Category: Torture phone sex

A Surprise Gift

Mutilation phone sex

He walked in with a huge smile on his face.  I knew he had done something.  He held up his hands and they were completely clean.  I was shocked, I have never seen him smile like this without there being some sort of Sadistic Act making him do so.  He sat down on my bed and tossed some panties at me.  They were so frilly, I almost laughed.  I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something like this.  It is true that I have sexy lingerie, but nothing like this.  This was up and up girlie attire.  I looked at them for a bit, then at him.  He tried to act innocent saying, “WHAT?”, but that smile was still playing on his lips.  I then thought he was just joking around with me so I started to joke back with him.  I played with the panties a bit then I just tossed them back to them.  I said, “Please get rid of those things.”

He made a big deal out of stuffing him back into his pocket while he acted sad that I didn’t want them.  I asked him why he was acting so weird.  He said, “Maybe if you don’t want the panties, you might want what goes in them.”  He got up and walked out of the bedroom.  I KNEW IT!  He had done something.

Bloody phone sex

He backed into the bedroom tugging on a heavy rug.  I asked him what he was doing, his reply was that he was going to show me what goes in the panties.  He pulled the rug over and unfolded it.  It took a minute for my brain to register what I was seeing.  There on the rug was one of the most messed up individuals I have ever seen in my life.  The breasts had been removed, one of the legs was torn away at the knee cap, and when it opened it’s mouth I could see the tongue was gone.  All the hair had been removed from it’s head.  I mean this was a bit shocking, even to me.  He said, “Go on, give it a little smooch.”  I laughed and said, “No thanks.”  He said, “Awww come on, at least blow it a kiss.” 

I laughed and blew the thing a kiss.  “Who is that? Or was that rather?” I asked him.  He said, “Does it matter?”  I laughed again and said, “No.”  He said, “I haven’t shown you the best part yet.”  He reached down, the thing started to make noise and try to wiggle away, he kicked it in it’s head.  It immediately stopped moving.  It wasn’t knocked out because I could see it follow his movement with it’s eyes.  He reached down again and pulled the rug completely away from it’s body, then grabbed the one ankle that was left and raised it up and back.

I immediately started to laugh hard.  I looked up at him and he said, “Go on.”  I placed my hand on the ankle that was sticking out of this thing’s ass and pushed on it.  It let out a scream, so I pulled it out, then shoved it again. I could tell it was in a lot of pain, but his cock was getting hard.  The more I fucked it’s ass with the detached limb, the harder he got.  He said, “Guess what else is in there?”  I knew right away that the other missing body parts were somehow shoved inside.  He said, “I packed them in there with the leg.”

Torture sexBoth of us spent the next ten minutes or so just violating it’s ass with the limb, we were laughing and enjoying ourselves.  Then he stopped and looked at me.  I looked back at him.  He asked me if I wanted to fuck, and by this time my pussy was in need of a good fucking.  I moved back to where I was and started to take off the rest of my clothes.  I didn’t have to tell him if it was a yes or a no, he could tell right away that the answer was a resounding yes.


Snuff phone sex with Georgia: Hook suspension.

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You knew my biggest fear and used it against me. Death used to be what made me the most afraid, but that was before I knew what real torture felt like. Dying sounds like fun compared to what you do and what you’ve made me do.
When I saw those hooks and thick piercing needles I knew what your plan was. You’ve used similar methods to prevent the other kidnapped girls from escaping. Even though I knew what was about to happen to me, I didn’t bother to resist. It’s a waste of time and by now I obviously know better. There were still tears streaming down my face while you pierced me and I let a few screams when you slid the hooks through my newly opened flesh.
The real horror came when you suspended me high off the ground. You kept pulling at the chains until I begged for you to stop. It’s my own fault that I ended up so far from the floor, no other kidnap girl was suspended nearly as high as I was. I just wanted to push myself and you probably expected that anyway. I bet you didn’t know that I started off terrified, but in right in the middle I started to enjoy it.

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Feeling my warm blood running down my back and hearing it drip all over the floor excited me more than I’d ever admit to you. I only begged to be released because I was bored and wanted to play with you. I love feeling the cool blade of your knife against my body. When you cut me I nearly cum every time now. I can’t help myself! I love feeling your hot tongue licking up every drop of blood.
Last night, I was still suspended by the hooks while you fucked my throat hard and deep with your massive cock. Every movement you made pulled at the hooks and tore my flesh slightly, but I enjoyed every minute of it. My back was covered in thick layer of my blood by the time your fun was over.
My mouth distracted you from seeing cum gush out of my juicy cunt. Once you felt it on my thigh you slapped me firmly across the face to punish me for not asking for permission. Then, you shot your cum into the open wounds on my back. It burned a little, but I secretly enjoyed it and only wished that I got to taste some of it. These few months have turned me into a good little pain slut that’s addicted to the taste of her Master’s cum. I’m sure you know it already because I haven’t done a very good job of hiding it. It won’t long before I start begging for more abuse and pain.

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Necrophilia Phone Sex

Come join my quest for necrophilia phone sex.  I can’t wait to get right to it and find a good stiff dead cock to ride.  Lets start off by cruising the holiday Shops. There will be a lot of lonely single men just looking to for that perfect gift, and I will turn him into MY perfect gift instead.  We shop long and hard finally we find the perfect victim.  You finally find the perfect owner of a soon to be dead cock for me to fuck in the family bathroom. I look in the door and agree that he will do nicely.

Necrophilia Phone SexI lure him back to our house for a drink. I portray myself to him as innocent and harmless. I make him feel at ease as I give him the drink that has been laced with something to make him more compliant. I put in just the right amount to make sure it sends his heart into a spastic rthym that will throw him into cardiac arrest.  He collapses to the floor, I wait a few minutes then check for a pulse.  It is done, he is long gone.  I can feel my clit begin to throb as I wait for the rigger mortis to set in, I reach down and stroke his lifeless cock, holding it for more than an hour as I stroke my pulsating clit.

You emerge from your hiding place and help me undress my fuck toy.  He has a nice body beneath those winter clothing, bonus for me. I lean down and suck his cock into my mouth, it tastes like death.  I spit on it to lube it up, then you help me climb on board. You watched me ride that cock for a few hours before lividity set in and the rigger mortise began to leave his body.  It was the best shopping trip ever, you got the gift of seeing me riding a stiff lifeless cock, and I received the gift of having multiple orgasms.

Not Your Girls Next Door…..

Bloody phone sex knife play tortureFew folks get me, even fewer folks are part of my inner circle. The friends you had when you were younger played with dolls and action figures. I dismembered and disfigured them. You skipped stones in your local creek. I threw stones at my class mates heads. You pushed that cute little school girl you crushed on in the swing. I pushed her off the swing and shoved her lollipop up her ass. You wanted to be a doctor when you grew up. I dreamed of being a mortician. You went to church with your family, while I worshiped in the church of Satan. You went swimming in the local pool. I held you under the water and laughed as you struggled. You listened to Britney Spears and Bare Naked Ladies. I listened to Morbid Angel and Mayhem. You played Life and Sorry, while I was conjuring up evil spirits with my Ouija board. You cried at the Notebook. I got wet at the Hostel and Saw flicks. You wanted to be the next Bill Gates. I wanted to be the next Michael Myers. You loved your family. I murdered mine. You get the picture. I was and always will be a dark bitch.

bloody phone sex evil violenceThat is why I love my job so much. I am among other dark bitches. Evil seductresses; dominate whores; blasphemous beauties; pain sluts; mutilation wenches; p mommies;  willing victims; torture dolls; mayhem maidens; castration junkies; blood lovers; cannibal cunts; violent vixens; knife wielders;  twisted teens….Girls like me cannot have an office job because we would cut a bitch at the water cooler. I am at home here with my fellow sadistic bitches. If you are reading my blogs, or on this site then you don’t like vanilla girls either. You need me or one of my fellow dark accomplices to help you come to terms with your evil thoughts; fulfill your sickest needs.

You can follow our carnage on Twitter and like our bloody triumphs on Facebook. And of course, call us for your most taboo fantasies. There is nothing too sick or perverse or extreme for us. Chances are your sickest thoughts, are tame to us. But don’t fret, we can bring out the evil in Mother Theresa.

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Never Take a Short Cut Down a Creepy Alley

snuff sex bondage painIt was dark, I was running late, so I took a short cut down this creepy alley. Big mistake. A masked man followed me, grabbed me and threw me in the trunk of his car. He took me to some abandoned building. Dragged me kicking and screaming by my hair into the scary looking building. I ended up in a room with a few other women. None of us knew what to expect. One of the captors entered and grabbed one of the girls. She was crying and pleading. He smacked her so hard a tooth came out. I heard another guy yell, “Don’t mess her up too much before the camera starts rolling.” Then I knew what was going on. Snuff sex.  They were going to rough us up, sexually assault us, maybe even kill us on film.

We heard that poor girl cry and scream for hours. I heardsnuff sex murder fantasies whips, chains, a blow torch, and finally a chainsaw. After I heard that, she made no more noise. I knew she was not alive anymore. The guy came back in for girl number two. He had on a butcher’s apron covered in blood. Her blood I assumed. The next girl to go, suffered a similar fate, but not as quick. Soon, I was the only girl left in the room. I almost would have preferred to go first. The waiting while hearing the others being tortured was frightening beyond comprehension.

When it was my turn, I didn’t even fight. I knew what my fate was soon to be. One of the masked assailants strung me up in the air. They turned on a light and saw the carnage. Women’s limbs all over the floor;  blood splatter on the ceiling and walls; internal organs in a pile…. I vomited at the site. I was about to die a slow torturous death because I cut down an alley. I just prayed it would be quick. I prayed to pass out.

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Blood lust

Hurting people turns me on, always has and always will. Not that I ever bothered trying to change it, but I’ll never want to. I love the way I am! Just seeing someone in pain makes my cunt dripping wet, but I like it better when I inflict it. I came once just from cutting into the flesh on a trembling body. My favorite part is watching the blood run from the wound until it splashing on the ground. There’s just something about the noise it makes, it’s like an addiction. Sometimes I even lick the red rivers of blood as they pour out and make their way to the floor.
Extreme pain sluts are afraid me now and they should be. I’m experimenting with new things because I want to push my limits. It might sound strange, but I want to do something so revolting that it even disgusts me. I don’t think I’m even close to getting there at this point! I’m not worried though, there’s still plenty of time for that and I’ve always been very creative.

The Bloodier the Better

bloody phone sex torture gothWhen I was younger, instead of watching cartoons and Disney movies, I watched torture porn horror films. I didn’t want to see romantic little tales of when girl met boy. I wanted  sexy stories about when girl dismembered boy, or when girl disemboweled girl. While other girls my age were experimenting with sex and drugs, I was experimenting with knives. I’d get so turned on by the Hostel and Saw movies that I would have to go hunting. Back then, I rarely killed, just maimed and disfigured. But stalking, hunting, hurting, are just like fucking, the more you do it, the more you love it and the further you go to get off.

We all have our ultimate sexual fantasy though. For some guys it to bang hot sisters or be the star in some Girls Gone Wild movie. For some women it is to get double penetrated by two big black cocks. For me, my ultimate sexual fantasy would be to kidnap some worthless piece of trash and string him or her up above me naked. Masturbate at their fear of not knowing what I am going to do to them next. And, as I am cumming,  I slice them open as their blood and organs cascade over my body bringing me to the pinnacle of my orgasm.

Bloody phone sex, bloody sex turns me on. From stabbing and cutting to castrating and chopping to eviscerating and gutting, the bloodier the better. If you are a worthless fuck pig, then I will kill and gut you like one. If you are like me, a sick, twisted mother fucker who gets off and pain and death, then  let’s go hunting together and see what kind of trouble we can make for others.

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Cast in Place

She really put up a fight. When you grabbed her out of the parking lot, hit her over the head, and tied her up in your van, she pretended to be knocked out cold. She fooled you, and you hate to be fooled. Unfortunately the joke was on her. By the time she was untied, she was already in your dungeon, and no one could hear her screams. Well, except us other slave whores. And we are worthless to her.

We watched as you untied her, and as she tried to surprise you by coming up swinging. Little did she know the consequence this would have. I even saw your cock get hard at the extra excitement it gave you. Your dark side came out, and you began beating her ruthlessly. Once you had her on the ground, you grabbed her legs and arms, one by one, and snapped them. She was a useless torso, and the screams got quieter as her pain took over. But your cock was still hard, and you weren’t done with her yet.

You got down on the groun and tried to lift her up. But she had no balance on her broken legs, and your arms were tired from beating her so badly. You got up and let me out of my cage. You simply said “Fix her.”. I didn’t know what to do, but I remembered all your medical equipment in one of the closets and I went there. Hanging there in all the filth was a nurse’s outfit of all things. It seemed ridiculous, but it was cold and I was naked, so I put it on. I grabbed some supplies and headed back to her motionless body.

I knew you wanted to fuck her, and so I had to get her in a position so that you could. Her bones were broken in her legs, so I began wrapping them as quickly as I could. You stood over us, stroking your cock and chuckling. I got one thigh cast up tight, and pulled with all my strength to get her ass in the air. Then I wrapped the other one. I took a board and placed it between her legs – and cast her in a perfect doggie style position. I got up and stepped back, and you knelt behind her with your raging hardon and began plowing her asshole.

Her screams returned, but there was nothing she could do. She couldn’t move and you continued to fuck her body full of broken bones. You came in her tight ass, as she choked on the dirt on the floor. I removed the costume and returned to my cell. You left her there, in her permanent fuck position. I knew you would leave her there until her bones fused back together just the way they were. The stupid bitch should have known better than to try to fool you, Master. My pussy aches for the day when I get to remove the casts and see her pathetic new shape, and watch you fuck her all over again.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex Doll Making

I knew when I saw you get out your medical kit, that it was time to play doctor. Only you don’t know how to play doctor like a good sweet boy. The only way you know how to play is like Dr. Frankenstein. You whistled like a crazy man as you laid out your tools on the table. A hacksaw, needles, rope, tape. Us girls, chained in our cells, couldn’t look away. We knew what you were up to. You were going to use your amateur medical skills to make another freak monster of what you consider the perfect girl.

I remember the last time you played this game. Your medical fetish phone sex had gotten out of control. You went cell to cell, dragging each of us out and chosing which parts of us you liked best. One girl had the best tits, and another the best eyes. Another the best pussy and still another one some nice long legs. You decided you wanted a blonde, and when you approached my cell I was so scared I pissed all over the floor. But you looked at me, up and down, and said I was too ugly, and there was nothing pretty enough about me to work in your new creation.

I was spared because of my lanky legs and mousey hair and small tits. The other girls were not so lucky, and you took each of them kicking and screaming to the operating table. The girl with the beautiful blonde hair was scalped and left to die bleeding on the floor. The one with the nice long legs had them amputated with your chainsaw. She didn’t even survive long enough to watch her legs fall off. Slowly and methodically, you took the pieces you needed from each whore. Enough pieces to make a whole girl. A perfect fuck doll.

Once you had your pile of parts, blood everywhere, you began sewing them together. Shoving the blue eyes in the bloody sockets, and sitching the legs to the body with the perfect pussy. You took your time sewing the tits on, making sure they looked perfect. Your masterpeice came together as a big bloody mess, but was somehow still beautiful. You stood back and admired your work, and then you fucked your new creation while the girls who were still alive watched. I remember feeling ashamed that I wasn’t even good enough to a single piece of what you considered beautiful. As crazy as it sounds, seeing your medical equipment out and ready, I am hoping you see something about me this time that is good enough to use…

Accomplice Phone Sex with Blair: Let Me Do Your Dirty Work

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My boss hacked my computer and discovered  incriminating photos of me and my son. The kinds of  photos that could get me arrested.  I thought he was going to blackmail me; force me to fuck him to keep my job and stay out of jail. I did have to fuck him. I had to let him fuck my ass so hard he bruised it, and left it prolapsed. But that was just the beginning of what he had in store for me. He informed me I was going to be his accomplice. If I could do all sorts of depraved things for my son for free, I could be his bitch to keep my job. Turns out my boss has a sick perverted side. He has a penchant for those sweet little lasses. He just needs the right accomplice to lure them into his sick perverted world.  

He had a sweet angel already selected for me to snatch and grab.  We did a few drive bys so I could see his selection and learn her daily route home. Cute, angelic blonde with a little teddy bear. Reeked of innocence, just what he wanted. I felt sick about what I was about to do, but I had no choice.  As a natural redhead, I look awful in orange; and, I am not about to be Big Bertha’s bitch. My ass would be sold for a Kit Kat in jail. Sorry sweet thing, but it’s me or you. I stalked her for days. When I was ready to kidnap the little slut,  I put on a  mom outfit, brought my dog and a Benadryl filled  juice box. No one ever suspects a mommy type is a sick twisted p.  She fell for my routine. After I offered her the juice box, the rest was easy. When she got sleepy, I snatched her up and shoved her in the boss’s van that was following us. Poor thing, her parents should have warned her about engaging with strangers.  

We took her to his place, where he had a special room all prepared for his little victim. His plan was to pimp out her tight virginal holes for money. Lots of men willing to pay top dollar to violate a little one. How much would you pay to fuck a young virgin? After he made a decent amount selling her flesh, his plan was to auction her off to the highest bidder for some snuff porn. Sort of like a rugrat Hostel film he said. He had a ton of expensive camera equipment plus an array of torture devices. Poor thing was not going to have an easy rest of her life. I brought this lamb to be slaughtered to save my own hide, yet I was not all that conflicted about it. I thought I would feel bad about kidnapping her, but I was aroused at how easy it was to snatch and grab her right off her block. My job now was to  make her pretty and presentable for all her new daddy dates.  And keeping her quiet. Turns out  I am a great accomplice for dark desires. I am a good sick

Can I be your dirty accomplice phone sex whore too? As a mommy, I can lure the sweet ones away so easily. And as a subby bitch, I do whatever I am told, so whatever perverse thing you need done, I will do.  Think of all the fun we can have  violating, even snuffing out, those sweet little lambs. I can do your dirty work, so you can enjoy that tight, sweet flesh.

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