Category: Violent phone sex

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I woke up in the middle of night because I heard a strange noise coming from the bathroom in the living room area of the house. I locked my door and called a friend to comfort me while I tried to figure out if I was hearing things or if indeed there was some intruder. I grabbed my bat and my phone and I made my way through  the house looking for evidence of some thing out of the ordinary. I ran to the light switch since I felt like that would help me feel less helpless instead of navigating in the dark.
As I flipped the light switch and turned around there was blood all over the walls with the words your next. Just as I was about to scream I was struck in the head. I awakened in my kitchen with the walls covered in plastic and for the most part everything was covered in plastic .I then saw a figure he was wearing a gas mask and what appeared to be a hazmat suit. He shined this really bright light over my face and began talking into this recorder. I couldn’t understand him since it was some foreign language.
I tried to beg him to let me go but he wouldn’t respond to anything I was saying. I felt him pulling some chains and I felt my body being lifted upside down. I felt like a cow at a slaughter house. When I looked down at the ground I Saw a huge bucket. I begged and pleaded for the individual to spear my life but instead he sang loudly where he then slit my throat with this very sharp knife. I tired to scream but couldn’t since I was suffocating on my blood as it flowed out like a waterfall.
I felt my body going cold and my mind racing trying to find a way to escape and survive. The stranger then began slashing me with a knife cutting and ripping into my flesh snipping and cutting. I saw him gutting me pulling out my intestines then my stomach until finally he got to my heart. I knew I was dead and no longer alive but I could still feel and see everything. In my mind I was screaming looking for an escape but all i could do was stare as this same individual began cutting me in half with a chain saw. I saw my body mutilated and chopped up into pieces.
That looked similar to what I would purchase at a local meat market. I guess the secret in the meat was me.


Violent phone sex

My first Masquerade what an exciting night. I have always wanted to go to one and I finally got an invite. I was told to dress up, like Victorian era with the big dresses and all that. I gladly did and when I got there all the ladies where dressed like me and the men were in the time period style too. Dancing and happiness was seen everywhere. I had a few men ask me to dance before him. I recognized his voice from somewhere but I am not sure where. He asked if I wanted to go to the VIP room and I said yes. He lead me back to a room hidden away, once I crossed into it I was shocked. Women, and men chained up, being flogged or whipped. It was a giant contrast from the nice party 30 feet away. He lead me further in and asked if I would like to spend my night under his command, I slowly nodded yes, trusting him though not being sure who he was.

Everyone still had their masks on so no one knew who they were dealing with. I was taken to a back room where I could undress, my company did so as well in the room next door. He brought with him a collar and leash. He put the collar on me and lead me out, he made it clear I was his. I sat on the floor at his feet and was told to behave, I gladly did. I watch as the free roaming people kept trading about, it was a mass orgy. He asked if I wanted to join and I slowly nodded, he lead me about asking who would like to use me. He got many offers before he accepted and let a woman tie me up and beat me. They both took turns teasing and using me and I loved it. This went on all night, him leading me until he found someone he approved of and then they would beat and use me until I could no longer stand. He then took me to a room to sleep and that is where I am now, I just woke up here and he is nowhere to be found.

Fulfilling Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasiesI love fulfilling rape phone sex fantasies. This morning I got to be a little black cock cheating whore who got taught a lesson. I left my ex boyfriend for this big black bull who likes to rough me up. It is okay. I don’t mind him man handling because he has a 13 inch cock. Women will do anything for a cock that big. That is why so many chicks stay with assholes and wife beaters. They have a big dicks. They are only weak for huge cock. Well my ex heard my current boyfriend put me in the hospital. He showed up trying to get me back. He was pretty shocked that I chose to stay with a man who made me black and blue. I had to dish out some tough love. “You are pathetic. You have  a little dick. Leroy is more of a man than you could ever hope to be. Now leave,” I yelled at him. I was sure that being humiliating on my porch like that would make him leave. He snapped. He started calling me a Nigger loving whore. Told me I likely have a diseased cunt. I didn’t know who he was anymore. I yelled at him to take his tiny dick off my porch. Fucking fool. Yell all he wants; that is not what makes a man. Every woman knows that cock size is what separates the boys from the men. The moment I started taunting him nonstop about his tiny dick he lost it. Pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the stomach. I fell to the ground. He pulled his cock out and fucked my ass as I laid their bleeding out. He picked up the knife and stabbed me more. This time in my whore bags.  He came in me as I took my last breath.  He taught this black cock cheating whore her final lesson.

Dungeon and Dragons

taboo phone sex

I answered an ad on craigslist, I really thought he meant he wanted someone to be a part of his gaming group for dungeon’s and dragons – I guess that also shows me really what a stupid whore I am. I should have known honestly, how could I ever be so stupid? Cuz when I showed up it was no board game. It was literally a dungeon… and dragons was code for big black cock. I had zero chance once I arrived. I am barely over 100lbs! He scooped me up and before I knew it I was chained to the wall, spread wide and beyond exposed. All these guys came in, laughing at me and calling me all sorts of names. I struggled against my binds but it was useless, they were already beating on me. I was getting bloody and raw, and they hadn’t even started fucking me yet. Before I knew it all my holes were getting stretched open…my pussy was being forced to take 2 cocks and I was trying to suck all the dick I could fit in my mouth. They continued to beat me down, and pass me around. I was chained up and helpless, I knew no one could hear me scream or cry. This was dungeon and dragons – taboo phone sex edition.

Snuff phone sex

snuff phone sex

I got invited to a family gathering where my uncles all decided to host a cook out. It was awesome there was alcohol and music and karaoke i was having a blast singing and dancing with my family since this is an odd occasion. It was beginning to become late and what was once forty guest was now one that was me and my four uncles. My uncles handed me a shot glass and asked me to have one more shot with them before I leave. So I took the shot with them and made my way out, when suddenly  passed out on the floor. When I awakened I found my self

with a blind fold on and my limbs tied apart with my body laying down on what felt like a giant stone. I began to scream since I just couldn’t understand what was going on. I felt these strangers grab me. One stranger began shoving his cock down my throat. I bit his cock but I was forced to swallow it because I kept getting blows to the head. Then I could feel something cold and slimy running down my legs then down to my bald pussy. Then it hit me that was some ones tongue, I began trying to kick and scream but It was no use. I felt the stranger mount me as he began penetrating me hard making me hurt in the inside. I could feel him cumming laughing as he filled me up.

Right when he finished another stranger mounted me but this time he was even rougher since he bit my tits until they bled and fucked me until I cried since it was hurting so much. Four hours passed as multiple men all took there turn fucking me and stretching out my holes. They took the blind fold off me and to my surprise it was my uncles who were torturing me. They knew I wouldn’t keep this a secret so they slit my throat in a Masonic ceremony, giving my soul to Satan for his return. I guess the lesson learned is don’t trust anyone including your family.

How to be a Boss.

Fantasy phone sex

I saw an oportunaty to meet some new people and make some extra cash. This temp job was going to be easy. I was here for a week, Gonna make a quick $850 just sitting there and answering phones. I knew it was going to be easy but I didn’t realize I was going to be working for an asshole. I had to teach him real quick who was in charge. My first day I was like 2 hours late. I walked in hung over and not wanting to fucking be there . Then this fucking asshole thinks he can get in my face? I grab his cock as he is spitting in my face as he was screaming at me. I grabbed him so hard and squeezed his cock knocking the breath out of him. I took my sun glasses off. “Look in my eyes bitch, Look and see that I do not fuck around. This was your one chance, Do it again and I’ll make you fucking eat your cock. Now sit down in that fucking chair and eat my pussy until it’s time to go home.” Haha If I had known being the head of a company was so easy I would have made millions years ago..

Taking Out The Trash

violent phone sexIt was late and I had noticed that my husband did not take the trash out for the week. So I had to hurry up and get it out because I knew the garbage men would be by first thing in the AM. I hurried as quickly as I could go. Hoping and praying the neighbor did not catch me out there. It was such a relief once I reached the back door and that is when it hit me. I was grabbed around the neck with a chain of some sort and drug down to the ground. I was barely able to breath let alone notice who was behind this. Although I had a good idea. Kicking and screaming as the chain dug harder into my throat I could feel the cement just eating my flesh as I was being pulled across it. Finally we reached the garage where he picked me up by the head of my hair and then tore my clothes off me. What was left of them. He fucked me over and over. It went on for hours. Taking a pounding from his cock and then his fist. Making sure to evenly rotate. Once he was done he kicked me in the back and mumbled another piece of trash to take to the curb. Leaving me there to lay.

A No Taboo Phone Sex Experience

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex is the only phone sex in my opinion. I fuck my sons, so clearly I am not a vanilla woman. I do coke on a daily basis. I take anything up the ass. I have always been an anal whore as well as a submissive whore, so you never have to ask me if I have limits. Limits are for credit cards not fucking, phone fucking or real fucking. I enjoy getting off with a sick accomplice. Sure, sometimes I end up dead, snuffed out by a caller; but I usually cum really hard right before my lights go out because I am a sick twisted no limits bitch. Last night I did a call that actually made me puke. Not because it was so gross or violent, but because I was guzzling booze like the founder of AA. It was a forced intoxication call. I can party with the best of them. I will snort, smoke or shoot anything, but I am not a seasoned drinker. All I had in the house was Three Olives Coconut Vodka. It was a brand new bottle, but I had to chug it. I don’t believe in faking my partying. Honestly, it was at the end of my shift, he was my last call, I thought I would be okay. I knew I would get buzzed quick. I didn’t think I would projectile vomit all over my couch. When my caller heard me hurling, he made me lick it up. “A good whore cleans up her messes,” he seethed at me. I was high and drunk, so I did it. In hindsight I shouldn’t have done it. I mean how would he have really known, right? When I am fucked up, my submissive nature is undeniable. It is like I can’t say no. I woke up smelling like a frat house on a Saturday morning. Chunks of my own vomit in my red hair, head about ready to explode and late for my morning shift. But when you call a no taboos/no limits phone sex whore, you get what you ask for and more.

I Have No Control

taboo phone sex

Guys ask me all the time “Does your Daddy really beat you?” Some just don’t believe I let that happen…even though that’s exactly what they are calling for. I’ve got lots of stories about the way my Daddy tortures and abuses me…even though I am 18 now I will never move out. Daddy owns me, my body is his and my face is his punching bag. If I ever thought about trying to leave Daddy he would beat me unconscious and then we both know what Daddy would do to me. No no, I’ll just shutup and take my beatings and my fuckings like a good little whore. I am a stupid little rape fantasy victim, nothing more. I have no choice in what Daddy and his friends do to me, he even makes me want to enjoy it, but sometimes the pain can be unbearable. But that doesn’t matter remember… I have no control.

No dream vacation for him.

sadistic phone sexIf only he hadn’t insisted on that dumbass vacation. Do I look like a girl who loves to vacation?  Fuck no. Give me some sadistic phone sex instead anytime. But there we were out on the beach and he is staring at every girl there. So much for our dream vacation. I let him have his fun, flirting, and throwing back tropical drinks. He’d be shitfaced soon and then my own dream vacation could start. He’d find himself all tied up, his dick nailed down and his balls flattened under my heel. Oh, he’d scream but after I poked my icepick into his ear a couple of times, he’d quiet right down. Good thing he wanted this nice little cabana far from everyone else. It was perfect for my sadistic phone sex vacation. I want to see the fear in his eyes and the squeal he makes as his scrotum ruptures. I orgasm as the blood flows and the smell of pain is in the air. This is turning into a much better vacation now. Too bad he wouldn’t live long enough to see the pics. I’ll be putting him into the car along with our suitcases to make that long trek home. And somewhere along the way, I’ll stop, roll his carcass out, squat and piss on it, as I laugh about the poor little boy who just wanted to use me to pay for his vacation. He’ll be on a permanent vacation now, far out in the woods, decaying, as flies dump eggs into his orifices. And I’ll be home, masturbating as I relive the sadistic phone sex torture that I inflicted on him. His vacation was the road to nowhere, my favorite place to go when I need to relieve some stress. Care for a little road trip with me?

snuff phone sex