Tag: Accomplice phone sex

Sex with Dead Bodies

sex with dead bodies

I know he likes sex with dead bodies. I bring him girls all the time to kill and fuck. I knew it would be my number eventually. I pissed him off. I brought him a little girl like he asked, but she was not a virgin. I just assumed because of her age that she was a virgin. I guess her daddy got to her just like mine did to me at that age. I should have done the finger test. Master is always telling me to stick a finger up their bald little cunnies to check for an intact hymen. I didn’t do that and now Master can’t sell the little whore for as much as he could if she was untouched. He slapped me around first. That was followed by rough sex. He was strangling me while imagining I was his ass rape porn star. He shoved his cock inside me so deep, his balls went flush against my ass. Master has a big dick too. He is about 11-inches. As he was brutally fucking my ass, he was strangling me too. Chocking the life out of me, so he could fuck me dead. He loves fucking girls after he has killed him. I just never thought it would be me. But there I was feeling the life go out of me for fucking up his instructions. I hope he enjoyed me after he killed me.

Taboo Phone Sex Accomplice

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex is what I was born to do. My daddy has been telling me for a long time I was put on this earth to fuck and be his accomplice. He needs me now more than ever. I am the one who can find him the young pussy that he sells. I got a fake ID recently thanks to one of his associates who gets fake IDs and passports for girls he sells overseas. With a fake ID, I got on a nanny site. I even had bogus references. Daddy knows lots of shady fellows. I got a nanny job with a family with a cute little angel. She is very young. Just how daddy likes them. I didn’t have much time. The parents were only gone a few hours to dinner. I don’t exist to the world, so no one would know who to look for. I made sure to leave no prints in the house and to disable the nanny cams and security cameras. Daddy trained me well. I roofied my little charge and when she fell asleep, I put her in my trunk and drove her to daddy’s. I knew he would be pleased with this one. She has been well taken care of by her rich family. She will be in high demand because of her age and status. Daddy wanted to break her in before she even woke up! I had to remind him that virgin pussy goes for a much higher rate. He decided to just skull fuck the little slut until she was gagging and slobbering all over his cock. She was crying for her mother who she would never see again. I almost felt bad for the girl, but then I remembered how cruel daddy can be when he is disappointed. If kidnapping a little tot for him to sell into slavery keeps me on his good side, I will steal a little girl every day I am still breathing.

Black Kiss Of Torture Sex and Death

torture sex

It isn’t every day that I get to kill and eat my torture sex victims. The black kiss of death shall be mine! Two things I love to torture and a nice human flesh torte. Chocolate and blood infused with a nice cream filled center. Just like those girls you had me murder and tear apart for your pleasure. What you didn’t count on was me being addicted to your cock so much that I wanted to cut it off and keep it forever. Of course, I had to pull you apart piece by piece first. Sawing off your arms and legs and letting your blood flow out all over the floor. A waste of good marinade. But what I was after was your heart and cock. The most valuable part pf my victims. And so fucking tasty after I had helped you mangle soft female bodies. Come and let me kill for you and kill you tonight!


Breaking In

home invasion phone sex

You hold the knife to my warm throat as you instruct me to shut down the alarm system. That is how a lot of my home invasion phone sex fantasies begin. You know that you hold all of the power when you slip in and place the blade to my pulse like that. For a moment I think to hit the panic code, but I feel that you will find a special way to torture me if I make that mistake. Once it’s all clear you use your knife to slash my gown and also to tear off my panties.

You march me to the sofa and then I see your partner is bringing down my roommate. She looks as shaken as I am. You laugh and tell us to save our tears because it’s going to be a long night. Your partner orders my roommate to lay on her back on the coffee table. He presses the silver blade into her lower stomach and traces her cunt in a fresh blood trail. I’m wrenched up by my hair and pushed to her body to lap up the blood at knife point.


Halloween will be perfect

taboo phone sexI love Halloween so much, I get to dress up and wear a full mask and body costume so that no one will be able to recognize me and take as many little brats as I want! It’s so easy too, the trick is to not dress up too scary so all the little ones will flock to me, then I just load em up in my van and take them out to my cabin in the woods where I have several horny sadistic men waiting for them. They pay me well to bring them little whores to fuck and kill it is my busiest night of the year for sure. I love seeing their little terrified faces as they suffer and bleed for me, they all die screaming for their mommies to save them, oh well I guess those neglectful bitches should never have left their little precious brats go out all alone now they have to pay the price!

Depraved Miscarriage Fucking

accomplice phone sexYour chanting into the mirror for your accomplice Jezabel. You have the candle and its dark. But You need her tonight! Your cock is hard, you are tired of trying to get your wife pregnant, but the bloody mess that comes with every miscarriage is turning you on and you want to fuck her while her body is shedding that dead brat from her womb. You know I will appear to you and lead you through forcing her to fuck you while she is bleeding out. This time she reached the second trimester and that brat is going to be a nice big lump coming out of her.goth teen phone sex You have already tied her to the bed and now you wait. I appear with a dead slutkin in my arms asking if you are sure. We will most likely have to kill her after this! You don’t care you want to fuck that miscarriage mess and then have me track down pregnant females so we can abort more brats and you can fuck them!

Vampire Snuff Sex

snuff sexSnuff sex is all I have now. I am part of the undead. He turned me. My sexy, mysterious, powerful lover turned me. Now, I am a creature of the night. One of the lost girls. My hunger is real. I have tried to resist what I am, but I was starving. I went out after midnight to hunt for food for me and master. He was hungry too, but if he dies, I die. So, I went out to get him food. To get us food. I looked for something young and tender. Young flesh is healthy and yummy. Sweet blood. I found a young hooker, but she could have been diseased, so I kept looking. I went to the movie theater and found a sweet young blonde girl. Blonde mini me without the tits and still alive. She was perfect. She was on a date. They looked like high schoolers. Perfect. Two for one. I thought master and I could eat the girl, drain her blood and quench our hunger. The boy I could turn for my own sexual pleasure. Wasn’t sure master would go for that, but it was worth a shot. I hypnotized our dinner and brought them back to the castle. Master was so pleased with the young morsel I brought him, he said I could do what I wanted with the boy. I turned him as he was fucking me. His little girlfriend didn’t fair so well. Master likes to play with his food first. He used her like an ass rape porn star before he drained her of all her blood. He was so into her sweet taste; he didn’t live me even a drop. That changed things for my boy toy. No more turning the lad. He became dinner. But he was a good fuck. I guess I just had dessert before dinner.

Killing Francis

taboo phone sexHe was a weak effeminate man named Francis, perfect for killing. It was all too easy to lure him to my place, I told him he would be starring in a film but I never told him that it would be a snuff film and he would be the star. I restrained him spread eagle standing up and then revealed the audience and told him that my movie was called “Killing Francis” and that he would be dying in it for real. He cried like a little bitch and begged me not to kill him but it was far too late to stop at that point… not that I would have anyway. I beat poor wittle Francis to death while everyone watched and cheered, his own mother was there watching and cheering me on too. She named him Francis on purpose because she knew that he would grow up to be a weak little bitch boy. He died like he lived as a little bitch and I left him there to rot.

Lady L Snuff Sex With Her Killer

snuff sex

It was a hot snuff sex call with my Lady L. She’s My sexy female submissive that needs Jezabel to make her into a complete little submissive whore. I start by tying her up and cutting her clothes off. Her whimpers drive me fucking crazy. I feed her castor oil as I use her wet pussy to start working my fist inside her. I am pumping harder and faster as the cramps in her stomach make her cry out and beg me to stop. Before long she can’t control her orgasm or her ass hole. She’s cumming on my fist as she shits all over herself. I smear her mouth with the brown stinky soft bowel movement she made. My hands around her throat as I use my spiked dildo to rupture her sweet tight cunt over and over again. This whore loves to die by being fucked to death in her own shit. She makes me cum hard as I snuff her out in the most degrading ways.


Sex with Dead Bodies

sex with dead bodiesI was at a Halloween party with this guy who said he loved having sex with dead bodies. I thought he was joking until he showed me his morgue ID. He works at the county morgue. I have heard about creepy shit like this, but thought it was just urban legend. He asked me if I had ever fucked a dead man. I had never even thought about it until he told me when the cadavers first come in, the men have hard cocks from rigamortis. I started thinking about all those stiff dead dicks attached to men who couldn’t hurt me, who couldn’t shame me either. I know I am a taboo phone sex slut, but this was extreme taboo even for me. We got high together, and he took me to where he works. Signed me in as a visitor. I was walking around with the dead. I was scared and aroused at the same time. He found this black young gang banger who was shot just hours ago. He was on the slab awaiting process of the body. My new friend processes cadavers of crime scenes. He worked quickly to get the DNA evidence he needed for the police so the cock would still be stiff as a board. When he was done, he told me to hop on the cock and take it for a ride while I could. My morgue buddy jacked his cock watching me fuck a dead man. The dead man’s cock didn’t feel dead. It was warm and twitching inside my pussy. I felt wickedly sinful. I had never even thought about necrophilia before. Now, I may never stop thinking about it. I came so hard and so did my buddy. He didn’t mind sloppy seconds because there was no cum in me. Dead men can fuck but they can’t cum.