Tag: Accomplice phone sex

Train me how to be a whore

Snuff sexI need to be trained how to be the best snuff sex cum dump whore that I can possibly be. I wanna choke on cock while you call me a stupid little bitch. Lemme deepthroat that shaft and don’t let me come up for any air! Finally when you let me breathe you force me up to my feet and slap me around as I bend over the couch and use my hands to spread open my asshole for everyone to see.You shove your cock inside of me and it fucks up my anal cavity. My shit gets torn up and I love it! I take that cock up my ass like a good little bitch. Harder and deeper as it slides in and out, stretching my slutty fuck holes out on that rock hard dick. I take my own hand and use it to choke myself. I gag and gasp for air but you don’t give a single fuck. You love watching me suffocate, you get off on it! I’m moaning and squirming and your cock is only getting harder! I have to beg you for oxygen and then thank you once I receive some. Take that dick out of my tight little ass and shove it into my tiny pussy and unhinge me! My slit is gaping! I’m such a trainable little whore!

My Snuff Porn Addiction

snuff pornSnuff porn is my addiction. I love watching another person’s suffering. After so many years of watching snuff, however, I needed to make it. Turns out I enjoy making snuff films more than watching them. Last night I kidnapped a teen whore for some sadistic fun. She is a mean girl. A hot teen slut who thinks the rules don’t apply to her and she can get away with murder and flirt her way out of trouble. She hit my car a few months ago and got out of paying for it. Payback is a bitch cunt. She didn’t even recognize me when she woke up in my kill shack. I am a Goth chick; how do you not recognize me? She started screaming about who her dad was. I didn’t give a fuck about her daddy. I was here to kill her, put her in my snuff sex porn. She was pretty with perfect skin. She used her beauty to cock tease, bully and get her way, so I uglied her. Little drops of acid on her perky tits and pretty face gave her the look she needed. Her screams in pain made me wet. I carved up her tits with my butcher knife. I fucked her cunt with that same knife as I joked about ruining her baby making ability. No self-absorbed twat should reproduce. Not that I was going to let her live. I was enjoying torturing her, but I was going to kill her. She was barely alive when I finally slit her throat. The way the blood gushed out of her was intoxicating. I filmed it all too. I don’t kill little bitches like this for just the thrill of it. I do it to cleanse society. The world needs fewer little bitches, don’t you agree?  Perhaps, we can hunt and kill together and truly make America great again.

Watching As The Pretty Panties Run

Taboo phone sex

One of my all time favorite songs, Aqualung.  Who knew that that song would talk about me, at least in that one line. That’s what I do for you when you want something young and succulent.  I go and scope out the parks, just watching from the treeline or even in the midst of all the giggling, crying, and stupid Mommies trying to out Mom their so called “friends”.  Nobody ever gets concerned that I am there,  Let a man walk in on all that without having a little snot nosed demon in tow and all the Mom’s pack up and form a wall of bitchery.  

I go and I take a book with me, or my phone and just pretend to not pay attention what is going on.  I look oblivious and harmless, but I’m not.  I am watching every thing and every one.  It might take some time, but eventually someone becomes distracted, and boom, I’m off with one of their little shits.  They are so trusting too, they will go with me every time because I am calm and friendly, I never give off a creep vibe.

The best ones are when a Mom will ask you to keep an eye on them so she can use the restroom, or run to her car for something.  These women are idiots and deserve to have one less innocent little ‘angel’ running around.  After all, it would be their fault if something would happen to one of those tiny ones.  They were supposed to be watching them, nobody else, it is their responsibility, and all of a sudden they can’t find their little one.  Then all hell breaks loose. It is too late though, your sweet young thing and I are already on our way to you.

They hold my hand and walk along nicely.  I might even get them some ice cream or something, because even death row inmates get to eat something special before they are killed.

Snuff Sex Accomplice

snuff sexHe made me his snuff sex accomplice. I didn’t want to do it, but I had no choice, or I would die. I babysat some young girls on his orders. They are his nieces. He got me the gig. Said he met me at the gym and I was a nanny. Do I look like a nanny? I look like a whore. I had to make my boobs look less big.  I had to dress down and act like the kind of woman who likes brats. I knew if I was not convincing to his brother and his wife, I would be in for a world of hurt. I had specific instructions to drug the girls with a special cocktail mixed in their milk. Once the girls were out cold, I texted him. He came in to have his fun. He has had rape phone sex fantasies for his nieces for a long time now. He needed me to make it happen, so no suspicion would fall on him. If anyone thought something bad happened to these angels, it would be me, the babysitter, that would take the blame. I knew this. I just hoped he didn’t ruin their holes like he  does mine. I took a few pics that he doesn’t know about. I need protection because I am sure he will throw me under the bus. He uses me to get young tender age girls, but now he is fucking family. There is a link to him and me to his nieces. He said he was going to fuck them gently, but he doesn’t know gentle. I watched him sodomize the passed out girls. He fucked all their holes. They were virgins. I could see the cherry blood on his dick. He was smart, he pulled out and came on me instead. He did some damage to their holes. I cleaned them up as best as I could, but no way they won’t wake up sore in the morning. I have my proof. Just hope he doesn’t find out or he will kill me for even thinking of blackmailing him.

Sorority Girls Make Ass Rape Porn

Ass rape porn


My roommate and I were walking back to our sorority after a night of drinking. I told her that you had been staring at us the whole night at the club and now you were following us home. We decided to act drunker than we really were. We wanted you to think that you would have the upper hand with two young college girls. Little did you know we planned on turning the tables on you. We had so much success selling out last ass rape porn video. I had even called another sorority sister before we left the club.

She was laying in wait of you. So as you followed us into the sorority she was behind the door with baseball bat in hand. She knocked you out in one swing. Then the three of us drug you down to the basement. We tied you up lying flat on your back with your ass at the end of the table. We had your legs hoisted into the air. We threw some cold water on your face to wake you up. After all part of the thrill is hearing you scream and beg. I had on a 12 inch long and three inch thick dildo. I ask you if you had ever had anal sex and you shook your head no. I told my sorority sisters how much fun it was going to be to fuck a virgin ass and the three of us started laughing.

You however started begging us to let you go. Told us that we had made a mistake. You screamed at the top of your lungs and cried like a little girl as I shoved that huge thick cock into your tight virgin ass. The harder I fucked you the louder you screamed. We all took turns fucking your ass over and over. You keep begging us to stop. You were telling us how painful it was but what was funny is your cock had grown so hard and just as we were running out of storage space on the camera you blew your load of hot jizz without anyone having ever touched your hard throbbing cock. So truth be told I think you loved having your ass fucked raw by three sorority sisters.

Torture sex

The Little Bitch Deserved It!

murder phone sex fantasies

There seems to be a growing trend of stepmoms bringing me stepdaughters to straighten out or dispose of! It seems that once hormones take over these little sluts in training are trying to take over daddy and all of his attention.  One Stepmother was out of her mind and had found me through a voodoo priestess. She knew that the little girl either needed fucked or done in. I was going to be the heartless bitch who decided her fate. The hefty woman dragged in a long lanky hormonal brat! This little Cunt Girl was outta control and fought me as I tried to talk to her. But when I turned with my fangs showing her face was nothing but fear. Her evil stepmother wanted her out of the picture and she said she would pay any amount to watch her get gangbanged and tore apart before I did whatever I did. I ripped at the girls’ throat enough to put her in shock, and then let My boyfriend and his big dick get on top of her and pop that sweet cherry. Oh, the howls and screams that erupted! My boyfriend enjoyed that sweet tight innocence being taken!  My favorite part before the girl was to bleed out was her stepmom leaning in close to tell her ex-stepdaughter that she deserved what she got!  As the women left, I rang the girls’ father and told him that his tender vitals was ready for his cock and I released the dogs. I would use the moms fat to fry the girl when we were done slaughtering her! Daddies always pay more stupid bitch, and you are the one who is going to get what she deserves as well! 

Happy Hunt-o-ween

Snuff phone sex

Man oh man if I could actually go hunting with any of these amazing miscreants I would be so fucking happy.  You and I, together, telling them what to do and who to do it to.  We could have a whole god damn slaughter farm, and when is the best time for bringing lambs to slaughter? Halloween.  Those little fuckers are running around and they are easy pickings.  Parents get distracted, pushing strollers, or talking to other adults, and the next thing you know their little shit is long gone.  Only to be seen again when they are dug up from a shallow grave.

I can just see it.  You and I, walking hand in hand between the stalls we have set up for the night.  Listening to the bones crunching, the screaming, the hyperventilating, the begging, and just seeing the fear on all their little faces.  So many implements of pain would be used, we could just fuck in every single stall as we watch.  How fucking hot would that be??? Oh it would be amazingly hot! 

Hell, we could even join in.  Make our own marks on those little fuck toys.  Me spreading open those legs, or ass cheeks, you dipping your cock in blood to make it slick, then feeling them shudder as  you fuck them until they either pass out, or you split them in half with your massive dick.  I would be smiling the whole time, for me it would be fucking romantic!

Here is hoping your Halloween turns into a wonderful night for hunting the treats that you desire.  If you happen to actually capture the prey you always wanted, makes sure you let me know so I can share in your joy and revel in their pain. 

Happy Hunt-o-ween from your favorite fucked in the head bitch goddess, Indigo. 

Not Going Anywhere

Snuff phone sex


Aww.  She thought we were going to let her go.  She is so cute yet so fucking stupid.  Those big eyes, with big tears, asking for her Mommy.  Poor little thing.  So trusting, so young and so ready to leave.  We did tell her if that if she was a good girl and did every thing we asked that we would let her go.  You knew we were lying, I knew we were lying, but she actually thought we were telling the truth.  Ooops.

All those pretty purple, yellow and red spots marking her skin.  The huge bruise on her cheek, her split lip, her torn up cunt, she withstood it all just because of hope.  It is amazing what one can go through if you only have that one single thing.  She must of been imaging being in her Mommy’s arms, safe and warm.  She clung to that imagine, and she lasted.

Now she is standing by the door, waiting to leave.  Should you tell her, or should I? Better yet, why don’t we pretend to call her Dear Dear Mommy, you hand her the phone, and I will be on the other end.  I want you to watch her face as I tell her that she can’t come home because I didn’t love her anymore, that I never wanted her, she had been a mistake and her Daddy and I are so much more happier without her.  I bet she cries again.  Then we will start the whole process over again, but this time her hope will be gone so I wonder what she will do and how she will react.  Our very own little scientific study.

I think that is exactly what we will do, first destroy her little heart, then destroy what ever is left over of her hope and flesh.

Killing Spree



snuff sexSnuff Sex Was on my mind and my pussy was throbbing. I couldn’t contain myself. The urge to kill and dismember was just too fucking strong. I saw her at the truck stop trying to hitch a ride. I was dining on my organic brat flesh burger and I had an ache to take her body and abuse her to death. She looked scared and new at picking men up for cash. Blonde hair big tits and that sweet young face made me want to mutilate it.  Awe, a baby lot lizard! I got out of my car and motioned her over. I offered her some cash and a ride to the next truck stop in hopes of better drivers willing to pay for her young body.  She jumped at the chance. She would soon regret her choice. But her fate would be much the same and I would enjoy myself. snuff phone sex

She agreed as most vulnerable teen sluts do.  I offered her a hot burger and as she ate lavishly My pussy soaked my panties. She was eating young flesh and it made me so fucking horny. I faked car trouble and pulled off into the dark. I popped the hood and asked her to hold the light. I grabbed her from behind and choked her sweet throat until she passed out. When she came too she was missing both tits and I was cutting her lips off her pussy. She screamed into the night as I fisted her ravaged pussy.  She was bleeding out and I took my hunting knife and stabbed her over and over as I rubbed my orgasming pussy all over her face. Should have saved her for a paying customer but sometimes a girl just needs alone time. It was my fifth kill this weekend and I was craving more. Maybe this snuff phone sex whore needed an accomplice or two as I racked numbers up it would be easier. …

Halloween Brings About Torture Sex

Torture sex

Halloween is just a few days away. It is my favorite time of the year. You and I don’t have to go looking for victim. They just show up on our door step looking for candy. All the different ages and races, just thinking about it makes my cunt hot and juicy. My cunt thrives off of sadistic torture sex. Watching a little girl scream and beg for mercy as you hold her down for me only makes my cunt wetter. I smoother her face with my hot wet cunt feeling her screams vibrating on my clit as you fuck her young tight virgin pussy. I reach down and pinch her little pink nipples. I lean over and bite her nipple making sure to get blood all over my tongue. Then I lean forward and French kiss you my love. Intertwining our tongues together and sharing her young pure blood with you. You reach up and wrap your hands around her throat as you continue to kiss me. Just as you start to blew your load, you choke the life out of her little body. We throw her lifeless body down in the basement and wait for the next trick or treater.