My snuff sex fantasy finally came true! For years I have longed to be at the top of the gallows, swinging carelessly while 2 little whores dangle by their necks on either side of me. It took forever to find the perfect location and the helpers I’d need… not to mention the victims themselves, they had to all be perfect! Last week tho, it all finally came together! I saw the victims walking alone early one morning, they were twins, blonde and delicate and almost angelic looking. It seemed somehow profane… almost blasphemous in a way to kill such beautiful girls, so you know that made me want to do it more. It was easy to get them to go with me, they were lost and I promised to help them but once they were in my car they were already damned. We used their delicate little bodies until they were broken beyond repair, fucking all their holes while they screamed and begged for mercy! Then we strung them up and I got to swing between them while their bodies danced and twitched and died…
Category: Torture phone sex
My snuff sex fantasy came true!
Cutting Me Up
I was stolen from my home by a man who liked to mutilate sexy teen girls. Pulling me into his basement, he threw me onto a dirty, old futon on the floor. My clothes had already been torn off. Laying there cold and naked, I grimaced as he dropped his pants. In one hand he held a knife. Getting to his knees, he pushed me flat on my back and started hacking away at my nipples.
I screamed in agony as the blood splattered against my face, his chest, and the wall. He diced up each one until he had gone nearly down to the bone on each tit. Sobbing, I whimpered as he held the knife to my neck. He said if I stopped holding my pussy lips open for any reason, he would kill me slowly and painfully. Scared, I complied and spread them open wide.
Taking the knife, he sliced into my clit and pulled out my clit ring before continuing to butcher my pussy. I screamed and cried at the pain. After my hole had been sliced up, he took his throbbing cock and shoved into my mincemeat cunt. As he fucked my gory slit, he took the knife and dug into my stomach. I choked up some blood as I faded away. The last thing I felt was his hot load shooting into me.
Smashed and tenderized
Castration phone sex is one of my very favorite games. It just feeds my power as a female to rid the world of nasty balls. Scrotums. Nut sacs. Testicles. I I often hit the clubs looking for men who deserve to lose them.. Oh you men think you are so superior with your delicate little sacs. But one good kick or a stomp from these stiletto boots will render you useless and infertile forever. I enjoy the popping sound a teste makes when it’s squished like a grape.
So next time you are at a club, hitting on women and making those sexist bitch comments, better watch your ass. You might find me there in the background, watching and waiting. So easy to buy a man a drink and slip him a happy pill. Not enough to knock him out. Just makes him super happy and drunk acting. Of course I was there to lead you outside and into my car.
When you awoke, you were tied down with your nuts in a vice. I slowly tightened them until you moaned. “Kinky bitch, are you? I’ll fuck you so hard, you’ll beg for mercy, you cunt.” I laughed. “Oh really, How are you going to do that with no cock or balls?” I saw the fear and I liked it. I tightened it some more until your nuts turned blue. “Who’s gonna be begging for mercy, fuckhead?”
I gave the vice a hard spin and you screamed like a girl. I took the scalpel and held it to your bloated sperm factories. One quick slash and they exploded, the testes bursting from their sacs like popcorn. “It won’t hurt too bad.” I stopped and took a drag from my cigarette, grinding it out on the head of your cock. As you screamed in pain, I rendered that final slash, forever severing your pathetic manhood. I almost finished you off then. but changed my mind. It would be so much more fun watching you go through life as a Ken Doll. Betcha won’t be talking shit to women any more….
Black Leather and Wet Flesh
I didn’t make enough money tonight and my man was pissed. I walked up and down the Houston streets, but came home with $200 and that’s not enough to keep my man high all night long. When I came through the door and gave him the money he didn’t show his anger at first. He smiled, kissed my forehead, and told me to take a hot shower. Relief flowed through my body because I thought I was in the clear. I went upstairs and got in the shower. The hot water and soap erased the saliva and cum from the tricks that paid me for a good time. I closed my eyes and let the water cleanse my face…
But my man busted in the bathroom and grabbed me from the shower by my hair, pulling the shower curtain and rod from the wall. He dragged me to our bedroom and flung my body to the floor. He pulled a leather belt from the closet and wrapped it around his fist. I cried out and begged for forgiveness but he wasn’t hearing it. He hit my wet flesh over and over again. The pain was so bad that I blacked out eventually, but when I would wake up he would start whipping me again. When he finally stopped my body was covered in welts. I need to get out of this relationship but I can’t leave him.
Some men will do just about anything to cum as hard as possible. I met up with this guy from school. He came to my house in his big pickup truck and we took off. Telling me he wanted to show me a special spot we could watch the stars in the bed of his truck, he had no trouble luring me to a field in the middle of nowhere. As soon as the truck was in park, he hopped out and let me out on the other side. Jumping down, I turned to look at him, but that’s when he punched me with his powerful fist, which entirely knocked me out.
When I woke up, I was naked and tied up on the ground, face down, and his truck was slowly backing up towards me. I screamed and tried to wiggle out of the way, but I couldn’t move fast enough. The truck backed up and was lined perfectly so it rolled right over my hips, crushing my pelvis. My head was still far enough away from the other tire that my lower back and ass were the only things pinned down under the truck. I gasped and tried to wheeze for air as I was getting smashed by the tire.
The man walked around and dropped his pants before coming up and shoving his cock balls deep into my cunt. The weight of the truck compressed my pussy, making it the tightest fit possible. He forced his dick into my asshole right before the force of his animalistic thrusts combined with the unforgiving pressure of the pickup entirely snapped my spine. Unable to feel my legs, I started to lose consciousness as he blew his load in my ass. When he was finished, he drove the car off of me, then came back out with a sledge hammer. With one final blow, he ended my misery and the only chance of a surviving witness to his crimes.
Are you hungry?
I have been feeling extra naughty lately, and I wanna help you get a little bitch. I want you to fucking tell me what you want, and I wanna go out and find out next meal. I wanted to get one of those drunk girls off the beach, and I will make sure that she is nice and athletic so she will cook very nicely. But prepping the little bitch is my favorite part, rubbing oil all over her body and stuffing her with veggies and seasonings. Then, I will go with tinfoil and cover her nipples and toes so they don’t burn. Then we just wait for the house to smell up like a good tender girl, and then beep we here the alarm go off. She is done, and we are hungry.
Finale of VII deadly Sins: Wrath
Last time my guy was down in the basement torturing a slovenly lusty bitch into submission and obedience. She was pretty stubborn, but then I heard HIM yelling and screaming. I didn’t go down there because I just plain didn’t feel like it. Boy, he was really screaming though, sounds like the tables turned.
It was a few days until all the screaming stopped; I figured they were either dead or exhausted. Finally, I went down there to see how things had ended. It wasn’t pretty gruesome, but I laughed. These two idiots mutilated each other to the point of a useless existence. She had clearly had all of her pleasure zones cut off and he…well, I am sure you can see from the picture I took, he is useless as a man now.
So you might be thinking where is the wrath? Well…this entire span of seven weeks of my guy doing all this stuff to women, and he was fucking them while torturing them. Well, guess what. I am the one that let her out of her restraints and I sat upstairs while they fucked each other up. I guess I am the wrath, and I got off on it when they were fucking each other up. Devious I know.
Master, I Want it Harder
Master made me strip naked and wait for him with my ass out and ready for his cock. I pulled my cheeks apart when I heard him coming close. Spread wide, I felt his hands explore my pussy and ass as he fingered both holes. He smacked my ass hard, making me squeal. After a few whacks, he grabbed a paddle and spanked me with it until I was red and sore. In between each slap, I had to tell him that I want it harder. And he always complied with that request, regardless that it wasn’t actually what I wanted. When I don’t ask for more, the punishments become much worse, so I know better than to beg for mercy.
But sometimes, fate decides the punishment for me. Something must have made him very upset that day, because I felt a knife pierce through my back. Even still, I choked out, I want it harder! Stab after stab, I asked to get it harder. The blood poured down from my body, pooling around my knees. Filling my lungs, the blood came up from my throat as I coughed. This time, I was no longer able to ask for it harder, as I had lost consciousness, barely clinging to life. In a fit of fury, he dug the knife through my neck, cutting my spinal cord and brain stem. Time for a new slave.
Night time Home Invasion
Let’s look back at my first experience as an accomplice. It was a home invasion phone sex situation. Dressed in black, we broke into this family home. We weren’t looking to steal anything. But there was this young girl we’d been watching for some time. She was a petite blonde with perky tits. She wore these tight spandex yoga pants that drove you wild. You wanted her bad enough to risk being caught. You knew that I loved a challenge.
We got into the house through the bedroom window. Someone forgot to teach this young lady to lock her bedroom window after her little boyfriend crawled in for a little kiss after the parents went to bed. Oh yes, she was easy pickings.
I slapped duct tape over her face before she could scream. You ripped off her panties and gown. I grabbed her legs and spread them. While you violated her with your rape phone sex fantasies, I began to record it. Helpless victims make me so wet.
You violated every young hole. Her mouth. Her virginal pussy and her tight shithole all got pumped and pounded. Finally you asked me to join in for the finale. A little medical fetish was always fun. I took out my blade and quickly sliced off her nipples and her clit. I dropped the nipples in your shirt pocket and tossed the clit in my mouth. It’s my favorite flavor of gum.
Her body was bucking in pain as we ended her story. A neat slash across her jugular severed any hope of a future. Blood hit the ceiling along with your cum. I feel bad for her poor boyfriend tomorrow trying to explain that he wasn’t her killer. I’m sure her parents will understand.
Paleo Diet leads to castration phone sex
Before we talk about castration phone sex, let me mention this. My doctor put me on this new Paleo Food Diet. This snuff chick is hangry. I am needing something lacking from my diet. Raw food, the doc explained, will make you so much healthier. Fresh lean meat and some veggies.
So after reading more, I knew exactly what I needed. What is fresher and leaner than the cocks of young men? I was drooling as I set off to do a little “hunting.” Boys are sooo easy.
You were hanging at the library. A real geeky sort. I knew I could easily take you home with me. What could beat the freshness of a high school geek? I bet you were a virgin. Too bad you won’t live long enough to get that first poke into a pussy. You sure aint sampling mine.
To make my story short, like your little cock, let me get to the “point.” You responded to my offer of a ride home and a kiss. I took you straight to my favorite hide-a-way. I’m sure you were expecting something else when I told you how badly I needed your cock. It’s a shame that your talented mind was outwitted by your throbbing fuck stick.
I tied you up, placed your cock on the chopping block. You laughed at first but they quickly tuned to sobs as you begged me to spare you. Oh, I will let you live. You didn’t need your tiny dicklet anyway. No woman would’ve looked at you twice. Loser. You sure will make a pretty butt buddy for someone though.
Your cock was delicious, BTW. I think I really like this new diet. There is so much variety, just like the doctor said. Mmmmmm, Chinese sounds really good tonight.