Category: Snuff sex

Snuff Sex Porn All Hallows Sleaze

It’s all Hallows Eve Snuff sex porn filming full of sadistic sleaze. Filming took place in the dwellings of a crack house. Walls covered in plastic sheeting and lot’s of chains. The filthy mattress was crusted with dried blood and cum stains. The room smelled of piss.

I walked in looking like a bimbo prostitute as per the requirements for the filming. These films don’t offer costumes and a place to ready yourself. Walk in off the street ready to go and make it real. Well, I guess this was as real as it gets. Crack heads and the pimp or dealer was at the door. Looking me up and down he told me I needed to blow him in order to get inside.

I figured it was part of it all and like a good whore I started sucking his big nigger thug dick. I sucked and he got forceful and mean with me. He started slapping me and pushing in my throat deeper. I was gagging and gasping. I wanted to get away. He laughed and said this is only a warm up bitch.

How do you expect the rest of this to play out? What ways would you fantasy rape and kill me? Would you knock me out and drag me into the plastic room. Throw me on the bed and cut off my sleazy dress and tiny stripper panties? I bet you would fuck me with that knife then shoved your cock into sliced up pussy and make me really scream.

Snuff Sex

Bloody phone sex is our own Halloween special

Bloody phone sexThe hiss that escapes out between clenched teeth during Bloody phone sex, the dreaded fear that comes with a cold steel at skin, and the exhilaration as it slices through muscle and transforms a feature into something completely different. I’m a masochist through and through, and my scars are just another reminder at the bliss I’ve managed to convey to myself despite a lot of supporters telling me I’m going to far. They’re not battle scars that mark my body, I’m not an edgy teen too lost in the whirling pain to express myself in any way but overwhelmed by agony, I’m just that tainted and twisted. I love every moment, every bloody drop spilled, and every piercing scream you get with Evil phone sex. If it’s not on my personal canvas, it has to be someone else doesn’t it? One way or another, blood will be spilled, and I hope it’s mine but I’m not averse to spreading out if it means someone cries out and wakes the dead. 

If I can get that while a cock is pumping in my pussy, all the better. I’m not going to try and pretend I’m above being a dirty slut, it’s my career and I take pride in it. I bruise easily, so if my whole abdomen isn’t purple by the time you’re done reaming me, you clearly didn’t try hard enough you fucking pussy. Don’t be a weak ass bitch with me, I want to feel bones creak and blood flow. If you don’t have it in you to fuck hard enough to make a cunt cry, then you better at least be able to work a knife or bite hard. No pussies here except my actual pussy, you better work your magic and make me cum a crimson stream.

It’s halloween, don’t fuck around, get out all your gruesome Rape phone sex fantasies on my poor abused body.

Bloody Phone Sex is Always Off the Charts on Halloween

bloody phone sexTonight, the bloody phone sex will be off the charts. This is the one night of the year that this murderous bitch can blend in well with others and kill undetected. There are so many people in costume, that I blend right in. Last Halloween, I killed a lot of stupid bimbos. I plan to up my number this year. The stupid bimbos appear to be out in droves already. I hate stupid bimbos. You know the kind I am talking about too, right? They dress like little whores, cock tease the men, then act all righteous when a guy gets a boner looking at them in their slutty clothes. Like what the fuck, whore? You cannot prance around half naked all the time and expect men to not want to fuck you. Know your audience, cunt. You will never see me dressed like a whore or acting like one either because I do not want that kind of attention. Men still want me because they think I am a challenge. They think I am playing some sick game with them, but that is not who I am. I do not try to attract attention. I want to blend in and not be remembered. Makes it much easier kill as a snuff porn bitch that way. No one remembers the quiet Goth chick.

I have already stalked a few places that will have a high bimbo concentration tonight. I know the bars and the parties that will have the most drunk bimbos to torture and fuck. The problem is this year, I have no accomplice. Maybe you could help me prey on some dumb cunts? Sure, I can kill bimbos with no help. Last Halloween, I killed close to 60 bimbos all by myself. I can only kill them though. I can make it very painful and bloody, but the real fun is ruining their fuck holes first. And that is where you come in. What do you think? Want to fuck up some bitches together? Be my accomplice phone sex partner so we can put some dumb cunts in their places tonight which is in an early grave.

Gangbang Rape Porn Sacrifice on Halloween

gangbang rape pornGangbang rape porn may not have been part of Halloween’s origins, but it seems to be a ritual for me. This guy kidnapped me from the mall parking lot. He told me he was a Druid and that he had to make a human sacrifice to cleanse his soul and gain favor with the gods. He was talking nonsense to me.  I thought a Druid was some fictional thing in the Halloween movies. He was telling me about the origins of Halloween and the tradition of sacrifices while I was bound and gagged in the back seat of his car. It seemed like we drove forever. Honestly, I almost pissed myself in the back of his car it was taking so long to get wherever he was taking me. I had no idea what to expect. I was scared.

gangbang rape pornWe ended up in some remote place in the woods. Some shack was glowing with a low watt orange light. He dragged me like a side of beef into the cabin where other men in robes were waiting for me. I was going to be the star of some Druid freak show gangbang rape porn. Men in scary masks and cloaks, started pawing at me and chanting some medieval song as they shoved their cocks violently in all my holes. I had cocks in my ass, my mouth and pussy. I was screaming, but they were chanting this creepy song that was not even in English. I thought Latin, but these monsters were likely singing in some ancient Druid language. I was in a living nightmare. These men were violently fucking me. I knew I would die once they were done fucking me. I tried to make them enjoy fucking me so they would not stop. Oil lamps were illuminating the cabin, but it was too dark still to see their faces well. Plus, they had strange white masks on their faces with symbols in black.

gangbang rape pornI was part of some ancient Halloween ritual. They saw me as nothing but a sacrifice. I was going to die because some wacko and his cult thought I was a good enough sacrifice to cleanse their souls. I started fighting more. I was not going to be their gangbang rape porn sacrifice without a fight. I started kicking and screaming. I managed to knock over an oil lamp which caught the shack on fire. These freaky Druids started screaming and frantically trying to put out the fire. In the chaos, I escaped through the woods, naked and cold. I was bound, but I freed myself. Fuck those Druid freaks and their human sacrifice mumbo jumbo. I was not dying. At least not this Halloween.

Snuff Sex Devil’s Night Ritual

The Devil’s Night is upon us and so are the millions of rituals that will happen around the World. In my little cul-de-sac of the cities edge is where a snuff sex ritual will be enacted. Unwilling victims of sacrifice as I look on and laugh.

It’s my pleasure to fuck the one that gets most brutal with the fuck bait. Last year was super demented and special. We filmed it, and it was memorable. I have a still of the action and of me watching on as I shared the scenes with my Internet channel of sadistic craving followers.

Truth is, I have my own little sex cult of sinners. We get deranged and I fucking get off on it. We have viewing parties and then there are initiation parties. The initiation ones are my favorite. Guess that is due to the depraved shit that happens.

Last year I was dressed as my glorious Blood Countess self, and had my killer clown Uncle Sam at my side. I love to hunt on All Hollow’s eve as Brats and parents beg for poison and dress up in costumes. We will find our prime suspects and stalk them to the second we get a chance to have them wander down my street.

The black van with black lights is waiting at dead man’s end. That is where Uncle Sam Clown got his first victim. A girl in a lolita costume snuck down to pee in the woods. Uncle Sam Clown was over excited and grabbed her.

Snuff sex


Snuff Porn is On Men’s Minds The Entire Month

snuff pornSnuff porn is on guys’ minds this month. October is full of horror films. Guys get inspiration. Guys like my stepson who hates me. He summed me to his place the other night. I was not fucked up. In fact, I looked like a typical soccer mom. I had been out with my boys shopping for their Halloween costumes when I got the text. I dropped my sons off at the house and hustled over to my stepson’s place. I knew it would not be pleasant for me. It never is, but since he is blackmailing me, when he summons me, I rush to his place. I walked into what looked like a horror movie set. He had snuff sex on his mind. He told me he needed some quick money. I have been his cash cow for years now. He has no job. He cannot keep one either. My husband will not give him money anymore either. My husband knows we are both bad with money. The difference between me and my stepson is that I can trade my fuck holes for my drugs. My stepson cannot, but he can trade mine. He pimped me out for a live stream. He had a few guys who paid him to fuck me. Then he had thousands of guys paying to watch the live stream of me getting fucked. He had it set up so that we would be reacting violent scenes in popular horror movies like the Saw and Halloween franchises. This was not good for me. I mean I could end up dead. One of these days my stepson will go too far. I tell myself that as much as he hates me, he needs me. I am his cash cow. Without me, he has no money for drugs. We made a bunch of mini gangbang rape porn videos that night. I got fucked hard. I got beat and fisted and even choked too. I did not like being brutalized. I never do. But I have many more years of being his punching bag because he is blackmailing me. I survived, but I know one day, I won’t.

Snuff Sex in a Haunted House is an Easy Way to Kill

snuff sexSnuff sex in a Haunted House? Hell, yes. I crashed a haunted house tour the other night. I was dressed up hiding my face and gender. No one asked questions. I just acted like I belonged, and I was just one of the fellow actors ready to scare some lightweights lol. I had a huge knife under my black cape.  I stabbed countless folks going through the haunted woods attraction. I was on the last stop. I told the dude there that the boss wanted us to switch. I wanted that spot because of the lake. Some folks never make it through the entire woods, so knowing who is who would be impossible. I am a smart killer phone sex bitch.  I only killed the solo folks who ended up getting through the woods.  No one would immediately look for them. The setting was perfect. Dark and Gothic. It is a well-known haunted house in the country rated very high for their realism. I stabbed folks who came around the corner to what they thought was safety. Some bodies I dragged to the water, but most I turned into haunted woods props. It was so dark no one would know the bodies were real. The blood was real but in that kind of darkness, you could not tell the fake blood from the real blood. I killed several women, and a few men. It was weird that more girls got through the maze alone. Maybe they got separated from their friends during the course of the maze, or their friends were at another attraction. By the time people realized their friends were MIA, it would be too late. I would be long gone. I mean I was just there to do a mass murder spree that would never get solved. Nothing in the paper yet. The Haunted House is still open. I guess they have not found the bodies yet thanks to my excellent snuff porn skills. They will eventually though. The smell will soon permeate the woods.

Sadistic Phone Sex Castrations at Home

Sadistic phone sex is how I have fun! I just always love a little blood and knife play. Always made my Barbies bleed too, and hung dolls in nooses around my room with blood all over them. Sometimes it would be from blood splatter of a loser… umm… victim of mine.

I don’t care for fake anything and that especially means no fake blood splatters with me. All real blood from victims young and old. ha ha ha ha I don’t have a dark name for nothing. I am the darkest and most Evil little satanic bitch you may ever cross.

Be aware that if you do happen into my lair I cannot promise all will be in your control. In fact you must fear for your life or embrace death. What will it be? Maybe I will just take out some surgical tools and the at home castration kit. I always wanted to play surgeon after playing that electrical game so obviously I found this castration game and I got to practicing with a young one who won’t miss a thing.

Let’s enjoy a burning circle and your cock out for inspection and castration.

Sadistic Phone Sex

Gangbang Rape Porn : A Deadly Audition

Gangbang rape porn is the best porn for many guys. I love to be the center of attention and a gangbang is the best thing for me. It’s my life’s calling to be fuck meat. Daddy always told me so.

Sometimes I will be out at night and all I can think about is a scene in a snuff film where I am grabbed into the trees and shoved in a dark van. Gagged, drugged out and bound. My wrists tied behind my back, ragged soaked in something making me pass out.

I get my clothes ripped off with a large blade and nicking at me causing blood flowing. I can’t scream I have fear in my eyes. This excites the five men even more as they start pounding out my holes. I am being savagely fantasy raped cut and beaten. I soon pass out and stop breathing. This is the close up of abused battered body covered in blood and cum.

Gangbang rape porn

Knife Play Phone Sex is What I Have Been Training For

knife play phone sexWhen I was a young girl, my parents knew I was different. Maybe they never would have guessed that I would grow up to be a knife play phone sex queen, but they knew I was not the typical girl. Girls my age were imitating Disney princesses. Me, however?  I was worshiping serial killers and movie psychopaths. I never wanted to be a teacher or a nurse. I wanted to be a stone-cold killer. My mentors were my sadist grandpa, Norman Bates, Michael Myers, Chucky, Jason Voorhees and Freddie Kruger. They taught me killing was necessary. Snuff sex is how we rid the world of bad parents, narcissistic assholes, bimbo Barbies, cock teases, and stupid brats. Anyone who annoys us really. And October is my favorite time of year to slay. My heroes are celebrated and back on TV. I root for the bad guy every time. What I need this month is a killing accomplice. My killing skills have been perfected over the years. I am a meticulous killer which makes me the best accomplice. I research our prey’s habits. I have a plan for every step of the process including trapping the victim, killing the victim and disposing of the body afterwards.  I have been killing folks since I was a schoolgirl. I have yet to be caught. I never will be caught because I am careful about who I let be my accomplice and I have been studying my idols for 20 years now. I realize some of my idols are fictitious, but I like Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Ed Gein and many more too. Sure, you found me on a snuff phone sex site, but this is not fantasy for me. And I want to make it not fantasy for you either. October is the best time to kill together. Let us slay together.  Are you ready?