Only Evil Phone Sex with an Evil Woman

evil phone sexI am an Evil Woman as the song goes which makes me perfect for evil phone sex. Although some folks may think of me as a sociopath, I disagree. Sure, I will kill and torture men and women who annoy me, even brats too, but I would never hurt an animal. Animals are my best friends.

A guy hired me last week to kill his ex-wife. She’s been blackmailing him for money for years because he likes little girls, and she found his brat porn stash. Since she’s bleeding him dry, he wanted her dead. However, it needed to look like a robbery gone wrong while he attended a conference out of state. He needed an airtight alibi because the ex is always a suspect.

But when I was in the ex’s place to kill her, he wanted me to kill her dog too because the dog never liked him. Animals seem to be good judges of characters. Even though he paid me for killer phone sex, killing the dog did not seem necessary. It seemed personal, which would bring suspicion on him even more. I began to think I was on the wrong side here. He threatened to report me as a person of interest to the police if I did not kill the dog. Fucking idiot.

Men Do Not Threaten Me and Live To Tell About It

He fucked with the wrong girl. I recorded the conversation. I record all my dark net clients for protection. Rarely do I need to use it, but I am always prepared for idiots like this guy. I went to his ex’s bedroom and made her a proposition she could not refuse. When I told her about her ex’s plans, she told me he has hired folks before to kill her, but she outsmarted both country bumkins he hired.

Clearly, he had to die. Although I planned on killing him the moment he threatened me. Too dangerous for me and her dog to keep him breathing much longer. So, I made her my accomplice phone sex partner, so she could kill him. I’d be her alibi. We had to wait a few days before he returned home from his trip. However, I made him think I killed her. We staged the crime scene with fake blood.

I Will Kill You For Looking at Me Wrong

And we greeted him in his house when he returned home last night. Boy, did he look like he saw a ghost. Perhaps, he did. She got to do the honors. And she did not hold back her rage. She must have stabbed him over 100 times. I made her wear gloves so she would not cut herself because the police would question her. But maybe not. Guess what? I carved up his cock, cut it off why he still appeared alive, and fed it to the dog. Then we took his body to my kill shack in the woods and fed the rest of him the wildlife.

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