Mutilation phone sex is something I excel at for a reason. The little fairy tales I play with you are all based off of the evil things I’ve done. You need to understand that I’m a sadistic bitch straight from the depths of hell, and nothing makes my ghoulish cunt wetter than mutilating a useless meat sack with a flaying knife.That’s the weapon of my choice.
I was hunting in the early hours as an absolute favorite treat of mine is the capture of joggers. Be fucking real, no one willingly puts themselves through the hell that is running unless they love to be tortured. I always pull the same stunt. I act injured, posing as a fellow jogger. I beg to use their cell phone. When those pathetic fucks hand it over, I smash it with a hard stomp; they’re lucky it wasn’t their head! I overpower them in an instant, catching them off guard, and slipping a syringe into an artery so they go night night until it’s really play time.
This is the part I get my inspiration for our mutilation phone sex sessions. I take my new toys home, and put them in my special playroom. The one I caught this morning was a nice, strong handsome one. He had tried to take advantage of me when he found me hurt. Bad move, pig. I pulled out my fish flaying knife, and circle my catch. I’m naked, rubbing my cunt to the thought of what was in store for him. He woke up screaming as I peeled away strip after strip of skin from his back.
Yeah, I was going to skin him alive for trying to violate mine. Piece by piece I took him apart, avoiding arteries and major organs. When I finished cutting him to pieces, to the point he was still breathing and barely bleeding, I sprayed that motherfucking rack of ribs down with a saltwater bath. His screams were sweet music to my ears.
I kept him like that for three days, until his pathetic wimperings became irksome. I left him in a room with two dozen hungry rats. I’d be back in a week to collect my sweet pets while I pick my teeth with his bones. Do you understand why I love mutilation phone sex now? I’m a true sadistic bitch.