Category: Strangulation phone sex

Home Invasion Phone Sex Violation of the Best Butt Whore

Home Invasion Phone Sex is something of a fantasy fueled dream. The thoughts that run through my tortured porn whore brain is exciting. Nothing really makes me wet like some great violent ass fucking.

After all is said and done, while I lay in a pool of body fluids and blood, I am horny for more. I get up and look at my cunt so raw and pink. Then I examine my red, and blue bruised up tits. My did these guys enjoy them.

Finally I turn around and get a look at my ass. The plump ass cheeks are so red and welted. Then that butthole of mine. Obviously my ass took a great deal of pounding. Goodness though, I want more!

At that very moment there was a pounding on my door. Without a thought I went and answered. Of course I was still naked and all fucked up and covered in sperm and blood. But it didn’t matter. They were back to take more from the whore on the floor.

Home Invasion Phone Sex

Snuff Phone Sex call Made My Pussy Throb

I love snuff sex calls and I had an awesome one yesterday.  The fantasy was we were going to kidnap his pregnant girlfriend, cut the crotch fruit out of her and kill it then kill her.  he also wanted to play out a rape fantasy. we grabbed the bitch and he started to violate her every fucking hold.  he bit her tits and shoved a pipe in her pussy, her screams were exquisite. Then we cut the semen demon out and he banged it against the wall till its head exploded.  It made such a cool sound when it hit the wall. It was so bloody! Then it was her turn to go meet the semen demon on the other side. He took off his belt put it around her neck and strangled her till the light went out of her eyes. My pussy was so fucking wet after this call I had to get my vibrator out.

snuff phone sex

The art of Snuff sex is easy to Master, if you’re brazen

Snuff sexSnuff sex is more than just cum and gore, it is an elevated experience. Only a true artist like my Master can really get it right. But you will be surprised how easy it is to get into it. First you have to lose all that bullshit, that so called compassion. Fuck that, these are nothing but slaves to serve my Master’s cock. I am lucky that he has seen something special in me. It is why I am allowed to be around still. 

My initiation into this world was a baptism of fire. I emerged victorious, making me the envy of all the other slave whores. They come and go, their cries of mercy only make him harder. Only when he finds release, they will too. It’s never quick though. He’ll fuck them for hours, sometimes days, his camera always rolling. He is so creative the way he makes them meet their end. As the curtain falls, they are soaked in his cum and if they are lucky about to meet their end.

I remember when I did not just accept this lifestyle but embrace it. I fell in love with the depravity and gave my Master a performance he still compliments me for. She was still alive, bloody and bruised, we brought her outside for her to crawl in the dirt. She had to beg her God for forgiveness to see if he would actually save her.

That’s when I felt the power of the mighty spirit, the Dark Lord himself called to me. I took my master’s ten inch blade and pounded it into her flesh. The blood soaked me and my pussy flooded. I got on top of the little slut and fucked her to death. This was more than just one of his Snuff movies, this was a love letter to my true Master, Satan.


Snuff Movies : Stupid Little Cunts Are Useful as Dumb Whores

Snuff movies are favorite thing for me to make. I like finding dumb little fucking whores to use in my live streams. Torturing strangling and murdering filthy little cum dumps is great pleasure for me. In fact I’m kind of like Elizabeth Bathory when it comes to bathing in ???? blood.

Snuff Movies

Once the night hits you can find me trolling along dark alley behind bars and clubs, where all the stupid bimbos hang out and get drunk find the best little victims and such precious situations. I love it when these little whores are so emotional and torn up because of a few different things. Commonly these sluts got dumped, sometimes they got violated, and often they just got too fucking drunk to handle their shit.

Coincidently, I like to play the dark Angel. Pretending to care and that I understand what they’re going through. I just got completely burned by a guy. Coincidently, I have a bottle of alcohol with me pretending that I’m just drinking it off. When in fact, the bottle has been drugged and soon that whore would be drugged too. I console her and give her the bottle, go ahead take ???? drink.

Salute to assholes and she chugs it back.
Finally, I have her completely un able to stand walk or even apprehensive of the situation. This is when a couple of my guys come around and assist in hauling the cunt into my van. I do this for a few more times. More than one victim is best.????

Snuff Movies : a Drunk Girls Debut

Now back to my place. Pulling into the garage with a van full of stupid passed out whores. The fun is about to begin. Hauling the little bitches out, setting them each up on chairs in the middle of a studio for their first filming debut. And ultimately their final

First things first, the first little whore is set up, tied taped and bound to a chair with the camera in her face I slap her. Then I give her a little sniffing salt wake her up. Following a beautiful expression shot her face red make up streaked eyes, big and wide and completely full of fear.

Sadistic phone sex

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies for Mommy Leave Me Beaten Beautiful

rape phone sex fantasiesI’ve been recovering for a week now from my son’s rape phone sex fantasies. One of these days our “beat mommy beautiful,” sessions will kill me. Every time he gets more violent. However, every time I get more coke too. So, I know my son loves me. You might call coke mommy’s kryptonite. In fact, this last streaming session, mommy wore a cut off T-shirt styled with the Super Girl logo, but the S stood for Super Whore. That’s me in case you did not know. I am a super whore for coke. And a super whore for my boy.

We began our live session with my face planted in the bowl of coke with his elbow deep in mommy’s cavern. With one arm up mommy’s barren old womb, he used his other hand to fish hook my mouth and punch my face a few times. He thinks with my fiery red hair that I look best with a black and blue face. Once he removed his fist from my cunt, he punched my teeth out. And they flew across the room.  With the teeth gone, he could skull fuck me senseless like I deserved.

My Son Loves Me Because When He Beats Me Beautiful, He Gives Me Coke

Although I know I am his torture sex doll, I never mind. He needs the money from the live streams to live on and provide his super whore mommy with premium coke. While he throat fucked me, he choked me too. It felt like he was jacking his cock off inside of my throat with every tight squeeze. My face turned red and blue. With his other hand, he pulled out my shitter. But since my ass gets a lot of action, it prolapses so easily these days.

Once my ass sleeve dangled outside my ass, he tied me up in the downward dog position and rammed his cock into my ass pipe which dangled between my legs like a cock. From a distance folks might have mistaken me for a tranny. While he pumped my ass sleeve, he punched me in the back, and the rib cage. He even reached around to the sides to pummel my huge fun bags.

I Am My Son’s Fuck Meat to Abuse Whenever He Wants

He grabbed an appliance cord and began strangling me. He giggled and informed me that I now had a good strangulation phone sex story to tell my friends. Although it appeared like he would choke me out, I know he would never kill his cash cow. As he punched every inch of my porcelain white body, I could feel the bruises emerging.  He even punched my prolapsed asshole like he was Mike Tyson. And that pulled it out even more.

After what felt like an eternity, he turned his focus back to my face. He pissed down my throat while choking me some more. I knew I needed to guzzle it like fine champagne. As he called me a dumb stupid whore, he tossed me across the room with ease. But anyone could, I guess. I am nothing but skin and bones. Most of my body weight comes from my fun bags. And they felt like they deflated when my body hit the floor. The chimes poured in when he pushed my head through a wall.

My Son Needs to Abuse Me Because I Am His Cash Cow

While I hung in the wall like a gallery painting, he slammed his cock inside my piss hole like he would my cunt. He calls me his 4-hole mommy super whore. He considers my urethra my tightest hole like most men. I possess a high mileage cunt and ass, making that pee hole the tightest hole on my old whore body.

However, while I hung in the wall, my son surprised me with a 50-man gang bang. Some of his viewers bid big bucks to assault this mommy whore. They filled my bladder up with cum. Although those men did fuck my ass and my cunt, they focused on my pee hole first. I am still pissing out jizz.

When my boy pulled me from the wall, my make up appeared smeared all over my face.  And my bruises and welts showed in all their glory. For my finale bow of the live stream, my boy smashed my head repeatedly into the hardwood floor. But I think my skull might be thicker than that floor, because I left a dent in the floor.

My Son Let Fifty Strangers Fuck My Pee Hole

While he held my head down on the floor, he gave my prolapsed shitter one more go around. However, he did this with a plastic bag over my head. I could barley breathe as he fucked my dangling shit hole. Now, I am still covered in bruises a week later. And no amount of make-up will cover them up completely. But I do not mind my beauty marks because when they heal, I know he will beat me beautiful all over again.

Getting Back to Basics With Snuff Phone Sex and Snuff Queen Rena

snuff phone sexI love being a snuff phone sex Queen. . The other night still has my cunt pulsating.

As you watched me swallow your cum, I felt a sense of satisfaction wash over me. I was truly your  perfect princess slut. But our little game wasn’t over yet. You reached for the bag at my side, pulling out a small vial of snuff. I held it up to your nose, watching as your eyes widened in anticipation.

With a mighty roar, youI unleashed my seed into your waiting mouth. You gagged slightly as it filled you up, but you didn’t stop. You swallowed every last drop, your eyes locked on mine the entire time.

Are you ready for your reward, my little princess?

I nodded eagerly, my breath coming in short gasps. I unscrewed the top of the vial and held it under my nose. The sweet, intoxicating scent of the snuff filled the room. You inhaled deeply, your body shuddering as the drug took hold.

Oh fuck! Im getting so high!

I watched as your eyes rolled back in your head, your body going limp in my arms. I knew this was it. I placed the vial on the nightstand and leaned in close, kissing you softly on the lips.

Goodbye, my beautiful snuff queen. It’s been an unforgettable ride.

And  with that, I felt a warm rush of pleasure spread through my body. I closed my eyes, feeling the world around me fade away. As I drifted off into oblivion, I couldn’t help but think about how lucky I was to have found you. You were the perfect partner for my darkest desires, and I would cherish every moment we shared together.

Taboo Phone Sex Calls Lets Us Explore Your Dark Fantasies

taboo phone sexI thoroughly enjoy taboo phone sex calls. The darker and more depraved a man’s fantasy is the wetter my pussy gets. My years in the seedy underworld of snuff flicks ruined me for vanilla sex. So, when I date men, I find one with dark fantasies. I have survived in this world because I make myself useful to men. The kind of men who do dark shit with women like me.

Perhaps, I have 9 lives, or men just need me alive so I can be their accomplice. Once I aged out for my last master, I made myself invaluable to him so I could live. I bought my freedom one young girl at a time. And that gave me a passion for kidnapping young girls and boys for dominant men with dark fantasies. Honestly, I never saw myself as an accomplice phone sex partner. However, I came to enjoy kidnapping young girls for my former master.  Turns out I have a knack for luring young girls away from their wolf pack.

So, now I freelance. Helping men like you get a sweet young thing to fuck has turned into a profitable criminal enterprise. Perhaps, I am a human trafficker, but it just feels so good to lure some young thing away from the mall or the playground. I swear it gets easier and easier too. Dumb cunts never fear a woman. But they should. We can be just as evil as any man.

I Love Being That Dark Accomplice Who Helps You Get a Sweet Young Thing

My latest victim looked like a beauty queen. Hot teen slut who could walk a runway in Paris. Tall, thin and stunning in every way. She made my pussy purr.  But I did not lure her away from the mall with a bogus talent scout story for me. I lured this girl away from the mall for Eddie who paid me to help him make his rape phone sex fantasies a reality. He loved the girl I picked out for him. He wanted a cheerleader type teen girl. And he got it. Fucked her raw too.

I thought he might kill her as he enjoyed choking her while he rammed her jailbait cunt with his thick cock. But he took her home with him. He told me she will be his sex slave until she ages out. He wants to knock her up and keep her as a sex doll. Seemed risky to me. But he paid me. So, she is his problem now

Gangbang Rape Porn Is Something Lustfully Thrilling To Exploit Me

With the scolding words of Master, I was led into a room for my punishment. That punishment was a hot round of Gangbang Rape Porn to put me in my place. And the only holes they used were my mouth and butt.

You see, simply put I was a bad girl to complain. It is never my place to complain, and this is especially so when it comes to butt fucking. So when I posted about taking it in the ass, in a form or complaining. This was not tolerated by Master. He simply could not let me go on thinking this whining about my butt fucking was Ok.

Now that I understand that it is my duty to butt fuck without complaint, Master can be pleased with me again. But the secret here is, that when I complain I get punished with more butt fucking…. And that is my ultimate goal!

However, I am requested to set the record straight. And the truth is, Buttfucking is really Not torture. Butt sex is truly my Raison d’etre as he has put it to me. My reason to live. The sole purpose of my existence is to be a butt fucked Bride.

Gangbang Rape Porn is a Great way to use me

Finally I was scolded, banged out and then put over Masters knee. This was making my cunt so fucking wet. Then the leather strap came out and slapped against my pale white flesh. And after I was rendered red and sore. My mind went to contemplating the error of my ways all while Master just stroked off into my gaping fucked out ass.

Once Master finished with me he let the guys have their way with me again and got my hole banged out even more. That’s what I am used best for, butt fucking.

Gangbang Rape Porn

Watching Ass rape porn gets me off

I finger fuck my pussy hard to Ass rape porn. That’s because my uncle fucked my ass by force since I was very small. After a while I was his accomplice because I was growing up too fast and his pcock needed young meat. “Tie her legs apart” he demanded of me. The rush he got from watching me help him abuse little sluts had his cock stiff already. After she was tied up, I watch as my unc hate fucked her throat. Making her pass out from not being able to breathe.

Ass rape porn

“Wake her up by ramming your fingers in her cunt” he instructs me to do. The punishments my uncle has given me I have barely made them out alive. Therefore, I do as he wants and lick my fingers. Then I ram them up her cunt. She wakes up screaming, but that just allows his cock to go back deep in her mouth. “Open her ass too” my uncle says moaning out loud as he abuses her little mouth. My pussy starts to tingle as I push my fingers inside her tight little asshole.

By now her snot and tears were streaming down her face. “Get on top of her and have her lick you while you hole her legs up” my uncle looks at me while jacking off. I know what’s coming next and that is what gets me wet. After she starts licking me, my unc quickly stuffs his cock deep in her asshole. She screams into my young pussy. The vibrations make me cum, I lose it all over her mouth.

“That’s it my filthy niece, you love abusing her like I do” my unc moans and grunts as he fucks her hard. I can see the blood dripping down from her ass. She starts to try and fight back but my unc just wraps his hands around her neck. His hands squeeze more and more as he cuts inside her butt. “Fuck a limp bitch makes my cock cum so hard” he says while panting I watched that so much that now I love it, and my sadistic pussy only comes to torture sex.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies for Mommy Provide a Therapeutic Release

rape phone sex fantasiesRape phone sex fantasies seem common in men. And I love playing the red headed slut mom for such fantasies. Recently, a guy I met in a bar said if I allowed him to explore his violent rape fantasies for his mother, he would pay me with a large amount of coke. So, of course I said yes not knowing what would happen. And I always get myself into dangerous situations because of my drug addiction.

However, I have done worse things than letting a man force fuck mommy. Sometimes these sorts of fantasies provide a therapeutic release for men who experienced a troubled relationship with their mother. Eddie’s mom seemed worthy of force fucking. She seduced his friends. Her parties got wild with orgies and stuff while Eddie slept nearby. But he spied on the orgies often and resented the fact that he could never join the fun.

His mom acted like an ass rape porn star to everyone else but him. And now he needed to release some of that pent up anger. So, I agreed to be his surrogate mommy. And I paid dearly for the decision. His anger for mommy seemed strong. The minute we walked into his house, he started. Ripped my clothes off. Slapped my face. Called me names. And pinned me down on the ground so he could force fuck my holes.

Would You Like To Force Fuck Your Mommy Whore?

My asshole took a beating. As he held me down by my throat, he sodomized my ass raw. He wanted to hurt mommy. And this mommy felt his rage and his anger towards his mother, with every thrust and punch. Although he fucked me hard, he punched me harder. I became his punching bag and his fuck doll. Nothing more than a cock sleeve to use. But I have been through worse with my stepson and other drug dealers.

When he squeezed my throat hard, I felt faint. Apparently, he cut off my oxygen long enough for me to pass out. However, he dick slapped me back awake just to repeat it again. Strangulation phone sex turned out to be his thing. By the time he nutted, I could barely move or talk. I was his punching bag and fuck doll for coke. Good thing he never punched my nose. I needed my sniffer to recover.