Evil Phone Sex a Thrill for a Kill

I’m your Evil Phone Sex Goddess, Morticia. These inner sinner desires are like tapping the vein. Your urges flow through and course through your cellular structure like you DNA. These inner defaults to sex and violence and murder are your programming. I will short out the kill switch of any piece of worthless ass.

I haven’t the patience to deal with some guy that doesn’t understand his lust for destroying little cunts, or fileting penises of tender vittles. My style is all about pleasure, gruesome animalistic pleasure like a predator with their kill, or prey.

Let us Prey pervert sick fuck and find the next one for our alter. I am menstruating right now and that brings out the super bitch goddess in me that wants to destroy men, boys or anything with a penis. So be aware that you just might be the one on my chopping block!

Evil phone sex

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