Tag: Accomplice phone sex

Evil Phone Sex Sadistic Satan’s Mortician – Morticia

You ever fall into Dark thoughts and fantasies that make your cock rage? I think Evil phone sex with a viscous and enchanting dark goddess like me, Morticia is what you crave. Possibly an accomplice experienced with the darkest desires of yours.

Some of the fun sessions with me have been decapitating a bitches head and her daughters. All of this bloody goodness happened while the client paid me to do the bloody sadistic shit while he fucked them. Like I was paid to take a weapon of my choice, and chainsaws are great fun for cutting heads and limbs. So, really he would fuck then and they start to scream.

The screaming of their holes violated as we tied them down first and cut their clothes off. Then I left him to molest and fondle his daughters virginal holes in front of his wife, her mother. I went and lubed up the chains and blade. I return while that whore wife was screaming and trying to break loose as he laughed at her and spit on her and kept fucking that virgin hole bloody.

He had such a nice big cock that I put the chainsaw down and took it into my mouth and sucked all of her innocence that was stolen from daddy’s big fat cock. It was delicious. Then I sat on that bitch and started to dismember the daughter and the head last to watch what mommy got.

Evil phone sex

Evil phone sex

Rape phone sex fantasies are what he used my little sis for

I got tired of my boyfriend using my little sister for his Rape phone sex fantasies. We live by a homeless shelter who always has people who need to be fed. I knew I could get rid of meat if I needed to. I drugged his beer and it was easy to tie him up after he passed out. I had my little sister kick his cock and balls to wake him up. He screamed out in pain and saw the knife I had. He was going to lose his dirty dick he was using to fuck my little sister and rip her holes open. We laughed as he begged us to stop and let him go. He didn’t know he was going to be meat to feed the homeless. I started by cutting his tongue off. I was tired of him speaking. My sister went next; she was being the perfect accomplice. She slashed him a few times and cut his ears off. I told her to grab his cock and pull his limp cock all the way out. With a swift fast move, I chopped his limp dick off. He screamed out but I just shoved it deep down his throat. I kept pushing his dick down his throat even more until it disappeared, I could see it bulging out his neck.  His body shook and I just let my little sister beat him and cut him until she felt better. Now i just had to figure out how to cut him up and cook him before dinner, the homeless are really hungry then.

Rape phone sex fantasies

Torture sex Confessions with my now dead, therapist!

Torture sex I opened up about my liking for Torture sex involving tiny ones to my therapist.. I am sure as she took her last breath of air in front of her traumatized little she regretted the career she chose. Out of all the things she could have been; she decided to fiddle with the minds of the “mentally ill” she should have seen it coming! I got really nervous and jittery, I felt it.. She was going to have me sectioned.. I knew I shouldn’t have felt comfortable enough to tell her this.. I told her what I had done over the weekend.. She was questioning the scratches on my arms and face and I sort of just blurted it out..

As I opened up to her my eyes expanded, I envisioned the twit that I picked up from a school ground nearby after one of our sessions.. I could see her pale skin turn gray as I watched her body slowly give out after ripping her cunt to shreds. I accidentally mentioned my accomplice Tom Hicks, He always told me that a rat is worse than a snitch.. A rat is someone who physically participated and turned out to be a traitor; a rat deserves nothing but death! I fell into a trance, as if I were watching one of those Snuff movies and I were the narrator.. Mutilation phone sex

I described the noises she made as I strangled her to death with a thin wire.. I pulled the wire so tight I watched her neck squeeze like an orange and pop right off her shoulders.. He fucked her cunt while she still had a heart beat, headless.. As soon as he got through, releasing inside of her; like a scavenger I got down and punched her walls back, scooping the bloody nut out and rubbing it all over my face and body.. It was a personal sacrifice, we sacrifice once a year on Easter Sunday to awaken the demons.. Its our Sadistic belief that doing the most evil prevents the resurrection of the man in white. 

Her pretty little fluffy dress was covered in blood.. Her eyeballs on the ground beside her dead body like marbles.. I jacked his cock off from the inside of her asshole after removing the wall that separated her pussy from her ass.. He shot his final load inside of her and then we tossed her in murky water for the piranhas to dispose of her remains! He was my first Mutilation phone sex client, he took mutilating the youth to a beyond desirable level! 

Accomplice Phone Sex Makes Me Do Very Bad Things

accomplice phone sexHe forced me into accomplice phone sex. According to him, if I wanted coke, I had to bring him something young and tender to fuck. He was not fucking me because I was too old and used up for him. I tried to sell him on my ass, but he wanted young flesh. Even though he was at least 20 years older than me, I was still too old for him. I did not want to do it. I am submissive. I did not want to bring him a young girl. I hated the thought of how he would molest such a young girl, maybe even ruin her for life, but I needed coke and I was out of options. I am a coke fiend. I go through much more coke than the ordinary person. I bet I could out coke you. When I was out of options, I decided to find him a slut for his teen rape porn needs. I hated to do it, but it was her or coke. Coke always wins. I struggled to get a girl to come with me, but eventually, I found a young girl, a little pudgy, seemed like she had no friends. She was not part of any pack. I told her I was friends with her mother and she came willingly with me. She was not the cutest of girls, but no doubt she was a virgin and had the tight teen holes this dealer craved. He was happy with my selection. I wanted my coke and I wanted to leave, but he made me watch him fuck her. He was brutal with her holes too. I mean he fucked the shit out of her. She was no ass rape porn star, but he tore her ass up anyway. I think he took a perverse pleasure in making me watch him violate her virgin holes. I got my coke which is a good thing. I need to get high to forget what I did to that young girl.

Evil phone sex whore Stephanie

evil phone sexI’m just sitting here waiting to have evil phone sex with the first caller that is dark and twisted enough to make me cum. I keep fantasizing about the family that just moved in next door. Nothing stands out about them but when a psychotic, gutter slut like me gets bored, no one is safe! I’m writing like it’s all a fantasy so that no one will try to stop me from actually breaking into their house, late at night and doing everything I’ve ever dreamed of doing. I’m going to start out by sneaking into the nursery and sinking my knife deep into the head of their grubby, little offspring. I’ll swirl my blade around to scramble her brains like eggs. Off I go to the parent’s bedroom so that I can slide Daddy’s dick into the hole and let him wake up fucking the brains out of his own brat! He might try to scream but I doubt it because I’ll be sitting on his face, holding him down and bouncing that little dead brat on his dick. I don’t give a fuck if we wake his wife up because she’s next. I’ll hold her down and make sure she watches while her husband’s hard dick is sliding in and out of their brat’s head. I want her to see the limp, little body flopping around as her husband is filling it with cum for me! My whore cunt is so fucking wet from me thinking and dreaming about torturing and snuffing this cute, little family. When you call I’m going to tell you what I’m going to do to the wife…


Fantasy Phone Sex with a Sick Bitch

fantasy phone sexI love fantasy phone sex. Not the typical kind of fantasy stuff either. I like violent shit.  I want rape fantasies and extreme age play and even snuff. I spent my youth being abused by daddy and his friends. Then I spent more than a decade owned by a capricious and violent master. When I gained my freedom, it was at the expense of young girls. Initially, I felt guilty. Two dozen teen girls later, I felt conflicted. After almost 100 girls later, I felt pleasure and gratitude. Pleasure in leading young, innocent girls to their demise or servitude, and gratitude that it was no longer me. I aged out. I would have been a snuff porn victim. Master kills his slaves once they no longer fancy him. Sometimes, he sells them to sex traffickers. Either way, I was not going to have any freedom. I was desperate. I have always had a strong will to survive. The shit I have been through would lead most women to kill themselves. Not me. I am scrappy and resilient. I made a deal with master. One he could not refuse. Now, I work for him as a freelancer. When he needs young teen sluts to abuse or trade for drugs, he pays me to be the merchandise handler. I find the girl he wants and deliver her to him or his partner. I proved useful when I brought him 100 whores over a year in exchange for my life and my freedom. Even just bringing him a slut 4 times a year, I would not need to work, but I like my  taboo phone sex line. I love talking to men even more perverted than me. My private life has at times been brutal. But what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger, right? And, what doesn’t kill you, makes you a sadistic cunt too.

Killer Phone Sex with a Killer Teacher

killer phone sexSometimes, I am in a killer phone sex mood. Like for real. I am an undetected serial killer. I do have a type, but it is a type that law enforcement will never see. I like to kill sluts, tools and small dicked losers. One of the ways I stay under the radar is making sure there is no evidence of a crime. No body. No crime. I have a kill shack in the woods that no one has ever found. It was my grandfather’s kill shack. I went with him many times when he would kill. He was a prolific killer too who taught me everything I know about murder. He made me the killer I am today. Do you have murder phone sex fantasies? We all do. Just some of us know how to act on them without getting caught. I like to think of myself as a killer teacher. Pun intended. I teach others how to kill like my grandpa taught me.

Trevor found me on the dark net. He had a huge problem his millions of dollars could not fix. He knocked up a young teen girl. She is jailbait and that demon seed growing in her belly is proof he is a criminal. Without her and her little one, no proof. He paid me handsomely to get rid of his problem. I did it too, but I made sure no guilt would fall on him. As much as he wanted to watch me carve up his teen cum receptacle, he needed an airtight alibi. He paid me in bitcoins so there would be no paper trail. I kidnapped the blackmailing whore and gutted her. Carved that demon seedling right out of her belly and fed it to the coyotes. Then I dismembered mama (may she rest in pieces, LOL). I fed limb by limb to the wildlife. No trace of her or the demon inside her belly exists anymore. She will just be listed as another runaway. With me as your accomplice phone sex partner, you can be an undetected killer too.

His Fucked-up Necrophilia phone sex drives my cunt wild

Necrophilia phone sex

He likes them dead and cold with my hands inside a little corpse jacking him off during our Necrophilia phone sex.  A bloody End to her life means a huge cumshot for him. Men like him use me to cut up and dismember little ones after we have violated every orifice make my little pussy very happy. Most of the time I don’t have to do much breaking in or even kidnapping because little whores just love me so much. They never see The end coming.

They’re much too young to know or even think about death like that. While I do enjoy a nice young cadaver They just don’t fight as much as say an ex-wife or a girlfriend. Not that that’s a bad thing it’s just an observation that my little fucked up brain enjoys. Now I want to take you right to the scene that I just played out for one of my favorite p Daddy necro freaks. 

My girlfriend has this little girl and a keg stand with her throat open up on my lovers cock. We have used to funnel to fill her stomach up with liquid so that she can give the longest cock bath as we go fuck my little victim. That’s right he needs my hard body big titted girlfriend to funnel those balls and to make love to his mouth with her tongue. 

Fucked-up Necrophilia phone sex drives my cunt wild

And he needs the slicing of that throat after I’ve strangled a little bitch to stop the flow of the cock bath naturally. My boot knife comes out And I slice that bitches stomach open while she’s still alive. My girlfriend and I tell him to fuck her now as hard as he can! We even take matters into our own hands and push him inside of her while she screams. I reach in my hands and find his cock that is already ravaging her baby girl’s cunt. The last thing I do before a murder her is break her legs so they hang limp like a frog. Look, he is having the time of his life and I’m going to keep feeding him sex with dead bodies of young stupid sluts that I can’t stand.


Homemade Teen rape porn exposes my dark p mommy side

Teen rape porn Ever seen or heard a Teen whore have unwanted Torture sex with a fuck machine? Well, that’s what I put my neighbors daughter through after the little twit thought she could call me a devil worshiping creep! The worthless cunt should have looked both ways before crossing the street.. We live in a rural area, so a back road is what she takes to walk her slutty ass to school. I hit the bitch with my car, dragged her across the rocky road and tossed the slut into the trunk of my ride.. 

While pulling into my driveway her mother was outside checking the mail.. It was hot to hear her kicking in the trunk while waving Hi to her bimbo mom! Not only did I get off caving in the walls of her once virgin cunt, but I got paid and still get paid till this day for the Teen rape porn I have published on multiple networks. I attacked that bitches pussy with the machine set to an ultra high speed, with no lube! A 15 inch, 6 inches in girth dildo jammed into her dry cunt with no warning.

The sound of her screams in my soundproof closet was exactly what I needed for the content. I should have snuffed the bitch on cam, but I wasn’t as experienced as I am now and was kind of scared of the consequences. Obviously with the fear of being caught I knew I couldn’t send her back home either. After I got off for a few days to her bloody chafing cunt brutally beaten by the medal exposed rod that ripped through the rubber dick from the excessive usage of the machine, her burning body scented my home!

That’s right I cut her up in the bathtub, got a bit distracted and fucked my pussy with her broken arm but finished off by stuffing her remains into the fireplace. The sweet aroma of her dead body managed to fill my home for weeks. I just love the smell of rotting flesh.  I till this day rub my pussy to the amateur homemade snuff porn I made. Oh and by the way nobody ever found out it was me, her mother being outside was a perfect alibi! 

Snuff Phone Sex: Let’s Pretend I Don’t Totally Love This!

Snuff Phone SexSnuff phone sex fantasies are what really turn me on. I love thinking about the ways that a sweet young babe like me can be taken advantage of. Being kidnapped and taken hostage isn’t a fear but a run-on for sluts like me. Sometimes I even put myself into dangerous situations regardless of the red flags that may pop up. One time I went on a date and the guy asked me to sit in the back. I realized before I got in the child locks were in place, which I thought was off. However, the thought that I was being taken or kidnapped was such a turn on I got in anyway.

I guess to no surprise he got in the driver’s seat and almost immediately turned around spraying my eyes and mouth with a chemical that made me pass out. When I woke up I was chained by my ankled and wrist to the post of a rod iron bed. I tried to ask where I was, realizing there were cameras set up to catch the action. He slapped me hard across the face busting my lip. Several more blows came as I continued to ask questions or make noises allowing my face to balloon up purple and red as bruises and swelling took over.

He wanted my ass, by force, so I played along with his fantasy. I loved every knife threat as I played resistant against him turning me to my stomach. I felt him reach his entire hand inside of my ass getting to my kees and screaming out in the sensational pain that I loved. He fucked me rough, wrapping a belt around my neck and pulling back hard. As I resisted passing out I could feel his cum deep inside of me. I would wake up a bloody mess as usual, washed clean on the inside in case I was to call the cops. Although, he didn’t know how good of a time I really had.