Tag: Ass Rape porn

Mall is Full of Teen Rape Porn Victims

teen rape pornThe mall is full of teen rape porn victims. I hunt at the mall daily. Mall brats have a certain appeal to me. I want to slice their pretty and perfect flesh. I want to watch you fuck them in their once perfect holes. I was doing a little shopping for teen sluts last night and I met a man doing the same thing. I approached him, asked him if he saw anything he liked. I was interested in hunting with him. Killing and fucking young girls works best when you have a partner, especially a sick and demented bitch like me. I make the perfect accomplice phone sex partner. You pick out the girl and I lure her away. Mike picked out this slutty little blonde cheerleader. She looked very flexible. She was super cute and super bitchy. We posed as a couple and followed her around the mall. She was so self absorbed taking selfies and flirting, she failed to notice the stranger danger around her. When she went into the bathroom, I followed. I drugged her and then walked out with her between Mike and I. We made it look like we were just the three amigos. No one looked twice. No one stopped us. By the time she woke up, she was naked in my cabin in the woods screaming bloody murder. That one had some lungs. I guess it was from shouting all those high school cheers. Mike shut her up with his dick in her mouth. Meanwhile, I held a knife to her cunt in case she tried to scream for help. I told her to suck cock and not scream. I could see her fear. It was intoxicating. We teased her for a few, before Mike needed to explore his violent rape phone sex fantasies of a young girl. Maybe I can help you with something similar?

Ass Rape Porn Nightmares

ass rape pornI didn’t believe in hypnosis. That all changed when I met Pat. He wanted to help me slay my inner demons. That was only partially true. He wanted to get in my head and fuck with it. He brought out Cassie, by inner bad ass bitch. Cassie betrayed me. She told Pat things I don’t even admit to myself. Dark things about my father. I think he talked mostly to Cassie and the two plotted against me; played mind games with me. I am terrified of two things in this world: spiders and my father. Ever since Cassie ratted out my secrets to Pat, I am having the most terrifying nightmares. The one that haunts me the most is being tied to my bed with what appears to be a spider’s web. I hear a noise, a loud noise then I see it. A monster in corner of my room. One leg comes out of the darkness, then another. I suddenly realized  this 8 legged freak was Godzilla sized. My heartbeat is racing so fast, I think my heart might burst. As the freaky ass spider approaches me, it’s head turns into my father’s face. Suddenly, it is half man and half spider, a metamorphosis of my two greatest fears. Then, the creature made an ass rape porn with me. I was never so scared in my life. But it is lingering. This fear I have of my father showing up at any moment again. I didn’t believe in hypnosis until I met Pat. Now, I am mind fucked forever.

A good sex slave

I was walking home from school. It was broad daylight. A van pulled up to me and asked for directions. It was a woman. That made me feel safe, so I went closer to the window. That was my first mistake. I heard a door open. When I turned around, there was a man who grabbed me and pushed me into the van as the woman drove away. There were other girls bound and gagged in the van too. I was scared. This reeked of a sex trafficking scenario. It seemed like we drove forever. They pulled us out like sides of beef and tossed us in a warehouse. It was like something out of a Hostel movie. Guys were bidding on us on their computers at home. We were being sold to strangers for god knows what. The auctioneer put money down for me. He said he was going to make a snuff porn with me as his star. When we finally got alone, he stripped me naked and force fucked all my holes with his dick and fists. He was tearing me to shreds. I was screaming in pain. That made him harder. He started sodomizing my ass so hard it prolapsed and bled. I was hoping he would kill me. You know, put me out of my misery, but he said he was keeping me as his school girl sex slave.

Kidnapping Phone Sex: I Have Abduction Fetishism

kidnapping phone sexI will admit to having extreme kidnapping fantasies. I have what is called abduction fetishism. Kidnapping phone sex arouses me. The idea of a man picking me up or snatching me up some place makes me wet. I love the unexpected. I got it too. My car broke down on the highway. It was dark and raining. My cell had no reception. I was hoping I would see an exit for a gas station or something. An older man offered me a ride. I knew it was risky, but I was desperate. Plus the risk of being abducted came into play also. He did take me to a gas station, but he was working with someone. I got out of his truck, went around to the pay phone on the side to call my husband and that was the last thing I remember before I was hit on the head. I woke up naked and blindfolded on a floor. What woke me up was piss. Some one or something was pissing on me. I woke up screaming, demanding to be released but that wasn’t happening. I had been abducted. Scared for sure, but I was more aroused because of my fetish. I was being used for ass rape porn. I had been kidnapped for sex slavery. A used up dirty old whore means men can use me rough because I am at the end of my usefulness anyway. No need to keep my holes tight because nothing is tight anymore. They passed me around fucking my ass and fisting my cunt. I never saw their faces. They used me, then dumped my body in a dumpster. I got away, but I smelled like sex and garbage. Never take rides from strangers girls, not unless you enjoy being a dirty taboo whore and have an abduction fetish like me.

Evil Phone Sex It Gets Me Hot

Don’t get me fucking started about how hot Evil Phone Sex gets me, seriously this Bitch gets off on being a Sadistic Bitch with a god damned capital B! I get off on having hate fucks with assholes that think they are getting “some”, what they fail to realize is How fucking much I despise their dumb asses and have more in store for them then getting my sadistic cunt penetrated with their big cock.

Evil phone sex

Yeah, I love fucking, but I love it more with my sadistic creeper of a boyfriend. We have a god damned blast and he loves to watch me fuck the lights out some poor victim. I love to give them barbed wired kisses like the  Sadistic  Phone Sex Bitch I am! *insert evil laugh* I made this cock ring that I insert vaginally and it is lined with pointy pieces of wire that dig into that ridiculous cock and shreds it.

Sadistic phone sex

My boyfriend watches me mutilate these fuckers and gets off on fucking my pussy soiled with shredded flesh and blood. I also totally enjoy being hired and tipped as an accomplice to assist in destroying that young little angels cunt and ass… or asses as I enjoy young brats of both sexes to destroy.

snuff porn

Cooked like a piece of meat

Snuff pornI was cleaning my oven the other day and as I cleaned it I was fantasizing about what it would be like to have my Brother shove me & stuff me into it and cook me like the piece of rotten meat that I am! All he does all day long is watch snuff porn after dirty snuff porn and wish death upon me so it’s no wonder I have these demented & twisted thoughts constantly running through my mind and waiting to be brought to fruition. All of my stupid slutty girlfriends just so happen to share the same fantasy as me and are literally dying to be killed off in one big group by my evil Brother. It’s disturbing how horny and hard his cock becomes as he thinks about ending all of our lives in tandem in such a brutal manner. I invite over a ton of my eager friends and he strips us down and lines us up so that we can meet our demise! I am so looking forward to going straight to Hell and having a seat straight on Satan’s lap, my new-found throne!

Ass Rape Porn Accomplice

ass rape pornIt was a nice change of pace for me to be on the giving side of an ass rape porn. Normally, I am the receiver of anal torture, but my master wanted a show. He wanted a show with a young girl. I had to pretend to be a maternal type to lure a sweet young lass from the mall. When people first meet me, they don’t think I am a submissive whore. They see a normal looking soccer mom, but I am far from normal. I am a drug addicted whore who does what she is told in exchange for drugs and to avoid punishment. I knew I was in trouble when I met Terry. He is the kind of man you never say no too. I brought him home a little treat to play with even though I knew no one would be returning her. Master made me fist her tiny little pink asshole to prep her for his cock. She screamed for her mommy. That made Master threaten her mommy to shut her up. She was never going to she her mommy again but only Master and I knew that. I felt bad being his accomplice phone sex partner. I brought him a young girl to slaughter. He force fucked her first. After I fisted her tiny pink asshole, he rammed his cock inside her balls deep until he ruined her fuck holes. Her anus prolapsed. It looked painful. When he fucked her cunt, he strangled her. She died quickly, but my horror was just beginning. He made me dismember her tiny body and burry her in the back yard. I had to clean up the mess I made of her tiny body. Luckily, she was tiny. It could have been worse, but her dead little body will forever haunt me.

Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape pornI made a gangbang rape porn last night. I was walking home drunk from a bar. I don’t live far from where I was drinking. I took a short cut thru the warehouse district. Some teens were getting high and skateboarding. I didn’t give them much thought actually until one skater boy stopped right in front of me and asked if I wanted some weed. They seemed harmless, but they were far from that. The others swarmed me too. I was under siege. They ripped my clothes off and duct taped my hands and feet to restrain me. I was tossed on the grown like a piece of trash. They called me a blonde bimbo and a whore as they took turns sodomizing my ass and fucking my cunt. They flicked their ashes on me, spit and pissed on me. When one of the hooligans showed me a switch blade knife, I panicked. Honestly, I was afraid I may not survive the assault. They all kicked me like they were reenacting a scene from a Clockwork Orange. It was awful. I was crying and begging for them to stop. They carved a big W for whore on my belly. I only survived by luck when a car drove by asking for directions. That stranger didn’t help me physically but he saved my life because in that moment I was able to break through the tape on my ankles and run naked home.

Domination Phone Sex with a Woman Master

domination phone sexDomination phone sex is what I deserve. Usually, it is a man who is my master and dominating me. Last night, he used a surrogate master. He sold me for the night to an Asian woman. She was no bigger than me, but she was very dominant. Master watched as she wrestled me. The deal was if I won, I got a free week all to my own. If I lost, nothing changed. I was wrestling for some freedom. She was not that big. I honestly thought I could take her. She was stronger than she looked. She had me in all sorts of contortionist poses that were very painful. Master loved seeing me get conquered by a woman. A mean ass bitch too. While I was being held down in various poses, she spit on me. She pissed on me. She even shoved a cattle prod in my ass. When she shocked me, I pissed myself. I didn’t win. I didn’t get the upper hand, not even once. No surprise there. My master was super hard. It was all a farce. I had no chance of freedom. They just wanted to abuse me, and master wanted to watch a female dominate me too. I will always be a taboo phone sex slut.

Snuff Sex Your Fucked Up Ex, As I Did Mine

I had it completely with the fucking twerp boyfriend of mine. This little faggot started flirting with danger when I caught him trying to hook up with tranny’s and take dick like a little bitch boi. I only kept him around for the fact that he had a nice car I got to drive, and the fact this little faggy bitch would take care of cleaning and cooking. But when I see the shit he was up to I was done and snuff sex was all that was on my mind! I confronted him only to have him try and squirm out of it. I was sure to get him to sign over that car to me and withdraw a grand from his account to give me for my troubles. When he least expected it I really took care of the problem. I arranged a big black guy to “hook up” with the bitch and fuck his world up while I showed up and videotaped him making an ass rape porn of his bitch ass getting what he deserved. His ass was destroyed and I jumped in and took hold of those balls and cut the damned things out. A bitch faggot like Dominique didn’t deserve a girlfriend as fine as me!

Snuff sex

Ass rape porn