Tag: Accomplice phone sex

Accomplice Phone Sex

accomplice phone sexI love being an accomplice phone sex partner. Guys want me too as their partner because I have no limits. I lack empathy or remorse, which makes me the perfect killing and kidnapping machine. This guy I know is a big wig in the sex trade. He contracts with me occasionally to procure him some young talent. He pays well, so I don’t mind freelancing as a sex trader. I went to Chuck E Cheese and took twin girls. They were not being watched properly. Their babysitter was flirting with a young guy and her charges wandered off and found some danger. I drugged them once at my car then drove them straight to their new life of hell. My friend was extremely impressed. These twin girls were so young, he could get double the normal price. Plus, they were little white girls in pristine condition. Princesses, not illegal or ethnic ghetto trash. Most of the girls he deals with are illegal brats smuggled into the US that no one will miss or the white trash brats of strippers and whores or junkies. These angels were like the fuck trophies of the Hollywood elite. He planned to auction off their virginity to the highest bidder first, then sell them to who ever paid the most to have them. I knew these girls’ lives were about to forever change from one of privilege to one of fear and fucking. But that is not my worry. I got paid. Plus, I hate little brats.

Daddy’s Accomplice

accomplice phone sexAs a submissive whore to my daddy, when he suggested that we go looking for some new little trainees I was sure to oblige. I love my daddy and live to please him. We went to a park in a neighboring town and waited. Soon the playgrounds were full of sweet young things. As their mothers or nannies chatted amongst themselves it was easy to distract a little one. Daddy had his eye on this cute little blonde hair blue eyed darling. I put myself in a position to quickly grab her and hurried towards daddy’s van. No one noticed we took her, and we drove off to daddy’s workshop. Once there I could see daddy was going to have his way with her and that she probably would not survive the night. Sometimes daddy just can not help himself and gets too aggressive. I helped daddy by holding her down and he tore into her tight little pussy destroying it. Not quite done he flipped her over and started pounding her little brown hole. He grabbed her little neck and tightened his grip with every pound. Soon I could see she was no longer fighting and laying there lifeless. That didn’t stop daddy and he turned her over and opened her mouth and proceeded to throat fuck her little dead body until he shot his load all over her. He then smiled, cleaned himself up and went to get himself a beer. Being the little whore I am, I took the little limp body to dispose of it, but not until after I licked my daddy’s cum off of her body.

Slutkins Suffer Snuff Sex

snuff sex

Slutkins suffer snuff sex at my hands for you. I don’t mind going to parks, or malls and luring out sexy little things. You know the type you like. Freckles, soft fair skin, and budding chest under a training bra. Shorty skirts and such a sweet manner about them. Those are the little girls that make your cock jump. I mean there is no way they are going to be even breedable after getting fucked by you so why should I bother keeping them alive. My boyfriend and I are happy to join in the fun and rub the blood from virgin cunny all over our bodies as we fuck while you are destroying these two!  Don’t worry I will clean this mess up, and yes, I expect you to cum inside both of them. They will taste much better in the brat stew with your yummy cum marinade.  Care to bring a bowl of hot fresh brat stew to the missus and watch her eat the brats your cock destroyed?


Snuff Sex Victim

snuff sexSnuff sex is what I am good for, according to him. If I didn’t do what he said, he would have shot me dead. It was not like I wanted to bring him a little girl to fuck. Luckily, I don’t have daughters, or he would have forced me to bring one of them to him. I guess I was glad that I didn’t have a girl. I had to snatch one from the park. I used the lost puppy story to lure her away. It was broad daylight. I took a risk, but my life was at stake. I owed him a lot of money that I couldn’t repay and bringing him a little one for his rape phone sex fantasies made us even. I had no choice. I gave that sweet girl a death sentence. He tied me up once I delivered the girl because he didn’t believe I wouldn’t try to help her. I watched him fuck her. She screamed for her mommy. I felt bad, but it was out of my hands. He fucked her ass too. She was bleeding and screaming, and I was forced to watch. Now that I did this for him, I know he will ask more and more from me. I guess I should just feel lucky I am still alive.

Ass rape porn at The Pound

ass rape porn

Your Daughter was so gullible thinking we were going to volunteer with Fido and his friends. I was excited to film the nastiest ass rape porn ever on my phone for you. It is amazing what these sweet sluts will do for a baggy of weed and some furr loving. Dumb bitch, who goes to the pound after hours to volunteer? Only the furr loving she was getting was going to be her tiny body shredded to pieces by fidos 120-pound 4 legged body as he smelled sex between her legs. I had been here earlier with your young sweet things panties and a nail file to sharpen his claws. And when I opened the gate for her to feed him I shoved her in and watched as she screamed in horror as he drug her to the ground. I let my self in with a big piece of raw steak to distract my furr accomplice. I cut your darlings clothes off and smeared the steak blood from the wrapper all over her body. I let my video role as his red rocket came right out and he penetrated her ass. It was glorious her screams and the rest of the four-legged howling. Ill assured my place in hell for this snuff sex.

Taboo Phone Sex Slave For Daddy

You think you know taboo phone sex, but you don’t know me. I am the nastiest little daddy’s slave you will ever meet. My current daddy tells me how obedient I am. I do all his grunt work. Daddy and his friends are heavy in the import / export business. They traffic young girls and women. In the nice house we have lurks a dark secret. A dungeon and a tunnel that runs under the belly of the city. He moves girls from one place to another to avoid detection. I help him get girls ready for dates or for the auction block. The other day we needed a super young white girl. White girls like me are in high demand but hard to find. They may be hard for daddy to find, but not me. I put on my church clothes and go hunting at the mall for whatever daddy needs. I found just what he wanted at the Disney Store. A blonde blue-eyed all-American princess. Daddy would make bank selling her to his client. I lured the little angel away. When I brought her home, Daddy was very happy with me. She was perfect. The little girl was scared, but she had no idea what was waiting for in just a few hours. I bathed her and dressed her. I did everything per daddy’s client’s wishes. She looked like an American doll baby. This time, I did the finger test. I checked her little hymen to make sure she was a virgin. I have no idea if she is just going to be a fuck slave until she ages out or if she will be fucked and snuffed. If daddy is happy with me, I don’t care what happens to that little girl. Better her than me, right?

Taboo phone sex

I Make Snuff Porn

snuff pornI don’t just watch snuff porn. I used to watch it all the time, but I could tell that most of what I was watching was fake. I felt robbed.  I was paying good money to watch what I was told was real, a one of a kind film. I would see the same victim in other movies. I would see an eye blink or a ribcage heave in a final scene. After never seeing a real snuff flick, I decided to make my own.  There is a lot of pleasure in knowing you are making the real thing. It takes a lot to make real snuff movies, however. You need a victim. You need a place where you can kill your prey undetected and that will be easy to clean up. You must wash away the DNA after you make your film. You need camera equipment to record the killing and you need the tools of the theme of your snuff flick. My films all have a Gothic feel. Dark, damp with lots of torture. I have become well known in the underground world of snuff films. No one knows my real identity, but they hire me to make them a home movie for them frequently. Ex-wives, ex-husbands, bad bosses, annoying brats, hot teen sluts and double-crossing sluts and bastards have been the stars of my movies. Who do you want to star in my next snuff flick?

Red rover Red Rover Cum Over

goth teen phone sex

Red Rover became bloody rover as I was watching your sweet brats and had the older boys in the neighbor hood line up on one side and your Littles one side. As the boys called out Red Rover Call Little miss Kelly and little miss Sarah over, I told whoever didn’t get through the boys would be punished. I giggled as Kelly struggled with those locked arms and cried as she hit the ground unable to get through. I went ahead and Told the youngest Sarah To run through if she could, she would save her self and her sister. Give her credit she ran right into those strong arms and gave herself a bloody nose trying. The blood got me wet as I had those teen boys pick up screaming girls and carry them to the basement. I knew that between you and these young hard cocks those brats would not be able to walk, and I had plans on snuffing them out after they were full of cum and bloody…

I love making snuff movies

snuff moviesI love making snuff movies but I was so bored with the same old bullshit so I got together a team of people to help me make a new one. We brainstormed who to kill and how for hours, none of us wanted the same old fuck a bitch to death bullshit, that shit was getting old and stale. We decided that we needed to get real fucking brutal so we got a real little one, she was so tiny that the men could barely get their dicks in her. We strung her up by one ankle and beat the shit out of her while the men took turns fucking her all her little holes. Then when she was dead we thru her to our wild pets out back so they could rip her to pieces and eat her flesh. It was the hottest movie I have ever made! I wonder how I will ever top this one.

Dead on the outside but alive on the inside

Sex with dead bodies

I fuck my victims right after I kill them. The image of their lifeless bodies and the warmth on the inside makes me so fucking horny. I am not talking about men. I am talking about these dumb ass useless whores in this world. After you kill a bitch the inside of her cunt is still warm. I have a bitch I just got rid of last night. After putting the whore out of her misery I took my fingers and fucked her and slide my tongue up and down her soft warm clit. I usually have a partner there with me. A male of course. I make him stick his hard dick in the bitch and fuck the shit out of her. I know her pussy is so warm. She lays there like a lifeless doll. I scoop up her blood and smear it on the inside and outside of her cunt. Making it wet so my male accomplice can nut all in her shit. Even after death the whore is still useful. A cream filled bitch that is. She was a whore in real life and still is after death. I know this is the type of shit you want to do with me. We find a bitch. Kill her slowly or quickly whatever floats your boat. Then you fuck the shit out of her dead ass while I watch and play with my pussy. Until we both cum with pleasure. Two sick fucks getting a nut!