Category: Taboo phone sex

The X has got me Rolling

Twenty minutes ago I hated you and was fighting to get out of this room. You’re an old disgusting perverted old man and I know you’ve been wanting to do things to my tight little cunt since the day you became the janitor at my school. Something has changed. I remember you knocking me over the stairwell in the hallway at school and then I woke up here in this shithole you must call home. Stripped down to nearly nothing. My head was hurting and oddly enough you offered me Tylenol… hey wait a second… those weren’t Tylenol were they??

I feel hot and tingly all over and I just want to fuck the shit out of you. You slipped me some X and now im rolling hard and the music seems like its beating in my mind making you sexier by the moment. I can look at you and know how fucking sick you are for wanting to rape my ass here in your filthy house, but my pussy is wet and throbbing and needs cock so bad I can hardly control myself. My heart is pounding and I lay back on the bed in an attempt to seduce you! I am aware of what I am doing, but I can’t help myself.

snuff phone sex taylor
You pull your cock out and smile at me with your nearly toothless grin. Normally so disgusting, but now I just want that stinky mouth down between my legs and sucking my clit. As I feel your slimy teeth and slobbery tongue begin eating my tight pussy, my stomach turns but then I feel the butterflies of orgasm rush over me. You slap my face with your cock and I just want to suck it even though it already smells like someone else’s pussy. As I take it balls deep, I wonder how many of us girls you drug and violate like this. The thought just turns me on even more and I am powerless to your concoction of lust. We fuck all day and night and you offer me two more pills… I can’t refuse…

Taboo Phone Sex: Pig Roast

Taboo phone sex brings out the cannibalism factor in many when they attend my big bash tonight. In store for the cannibalism phone sex scene we have a plump piggy in need of oiling, seasoning and slow roasting over hot coals.

The big bash tonight is hosted by yours truly and I have something extra special in store. I have this annoying fucking piece of shit land lady and she has pushed her fat ass too far into my business to be allowed to live. This fucking piggy is going to get just what she deserves. I set her up to have a couple of my biker studs flirt with her and lure her to a beach front cottage. While she is unaware of what is about to happen she actually believes these two want to fuck her piggy cunt.

They get her stripped and start rubbing her juicy fat limbs with avocado oil with some herbs de province and garlic mixed in. Her fat fleshy cunt is going to be stuffed all right but not by the kind of sausages she is expecting. Ring me up to hear all about this bash!

Taboo phone Sex 0


Gothic Phone Sex Bitch Loves Behead Execution Snuff Porn

gothic phone sex knife tortureGothic phone sex means you are looking for darker fantasies. I’m not a vanilla phone sex whore. I don’t deliver GFE fantasies, unless your perfect girl is a knife wielding anti social sadistic bitch. You don’t watch the Notebook with me. I’m more into behead execution snuff porn. I want to see blood. I want to see stupid ass whores running around with their heads cut off. Sometimes though finding a real good snuff porn is hard to find. They all look so staged and the blood is fake looking. But if I’m your sidekick, I will suggest we just make our own movie. Just need a bitch you hate, or maybe some stray we find on the side of the road. I will bring my camera and my knife collection and we will have ourselves a party. Think of all the fun we can have torturing a stupid cunt first. Slicing off tits, labia lips, her clit, before we behead her and see if she still runs around! The sick shit we can do to a worthless whore is endless. I know I have a lots of bitches and a few bastards I’d love to see in homemade snuff movies.

behead execution snuff porn

You Make Me All Nipply

taboo phone sex angieHer breasts were just to perky and pink for me to not have some fun with them. Her perfect body stretched out in an X formation, arms raised high above her head and bound by the wrists, her legs spread with a bar. Tears streaming down her face, she had long since stopped crying out and was sobbing, resigned to what ever fate I may have in store for her. Using every means at my disposal I have invaded every inch of her body making it mine. She has whelp marks on her fair skin with drops of blood creeping out of her skin. Her tight holes ave been filled with things that she never thought would ever be there and I have sucked her beautiful tits so far in my mouth they are a sore as a lactating mother’s. Now it is time for her to taste those nipples. Her tits, lovely as they are, are not big enough for me to put in her mouth Running my silver blade across her skin and bringing goose bumps to her flesh I tell her it will only hurt a little. I slice that pretty nipple right off and slide it between her lips, letting her taste all the goodness of her flesh. 

Taboo Phone Sex with a Crossbow

taboo phone sexI needed some extra cash, so I went against my nature and took a temp job in an office. I am not the kind of girl who plays well with others. I run with scissors aimed at people. I don’t fit the look, and I certainly don’t play the part of a secretary. Very hard for me to fake like I enjoy people. But, it was a week gig for some pretty good money, so I thought I could suck it up. Wrong. People’s voices got on my nerves. The constant stupid ass banter about Facebook and Twitter and whose marriage was in trouble and who was eating where. Who the fuck cares? People take a shit and they post in on their social media pages so people will know when they took a dump and how much it weighed. People need a life. The water cooler losers needed snuffed or tortured, especially the men.

castration phone sex The male office asshats were sexually harassing the Goth temp. That shit needed more than a seminar in respecting women to nip in the bud so to speak. I’m a take matters into my own hands kind of bitch anyway. I Macgyvered a little crossbow with pens, pencils, rubber bands and clips. Mixed a little drug compound that would make my targets loopy, practiced my aim from under a desk, then shot up some testicles like a hunter. I’m an evil genius. The pen would not stay lodged in their worthless nut sack. It would be like a small prick sensation (appropriate). They’d adjust the balls, go to the parking garage or the men’s bathroom where I would follow them with my big ass knife. Men with small pricks who harass women don’t deserve their balls. There are lots of reasons to castrate men, but the truth for me is that it is fucking fun as hell. Really gets me wet.

Suddenly this temp job was looking up. Any time I can castrate a man, I’m in heaven. I love removing junk.  I’d lurk at my desk like Wednesday Addams, shooting the balls of the male employees with my make shift crossbow, torture phone sex castration bitchthen stalk them to where they went next for some junk removal. When I remove the balls of a worthless piece of shit, it commands respect; it commands fear. They look me right in the eyes as I slice off their testicles, take a soldering pen to the spot to stop the bleeding and laugh. They cry, whimper, apologize, beg, but never rat me out. Too embarrassing to admit that the creepy ass temp chick took their balls because they fondled her inappropriately. I will take your junk too if you look at me funny. But they are on best behavior in the office afterwards because they know I will take their dick next. I have a collection of balls in a mason jar in my desk to remind me that no one messes with Venus, unless Venus wants to be messed.

domination phone sex

Ass Rape Porn & Strangulation Snuff Porn Sites

ass rape pornAss rape porn whores like me are good submissive fuck pigs. I understand that each Master of mine has unusual kinks and fetishes. It is my duty to cater to them all. The one I hooked up with last night was into erotic asphyxiation. Have you ever tried it? I love breath play. Having my oxygen cut off as I am cumming gives me the most intense orgasm ever. Master was fucking me in the ass while choking me. I got light headed, giddy, dizzy and wet as fuck. As Master was force fucking my ass and crushing my wind pipe, my pussy was leaking cum like a faucet. Cum was gushing down my legs. I could feel my eyes bulging. I am pretty sure my eyes went bloodshot from the pressure of his hands. It an amazing orgasm for me, and he gets off on the torture and pain. For my cruel master it is a sexy thought to know he could kill me by crushing my windpipe.

Master was not losing his grip on my throat after I came. He was lost in the good feeling of choking me. He said he had been surfing strangulation snuff porn sites all day for how to increase the danger, increase my pleasure. Anything more dangerous always gets this pain slut wet. He dragged me into the bedroom, tossed me on his bed and took off his belt. He wrapped it around my neck as he fucked my ass from behind. He had the belt so tight around my jugular I couldn’t breathe. I was getting faint, really dizzy. There was no air coming in. I started to fight. Claw at the belt so he would let go, but he just clenched it tighter until I blacked out.

strangulation snuff porn sitesI woke up this morning with a huge purple bruise across my throat. Finger marks on my neck. Bloodshot eyes. Veins popped on my head. Bags under my eyes. Bruises all over my body. Cum running out my ass. I even peed my bed. My voice is hoarse today and I need medical attention. I want more strangulation phone sex. Please choke me.

Taboo Phone Sex Whore for Ass Rape Porn

taboo phone sex whoreTaboo phone sex whores who make snuff porn movies are in high demand. I answered an ad on the Back Pages for a killer film production. The pay was great and as usual, I needed money to party. I’ve done all sorts of staged violent films. I end up pretty black and blue, even bloody, but I heal. This film was supposedly an ass rape porn. I’m considered the queen of anal sex movies. I can take anything up my ass from baseball bats to broken bottles. I do anything for party money and the folks in my city know that very well.

When I showed up for the shoot, the director immediately tied me up. No script was provided, which honestly scared me a bit. Everyone in the industry, even underground directors, use a script of some , sort. He told me I had no lines; my job was just to look scared and scream a lot. That would be easy. I was nervous. Once, he started using my body as a punching bag and strangling me, well the screams were real. There were several men circling me. Punch after punch I grew weaker, but that was nothing compared to the brutal torture my ass took.

Ass rape pornBaseball bats, fists, guns, wine bottles, hammers, jagged rocks…all got shoved up my ass as I was being skull fucked. I was regretting this gig. I could feel blood running down my ass. When they were done, they made me bend over so they could fuck my prolapsed ass back inside. It didn’t work. My ass was hanging from the inside out. They all sucked on it like a pacifier too. I realized soon, there was no camera anywhere. When I asked about what kind of film this was and when I would be paid, they kicked me and spit on me, the director even pissed in my face. “Stupid whore. No movie. No money. This was just us having fun with a worthless fucking pig,” the supposed director said to me as he tossed me out on to the street. I never seem to learn. I guess desperation makes me stupid.

Let’s go old school

bloody phone sexBored and tired of snuffing all the same dumb idiots the same boring way? Yeah, me too. Let’s take things back to 1892 and go on a Lizzie Borden rampage. My choice of weapon this time; an ax – ready to chop and hack away at whatever pathetic slut that gets in my fucking way. I wanted to have the perfect killing, just like Lizzie Borden so I started my research. I read all about the things she had done, my pussy started to get wet. I scrolled down on Wikipedia, and that’s when I came across an anonymously written skipping-rope rhyme sung to the tune of the then-popular song Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay. I started to rub my cunt as I read it,

 “Lizzie Borden took an ax

And gave her mother forty whacks.

When she saw what she had done,

She gave her father forty-one.”

My cunt was practically dripping, I felt the need so bad, I wanted it, I needed it so fucking bad. I closed my laptop and grabbed my ax, and my hatchet for good measure. I watched from across the street of the local park, looking for the piece of shit who’s head I was going to bash in. My cunt was throbbing hard, I decided to pick the young slutty looking Mom. No one cares about this fucking whore anyway. I followed her she went to her car, parked away from everyone else. One hit to the back of the head and that bitch was out. I shoved her into the trunk and took her out of town…to one of my favorite places. She was awake when I stopped…kicking and screaming. I opened the trunk ready as she tried to jump and run I slammed my ax down onto her head…no mercy, no explanation. She fell back, the blood flowing and I started hacking…

I die, They cheer…

Bloody phone sex

So I was lost in this big foreign city while I was hitchhiking across europe. I couldn’t read any of the signs cause it was all in another language. My friends had all split, leaving me on my own in the dark. I was heading down a street when this guy came up to me. He asked me if I was lost and I nodded. Just my luck that he knew english. He told me he was taking me some place I could rest and then he’d help take me back to my friends in the morning. It wasn’t safe in the dark, there were creatures out. Crazy old world crap. LOL Like there are monsters and such.

The place he took me was some kind of theater and we went in the back where I got to meet many of his friends. Lovely folks in costumes as they were putting on a show this evening. They said I could watch. So setting my stuff down, I moved to the side stage behind the curtains to watch. It was a little silly as they were all pretending they were playing vampires or something like that. Then I felt someone grab my wrist and they pulled me out onto the stage.

The lights were blinding for a moment as my clothes were ripped from my body. They were saying something about a sacrifice and a feeding. A group of them surrounded my body. I cried out for help from the crowd, but they laughed as they thought I was part of the show. Then I felt teeth. Looking to my wrist, there was the guy that had pulled me off the street, he had sunk his teeth into my wrist and was drinking it. Then someone else bit into my skin and I cried out. More teeth, more pain as they drank from me till I started getting cold and shaking. These vampire freaks were draining me dry… to the sound of people laughing and clapping..

Obedience Training Part Two

Taboo Phone SexOnce you finally allowed me to devour your tasty cream, I regained a little strength.

The more you fed me, the stronger I would become some for the next few days you would continue to tease me, letting me suck on that hard meat, wanting the warm milk that would cum out, needing it! But you would always wait until the last desperate throat pounding of the day before you would finally unload all of my protein shake in my tired hungry mouth!

I knew you owned me and that you could easily just let me starve. That part of my training was complete.

I lived to serve you.

The next day you have me dressed in black latex. The out fit does not cover anything!

My nipples hang as I crawl on all fours and my ass and pussy are exposed.

I am fitted with a collar and a leash and you advise me that we are going for a walk!

As you walk the streets, I crawl by your side as everyone stares.

You ask a stranger if he wants to pet your bitch and I can see the bulge in his pants grow fatter!Accomplice Phone Sex

You order me to show him my cunt so I lower my bare tits to the cold pavement and stick my exposed ass in the air. I pull my pussy lips apart showing how warm and pink it is inside.

I look at you for approval and you pat my head and tell me I am a good girl while the stranger slams his hard cock inside my tight cunt!

He is fucking me so hard that my knees are scarped and bloody from the pavement and I start to cry! You give my ass a few hard slaps while the stranger continues to force his meat in my cunt!

My tight pussy is sore and gaping and the man finally pulls out and shoots his load on the side walk in front of my face!

I devour my earned treat, like a mutt jumping at a bone, licking every once of the ground as people pass by!

You looked at me and told me I was a good girl! I knew this was only the beginning of our obedience training and I was so excited to please you!

I knew I would be getting a nice treat when we got home!