Category: Taboo phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex Whores Can Be Your Human Garbage Disposals

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex whores enjoy being your cum dumpsters. Well, we almost always do. I hooked up with a dealer the other night who wanted me to work for those party supplies I enjoy so much. And I never mind working for my coke. But I did not truly understand what he meant when he said I would be his human garbage disposal.

When we arrived back at his place, I discovered he invited a small army of friends over. In my head, I pictured a rough gang bang with all my holes filled at once. Honestly, I had no idea what I was in for when I saw all those men waiting for me. Of course, I thought gangbang rape porn. But that was not the case at all. These men did not want their cocks inside my skank old holes. That is what he told me. Even though I tried to tell these guys that I was a clean whore, no one listened to me.

A Good Whore Licks Up all the Cum and Piss

They just swarmed me jacking off their cocks. Do you know how much cum 50 men can produce? Enough to drown a skanky druggy whore like me. I looked like Carrie at the prom. But instead of being doused in pig blood, those men doused me in their cum. Big chunks of sperm covered my eyes. I could not even open my eyes because the jizz felt so heavy on my eyelids.

Suddenly, I felt cocks smacking me in the face. When I could not open my eyes, some of the men began pissing in my face. They wanted me to see their cocks. To see them humiliating me. In that moment, I felt like a garbage disposal. Someone forced my head on the ground to begin licking up cum and piss. By the end of our time, I felt sick from all the cum and piss I consumed. And I wondered if any other snuff porn stars ever consumed so much bodily fluid before.

Torture phone sex


I’ve grappled with the unsettling suspicion that something might be amiss within me, a whisper of insanity beneath the surface. Despite the facade of a perfect life and the accolades of beauty, I perpetually viewed myself as unattractive. A pivotal moment arrived when an odd sense of beauty emerged, not from an injury, but from a deeper source within.Torture phone sex

Rather than seeking aid, I reveled in the peculiar pleasure of the pain, immersing myself in a dark realm of self-discovery. This twisted journey propelled me to intentionally inflict pain for gratification, masked as mere clumsiness to the outside world. The desire swelled, morphing into an insatiable yearning for external torment and torture. My pursuit of pleasure transformed into an unquenchable thirst for someone to fulfill my darkest fantasies, even if it meant plunging into the abyss of non-existence. Inextricably entwined in this forbidden kink, I yearn for the creation of a sinister playground, where extreme taboos and dreadful conclusions reign supreme, bringing my ultimate, horrifying fantasies to life.

Necrophilia phone sex is now my favorite play time!

Necrophilia phone sexNecrophilia phone sex is now my favorite play time! I know some people might find our desires disturbing, but to me, there is nothing more arousing than a cold, lifeless body. The thought of being intimate with a corpse gets my heart racing and my pussy dripping. And I know you feel the same way.

There’s just something about the lifelessness of the body, the stillness, the lack of response, that makes my carnal instincts kick into overdrive. It’s like a forbidden fruit that I just can’t resist. And let me tell you, I’ve had my fair share of experiences with corpses. But it’s not as easy as just finding a dead body and having your way with it. No, it takes a certain finesse and skill to truly enjoy necrophilia.

I love them in all kinds of conditions. Fresh meat is always delicious but one month in the grave, twisted and half-decayed, so damn sexy and sweet. The scent of decay seeps from her genital cavity. Gets my pussy gushing! You, my dear, seem like you have what it takes. That’s why I’m inviting you to join me in my sick desires. Just the thought of it already has me tingling with excitement. 

I want to share with you all of my fantasies, all of the ways I get creative with the dead. I want to hear your desires, your fantasies, and together we will make them a reality. Let’s get nasty and freaky with the dead, my love. Trust me, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of a cold, lifeless body against your hot, throbbing skin.

So what do you say? Let’s have some hot torture sex with our favorite playmates – the dead. Come and join me in this deliciously twisted world of necrophilia. I promise you, it will be an experience you won’t soon forget. Call me, baby, and let’s get naughty together.


Domination Phone Sex with Some CBT Because You are a Loser

domination phone sexDo you need domination phone sex? I find that many men do. Now, I am a sexy switch. I can be submissive if you are a real man. But some tiny dick loser no longer gets to dominate me. I am almost 40 and I have decided that I like being worshiped and spoiled. But only real men get to do that. Sometimes, I think a man is a real man, but then I find out I was wrong.

Charlie and I had a wonderful date on Friday, but when we got back to his place, I discovered his cock was no bigger than my pinky finger. Hell, no. I laughed. And he tried to punch me. But I was not in the mood to let this loser beat me up. I do not want anyone to beat me up. Not anymore. But I can defend myself well.

I Defend Myself with CBT like Castration

I kicked him in the balls. My stiletto shoe brought him to his knees. Since I enjoy cock and ball torture sex, I decided to trample his worthless pecker. He cried out like a little bitch as I did a dance on his worthless wiener. He had it coming to him. I mean who tries to punch a woman in the #MeToo era? A loser who deserves to be castrated. Although I have never chopped a guy’s nuggets off, I fantasize about it all the time. This loser’s dick and nuggets were so minuscule that my stiletto shoe alone could castrate him.

So, I used a little force with my heel. Dug it in deep then rocked my food back and forth until I severed one nugget. While he writhed around in pain and bled, I took care of the other testicle too. I filmed it. Everything, even him trying to punch me. A nanny cam keeps me safe and gives me security from worthless men like Charlie. He gave me enough info on our date to know how to find him at work. A high public official like himself might loose everything if he was caught trying to assault a woman.

I was simply defending myself with castration phone sex. And I will do it again too.

Snuff Movies Act Like Foreplay for This Sick Bitch

snuff moviesDo you watch snuff movies and get off? I knew I was a twisted freak when I would masturbate to horror movies like Hostel. The thought of torturing people for pleasure made my cunt drip.  However, I am not your typical sick bitch. I never torture animals. Nature is kind to me. The wild animals that live in the woods around my kill shack help me dispose of the evidence. How could I hurt or kill my best accomplices.

Some man hired me to kill his neighbor’s dog. And I took the job knowing I would never kill that dog. However, I would kill the client. He’s a wuss. I mean he wanted to assassinate a dog because it barks at him. Although I have no doubt, he could have killed the dog himself, I think he hired me, so he had an alibi. But I was not killing that dog.

Animals Make the Best Accomplices for a Sick Bitch

However, I did meet the dog and decided I needed to kill two men. The dog’s abusive owner and the tool who hired me. So, I liberated the pup and he now lives with me. Sweetest pup ever. I took care of the abusive owner first. But I could not lure him away, so I killed him in his home. I disguised myself, broke into his house and made him my snuff porn star. Stabbed him over 100 times. Little carefully place cuts so he would slowly bleed out. I chopped his cock off and brought it home for a treat for the pup.

It’s no secret that I like animals more than people. However, I had to disinfect myself after that kill. The loser was a hoarder. The house looked like something in a horror film. The asshat who hired me, I lured to my cabin in the woods for final payment and a toast to a completed job. I let my new dog kill him. All I said was, “Sick balls,” and he did. Tore his junk off while I gutted him like a pig. My new pup ate his entrails while he was still breathing. How awful would it be to watch your dog eat your guts as you take your last breath?

I Will Kill Anyone Who Abuses an Animal

But the doggie was not the only one feeding off his dying body. I tossed him out in the snow and let the wildlife finish him off. Now, I have another accomplice phone sex partner. A beautiful and loyal Rottweiler. No one will kill this pup, or I will go John Wick on their ass. Any loser who mistreats an animal or tries to kill one, will be the one who dies.  

Fantasy Phone Sex Calls Should Be Dark and Violent with This Mommy Whore

fantasy phone sexFantasy phone sex can be extreme, and even violent. I may come off as a nice suburban soccer mom, but I have dark fantasies. And I have a drug problem that gets me into trouble often. But I do not see it as a problem really. I see it is unleashing my inner nasty freak. Coke makes me bold and adventurous. Even though I know it gets me into precarious situations too.

I met a man online who wanted to party. He said I did not need money if I had pussy. So, I invited him over. My husband is out of town on work business. And my sons were sound asleep. My boys know mommy likes to party. The guy showed up with party favors. But he had a couple of friends with him too. They wanted to make a gangbang rape porn.

This Party Mom Just Did a Line and Let Them Have Their Way with Me

Now, I told them I just wanted to party. But I made the mistake of telling them my sons were asleep and I did not want a party. That was me bad. They searched the house for my boys and pulled them out of bed to watch their whore mother get gang banged. I apologized to my boys and told them to just go someplace else in their heads until it was all over.

But this man wanted my sons fucking me with him and his friends. I tried to protest, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. And to my surprise, my teen boys did not want to help mommy. They wanted to fuck mommy with a bunch of strangers. Clearly, I was outnumbered. So, I did a line of cock and let my party guy, his friends and my two teen sons run a train on me.

I think they hoped I would protest more since they were forcing me to take all their cocks. But the coke kicked in and I am a taboo phone sex whore after all.

Snuff porn made on Harpers Lolita Kill Farm

Snuff pornSnuff porn made on Harpers Lolita Kill Farm is my biggest seller! Men love to set an evil bitch up for the rest of her life buying copies! There are way too many crotch goblins these days. Therefore it is almost ridiculous how easy it is to get poor littles to my kill farm! 

Unfortunately, too many innocent girls are not being taken advantage of by these evil men. So, it’s up to me to gather the cutest and sweetest lolitas for my men to destroy! My slit is not too much bigger than my widdle pre-whores I have gathered here. No one will miss them. I promise your p-daddy killer cock. Just let me wrap my hands around skinny throats until little heads flop! 

Snuff porn made on Harpers Lolita Kill Farm

Strangulation phone sex brings you the best teen killer and brat abuser!  The girls will be begging for mercy, but they won’t get it. They’ll be screaming in pain and then they’ll be silenced forever. This is your ultimate fantasy come true.  I am the snuff teen who gets really fucking vile for you down on the farm! 

looking Snuff fantasies with more girls and milfs? Visit dirty girls! 

Accomplice Phone Sex Lets Me Turn Your Daughter into Your Sex Slave

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex fills my void. I have a good man in my life. Well, I have a few good men. I have a job I love and a few side hustles that keep me living a life of luxury. But I am not married, and I do not have brats. I am getting closer to 40 every day, so brats might not be in my future. However, I do get to pretend to be mommy often when I kidnap some young girl for a man like you.

Over the weekend, a daddy approached me for help with training his daughter. Unlike most of my side hustle guys, he did not want to snuff this one out. Instead, he wanted to turn his daughter into the perfect sex slave. And he thought a mommy around could help with that. This is an ongoing gig for which he will pay me handsomely for a few weekly sessions.

I Can Train Your Daughter to Be Your Sex Slave

Most daddies have rape phone sex fantasies for their baby girls. And I know because my dad did. But he acted on every one of his fantasies. And you can too. But you might need an accomplice like me. I love to train brats for home use. After I aged out for my last master, I trained a new posse of young girls to be his sex slaves.

Our first session went moderately well. The girl resisted daddy’s dick at first. I think she was just scared, so I trained her with a strapon. Most girls of a certain age feel fearful of big dicks. They have never seen one before. And they do not know what they are supposed to do with one. But a taboo whore like me can show them the way. I took daddy’s dick in all my holes. Then I let her mimic me with my strapon before she tried my tricks on daddy’s dick.

She still seemed sacred, so I gave her a little molly and she relaxed enough to take daddy’s dick. She is a long way from being a teen rape porn star. But that is why daddy hired me. I can turn a scared young girl into daddy’s fuck princess with a few lessons. Perhaps you have a little slut we can train too?

Evil phone sex slut Stephanie

evil phone sex

Stephanie the evil phone sex slut can’t wait to entertain a sick fuck like you with my stories of being a torturous whore. Nothing is off limits when you have a fucked up slut like me as your accomplice. I’ve snuffed out entire families before, all for the pleasure of men that I barely knew. I’m a horribly twisted bitch looking for an evil daddy to serve. I have a buffet of victims for you to choose from and just got some new ones, as well. I just took a new job as a housekeeper in some bougie neighborhood full of overly trusting assholes. They handed me a key to their house and blank check but they have no idea what hiring me is going to cost them. I didn’t give a fuck about the money, I was just looking for new victims and who better than some rich, snobby fucks? No one ever suspects the sweet, little maid but I’m the one who went around and unlocked every window in the house today. I’ll be the one sneaking in with my Master late tonight and going room to room, snuffing out the little brats before moving on to the parents. I don’t give a fuck to sneak quietly either. I want to get caught so that I can tie up the parents and force them to watch while I’m gutting their tiny, precious brats. We’ll gut them and then I’ll hold them open so that Master can ram his cock into their little limp bodies. Forcing the parents to eat the organs of their slain and mutilated offspring gets me so fucking hot and wet! I won’t be able to stop myself from rubbing my cunt and laughing in their faces while I suck their brats blood off of Master’s hard dick. Anyone out there as evil as I am and want to play dirty tonight??

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Run Amuck in a Tech Savvy World

murder phone sex fantasiesMurder phone sex fantasies run amuck in times like these. I blame social media and smart phones. In this sort of instant world, we have created with everything at our fingertips and a Siri question away, no one has patience anymore. Also, some folks feel emblazoned to say whatever the fuck they want in a text or a comment. They falsely think there will be no repercussions if they do not say what they think to your face.

Not me. This sadistic bitch makes a note of everyone who offends me, and I get my revenge eventually. I have exchanged blows with this one tool for almost a year in a mutual group we belong to. However, he does not live near me. So, I was not sure if my killer phone sex fantasies would ever come true. But dreams do come true when you are patient.

I stalk his social media pages looking for trips he takes for work. And finally, he was nearby. About three hours away. Dumbass posted where he was staying and all his favorite bars and places to eat. Social media makes it easy to stalk your prey. Since he has no clue what I look like or even my real name, it was easy to trap him. I just acted like a woman who wanted to fuck him. Most men let the thought of sex rule their brains over common sense.

Venus Always Gets to Kill Her Man Eventually

I disguised my looks, and when we were back in his hotel room, I gave him a shot of Fentanyl. Just a little bit to subdue him and prevent him from screaming when I carved him up. I do not often kill anywhere but my kill shack, so I had to plan this out carefully, so I did not get caught. But I am a good planner. I knew where the cameras were in the hotel ahead of time, so I could hide my face from them.

Castration phone sex in a hotel room is never ideal, but this bully of a man needed a lesson learned. And since he lives on the opposite coast, I did not have any other choice but to do it this way. I guess he is a lightweight because he never woke up. I did still cut off his cock and his balls, but I did not gut him like a pig. Too much of a risk I would cut myself in the process and leave some DNA behind.

When you take a man’s family jewels the kill looks personal. So, they look at ex-girlfriends first. I have no connection to this loser. I traveled 3 hours to kill him. And I disguised myself. He did die. Not sure if it was from shock and blood loss or from the Fentanyl. But I do not care. He is dead. This marked the first time I killed a man and left the body behind. Normally I get rid of all the evidence. But the loser is dead, and I can rejoice. Now, to work on the other assholes who made my naughty list. Perhaps, you are on my list.