Category: Snuff sex

Bondage Phone Sex Can Be Torture When You are a Druggy Whore

bondage phone sexBondage phone sex can get dark with a woman like me. I like danger. I am a pain slut. I act like I do not know what I am getting into sometimes, but I usually do. I knew when I went to Darren for coke, it was not going to be a simple trade. He is not really the fuck her gently kind of guy. He is a pure sadist. He likes to inflict pain, but he likes to inflict it on willing women. He has this idea in his head that it is much hotter when the woman is so desperate for something that she will willingly go along with whatever torture sex ideas he has in his head. When I showed up at his door, he got this devilish grin. According to him, I am the best pain whore around. He thinks I make him up his game. It is not that he cannot hurt me. I am just such a seasoned pain slut that I can hide the pain well. I need to stop doing that because it makes men like Darren try that much harder to break me. He broke me last night. He really had upped his game. He took me to his basement. He had the big bag of coke in eyesight to keep me focused. He tied me up, so I was slightly suspended in the air. He had ropes and pullies. Being bound tight is not an issue for me. The electric shock he added to the bondage was what put me over my own pain threshold. He was shocking my tits and my clit at the same time, each time increasing the voltage until I could smell my flesh burning. I pissed myself, even shit myself when he shocked my ass. It was close to snuff sex, but I survived. Survived to get my bag of coke. I will see him again, no doubt because I am a druggy pain whore.

Snuff Porn Saturday Nights with a Sadistic Bitch

snuff pornSaturday nights are for snuff porn. Well, with me, any night is. I will kill anyone any night of the week. But Saturday nights are prime hunting nights. Now that colleges are back in session, you can count on some annoying drunk coeds to piss me off enough that I must kill them. It is really community service when you think about it. I hate cock teases and there are no better cock teases than coeds. I was not in the mood to be fucked with last night. But this one blonde sorority cunt was all up in my face in a Goth bar. She did not belong. She was drunk and stumbled in trying to get guys to buy her booze. She was being a drunk bitch and the guys in the club were not into sorority girls. She assumed I was gay and was like you can buy me drinks and I will let you eat my pussy. Nope. I was not having anything to do with her and it was pissing her off. When she got in my face and told me I should be so lucky to eat her pussy, I had killer phone sex impulses right then. I kept my shit together until closing time. I followed her drunk ass until she stumbled into the park trying to cut through to the nearby campus was my guess. I had my knife with me because I always have it with me. I could make it look like a sexual assault or a robbery. I shanked the bitch. I made it quick because I did not plan this one out well enough to torture her for hours. I stabbed her in the right place to kill her with a slow bleed out. She fell to the ground paralyzed from the pain and bled out. I took her purse to make it look like a robbery. It was all over the news this morning, but it will just be another random act of violence to go unsolved. Nothing random about snuff sex for me. I kill the bitches who deserve to die.

I’m Afraid Of What Daddy Will Do Next!

Killer Phone SexI’m starting to worry about daddy’s violent fits of anger, I get so wet when I know he is going to force fuck me but I’m scared it will end with me getting snuffed! Daddy abuses me so often now I’ve actually started to enjoy the pain; daddy only hurts me harder when he knows I like it. I’m his perfect victim because I used to trust him so much, he was the best daddy in the world until I grew up and I tempted him with my hot little body and tight fuck holes. As soon as daddy fucked me and broke my nose everything changed, good daddy disappeared and became so dark and evil. All daddy cares about now is fucking my holes hard, making me pay for tempting him and making him a pervert for my young wet pussy.

Sex Slave On My Slab

Snuff sex

So many people have layers which I know has been said before, but no one has more layers than the dead. Yet they are also the easiest to pull back their layers to find out just what kind of secrets they harbored. For example, this lovely blonde specimen on my slab right now came in a few hours ago. Cause of death trauma to the brain, been dead for about twelve hours now so it was time for me to begin the cleaning process. Which is when I notice all the strange bruising in some odd places. Tiny areas of small-degree burns along her backside, and her thighs. As I continued to investigate these familiar markings it dawned on me. That little blondie belonged to someone, not just related to but she was regularly giving her body to be used. The love marks of a sex slave were all over her. To the untrained eye one would think she was strangely accident prone or being lightly abused but no….I see someone was a good girl. Repeatedly so, and judging by the swelling still left between her legs it was maybe just a day ago since she was being someone’s little slut on her knees. Such a shame, good sex slaves are so hard to find.

This Pussy Will Make You Kill Your Wife!

Snuff Sex There is no limit to the things you will do for me once I snatch your soul with this tight wet cunny! I love watching men lose their minds over me, it makes my dark little heart fill with something akin to joy. Once I own you and let you taste me, you will be under my spell. You won’t want that bitch wife of yours around anymore, you will want to get rid of her as soon as you can so that we can have as much fun as I want! I will help you come up with a truly evil plan and we’ll execute that stupid fuck pig together! Once we tie her up, she will watch us fuck all night before we decide to play with her blood and snuff that useless bitch!

 Evil Phone Sex a Thrill for a Kill

I’m your Evil Phone Sex Goddess, Morticia. These inner sinner desires are like tapping the vein. Your urges flow through and course through your cellular structure like you DNA. These inner defaults to sex and violence and murder are your programming. I will short out the kill switch of any piece of worthless ass.

I haven’t the patience to deal with some guy that doesn’t understand his lust for destroying little cunts, or fileting penises of tender vittles. My style is all about pleasure, gruesome animalistic pleasure like a predator with their kill, or prey.

Let us Prey pervert sick fuck and find the next one for our alter. I am menstruating right now and that brings out the super bitch goddess in me that wants to destroy men, boys or anything with a penis. So be aware that you just might be the one on my chopping block!

Evil phone sex

the nightmare nextdoor

snuff sex

My neighbor is a primary creep, but he happens to be able to have all the tools that will make me his snuff sex slave. As a butcher, I know he has plenty of pain-inducing tools. Not only that, he loves to hunt. He had gotten bold and told me straight to my face one day when we were both outside that he dreams about fucking me till I die while cutting me open with all his knives and butcher tools.

At first, I tried to move but found no luck, and I woke up in a panic for several nights thinking about what he had told me. My anxiety was taking me to the depths of hell. All I could think about was being so helpless that I’d eventually have to give in to his nasty thoughts.

Rape phone sex fantasies and Snuff porn for the night

Rape phone sex fantasies gets my pussy going. I’ll put some Snuff porn on while I do Snuff phone sex. I love hearing all the nasty stories while i finger fuck my cunt.

Rape phone sex fantasies

Last night i was told about the little fuck doll in a box. He told me about how he found her. Her mama was a crack whore always feening for drugs in his complex. She was getting kicked out and he saw his chance. He spoke to her crack whore who was desperate for money and like a strung-out slut desperate for money, she took it quick. She left and never came back. In his place he told the little young bought whore how she is his property now. He then fulfilled his rape fantasy and took her virginity like ruthless monster. He slapped her face, ripped her clothes off and forced her legs open. As he forced his cock inside her tight bald pussy hole, he covered her mouth tight so no one would hear her screams. He didn’t care or notice she wasn’t able to breathe. He fucked her hard and fast using her little body to jack his cock off. He had been dreaming about the day he could own his little fuck doll; it made him cum so hard. When he finished, he saw she was no longer moving. He then gave her the Heimlich maneuver until she started breathing. He then cleaned her up and put her in his very own handmade box the size of a dog crate. As he told me his Rape phone sex fantasy story and i watched my snuff porn i played with my cunt that i came so hard.  

Torture sex has a rush like no other!

Torture sexTorture sex has a rush like no other! There is nothing as sexy as rape and torture to me. The smell salty smell of tears and sweat mixed with the iron of blood is one of the most amazing scents. I’d pay top dollar prices to bottle it. My cunt starts to drip, and tingles wash over my body as I hear the cries and moan. Keep whipping her master. I knew we picked a nice ripe victim. I love Rape phone sex fantasies, and the more deprived the better!

Her tiny skirt and ever smaller shirt cried she wanted attention. A real “pick me girl”. Well, we picked that fruit, and she is as juicy as I thought. The way her little cunt explodes as you rape her hard, well that just proves she wanted it. She is moaning and her body twitching as she tried to say she can’t take anymore. The constant forced orgasms is a torture that makes my nipples hard.

I am going to make sure I make a mental note of this whore’s raped and mutilated body as she lays there. She is so fucking hot. I want to help torture her, so I grab a knife and a blow torch. I lite it until the knife as cheery red as her abused little ass hole and then press the knife into her flesh. Ahhh, my second favorite smell invades the room. Her breast as juicy and delicious as any five start restaurants. I love to go slowly make her suffer.

We can prolong this excitement. Torture her for days. Each of us able to have our way with her. She is nothing but a worthless slut who’s only purpose is to please you. I love to help you take what is rightfully yours. Yes, she fights but that just adds to the excitement. I love to watch them fight until they can’t any longer. That or until the accept their fate and know that their life is no longer theirs. Then when we are through with her, I will gladly watch as you extinguish it

Black Widow Roulette Dominatrix!

Snuff Sex The only thing that brings me pleasure is knowing that you need me to punish you! As your lovely dominatrix it is my opinion that your cock is my fuck toy. Your body is simply a plaything for my entertainment, nothing more nothing less. I will use you how I see fit and make you beg for more; you will be so vulnerable in my hands. Looking down at your aching cock as I sit on your face makes me laugh, how hard you are simply from tasting me! I’m your black widow spider, lying in wait to take my pleasure from you. I will ride you until I squirt, maybe I’ll hold the knife to your throat while I do it, maybe it will be a gun to your head. If you cum in me you will force me to end you… maybe I’ll play Russian roulette with you while I cum on your cock…you’ll never know when the pleasure will begin or end!