, ready to be sacrificed and give her virgin blood to the goddess blah blah blah. 

I took her down to the basement where I have all my fun. 

Accomplice phone sex Morticia 2

I tied her up nice and tight where the rope was cutting into her virgin body and so she was screaming because of the pain. 

I left her there for a few hours.

I went down stairs and found her sleeping. 


No fucking way, she doesn’t get to sleep in my fucking house! 

So I got this tiny stick that my mom likes to hit me with and I beat her with it until I got tired.

By this time she was screaming and moving so the tight ropes were getting tighter and cutting deeper and deeper into her flesh!

God that turned me on.. 

So I got the idea that if she is going to be giving to the goddess she has to be purified. 

I went upstairs to the bathroom. 

I got the bleach and the toilet brush.. 

I poured the bleach all over her virgin body, making her pain even more.. 

Then well if you don’t know what I did with the toilet brush then you should call me.. 

Accomplice phone sex Morticia

Picture Perfect Gothic Phone Sex

gothic phonesex karmaSo as I was  flipping through one of my favorite goth magazines I see this picture. I can’t stop looking at it. What a wonderful way to sacrifice a hot young thing to my Prince of Darkness. I can’t stop looking at tit and I can’t stop the dripping that has started between my legs. The ache I am feeling in my chest as my nipples grow rigid. Moaning and rubbing my cunt I close my eyes and imagine how it would feel to string him up on that wooden cross. Knees bent and nailed to the cross bar. His hands nailed to the place where his feet should be, His dick hanging towards his face and his feet in the perfect position to nestle the stake that will be the last part of the infliction of his pain as I ram it up his ass and deep into his body. The blood dripping down his body and up his nose, assisting in the loss of life as it suffocates him when he inhales. All while I am sucking on his flaccid cock as he hangs there. slipping away. Cumming all over my fingers, I open my eyes, get myself dressed and head out to find him. I know he is out there waiting for me. I am cumming darling, you won’t wait long and neither will I.gothic phonesex sacrifice

Blasphemy phone sex with Storm

Blasphemy phone sex with StormBlasphemy phone sex is hot with me. I was driving by this big garage sale at a church this weekend. There was a large wooden chair and the second I saw it, I knew I had to have it! It is PERFECT for my dungeon. I walked up to the lady and told her I wanted the chair. She looked at me and said NOTHING here is for you. I was shocked. She asked me to please leave and turned around and walked back into the church. So I followed her. She was going thru a box on a pew. I asked her what her problem was. And she told me that “God may forgive whores like me, but she doesn’t” I know her type. All high and mighty like she is better than everyone else. I looked in my purse and pulled out my big knife. I stabbed her right in the chest. Collapsing her lung. So she couldn’t scream. Then I said FUCK your GOD! She tried to crawl away but that BITCH isn’t going anywhere! I told her that if HER fucking god was watching he would see what a bitch she is. How she passed judgment on me. How she did not offer me his guidance. Or lead me unto his love. How she turned turned me away. How would HER god feel about that. Then I told her she was going to hell. And I would see her there in a few years. And I slit her fucking throat. As I was leaving I asked someone else and bought my new chair. I will think about her the first time I kill someone in it!