Category: Taboo phone sex

Snuff Porn

snuff pornThis new guy I am fucking was like so, “Wanna make a snuff porn?” He knows I am a submissive whore, so I never say no. I like the idea of pretending to die on film. It really is all about angle and lighting. I can control my breathing well to give the appearance of death. I had my ass on his cock looking right at the camera begging to be snuffed out. He was pounding my ass so hard you would have thought he wanted to make an ass rape porn. As his cock assaulted my back door, his hands tightened around my throat. My eyes started to bug out. I could feel myself suffocating. It was hard to not fight him. I really thought he was just getting carried away with method acting, but I passed out from lack of oxygen. He kept fucking my ass hard because it jolted me awake. I could see from the little window on the camera that my throat was purple from his grip on my throat. My ass too. Apparently he was holding on to my ass cheeks so hard as he anally tortured me, it left bruises. This felt too real. I started to get off of his cock but he put both hands around my neck like he was wringing a chicken’s neck. He violently thrust me down on his cock while strangling me. I felt a windpipe crush and blood fill up in my throat. As I started to gag on my own blood, he pushed me off his dick, onto the floor and shot his load over my face as he kicked me in the belly repeatedly. “Smile for the camera you dead stupid whore,” he said as he spit on me. I certainly felt dead.

Snuff sex and snuff fantasy porn what could be better?

snuff sexIt’s easy to think about; hard to resist the snuff fantasy porn you want so badly. There’s nothing wrong with the want, the need to snuff all these little sluts out. Make them the stars of our snuff porn. They love it, can’t you see? Kinda hard to see with all that blood, with her chocking on your cock…hard to see through her tears and all that cum. What a nasty little whore, she had it coming – she wanted to act like a whore so we’ll treat her like a whore. Tear her down and use her, cut her up and lay her in her own blood and cum. All before we kill the bitch, done with her. She needs to be used though, fuck her holes raw and make her beg for it. She’ll beg so hard, thinking she actually has a chance. We’ll laugh and my pussy will be dripping wet watching you slam your cock into her ass. Fuck this slut like she nasty piece of shit she is, but once it’s time we’re going to fuck her to death and I will record, the whole thing. Fuck her hard, thrust your cock into her wet bloody pussy, feel her warm against you and I’ll slit her throat… she won’t even see it coming. You will though and you’ll cum deep inside her pussy as she bleeds out right there, helpless as they always are.

snuff fantasy porn

Goth teen phone sex

Goth teen phone sex

These little fuckers are going to come soon. Begging for candy. I’ll be my normal Goth teen phone sex whore. Tricking these fucking ankle biters who are all alone in to the house. They will never leave again. I need someone who can help me hold these fuckers down. I need someone with a big thick cock. I am gonna rip their teeth out of their fucking mouth and shove your cock down their fucking tiny throats. With your cock choking that fucking bitch, I am going to start slicing her open. I want to see what a heart looks like as its beating. I want to cover you with her warm blood. I want to watch her suffer and slowly slip away. I want you to fuck her lifeless body. Fill her up with your warm cum. Then take your bloody cock and fuck me on top of her lifeless body. Roll me around in her blood and fill my cunt up.

Necrophilia phone sex

Torture Sex Girl Loves Gore Snuff Porn

torture sex knife playTorture sex gets me off. I’m not a vanilla girl. Ever since I was a little thing, I have been obsessed with gore snuff porn. The bloodier the better. I would watch movies like “Last House on the Left,” “Faces of Death,” and “I Spit on Your Grave,” and masturbate. No Disney films for this girl. Now, thanks to modern technology, I can watch snuff movies on my computer. I can even make them. I learn from horror movies like “Saw,” and “Hostel,” how to brutalize folks. This bitch from high school suddenly reappeared in my life. I had no use for her then, and I had no use for her now. She was in recovery and working on some silly steps. Thought she could show up unannounced and apologize for her mistreatment of me in school. I offered her a special brownie, which rendered her incapacitated for a bit. She woke up in my basement tied up. My camera was rolling, my assortment of torture devices laid out in front of her. She tried to apologize, beg for forgiveness. A little too late. I got sick of hearing her talk, so I put a chainsaw in her mouth. No one knew she was there. There has been no communication between us for a decade. She would just be another missing girl no one would look hard to find. I’m sure you know plenty of bitches who think more of themselves than anyone else does.

gore snuff pornI let her plead for a bit; watched her cry, then I turned on the chainsaw and watched the blood spurt. I watched her face dissolve. I filmed her tortuous death. My pussy got wet hearing her scream, watching her twitch, seeing her bleed. Her sinew splattered my walls. I filmed every moment of it for instant download on my snuff porn podcast. I have quite a fan base. Folks think my movies look so real. There is a reason for that. Because they are. Who would you want to star in my next killer production?

Medical Fetish Role Play

Taboo phone sexEveryone has their own twisted little kink.  For Myself, I am one Huge Twisted Kink all knotted up into one Person.  I like it that way.  For some a kink goes way beyond wearing leather and playing around with fuzzy handcuffs.  These are the ones I wish to spend My time with, in real life as well as on the phone.  Not only do those with whom I entertain have a wonderful time, but I do as well.

One of My personal Fetishes outside of the world of Phone Sex is the Medical Fetish.  I adore it!  Although exams, and check up play is fun, I enjoy the more pain educing Medical Fetish play.  Not pain for Me mind you, but inflicting pain on others.  There is nothing more satisfying then strapping someone in a Gyno chair, shoving a Double Ratchet Mouth Gag in and watching as the victim, er, person tries ever so hard to swallow their own spit.  Delicious.   Of course there are other things to be used, for example: Catheters, Bar Rectal Speculums, Auvard Weighted Speculums, Anal Retractors, Anal Hole Spreaders, Sounds, Tens Units, and Dissecting Kits. Those are just a few, there are many many more instruments that can be used, however, those are some of my favorites. 

To watch the body shutter, watch as the penis becomes erect, or the clit engorges despite the pain makes it orgasmic for Me.  I want to see tears, I want to see marks, I want to be the best Sadistic Nurse/Doctor I can be.  For Me this is a great night of play, one in which I do not get to enjoy often.  However, when I do, My patients leave satisfied and worse off then when they came into My office, and that is just the way the B/both of U/us like it.

Medical fetish phone sex

All Hallows Eve Madness

taboo phone sex angie1

This Halloween will bring an end to her madness. I have had her for some time now and she has gone mad. Watching her sanity slowly slip away has been a journey of erotic satisfaction for me. She has gotten loose in the basement and I had to chain the door shut. Listening to her wail and chant incoherently has been the catalyst for many days and nights of hot masturbation, making me cum very hard. It has also given me time to plan the perfect snuff ending for my insane little prisoner. I love when she pushes the trap door of the basement open and stares at me with her wild eyes and filthy face chanting that she is coming for me. What she doesn’t know is the clock is ticking and her time is almost up. On All Hallows Eve when the moon is high and the night is dark I am letting her out of the basement through the outside entrance. As she is flailing and chanting in the cool crisp air I am going to pull out my cross bow and systematically hunt her down. Legs first rendering her immobile. As I let my arrows fly, hitting strategically to cause her pain, I will become weak from the intense orgasms that her end will bring me. The shrill of her insane screaming will fill the night air and bring the juices flowing from my cunt.

snuff phone sex angie

Don’t take candy from strangers

Snuff phone sex

Did your parents ever tell you to not take candy from strangers? Did your mommy and daddy take your candy away to check it before you ate any of it? You never know what might be in it. Tiny needles that will tear up your insides. Maybe some poison in your candy apples. Or razor blades in your chocolate. If you come to my house on Halloween you won’t make it out. Parents don’t keep track of their monsters so when a few go missing no one knows where they went. I keep mine. I fatten them up, I shave their young bodies. They aren’t too young but not old. I use them as props in my decor. This year is the Bloody butcher shop. Half eaten human arms, legs and feet. No one notices that they are real. They just think it is part of all the fun and scare of Halloween. When really I have the rest of their bodies roasting in the oven. I need to get my appitizers just right for my up coming Halloween party.

Cannibalism phone sex

Snuff Porn Victim Beat Unconscious

Snuff Porn Victim Beat Unconscious is how the newspaper heading read. In pure disbelief I sat glancing at the image of me presented as the subject. As if living in a parallel world I read on about how I was knocked out dragged into the woods and tied to an alter. The article failed to go into explicit details.

Snuff Porn

Awaking, in a cold clammy cave I failed the ability to see well in the darkness and barely felt my body. All parts of me were numb, and I started gaining flashes of images. I heard screams coming from me and felt myself being put through ass rape porn footage. The camera lights were so bright and my wrists were bound over my head. I felt them violate me and cut me. They were bleeding and fucking my body to it’s very last breath.

In confusion and weariness I awoke.


Torture phone sex

torture phone sex

 I have a really big sweet tooth. This Halloween I am going to dress up as a sexy kitten and go around trick or treating. I would love some fun on this dark holiday. I know if I dress just right I am bound to get the attention of a new master that could put me in my place. I go to my favorite sexy underwear store and find the most perfect costume. Black lacey skin tight dress that goes right under my pussy, knee high stockings, and a red bra with a matching G-string. All I need to find is a little tail and ears. I take one more look at my sexy body in the dressing room mirror. I hear a knock outside of the room “ma’am do you need any assistance?” Before I could get an answer out, my dressing room door opens. In walks a man with his hand covering my face. He pushes me against the wall with a knife to my neck. He then cut the G-string off of me and shoves it in my mouth. He puts the cold blade against my pussy lips. My wetness allows it to glide right along as he moves it around. I start to tremble as he makes a cut on my pussy mound and the blood starts to rush down my legs. I try fighting him off but he is way too strong. I guess my trick or treating is starting sooner then I thought.

Take it All

You swing open the closet door and there I sit on the hard floor in the dark. I can see your tall frame standing there and your cock start to rise at just the sight of me. My own panties are shoved in my mouth so I can’t scream and the sudden light hurts my eyes after being locked in the small closet all night. After snatching me out of my bed you brought me here at knifepoint and locked me up. I kept waiting for you to come and fulfill all your rape phone sex fantasies last night, but you just left me here terrified and alone.

snuff phone sex taylor 2
Now, just when I thought I was going to be left to die, here you stand looking ready to take me hard. You grab me by my hair and drag me out into the middle of the room and shove my face down into the hard floor. I taste fresh blood on my teeth and I know this is going to hurt. You’re mumbling something I can’t understand and you don’t seem to be in your right mind. I can smell alcohol and sweat and some sort of smoke, although it doesn’t seem like cigarettes. Your hands are all over me – groping my small tits and despite my disgust for you, making my nipples hard in response.
You roll me over on my back and slap me hard across the face. I see stars for what seems like forever, but when my vision begins to clear I see your fat sweaty body on top of me. My legs are untied and spread – wrapped up around your shoulders. You ram your huge cock inside of me and I try to spit out my panties to scream but its useless. Your cock feels like shards of glass as it rips my tight pussy wide open. If I survive this nightmare, and at this point I don’t know if I will, my once cute little cunny will be destroyed. You took the only thing I had left that made me worth anything… you may as well finish me off.